Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Thursday, August 8, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Video supplier Fullscreen is one of the largest content producers for YouTube, responsible for 15,000 channels on the site that have 200 million subscribers and more than 2.5 billion views each month. And now it’s got one big lawsuit on its hands. A group of music publishers, including Warner/Chappell Music, Songs Music Publishing, and Peermusic aren’t happy with Fullscreen’s production of videos that feature music acts performing cover songs from such folks as Kanye West, Britney Spears, and Lady Gaga without having the correct licenses or paying publishers and songwriters any royalties from the ad revenue. It appears that the federal government is on publishers’ side. The United State Department of Commerce has asked Congress to increase the penalties for streaming copyrighted work to a felony.

Apple has released its iOS 7 beta 5 and its new AppleTV beta to developers. It isn’t clear exactly what the new version will bring, but it’s less than two weeks since the previous version of iOS 7’s beta was released. Changes are happening quickly.

Rights deals, Regulation and ROI. Oh My! Join is for a special look at the state of sports media on Aug. 14 at the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit in NY. Sports Illustrated’s Richard Deitsch sits down with deal makers that include Showtime’s Stephen Espinoza, NBC Sports Group’s Jon Miller, Univision’s Juan Carlos Rodriguez, ESPN’s John Kosner and YES Network’s Tracy Dolgin. Register now at


In 2010, there were 15 million tablet PCs floating around on the planet. By 2017, it is expected that there will be 905 million of the dang things, according to new research from Forrester. That means that one in eight humans on Earth will own a tablet at that point. Last year, 122 million tablets were sold. In 2017, it is expected that a whopping 381 million of them will be bought.

At-home digital entertainment sales, which include video on demand and Web-delivered content, rose 22% to $1.51 billion during the second quarter, according to Digital Entertainment Group. Good news, right? Well, it would be, except that spending on packaged goods, such as DVDs, dropped 13% and rental sales excluding video on demand declined more than 10%. All that added up means that total spending on at-home entertainment fell 1.4% to $3.94 billion. During the second quarter last year, spending on the category was closer to $4 billion. Other key stats from the second-quarter report:

  • Spending on content watched via streaming and discs increased 15% to $1.04 billion.
  • Consumers cut spending on physical subscription services by 19%, while they spent 35% more for Web-only streaming.
  • Blu-ray disc sales grew 15% in the first half of 2013.

In Other Words: Start building the DVD Museum. It may take a long time, but those babies are eventually going the way of the eight-track.

V12 Group has debuted a new hosted platform that automates the ability to get new customers based on an organization’s current customer base. Called Launchpad, the platform grabs data from different marketing media databases to come up with the new names and gives marketers one place to track all customer contact, regardless of the device and message. V12 has a data warehouse with 3.14 billion records so it has a lot to work with in building out new lists from existing data.


The minds behind have likely been blown. AOL is forking over about $405 million in cash and stock for the video advertising platform. Just to put things in perspective, it paid a scant $315 million for The Huffington Post less than three years ago. “This acquisition makes a ton of sense for AOL,” Andrew Bloom, senior vice president of strategic business development at digital media services provider DG told Cynopsis. “ has built an integrated stack of supply-and demand-side technologies that span the programmatic and RTB video supply chain. This fits very neatly into AOL’s strategy to be a leader in programmatic and video, giving them a number of key ingredients, particularly on the supply side with’s yield and marketplace tools.’
In Other Words: AOL is putting some money where its mouth is by betting on the idea that the general public is going to be watching more and more video online and via mobile devices rather than on those big boxes in their living rooms.

The NHL’s Philadelphia Flyers are getting in on the web-series trend. The team has debuted Flight Plan, a look behind the scenes of the team. The first episode focuses on the intense decision making that goes into the June draft, particularly the choice of drafting a guy that wasn’t even seen as a first-rounder only a few months ago.

Web series creators Bernie Su and Hank Green had a hit with their modern-day version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Now the pair is turning their attention to Austen’s Emma with Emma Approved, which will hit YouTube in the fall. As of now, though, the show’s YouTube channel and website have no content.

Graphic India, which currently offers up such digital comic books as Mumbai Macguffin and UnHOLI, have debuted an animated web series, 18 Days, that is the retelling of the Mahabharata story as told by Grant Morrison, the comic creator and writer of Batman. New episodes will hit YouTube every week till year’s end and be available in English, Hindi and Tamil.


WESTDOC /// September /// LA
WESTDOC: The West Coast Documentary and Reality Conference
Sept. 15-18 | The Landmark | West LA
10% Off July Rate: Code: CYN1313

Keynotes: Ondi Timoner, A TOTAL DISRUPTION; Kelly Day, CEO Blip!

Speakers from: Discovery, Nat Geo, Yahoo, WME, Bravo, Sundance, TNT, Distrify, Chill, ESPN Films, AMC, CMT, OWN, PBS, GSN, MTV and more.

Network/Prodco/Digital Q&As ///Amazing Panels in Doc/Reality/Digital


YuMe, a provider of digital video brand advertising solutions, is now a public company. Cofounder and CEO Jayant Kadambi rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, surrounded by other members of the management team. The company offered up 5.1 million shares at $9.05 a pop at the day’s start. It ended up at $9 a share at day’s end, though it reached a high of $9.86 and a low of $8.73. The company made about $46 million on the day.

JPMorgan Chase spends between $70 million and $80 million every year on its digital advertising but the company is taking a step back to take a second look at just where that money is going, Adweek reports. Everything from banner ads and mobile marketing and online video ads are being studied.
In Other Words: If P&G is investing almost a third of its dollars in digital advertising, you can bet plenty of people are paying attention and may well follow suit.


Ad house DDB Chicago has partnered with rich media mobile advertising and analytics company Celtra Inc. to offer DDB clients rich mobile-specific advertising experiences.

Mobile advertising is boosting Yelp‘s bottom line. According to Business Insider, local advertisements on mobile devices constituted 40% of Yelp’s overall local ad inventory in the second quarter, up from 25% two quarters before that. Yelp’s mobile user base now has 10.4 million names. In fact, Nielsen reported recently that 93% of Yelp users in America had occasionally purchased something from a business after using Yelp.


Table game supplier SHFL entertainment Inc. has made a deal with mobile gaming platform oneLIVE to provide its proprietary table games to the company for use on mobile devices. Get ready to play Three Card Poker, Let It Ride and Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em on your mobile.

Android app malware is growing fast. According to a report from Trend Micro, malicious apps found in the Google Play store rose to 718,000 at the end of the second quarter compared with 509,000 in the first quarter of the year. While 44% of the apps aimed to get subscribers to sign on for expensive services, 24% attempted to steal data, and 17% were simply adware-laden applications. Many came disguised as other popular apps.
In Other Words: Be careful out there. As it is, only about 30% of all of the Android smartphones and tablets in the U.S. currently have any installed security app.


On the heels of naming Tim Ware vice president of mobile and connected devices earlier this month, Tremor Video has made some other changes. The company has hired Sara McCaffrey to be director of account management and promoted Paul Harris to director of southwest regional sales and Andrew Kornuta to senior director of product management office. McCaffrey previously worked at TripAdvisor.


Cynopsis: Sports Business Summit Exclusive…

The Launching of FOX Sports 1

FOX executives will detail the strategy that gave birth to FS1 just days before it launches, break down how the company is looking to create a new voice to sports and review how they plan to bring America more live sports, original programming and studio shows such as FOX Football Daily, FOX College Saturday, Crowd Goes Wild and FOX Sports LIVE.



Brooklyn singer Sarah Tracey has found a new way to market her 2011 album, Tell No One: Use it as the music for a five-part web series, The Black Diamond, that has launched on YouTube. Tracey co-wrote the murder mystery musical and appears as four different characters.


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See you tomorrow,
Mark Miller 

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JOB OPENING: DIR, PARTICP & RESIDS/AMC/NY or LA: Serve as internal contact for resids & particip obligations and royalties for AMC Studios Owned prgrmmng. 7+yrs exp. Submit res (8/15)

JOB OPENING: LIFESTYLE FREELANCE PROD/TV 25/Baltimore area: Passionate! Specialize Food/Entertaining/Home Decor/Real Estate. Dvlp prgrmng & show ideas; has strong writing skills; professn’l producing background for dig. or TV. Reel/res: HERE (8/15) 

JOB OPENING: DIR-ONLINE DEVELOPMENT/AMCN/NYC: responsible for all website & mobile development across all networks, 10+ yrs. exp. architecting & designing Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP CLICK HERE (8/15)
JOB OPENING:  TRAFFIC COORD/Al Jazeera America/NY: 1-3 years traffic or commercial Ops exp./edit commercial logs, rotation of commercial spots, & understanding of Ad-Sales process. Resume/apply HERE (8/15)   

JOB OPENING:  APC OPERATOR/NBCU/SOUTHEAST/SOUTHWEST: Owned Television station in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, KXTX TV, has a rare opportunity for a detailed oriented, multi-skilled, full-time APC Operator  Apply HERE (8/15)   

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER-ACCT MNGR/PEARSON/POPTROPICA/NYC: Int’l pub of major kids’ brand w/leading ad prgm seeks team player to asst w/RFPs and acct mng nat’l campaigns. 2-3 yrs dig exp, knwlg of metrics/tools. Apply HERE (8/15)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/OVATION/NYC: Create sales proposals, steward accounts, interface w/agency buyers + clients. Min 1+ yrs ad sales  dealmaker, media math. BA/BS req’d send resume to [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/NUVOtv/NYC: Exp’d sales plnr to dvlp customized plans/presentations for Ad Sales clients. Great opp for someone looking to join fast growing bus w/future growth opps. Res/salary history: [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ADMIN ASST, PRGMNG/Crown Media/Studio City: Support EVP, Prgrming/VP, Sched & Acquisitions/VP, Prgrmng for Hallmark Channel & Hallmark Movie Channel. 3 yrs exp supporting Sr execs/prior exp TV/Prod. Info/apply HERE (8/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR ACCT MNGMNT/Origin Digital, an Accenture Co./NYC: Worldwide leader in enabling LIVE events on 2nd screens, seeking star to build revenues. New media/sports/sale/tech. background. [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR. DIGITAL PRODUCTION OPS/Hub/LA: Resp: planning, dev/design strategic thinker, attn. to detail. 7 + yrs web editorial 4 + yrs mgt. role Exp. Apply at: (8/14)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE PRODUCER/Hub/LA: Resp: concept, build, launch & mgr’ing entertaining content exp. on hubworld & various dig. platforms 5+ yrs online content. Apply at: (8/14)

JOB OPENING: DEV EXECS/Magnetic LA: Fast-growing TV prodco looking for dvlpment execs. Strong writers, knwldg of current prgrmng/trends, dvlpmnt casting, sizzle reel production, format dvlpmnt, Photoshop, AVID. Send resume HERE (8/13) 

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC AD SALES/NY: Expanding Ad Dept. 70m+ Sports Net. 10+ yrs. TV ad sales exp. Excellent agency relationships. Send resume and cov ltr ATTN: ROSE: [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIRECTOR/PROMO PRODUCER/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. TV Promo & Avid/AE exp req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR/NY: Min 10 yrs TV Network exp. Post production, Avid, Adobe AE exp. req. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/NY: Design/animate graphics for TV network. Digital exp. a plus. Sports background a plus. Send res and cov ltr: ATTN: ROSE [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: SALES REP/TRICK3D/ATL: Animation Studio seeks experienced sales person w/contacts in kids brdcst & media to manage and create client relationships. Send resume to [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/Fusion, ABC/Univision JV, Miami: oversee all research functions for new network. Min 5 yrs exp incl primary, Nielsen, digital, ad sales. Min 3 yrs cable experience. Apply: HERE (8/13) 

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/UNIVISION NTWK/NY: Create Sales Proposals, monitor/steward accts. Media planning exp pref’d. Knowledge of dealmaker a+. APPLY [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/NYC: 1 yr exp in dig sales/plnng/trafficking. Generates dig media plans under AE & VP Sales. Ensures campaign delivey, makes adjustments, optimizations, & makes recs when approp. Assiss w/RFP’s & new biz. Apply HERE (8/10) 

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/E! NY: TV Research Analyst for E! Ent for report requests, viewership interpretation, study design. Nielsen Media Research, Star Media, MRI, Simmons preferred. 1-2 yrs experience. APPLY HERE (8/10) 

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RESEARCH ANALYST/Freelance for E! and Esquire Network/LA: Ad hoc reporting. KPI measurements across VOD, mobile & cross platform. Rentrak, comScore, Omniture tools ideal. Apply HERE (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SALES STRATEGY LEADER/NY or VA: 10+ yrs exp, pref media. Develop sales strategies, implement sales incentive and performance across all Gannett. High Profile! Email: [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: RIGHTS & CLEARANCES SUPERVISOR/Leftfield/NY: Generates/tracks/compiles net deliverables. Watches down cuts, flags clearance/S&P issues. Estab/facilitate proper depart. workflow. Min 3 yrs exp. Res: [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: FX Networks/VP BROADCAST DESIGN/LA: Resp for the creative broadcast design, mging the design staff, and the daily maintenance of On-Air graphic. BA/BS, 10yrs exp, AVID/Cinema4 knowledge. (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES RSRCH & BUS IN/NYC: 4+yrs exp in media rsrch w/brdcst or cble ntwk. Provide insight on sports media & sponsorship industry trends. APPLY HERE (8/10)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PUBLICITY/A&E/A+E Networks/NY: Develop/implement effective PR strategies, campaigns & execution resulting in positive media For A&E. Full info/Apply: (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SPECIALIST, AD SALES ADMINISTRATION/A+E Networks/NY: Training new employees ranging from Sales Service Rep to Acct Exec. Full Info/Apply: (8/10)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/NBCU2013/NYC: Producing content for all SNY Original programming. Apply HERE  (8/10)

JOB OPENING: SR. MGR INTEGRATED MARKETING/ABC FAMILY/BURBANK: Manage creative of integrated mktg for Nat’l Ad Sales and affiliates. 5yrs exp OAP/4yrs exp Wrt/Prod. Include reel/cover letter. Visit REQ 120594 (8/9)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC PROD, ON-AIR PROMO/FOOD NETWORK/NYC: Write and produce on-air promotions, oversee graphics and VO talent. Must demonstrate creative sensibility. 1-2 years of relevant exp required. Apply HERE (8/9) 

JOB OPENING: TV PRGRM HOST/QVC Inc/West Chester PA: Female or male w/background in hosting TV, internet brdcsts, radio or live events. Resume, phone #/headshot &/or current photo/Video links of your hosting work to: HERE [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: GSN/NY/FRONT DESK/RECEPTIONIST/ASST: Administrative duties; Supporting Ad Sales and Affiliate groups. Knowledge of Microsoft office. Send res + CL to [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCER/Mahwah, NJ: 5+ yrs nat’l media buying exp. needed to steward fall nat’l TV buys. 4-6 mths may lead to perm pos. Strong comm; excel; analytic skills. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA ASSIST/Mahwah, NJ: Leading kid media buyg/plng agcy looking for media plng assist, inputter, & day-to-day maint of kid buys. EXCEL WIZ A MUST. Great bnfits. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: DIR. RESEARCH/REVOLT/LA: Mng resrch dept. Create analysis for prog/sales/digital. Req: Bach deg. 6-9 yrs experience TV/Resrch. Strong kwldge of millennials. Resume to: [email protected] (8/9)

JOB OPENING: DIR. PROG/PROMO SCHED/REVOLT/LA: Plan/execute prog/promo sched. Dev. strategies. Mng day-to-day sched. Mng live ntwk sched. Req: Bach deg. 5-7 yrs experience TV prog. News/music exp a +. Resume to: [email protected] (8/9)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

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