Thursday, February 14th, 2008


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Thursday, February 14, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Congressman Ed Markey (D.,Mass.) and Rep. Chip Pickering (R. Miss.) introduced the “Internet Freedom Preservation Act” on Tuesday to help prevent discriminatory bandwidth allocation practices by ISPs such as Comcast, long accused of interrupting the connections of P2P users without properly notifying customers. (Comcast finally admitted to the practice in a new filing to the FCC this week.) Other ISPs are complaining to regulators that video is heavily taxing their networks; Time Warner estimates that 5% of its users account for 50% of the bandwidth usage on many parts of its network, according to the Wall Street Journal.

~ MULTIPLATFORM CONTENT NEWS ~ is upgrading its online coverage of NBA All Star Weekend, offering live streaming coverage during NBA All-Star Saturday Night and the 2008 NBA All-Star Game on Sunday Feb. 17 to complement TNT’s broadcast coverage of the events. TNT will also host an interactive poll that allows users to pick the players they’d like the All-Star Access cameras to follow during game, with a different player from the East and West being isolated live each quarter., in the midst of absorbing the assets of and high school sports site MaxPreps, announced it will stream all 63 games of March Madness this year for the first time. More than 1.38 million users watched the games on the site last year.
After launching a major redesign, reported record web traffic in Jan., registering 1.4 billion page views – up 22% from its ’07 average. The site averaged 94 million uniques and delivered 32.2 million video streams for the week ending Feb. 9, its 3rd biggest video week ever. is trying to challenge Univision at its own game with “Club de Novelas,” a bi-weekly online magazine featuring exclusive novella-themed interviews, updates, contests and prizes.
switched its Strike Survival Guide to a Strike Recovery Guide, promising to keep viewers up to date on when new episodes of their favorite shows will return to air.
BlogTalkRadio and the Pentagon have developed live, internet talk shows aimed to inform their internal audiences, the public and the blogger community about Pentagon activities and initiatives. “ASY Live” and “Department of Defense Bloggers Roundtable” will kick off the series.


Ad supported music streaming site Imeem acquired digital music wholesaler Snocap, reports TechCruch. Snocap announced a number of distribution deals with sites such as MySpace and Imeem last year, offering paid music downloads but the service has failed to gain much traction.
French internet entrepreneur Loic Le Meur assembled a list of investors which reads like a who’s who of Silicon Valley to back his latest project called Seesmic. The site, currently in alpha, adds video to the popular social conversational model pioneered by Twitter and others, allowing users to post videos straight from their webcams. Seesmic has secured $6 million in financing led by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis’ Atomico, with contributions from other such luminaries as Steve Case, Michael Arrington and Reid Hoffman.
Bebo struck a partnership with Intercasting Corp., operators of the Anthemt mobile platform, to increase the number of carriers Bebo members can use to access the mobile version of the social networking service in the UK. Meanwhile reports are circulating that Bebo is about to be acquired. The #3 social networking site claims 40 million users worldwide.
New media investment firm Mandalay Media, chaired by Peter Guber and Rob Ellin, competed its merger with mobile content developer Twistbox.


Yahoo is now turning to News Corp. in hopes of avoiding Microsoft‘s takeover bid, according to reports, pitching the idea of a merging Yahoo’s portal with MySpace and other Fox Interactive Media assets. An investment from News Corp. and a private equity partner would boost the value of Yahoo, enabling the company to at least fetch a higher price from Microsoft. Meanwhile, the first Yahoo shareholder filed a suit against the company for not taking Microsoft up on its offer.
The NAB is taking to the road to educate viewers about the digital transition, recruiting broadcasters in all 50 states to hold speaking engagements and continue to air instructional PSAs. WNBC in New York is also doing its part – broadcasting Get Ready For Digital TV, a half-hour special on Saturday, Feb. 16 at 7 pm that will also air on other NBC O&O’s.


and Citysearch today announced a strategic content/advertising partnership under which Citysearch will provide its local content across AOL properties, including AOL CityGuide, AOL Local Search and MapQuest.  AOL will also integrate local paid listings from Citysearch advertisers, who will benefit from increased exposure to AOL’s 57 million unique monthly users.
Post-Newsweek Stations
entered into an agreement with multiplatform ad sales firm WorldLink to represent short and longform direct response ad sales for its stations in 6 major markets, as well as 4 LATV affiliates owned and operated by Post-Newsweek.


Women tend to favor network TV on the web, while men like the silly user-generated stuff by almost a two to one margin, according to Nielsen Online findings cited in The Wall Street Journal.
Professionally published online video attracted 33.5 billion views in 2007 according to a new study by AccuStream Research, an increase of 50.3% from 2006. The entertainment category experienced the highest rate of growth in 2007 compared to 2006, running up 216.3%.


Mensa’s Top Ten Smartest Shows of all Time (in no particular order):

  1. M*A*S*H
  2. Cosmos
  3. CSI
  4. House
  5. West Wing
  6. Boston Legal
  7. All in the Family
  8. 8. Frasier
  9. Mad About You
  10. Jeopardy



Online ad network Mindset Media hired Oliver Downs as Chief Scientist to help the company to develop targeting and optimization algorithms as well as research analytics.

~ WEBSITE OF THE DAY ~ is drumming up support for the new Net Neutrality bill, urging users to read up on the issues, write their congressmen or even attend the open hearing the FCC is holding in Boston this month, one of 8 “broadband summits” the group has been pushing for to be held around the country.

Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: AFFIL/BE PROMO PROD/Sundance Ch/NY: 5 yrs exp; manage branded ent prod; supervise affiliate mktg, VOD & multiplatform deliverables. Able to coord multiple projects w/ tight deadlines. Res: [email protected] (2/21)

JOB OPENING: CONTENT MGR, INTL DIGITAL, MTV/NY: 3+ yrs new media exp. Manage Nick/Comedy content & secure for int’l distrib. Strong comms, project mgmt, content mgmt systems. Apply: . EOE/M/F/D/AAP (2/21)

JOB OPENING: MGR NEW MEDIA RSRCH/E!, Style & G4/LA: BA 3+ yrs exp w/ new media analytics tools Report web, brdband, mobile & VOD usage/trends Exp w NetView, Site Census/Google Analytics & Rentrak pref’d [email protected] (2/21)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/E!, Style & G4/LA: BA 5+ yrs media research experience w/proficiency in Nielsen systems required. Apply: or [email protected] (2/21)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR-APP DEV. SALES & TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS/CT (Fairfield County): Radio exp. Preferred. PMI cert. a plus. Project planning, rollout planning, support planning.   Resume to:  [email protected]   (2/21)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PLNG & OPS/DIRECTV/NY: Will plan and conduct thorough, accurate analyses in support of company wide pricing and inventory initiatives. For immediate consideration, please send resume to: [email protected]  (2/21)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLNR/DIRECTV/NY: This position supports our AD Sales Group with their sales efforts and manages accounts on a day-to-day basis. For immediate consideration, please send resume to: [email protected]  (2/21)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/The Knot Inc/NY: Presale research, prepare RFP, manage inventory, competitive industry analysis. 2-3 yrs. Interactive media exp. pref. Email Resume/Salary: [email protected] (subject Sales Planner).  (2/21)

JOB OPENING: VP, STRATEGY & RSRCH/HowStuffWorks/IL: Lead team resp for executing initiatives to max website traffic & search engine exposure, creation of content roadmap & optimizing digital bus. opps. See (2/21)

JOB OPENING: VP/AD OPS/HowStuffWorks/ATL: Seeking strong individual for achieving rev objectives mthly, campgn mgmt, sev other duties. See for more info. (2/21)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PRICING & PLANNING/STYLE-Comcast Nets/NY: 1+ yr industry exp; Resp for tracking inventory, processing MSA posting, oversee EDI & supporting sales staff. Apply: 60506BR EEO/AA/Drug Free (2/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF MARKETING/LA: entertainment research co: Implement marketing/PR to sell full line of prod/serv. Degree+min 5 yrs mrktng mgmt w/PR exp Resume/salary hist to  h ttp:// (2/20)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL /iN DEMAND/NYC:  Contract management, copyright & trademark, standards & practices. JD plus 3 yrs cable/entertainment.  Reply:  [email protected] (2/20)

JOB OPENING: ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Cablevision/Wall, NJ: Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, internet adv.  Valid NJ DL.  See full posting and apply to req 5068BR (2/20)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING MGR/TLC/LA: Provide support on range of projects in dev & prod for primetime incl. reviewing materials, cuts, managing production, etc. 5 yrs exp. broadcast/cable. Apply: , #7657  (2/20)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING COORD/TLC/LA: Track/maintain cuts, treatments, show materials, in various stages of dev. & prod. Liaise w/outside prod. companies. 2 yrs exp. in broadcast/cable. Apply: , #7658  (2/20)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION  PRODUCTION COORDINATOR(Freelance) AETN, Stamford, CT: Work closely with Production Management to support fast-paced production department. M-F, 9-5 – very administrative. Apply: [email protected] (2/20)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC (3)/Ent. Studios, Inc/NY, LA, CHIC:. Motivated sales talent to mng station sales in first-run TV synd. Strong leaders w/ except’l presentation skills. Time mngmnt & exc PC skills a must. Res to: [email protected] (2/19)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Comcast Nets/NY:  Support AEs w/daily sales activities. Det oriented, MS Office, time mgmt, math skills & Bachelor’s req’d.  EOE/AA/Drug Free. Apply at job req 59701BR (2/19)

JOB OPENING: REGIONAL COORDINATOR /LIFETIME NY: Support the sales efforts of the Distribution and Field Marketing staff and service our affiliated cable systems. Apply at: (2/19)

JOB OPENING: DIR MKTG/G4: 5+ yrs media mktg exp; track record of successful cmpg launches; highly strat & creative pers; exc writing skills; resp for media plans across all platforms (G4’s & bought media) [email protected] (2/19)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA MGR/Nat Geo/DC: Manage media/assets in media/content mgmt environment. 3-5 yrs cable or TV database system mgmt exp. Please apply at (FNG10835). (2/19)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PROMOTIONS/WALT DISNEY INTERNET GROUP/LA: 3+ years marketing/promo exp; track record translating markgt & promo objec. Apply at: and search on JOB ID#: 137078 (2/19)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR PROGRAMMING/DIY/KNOXVILLE: Manage all aspects of commissioned programs. Strong writing & story editing skills a must, reality TV exp a+. 3 yrs TV prod exp at major cable net req’d. (2/19)

JOB OPENING: NAT SLS ASST/UNIVISION COMM/NY: Support AE’s & act as liaison w/ stations & clients. Must be highly orgzd, det oriented, & exc comm skills. Word, Excel, PP & Donovan skills req’d. Res: [email protected] EOE (2/19)

JOB OPENING: AUDIENCE DEV. DIRECTOR/ LIFETIME TV NY: provide strategic direction and consulting, for performance-based campaign management, optimization, and ROI. Apply at: (2/19)

JOB OPENING:  AE AD SALES/The Hotel Networks/NY/LA/Chi: Establ & grow ad sls rev. Send res to: [email protected] (2/16)

JOB OPENING:  SVP AD SALES/The Hotel Networks/NY/LA/Chi: Grow nat’l ad sales rev. Bld prtnrshps w/ clnts & agencies.  Send res to: [email protected] (2/16)

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER AD SALES/The Hotel Networks/NY: Support sales team. Send Res to:  [email protected] (2/16)

JOB OPENING:  AD SALES MARKETING COORDINATOR/Hallmark Channel/NY: Support Ad Sales Marketing dept. Min. 1 yr. exp in TV Marketing, Sales or Media. See full posting and apply at (2/16)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH INTERNSHIP/Hallmark Channel/LA: Learn about cable television, ratings and programming. Must take for class credit. Available now! Email resume to [email protected] (2/16)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH ANALYST/CNN DIGITAL/NY: Support sales across multiple digital platforms. BA, Strong media math, 1+ yrs. exp with Nielsen Online and web analytics products pref’d. Apply: [email protected]   (2/16)

JOB OPENING: PROD MGR/Discovery/MD: 5 yrs prod exp. Knwlg AICP/AICE bids. Knwlg post prod. process incl. technically/logistically. Exc negotiation, multi task, att to detail. Strong PC skills. Apply: req# 7589  (2/16)

JOB OPENING: POST PROD COORD/Discovery/MD: 3 yrs media environ. Knowledge of programming, editing, digitizing, billing/budgets. Excellent multi task, problem solving skills. Strong comp skills.  Apply: req # 7576  (2/16)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, FINANCE/PBS KIDS SPROUT/Comcast/PHILA.: Looking for your next opp? Have a solid understanding of accounting/budgeting/forecasting and systems? Take next step in career! (2/16)

JOB OPENING: BRDCST BUSINESS ANALYST/NYC: Exp writing use cases &test cases. Media Knwldg 5-7 yrs. Traffic systems exp. is a +. Exp. on integration projects like integration to sales systems is a +. Respond to: [email protected] (2/15)

JOB OPENING: EXEC DIRECTOR NEWS RESEARCH/ABC: Design & conduct strategic research on new programming initiatives & new platforms, develop RFP’s. Apply to: Req 141309. EOE (2/15)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNERS/Discovery Communications/NYC: Support Account Execs developing proposals and presentations. Strong communicator. Exp with research, advertising, acct mgmnt. Apply: , Req#7604 (2/15)
JOB OPENING: DIR/AD SALES MKTG (2)/HGTV/NY&KNOX: Dvlp & implement added value sales promotions & Upfront materials, provide support to the National Ad Sales Reps. 5-8 yrs sales promotions req’d. Apply at SCRIPPSNETWORKS.COM (2/15)

JOB OPENING: MGR DIGITAL RSRCH/Disney ABC Media Networks:Rsrch, design, execute, analyze & present findings. Incls ongoing testing of pricing, platform usability, short & long-form. Apply: Req142207 EOE (2/15)

WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SPRING INTERNSHIP  CREDITS ONLY: PR /NYC: Boutique agency (kids TV, toys, CE, licensing) seeks smart, mature, highly-organized, communications-oriented intern. College JRs or SRs only. Apply to [email protected] (2/21)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERN/LA: Opportunity to learn about publicity via our arts and entertainment clients. Write, pitch and brainstorm with our team. Send resume, cover letter and writing sample to [email protected]  (2/20)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:   PRGRM DVLPMNT & ACQUISITIONS INTERN/Boston: Support prgrm dvlpmnt & acquisitions area of NESN. For college credit. For full description see Send resume:  [email protected] “Prog Devel Intern” in subject line. (2/16)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:   PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERN/WE Tv/NY: Opportunity to learn the mechanics of a major cable network TV comm dept by working w/ the publicists & participate in its daily ops.  Send resume to [email protected] (2/16)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

SITUATION WANTED:  SHOWRUNNER/FIELD PRODUCER/WRITER: 10+ years producing for MTV, VH1, FUSE. Expertise in Celebrity Interview, Lifestyle, Entertainment News, Bio, Clip, and Reality genres. [email protected] / (2/21) 

SITUATION WANTED:  Emmy Award Winning TV PRODUCER seeking exec/mgmt or producer position with production company or network. Background includes talk, reality and game. [email protected] (2/21) 

SITUATION WANTED:  EXPERIENCED PA: LA based Film/TV/Music PA available for serious work Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun’s. Knowledgeable, Tech-Savvy, Detail-Oriented & Professional. Contact: [email protected] (2/21) 

E-mail  [email protected] for rates and specs for Job Openings. 

Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

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