Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Monday, October 3, 2011, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

There’s a turf war going on in Washington, D.C. between broadcast and broadband providers due to a pending FCC proposal that would take spectrum space away from broadcasters and auction it off to broadband and wireless companies like Verizon and AT&T. According to the Washington Times, Broadcasters say less spectrum will result in fewer local television stations for viewers, especially in rural communities, and cite that as their reason to fight the FCC’s proposal. On the other side of the coin, wireless carriers state they need more spectrum in order to expand their services to the regions that still do not get adequate coverage. Furthermore, they claim to be only pursuing what they believe is a healthy amount of empty spectrum that is currently being unused by broadcasters. To that, broadcasters retort that they need empty spectrum as buffer space to prevent channels from bumping into each other.


If you have DirecTV, you can now see what you’re friends are watching or recommending through a “Social TV” app on the satellite provider’s set-top boxes. The service is available due to a deal DirecTV made with GetGlue.
Jennifer Lopez’s production company, Nuyorican Productions, and Believe Entertainment Group announced a partnership to launch a digital video series focusing on entertainment news and lifestyle for teens called Tiger Beat Entertainment. The production will also include a partnership with popular teen magazine Tiger Beat, which provides the over-arching framework for the video series, and AOL’s Cambio, which will provide a production studio in Hollywood and media distribution.
Good news for people who were unable to purchase a ticket, currently going up to $196 a pop, for the Michael Jackson Tribute Concert in Cardiff, Wales on October 8: the entire concert will be streamed live on Facebook, courtesy of a “Facebook Commerce” company called Milyoni. Virtual tickets go for $3.99 if purchased via PayPal in advance, or $4.99 if purchased on the day of the concert.


Social data mining startup PeopleBrowsr is working on a competitor to Klout, the popular social influence solution, called Kred, reports TechCrunch. A Kred score is split up into two parts, an influence score scaled from 1 to 1,000 that measures your ability to “inspire others” by gauging retweets, new followers and replies, and an outreach score that is measured on levels that focuses on how active you are in retweeting and replying to others.


Look out IBM and Adobe, Google is now selling an analytics service meant to compete with similar offerings from the two companies. Google Analytics Premium costs $150,000 a year and has already locked up Travelocity, Papa John’s and Gucci as clients.
Adidas, with the help of Google, produced a multi-screen ad campaign for online, tablet and mobile devices. The ads ran on YouTube in a “branded takeover” across all three digital screens. And the campaign was successful as Adidas’ YouTube channel views multiplied by 26 times, and subscribers doubled, over the course of the campaign. The success of the campaign is in line with a recent CBS and Nielsen study that says a there-screen digital advertising strategy is more effective in raising brand awareness. [Via Mobile Marketer]


A potentially sticky situation is developing for Facebook in Europe, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal. A group of student activists, organized as Europe v. Facebook, has lobbed 22 complaints against the social media giant in regard to European privacy law. Last week, Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner announced it was beginning an audit of Facebook. The complaint was registered in Ireland because the activists say Facebook’s User Terms mark its Ireland office as the one responsible for all Facebook affairs outside of the U.S. and Canada


A survey commissioned by, an online web video platform, as reported by AdAge, finds that 56% of people who watch web series still tune in regularly to watch primetime television. In fact, 36% are watching primetime TV and web content simultaneously. However, respondents did admit that they are watching 9% less TV on average than they did six months ago.
A recent IDC research study indicates that Android tablets’ growth outpaced the iPad’s growth in Australia and New Zealand over the second quarter of 2011. Android-based media tablets tripled in volume over Q1 2011, while the iPad 2 only doubled in volume. However it’s not all bad news for Apple as the iPad 2 still controls a 74.6% market share in Australia and New Zealand compared to 25% for Android-based tablets. IDC predicts that Apple will maintain its dominant share of the market through the end of 2011.


Loopt” is a mobile app and website that connects people with the cities they live in by offering daily deals, reviews of all types of businesses and the ability to connect with friends on Loopt and Facebook through an interactive map. And now, it has partnered up with Virgin America to offer special deals for travelers who check-in to the app when inside the T2 terminal at the San Francisco International Airport. These deals can range from discounts on last minute flights to two-for-one or free tickets. The app is free and is available on both the iOS and Android operating systems.
Encyclopedia Britannica is about to roll out an iPad app that contains its full library of information on everything you can possibly think of for just $2 a month, according to a preview from AllThingsD. If you subscribe to its web version, which goes for $70 a year, the iPad app is free. It will be available in a couple of weeks.
Konami Digital Entertainment has announced the availability of its Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 game for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The app is available for free.
Habbo Hotel is a social game where users create a character to explore a wide variety of places and rooms in a virtual community. Currently, 10 million unique visitors visit the site each month. And now, the company has released its first mobile game, called Lost Monkey and available in the App store for free.



Spotify has hired Dan Brody, a former Google executive, as General Manager Asia-Pacific. In his new post, Brody will be in charge of expansion into Asia and is already on the recruiting trail.



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Quora, the addictive question and answer site with a wealth of information from a large community of experts and knowledgeable users, is now available at your fingertips (provided you have either the iPhone or iPod Touch) anywhere you go. Aside from simply letting you ask questions to experts and knowledgeable people across various fields, the app can also send you push notifications when someone has answered your question. Furthermore, it lets you write answers to school those who need to be in the know and even uses location-based services to provide you with all sorts of information about the area you are currently in. If you haven’t already, go ahead and check it out, for free.

Later – Sahil
 Sahil Patel, Access Intelligence, filling in for Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: AE, ITV SALES/Rovi/Chicago: Resp for growing Ad Sales rev in Central Division. Proven performance in new biz dev. Agency & client relationships req’d. 5+ yrs TV/Emerging Media sales exp. To apply: (10/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR, NBC NEWS & MSNBC SALES RESEARCH/NY: Resp. for formulating strategic & customized research plans focused on optimizing & driving revenue. To apply, visit job# 3075BR (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SVP MKTG/History/NY:Establish brand vision for History nets & provide strat dir to ensure creative drives ratings, usage & brand equity. 10 yrs media, promo, mktg or adv pref in TV/ent. Apply: (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/INSP/CHARLOTTE NC/NY: Asst w/ pricing/analyzing upfront & scatter pkgs. Interact w/ AEs, Sales Ops, & Rsrch, regarding deal maint. Min 2yrs exp. DealMaker-1 yr exp a must Apply/res: [email protected] (10/8)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST/ESPN/NY: coordinate and manage projects focused on cross-media advertising effectiveness research; 1-2 years of research experience  media/agency exp. a +. REQ ID 319775 (10/7)

JOB OPENING:  AE, ITV SALES/ROVI/Chicago: Resp for growing Ad Sales rev in Central Division. Proven performance in new biz dev. Agency & client relationships req’d. 5+ yrs TV/Emerging Media sales exp. To apply: (10/7)

JOB OPENING:   EDITOR/GRAPHICS/WRNNTV/RYEBROOK NY: Early AM shift, must be advced in editing systems/software, PC & Mac based. Complex video/audio editing & graphic design. Final Cut Pro & Photoshop skills a must. Res: [email protected] (10/7)

JOB OPENING:  DIR/AD SALES RSRCH/TENNIS CHANNEL/NY:  Exp’d pro to support goals, translate findings into Ad Sls/Mktg stories. 5 yrs exp w/Cable/Ntwrk /Agency req. Nielsen/Excel/PP a must. Tennis knwldg a +.  Res: [email protected] (10/6)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER, DIG MKTG/RANDOM HOUSE/NY: Plan/execute online promos across many of Random House web sites. 2-3 yrs online mktg & digital prod & strong working knwldg of major web editing prgrm. Resume: Jobs@Random House (10/6)

JOB OPENING: ONLINE SALES EXEC/NCC Media/NYC: Prospect, dvlp & close sales for online & Digital Media. Min 5 yrs digital media sales exp. Strong communication and presentation skills. BA/BS pref’d. Resume: [email protected] (10/6)

JOB OPENING: WEB DEVELOPER/WRNN TV/RyeBrook/NY: Perform maintenance updates, troubleshooting. Database programming, XML, Java, Drupal, Adobe skills required. Resume: [email protected] (10/6)

JOB OPENING: DIR, TV PROD DEV & STRATEGY/NBCUniversal/CA: Oversee NBC’s TV digital sell through & subscription VOD businesses across multiple digital partners. 7+ years experience.  Apply at: Job#2191BR (10/6)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, OAP/Fox Movie Channel/LA:  QC of on-air materials, asset mgmt & trafficking assets for OAP dept. BA preferred, TV OAP exp is preferred, post-prod knowledge is a plus. (10/6)

JOB OPENING: DIR/MGR-DIVERSITY RECRUITMENT & EARLY CAREER PROGRAM/NY: spearhead dvlpmnt/execution of diversity related recruitment strategies/early career pipeline; ad sls recruitment; 7+yrs recruitment exp; #4459 (10/6)

JOB OPENING: RECRUITER/LA: Mng full lifecycle FT & temp positions of varying lvls/functions for Discovery & JVs; roll-out multiple projects aimed at mrktg to attract talent; 3+yrs exp corp recruitment; #4455 (10/6)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/GSTV/NYC: Largest nat’l away from home TV network seeks a creative mktg director with strong exp working closely with advertising sales. Apply at: (10/5)

JOB OPENING: ASST. MGR – SALES, PLANNING & ADMIN/NBCUniversal/Universal City: Provide availability reports on all products available for television licensing in the US. For more info visit: job# 2028BR (10/5)

JOB OPENING: SALES SVR EXEC/Univision/NY: Support AE book &steward ad deals. Serve liaison btwn Sls & agencies. Work w/mktg execute adv mktg prgrms. 3-6 yrs media exp, deal maker +, Spanish +. EOE Res [email protected] (10/5)

JOB OPENING:  SALES COORD/Univision/NY: Highly motivated. Mng tasks/srvcng agencies/clients daily basis. Det. oriented/comm/PC & math skills. 1-2 Yrs Media Exp, Deal Maker exp a +, Spanish a +. EOE. Res: [email protected] (10/5)

JOB OPENING: VP RSRCH/DISCOVERY/MD: leads all research efforts & function as ntwrk primary POC; 7+ yrs research exp at either a full service market research firm or major corporation. Media exp preferred; #4509 (10/4)

JOB OPENING: JR ENGINEER/iNDEMAND/NYC: Troubleshooting, maintenance & upgrading of hardware/software in post-production facility. BA/BS Engineering & 1-2 yrs min yrs exp. Final Cut Pro certification. Apply: [email protected] (10/4)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:   START ASAP: RESEARCH INTERNS/NYC Production Cmpy:  Interns wanted. One for PBS Doc. Other to rsrch and dvlp new TV show ideas. Please send cvr ltr & resumes [email protected] (10/5)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Non-Fiction TV Dev. Internship (NYC): Major TV Prod Co seeking creative interns interested in reality TV and motivated to research, write and develop new ideas for TV series. Res/cov let: [email protected] (10/5)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:    SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING INTERN/Machine Shop Marketing/Beverly Hills: Cutting edge entertainment company needs intern for fall/winter. College Credit. Apply [email protected] (10/5)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA BUYER/TRAFFIC: 11+yrs experience B.S. in Communications looking for freelance/full time position please contact me at [email protected] (10/8)

SITUATION WANTED: SO Sr. Integrated Copywriter. Style guides, positioning, promotion, collateral. Digital, print, video. Trade, consumer, Upfront anyone? I hear brand voices. SO fast. SO fun. (10/8)

SITUATION WANTED: Seeking a job with a film location or production company, scouting, or negotiating film/TV location contracts. I have a strong background in the LA entertainment industry. BA in PR/Marketing Contact: [email protected] (10/8)

SITUATION WANTED: DEVELOPMENT FOR TV/FILM: Toronto-based with 8+ years of experience in script analysis, development and pitching for TV & film. Insightful story notes and pitch documents. (10/7)

SITUATION WANTED:  SALES/MKTG PLANNER/ASST-LA or NYC: 3+ yrs Social Media, Sales Ntwrk exp. created sales proposals/PP presentations, video reels, online mktg/promos, media math, detail-oriented, multitask MS Office. [email protected] (10/7)

SITUATION WANTED:  Recent college graduate looking for entry-level positions in marketing,sales, or media. Looking to be located in New York City.  Contact me at [email protected] (10/6)

SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE MEDIA MIND Seeking to assist, Entry- Junior level positions, B.A. & Communications/Media background, 3-5 years of experience domestically & internationally. NY based. Please contact, [email protected] (10/5)

SITUATION WANTED: NEED A BUDGET DONE?? LINE PROD/EIC – 10+ yrs. exp- budgets done in all formats. Accurate budgets, Reasonable rates, fast turnaround Email: [email protected] (10/5)

SITUATION WANTED:  PRODUCER/FIELD PRODUCER/STORY PROD:  in LA-8+ yrs. exp. prod for VH1, A&E, Sundance. Also, exp. prod EPK & Corp. Strong mng of crews, great interviewer w/celeb and non celeb talent. Contact email: [email protected]  (10/5)

SITUATION WANTED: CHILDREN’S MEDIA: TV seg producer, journalist, theater, researcher, Child dev education, over 12 yrs working with children, including Internationally. Willing to relocate- Located in L.A. (10/4)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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