Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Monday, November 17, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
Will Santa help ignite the struggling Blu-ray format once and for all this Christmas? HDTV owners have been on the fence about investing in another physical disc player as high-quality video streaming solutions continue to emerge. The Digital Entertainment Group is pointing to a new study by market research firm SmithGeiger which found that “HDTV owners familiar with Blu-ray” favored the format over downloading and streaming by a margin of nearly 10-1. Some 70% claimed they liked having a portable physical disc to stick on their shelf. For most of us, pricing will be the key factor and Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) should prove pivotal for the format. K-mart is expected to offer Sony’s BD Live-ready BDP-S350 unit for $180. Wal-Mart is planning to sell the Magnavox Blu-ray player for $128, according to an advance copy of the retailer’s circular obtained by Meanwhile individual Blu-ray movie titles are approaching the $10 mark.
Local TV stations and newspaper sites have risen to the occasion to cover the relentless wildfires engulfing areas of Orange County, Montecito and Sylmar. offers breaking news, tips, videos and links to customized Google maps spotlighting the locations of hotspots and evacuation centers. Local station sites such as KTTV’s and KABC-TV’s are offering live streaming video from multiple sources. Stations are also utilizing their digital multiplex channels to offer around-the-clock coverage of the crisis.
AOL continues paring down its businesses this time shuttering user-generated video portal Uncut, according to a memo obtained by TechCrunch scheduled to go out to users later this week. Producers have until Dec. 18 to remove their content from the site before it’s gone for good. Uncut launched two and half years ago as a me-too competitor to YouTube. announced it has made 60 Minutes’ exclusive interview with President-Elect Barack Obama and incoming First Lady-elect Michelle Obama available for online and mobile viewing immediately following last night’s heavily promoted broadcast. Look for it on,, CBS Mobile News or on CBS Audience Network partner sites.
Building on the success of events such as KateModern and Sofia’s Diary, AOL’s social networking site Bebo announced its intention to produce a minimum of six original productions for 2009 under a newly created program banner “Bebo Originals.” The socially-oriented shows will enjoy exclusive distribution on under the stewardship of new commissioners Kelly Brett and Kate Burns. Bebo also plans to feature more third-party productions and content from established media players.
President-Elect Barack Obama posted his first weekly fireside chat Saturday morning on YouTube, AOL, Yahoo, MSN and his new transition site – a first for a (soon to be sitting) President. (Now if he can only getting around to updating his Twitter account.)
On a lighter note, the folks at online self publishing outfit have launched a comedic multi-media e-book Philogelos: The Laugh Addict, featuring clips of British comedian Jim Bowen resurrecting “extinct” jokes from the 4th century. Use your mouse to click through the Flash-powered text full of photos, embedded sound and video.
The Weather Channel Interactive‘s free iPhone/IPod touch app is now available providing personalized GPS-powered mapping and weather info. It features location-based conditions and forecasts, local, national and international video forecasts from storable locations.
Nokia is launching a new social networking service allowing live bloggers to find each other using the GPS feature built into Nokia phones. The new Friend View service enables friends who belong to the same groups to automatically map their locations. Each friend is assigned an avatar, allowing all friends’ locations to be displayed simultaneously. The new service is already available on some Nokia phones and new models – such as the 5320 XPress Music and the N95.
Male-targeted online video network launched an Australian network of premium content sites claiming one million monthly unique users upon launch. The network, which includes Heavy, BitTorrent, Fanpop and OVGuide, will employ Heavy’s proprietary Husky Media player to serve video skin ads, which wrap content around the video.
Netflix hired former Macrovision executive Greg Peters as VP/Partner Product Development. He will work to increase the line up of devices capable of streaming NetFlix movies directly to TV sets. Greg report to Netflix Chief Product Officer Neil Hunt.
Former Sesame Street and MTV International executive Liz Nealon has been named General Manager for the children’s music brand KIDZ BOP, based at the company’s headquarters in New York City. She will work to develop the KIDZ BOP brand across all media in this newly created position, reporting to co-founders, Craig Balsam and Cliff Chenfeld.
Design agency Primal Screen hired animation veteran Andrea Mansour as Head of Production. She will be responsible for overseeing all production as well as managing the day-to-day operations of the Atlanta-based multimedia studio.
Patricia Torres-Burd joins Houston-based Locke Bryan Productions as General Manager along with Kenny Benitez, hired as Director. Additionally, LBP has recently added film and video company Wiredrive as part of its client services.
The growth of anime video sharing site Crunchyroll parallels that of the industry at large. Crunchyroll began in 2006 as a community fan site relying on user posted videos of mostly unauthorized content. It came under fire for ostensibly charging for streams of popular copyright-protected series, as only “donors” who paid a subscription fee were able to access the higher resolution feeds. But now (after replacing user donations with venture capital) Crunchyroll is trying to do the right thing. The company is going directly to Japan’s content owners to license anime for the site, forging partnerships with some of the industry’s biggest (and most conservative) entities including the granddaddy of all anime studios- Toei Animation. Today the site announces a new deal with TV Tokyo, Shueisha and Studio Pierrot to simulcast episodes of hugely popular Naruto Shippuden within hours after they premiere on TV Tokyo’s broadcast network in Japan. Such deals are a step in right direction for the anime studios, which have been some of the biggest victims of P2P piracy. Die-hard anime fans will find a way to feed their hunger for the latest episodes of their favorite shows if there’s no legit way to view them online. Crunchyroll is a compelling alternative to fan sites such as because it offers the kind of web 2.0 bells and whistles that should keep its 4.6 million users loyal. And until the ad component gets figured out, charging for add-ons like licensed virtual merchandise to spiff up your avatar (a new feature planned for the coming weeks, according to head of Biz Dev for Crunchyroll Vu Nguyen) will help both publishers and distributors pay the bills.
Later — Wayne
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JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/Cartoon Network/[adult swim]/Chicago: Support Midwest sales team. 2-4 yrs experience necessary. Analytical thinker. Send resumes: [email protected] EOE (11/22)
JOB OPENING: V.P NEW BUSINESS/AFFILIATE SALES/MTV Networks, NY: Distribution of New Movie Channel / 5-7 yrs. Cable Sales / New Bus Dev Experience / (11/22)
JOB OPENING: SALES MANAGER/NY Jets/Florham Park NJ: Prmte, mkt & sell Jets season tix and seat licenses. Cndct sales present. 3-5 yrs exp in sports sales. Kwldge of NY/NJ mrkt. Send resume to [email protected] (11/21)
JOB OPENING: SALES SPECIALIST/NY Jets/Florham Park NJ: Prmte, mkt & sell Jets season tix and seat licenses. 1-2 yrs exp in sales – sports a +. Heavy phone work. Send resume to [email protected] (11/21)
JOB OPENING: CBS Television Distribution is seeking a RESEARCH DIRECTOR in Los Angeles: Position requires 6 years experience in the Television Research area. Please apply at: (11/20)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Outdoor Channel/Chicago: Create media plans, track delivery, coordinate make goods and prepare post analysis. Excellent communication skills required Send resume to: [email protected] (11/20)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/DC: Must be able to mng all audience rsrch oper. For ABC affil. & 24 hr. local cable news chnl. 5+yrs exp. Quantitative rsrch tools & knwldg of Nielsen & Scarborough a must. EEO Resume to: [email protected] (11/20)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA MANAGER/Atlanta: TV Network seeks experienced radio/all planner/buyer. Plan, execute, liaison with agencies and consumer & trade media. Negotiate barter; added value. Resume: [email protected] (11/20)
JOB OPENING: ONLINE ADVERTISING SALES/MGR, PRICING & INVENTORY/Newtown CT: work with a cross-functional team to maximize digital media and sponsorship opportunities and revenue. Apply online at (11/19)
JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR, DIST. & FLD SALES/NY: Head region/division of 10 Distributors to Id. local rev., mkting and dist. opps. Exp. in Cable Sales, Mkting, & Acct Mgmt, 40-60% travel Rez: (11/18)
INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .
WINTER/SPRING/ INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: RESEARCH INTERN/(NYC): Analyze & produce reports work w/adsales, programming, marketing. Res: [email protected] (11/22)
WINTER/SPRING/ INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Westchester/NY. Research/write for national mag. Min 2 days/wk. Skills: Writing, resrch, computer, phone. Intrst in cool stuff/video games. Resume & writing samples: [email protected] (11/22)
WINTER/SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Thirteen/WNET/NY: Daily animated kids’ series seeks interns w/ interest in PRODUCTION & PROJECT DVLPMNT. Must be available 2days/week. Stipend offered. Resume & cover letter w/ availability to [email protected] (11/21)
WINTER/SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Threshold Entertainment seeks an energetic intern. Duties will incl: rsrch, phones, filing, & other projects as assigned. You MUST love dogs & able to receive school credit. Cover letter/resume to [email protected] (11/21)
WINTER/SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERN, LANGUAGE DUBBING/The Kitchen/Los Angeles, Miami, Caracas: Credit Only Get involved in dubbing your favorite pgms.-audio, int’l. business and mktg.; translation; sales. Apply at: [email protected] (11/21)
WINTER/SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERN, INTERACTIVE MEDIA/Scripps Networks/NY:Credit Only – work with&deploy prod. quality code.Help department update content,update documentation, minor editing of html/css. Apply at: (11/20)
WINTER/SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PROG RESEARCH & ANALYSIS DEPT/Warner Bros. TV: Download overnight ratings from Nielsen, create/maintain various reports tracking series ratings & prgrm test scores.More info: & enter 105894BR (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]
SITUATION WANTED: PROGRAMMING SALES, MARKETING, PROMOTIONS (by project or FT). Substantial exp. In cable TV marketing and multi-platform programming distribution.Bilingual Eng./Span.). [email protected] (11/22)
SITUATION WANTED: ORIGINATIVE KIDS TV PRODUCER/DIRECTOR/EDITOR w/ 18+ yrs hands-on exp. Seeks agent & TV/new media projects. Credits: PBS Kids (Buster, Fetch!, Zoom), History, CBS, BBC. Screen reels & CV: (11/22)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/WRITER/DIRECTOR (NY) Ultra creative, vast experience, all genres, all networks, reality, major cable, award winning and fun! [email protected] (11/22)
SITUATION WANTED: FREELANCE EVENT MGR. & PRODR: Tradeshows/promotions/special events 18+ yrs hands-on exp. seeks Mrktg, PR, Adv, Affil. team to join/development to execution Creds: WB, AMC & WE Contact: [email protected] (11/22)
SITUATION WANTED: EMMY nominated Producer: Seeking DIRECTOR OF PRODUCTION. Produced top-rated reality productions for ABC, HGTV, Discovery, FOX. Mngd personnel, collaborated w/ directors/producers on [email protected] (11/22)
SITUATION WANTED: VETERAN WRITER/EDITOR (WEB/PRINT/BCAST) AND MUSIC BIZ 2.0 GURU offers you his expertise behind or on the scene. Rez @ , see me @ (11/22)
SITUATION WANTED: HISPANIC MKT CONSULTANT AND CREATIVE WRITER/TRANSLATOR w/18 yrs exp. I’ll translate your copy from English – Spanish in 24 hrs or it’s free. Contact: [email protected] or visit: (11/22)
SITUATION WANTED: NEXT GENERATION BRAND CREATIVE SF Former CD w/ 13 yrs exp & current focus on multi-platform branded ent seeks leadership role w/ forward thinking media company, agency, marketer, or [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: Seeking ASSISTANT to Writer/Producer: Prefer full-time. 3 yrs. Set PA experience, top credits in film & TV. 2 yrs. agency experience. Currently working freelance. Contact Jennifer at [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: Seasoned PRINT AND DIGITAL MANAGING EDITOR/JOURNALIST with nine years of professional publishing experience. Writing samples and references are available. [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE EVENT PLANNER/PRODUCER w/over 13 yrs. exp. seeking fulltime position. Has worked for top companies such as Bravo, IFC, BMW, NBC, Hallmark Channel and more. Email: [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: SENIOR MARKETING EXECUTIVE (NY): 14+ years experience seeking VP/SVP position in entertainment/media. Expertise in branding, product development, strategy, partnerships, digital. Contact: [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: Creative, hard-working ASSOC. PRODUCER with 6 yrs prod experience at HBO, ESPN, CBS is looking for work on news magazine show or long-format documentaries. References available.E-mail Amy at [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: Exp’d MEDIA BUYER (Temp or Full Time) w/ 10+ yrs exp. negotiating r/TV/cable/sponsorships for a variety of clients nationally. [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: HISPANIC MKT CONSULTANT AND CREATIVE WRITER/TRANSLATOR w/18 yrs exp. I’ll translate your copy from English – Spanish in 24 hrs or it’s free. Contact: [email protected] or visit: (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/SUPERVISING PRODUCER Spanish & English on-air, web, print, ppt; crisp copy, development to final, vast US/Int’l experience, seeking project-based opp. [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: POST/ANIMATION/VFX PRODUCER/COORD w/ 4yrs exp. in advertising, mo-graph, broadcast, new media/web and writing. Seeking NYC-area work pref. in kids/education content. Contact
[email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/SHOOTER w/ exp. in casting, field & post production seeks employment as an associate, field or segment producer. Past credits include MTV, ESPN, CBS& ABC. Email: [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: Seeking EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Position — over 20 yrs exp in media/advertising/broadcasting/entertainment industries. Greater Los Angeles area. Can provide excellent references. Contact: [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: Results oriented ACCT MGR Dist/Synd (19 yrs) seeks opp. w/ agency/network/studio/prod. co. Worked@ Disney, Ascent & Visual Data- Resume & client references avail. LA Based [email protected] (11/21)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER, LINE PROD, PROD MGR: Extensive experience in animation/VFX. Most recently produced live-action comedy series for Cartoon Netwrk. Looking for staff job with established company in NYC area. [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: Creative COPYWRITER w/extensive exp writing broad array of print promotion for national cable nets. Expertise in clear, concise, compelling messaging. Seeks freelance or FT. Contact: [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: Emmy Winning PRODUCER seeking FT position in CT or NYC, experience with PBS, A&E, pre and post, script writing, web design, graphic design, final cut. [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: 360° INTEGRATED MARKETER Strategic/creative ideas + Get-it-done work ethic. Multi-pltfrm mktg prgrms for linear TV/VOD/Web. Adv./Promo./Digtl/Social/ Affil./ Ad Sales Mktg. Freelance/Perm. Contact: [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: FREELANCE MARKETING HELP(Advertising, Promotion, Publicity): Call NY-based former MTV Network VP Mktg for ANY projects, like writing, PR pitching, radio, ad sales, events, maternity fill [email protected] 914-409-5230 (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: SPONSORSHIP MARKETING/NY: Experience in evaluating and negotiating sponsorships and promotions. All media types- broadcast, outdoor, print, digital, mobile, hospitality, etc. Contact: [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: Media/Cable/ INTERNET ATTORNEY Broad in-house experience in content production& distribution, operations, affiliate & ad sales. Available for project/consultant/full-time. Contact [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: EXPERIENCED FIELD AND POST PRODUCER looking for work. Has worked in all aspects of Non-Fiction and live programming. Please e-mail at [email protected] for my resume (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: Seasoned MARKET RESEARCHER available for short-term or contract assignments. Integration of quant and qual for account planning in CPG, fin. svcs. and food/bev. a specialty. E-mail: [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: CREATIVE DIRECTOR, CONSULTANT/NY: Seeking project based or P/T work. 15+Yrs exp in Consumer Products/Off-air Mktg/3rd Party Promotions for TV entertainment brands. Email: [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: ADMIN OR ASST POSITION WANTED/NYC: 3+ yrs admin exp at well-known companies in exec assistance, licensing, prod development, marketing, with specialization in children’s TV. Creative & professional. [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: SUPERVISING CASTING PRODUCER: Reality/Unscripted/Comm Cast over 65 TV shows! NBC, ABC, FOX, BRAVO, MTV, DISC, SCIFI, TLC, LIFETIME, FUSE etc. ALL TYPES LA or NYC [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: Exp’d MEDIA BUYER (Temp or Full-time) w/10+ yrs exp. negotiating local R/TV/Cable/Sponsorships/ some online [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: Talented WRITER AND PRODUCER (10 yrs exp) for freelance and staffing. Credits: WB., Nick, Disney, CN & European production companies. Contact: [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: TV PRODUCER (LA) professional w/ exp. field producing, casting, booking, writing and creating online content for HGTV, Fine Living, VegasHD, Fuse. Resume and reel at (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: NEXT GENERATION BRAND CREATIVE SF Former CD w/ 13 yrs exp & current focus on multi-platform branded exp seeks leadership role w/ forward thinking media company, agency, marketer, or [email protected] (11/20)
SITUATION WANTED: EIC/LINE PRODUCER/PM: 15+ Ntwrk & cable exp ,Exec in Charge, Coord Prod, Line Prod, Prod Mgr seeking work in synd TV shows, sports, kids series, event prod opps, NY/NJ/CT. E-mail: [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: ONLINE EXEC PRODUCER/NY: 14+Yrs Online Project Mgmt/strategy/creative/Mktg/PR/Viral/Soc Ntwrk/content/copywrtng/adv/mgmt/acct. for entertainment & consumer brands. Email: [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: TV DEVELOPMENT EXEC: nonfiction programming, with hits airing now, seeks Manager/Director position at Prod. co. or Network. Most recently was Manager at a Prod. co. (LA based, but would relocate) [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: ADVERTISING SALES MANAGER (NY) Interactive and print ad sales leader avail FT. Versatile, revenue generator, specialization in consumer vehicles (5+ yrs industry experience) [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: Smart, enthusiastic professional seeks EXECUTIVE ASST. or COORD. position at network or media co. [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: Exp’d MEDIA BUYER (Temp or Full-time) w/ 20+ yrs exp. negotiating R/TV/Cable/Sponsorships/outdoor for Blue Chip clients in any US market. [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: Award-winning WRITER/PRODUCER , animation & new media, available for freelance writing work. Experienced with short-form digital content. Reel & CV: or contact [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: EXPERIENCED PROGRAMMING EXEC Acquisitions, Scheduling, Channel Development. US and Int’l experience. Great track record w/all platforms, incl Discovery & Tribune. Contact [email protected] (11/19)
SITUATION WANTED: EXP’D MEDIA RESEARCHER available. Credits incl both advertising sales and ad agency buying rsrch. Work with both primary and secondary resources. Work individually or manage a staff. Please e-mail: [email protected] (11/18)
SITUATION WANTED: PASSIONATE & CREATIVE MKT RESEARCHER (Temp or permanent) w/12 yrs exp. seeks to share skills & knwldg w/ companies to grow in challenging consumer landscape. Recently was VP w/ Top 20 rsrch co. [email protected] (11/18)
SITUATION WANTED: PROD/WRITER Creative & versatile w/over 16 yrs exp. Wanted: Sprvsng, Series, Show prod. or writer role. Credits incl: synd., Discovery, TLC, Style, Hallmark, WE, A&E. Many genres. NY-based. [email protected] (11/18)
SITUATION WANTED: CASTING DIRECTOR/PRODUCER – Freelce or P/T real people& actors! Lots of exp! Reality FUSE-Redemption Song, Discv-CashCab, TLC etc Commercials-Iphone, NY Lottery,V8, Maxwell House etc-NYC/NJ [email protected] resume (11/18)
SITUATION WANTED: Ambitious, energetic COMM./MARKETING professional w/experience in music & film seeks opp. w/ agency/network/prod. company. Skills: Graphics, Web Dev, Event Prod., Sales & Sponsorship. Email: [email protected] (11/18)
SITUATION WANTED: EXPERIENCED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, MARKETING & LICENSING MANAGER with 8+ years seeks position in LA. Worked at Disney with Fisher-Price, Hasbro, MegaBloks on Pooh, Princess, more. Contact [email protected] (11/18)
SITUATION WANTED: TV PRODUCER w/ exp in prod/, writing, rsrchng, booking,new media & licensing/contracts. Past credits incl synd talk, educational, new media and Discovery prgrmng. Seeks FT in NY area. Contact: [email protected] (11/18)
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