Monday, June 21st, 2010



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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Monday, June 21, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here.

FIFA‘s 2010 World Cup continues to draw record audiences to new digital platforms around the world who come to view video, celebrate victories and express outrage. (We won’t even go there.) Univision Interactive Media‘s Spanish language coverage continues to bring record traffic to, generating 2.5 million hours of streaming to date, with an average of 1 hour and 20 minutes of live streaming per user during live matches. The top three tweeted goals last week were Japan’s game winning score against Cameroon on June 14 (generating 2,940 tweets per second), followed by Brazil’s first goal vs. North Korea and Mexico’s tying goal vs. South Africa. Twitter receives some 750 tweets/second on average. However, controversial calls during the game 7 of the NBA Finals (again, we won’t even go there) surpassed even World Cup traffic on Twitter, cresting at a record 3,085 Tweets per second as the game ended.

~ MULTIPLATFORM CONTENT NEWS ~ says it delivered a record 72.7 million video streams and 329 million page views during the Celtics/Lakers series, an increase of 112% and 48% respectively vs. last year. The WAP Site also saw a 145% year-over-year increase in page views and a 136% increase in unique visitors.
Comedy Central has launched a new technology-themed online talk show dubbed Portable Lounge. The show will feature a rotating cast of comedians and New York City locales. The first episode is hosted by Chris Gethard (Comedy Central’s “Big Lake”) and “SNL’s” Bobby Moynihan, who geek out in a Bronx bowling alley on topics such as “Star Wars” and Frank Sinatra. 


Facebook is earning more ad revenue than previously expected and will finish the year collecting as much as $800 million, reports Reuters.
The official movie poster for “The Social Network,” the insider Facebook story adapted by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Fight Club’s David Fincher, was posted on the film’s website on Friday. The marketing folks seem to be predicting that Facebook will top the 500 million users mark by the time the movie hits theaters in Oct.
Video sharing site Dailymotion continues to carve out a niche with the ad supported fan film genre (amateur imitations of major releases done on a shoestring budget.) Its latest is the polished Batman prequel City of Scars, about Joker’s escape from Arkham and the murder of Batman’s parents, shot in HD for a lean budget of $27k.


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that employers have the right to monitor workers’ cell phone, email and text message correspondences as long as there is a legitimate work-related reason for doing so, reports the Washington Post. The Court ruled that a police chief’s search of a SWAT team officer’s texts, which turned up private missives between him and his wife and mistress, was constitutionally justified.
NBC Affiliates officially approved the Comcast/NBCU merger, provided that Comcast remains committed to over-the-air television and will keep the same level of sports programming on broadcast TV, per B&C.


While new mobile devices continue to drive simultaneous TV and web usage, there appears to be very little difference between people’s online usage habits when they’re watching TV and when they are not, meaning that people who surf while watching TV tend to do the same things online (email, shopping etc.) that others who are not watching, according to a new Nielsen analysis. Video sites like YouTube are the one exception, as users are unlikely to watch video from two different sources at the same time. Some 40% of overall viewers now watch TV and surf the web simultaneously each week, with that number climbing to 51% in the 35 to 49 demo. (Only 39% of 18-34 year olds do both at the same time.)
Little changed in the world of U.S. search last month as Google held fast to its 65% market share and Yahoo and Bing fought over the scraps, according to Nielsen. The top three search engines accounted for 91.8% of all U.S. searches.
Top 10 Search Providers for May 2010, Ranked by Searches (U.S.)
RANK Provider        Searches (000)   Share of Searches MoM % Point Change
          All Search               9,247,187            100%                       –
1        Google Search         6,016,689            65.1%                     0.0%
2        Yahoo! Search         1,272,764            13.8%                      0.3%
3        MSN/Wds Live/Bing  1,198,345             13.0%                      0.1%
4        AOL Search                191,189             2.1%                     -0.4%
5 Search          184,448             2.0%                       0.1%
6        My Web Search           112,265            1.2%                       0.1%
7        Comcast Search           48,585             0.5%                       0.0%
8        NexTag Search             25,392             0.3%                       0.0%
9 Search 25,370            0.3%                       0.0%
10      Yellow Pages Search      19,086            0.2%                      -0.1%
Source: The Nielsen Company


Several analysts are predicting that Apple‘s iPhone 4 will be the best selling iPhone ever, with sales on the opening weekend (beginning Thursday) expected to number into the millions. Morgan Stanley is predicting the phone will help to more than triple the iPhone’s footprint from 30 million users to 100 million by the end of 2011. Meanwhile, some of the 600k customers who managed to place pre-orders for the phone last week (despite wide-scale glitches) say they are receiving messages from Apple saying their orders have been cancelled because they could not be authorized.
Here’s a little know fact that may make you want to avoid the lines on Thursday: iPhone 3GS owners (the most recent incarnation) will be able to enjoy many of the iPhone 4’s features once they’ve downloaded the free iOS 4 software update. Features include, multitasking, folders, a new built in spell checker and a 5X digital zoom.


MySpace co-President Jason Hirschhorn is set to leave the company and return to New York just 4 months after he took the position. Both Jason and Mike Jones joined the News Corp. subsidiary after Owen Van Natta stepped down in Feb. Mr. Jones will remain with the company as its sole President.


Third party apps are helping Twitter to become the world’s window into the World Cup like one called TweetBeat World Cup from Mountain View, CA-based search company Kosmix, which operates a dashboard site that categorizes web content into the magazine-style topics. TweetBeat helps you sift through the “twittosphere” to track what’s being said about your favorite team in real time. Navigate tweets by individual team or current matches or browse through popular tweets that are being frequently retweeted. Kosmix, which has raised some $55 million to date from Accel Partners, Lightspeed Ventures and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, also launched in iPhone app to help keep you informed of World Cup – related buzz. CNN has also launched an app organizing World Cup-related tweets.
Clarification : The Creative Visions Project is the name of one of the backers of the global One Day On Earth filmmaking project; the latter is in fact the name of the initiative.
Later – Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
[email protected]

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JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Elmsford, NY:  Seeks AE for local ad sales.3 5 yrs ad sales exp. pref cable TV, radio, e-media adv.  Valid NY DL.  See full posting and apply to req 11402BR (6/26)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/BROOKLYN NY:  Seeks AE for local ad sales.1 3 yrs ad sales exp. pref cable TV, radio, e-media adv.  Valid NY DL.  See full posting and apply to req 9911BRHi (6/26)

JOB OPENING: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/Hallmark Channels/NY: Supports Lifestyle Programming & Marketing execs and team in NY regional office. View full posting & apply: “Jobs (6/26)

JOB OPENING: EXP PROD ASST/On-Air PROMOS/NY: Assist producers, coord footage, logging, dub requests, QCing, maintain library. Req: Strong orgnztnl/comm skills, multi-task in fast paced envir Apply: [email protected] (6/26)

JOB OPENING: VP MUSIC BUS & LEGAL AFF/ABC/LA:Min 10 yrs music/TV prodn; JD, top negot/draft skills; advise rights/uses musical content & copyright/IP issues; knwldg of TV music legal concepts. Appl: #253103  (6/26)

JOB OPENING: SALES OPS ASST TEMP/TV One/NYC: data validation/entry; crspnd w/clnts & int. depts. Attn detail, MS Suite,min. 2 yrs office exp req’d. Paradigm/Brdwy Sys; Ad Sales Traffic exp a +; $17-$22 DOE Visit: (6/25)

JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST/Nickelodeon/NYC: 2 yrs exp TV ratings resrch; comp Nielsen (Startrak, NPower, MktBreaks). Prof Excel; str analy sk. Deep knwlg TV ind, ratings, media math. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (6/25)

JOB OPENING: RECRUITER/HBO/NYC: 5-7 yrs recruiting exp. in an “in-house” or “corporate” recruitment dept. Execute full life-cycle recruitment at all levels. Apply: , Req#117694 (6/25)

JOB OPENING: OOH & MAG. MEDIA PLANNER & BUYER/Pearl River, NY (15 miles from NYC): Min 3 yrs exp. in both mag. and OOH buying req’d. Resumes to: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 (6/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL RSRCH MGR/DISNEY/CA: 4+ yrs exp in digital research, media analytics tools, strong analy/written skills, BA/BS req. Apply at: (ID250326)  (6/24)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC DIR, DIGITAL MKTG/National Geographic Channel/DC: 7+yrs Digital Mktg exp w/in Adv Agency a plus. Leads strategy & execution of all digital mktg efforts for NGC & NGWild. Apply @ ref. FNG20095 (6/24)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF AD SALES RESEARCH/FX/ NYC: 6+ yrs exp at a media company in Ad Sales Research. Expertise in Nielsen, MRI, Simmons, etc. Exp with mngng & training other analysts. Apply @ ref. FNG20042 (6/24)

JOB OPENING: PROD COORD/Sesame Workshop/NYC: Int’l exp. speaks Urdu & knows Pakistani culture; provide prod oversight on local adaptation of U.S. brand.Orgnzd/strong script skills/team player. [email protected]  (6/23)

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JOB OPENING: SR MGR DIGITAL SALES PROGRAMS/ABC/NY:  Work w/digital team, create pkgs/sponsorship opps, shepherd the implementation, ensure seamless execution throughout the life of the campaign # 250802 (6/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIG AD PROD DEV/NY: AD PROD DEV MGR: Execute goals of Dig Ad Ops focus prod dev, mgmt & optim.  (6/22)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SERVICES EXEC/NY: Assist AD w/all aspects of sales process, passion for selling, develop selling/deal strategies BA/BS preferably in mktg/comm, 5+ yrs wkg within sales/mktg Apply: (6/22)

JOB OPENING: JUNIOR CASTING DIRECTOR/NYC: For reality/non-fict TV. Extnsve rsrch for characters, subcultures, formats for next big hit. Basic shoot/edit/pitching & treatment writing. Res/Cov Ltr: [email protected]. 2+ yrs exp req’d (6/22)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/CAFEMOM/NY: Res. studies for ad prgrms, update synd. res. reports, ad hoc reports for mgmt insight. 5 yrs exp; exp w/comScore or Nielsen NetRating data; Excel, PPoint. More at (6/22)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MEDIA BUYER/PLANNER/NYC: with excellent neg. & critical thinking skills is needed to handle dev. & execution of online media campaigns. Cover, resume, & salary req. [email protected] Job# Digital MPB (6/22)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

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SITUATION WANTED: PROJ MGR, INTERACTIVE PLATFORMS: Ideation and Implementation Expert, Brand-to-Consumer Exp: Moving to NYC 6/29. Looking for FT. 2+ yrs exp in digital media, 3+ in brdcst. (6/25)

SITUATION WANTED: ACCOUNTING/FINANCE – 20+ yrs. experience in TV Broadcasting & Cable. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-Perm position: [email protected] (6/25)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & exp’d SR TRAFFIC COORD seeks a challenging new position.8 yrs media (6+ yrs traffic) & rec’d 4 NBC Ovation Awards for going above & beyond, as well as demonstrating excellence. [email protected] (6/24)

SITUATION WANTED: DIRECTOR/CREATIVE DEVELOPER: Animation. Dynamic, award-winning, fun-filled…Past clients include Warner Brothers, ABC Family, Comedy Central, Nick JR, HBO Family, MTV2, The Tornante Company. [email protected] (6/22)

SITUATION WANTED: SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIST (NY) seeking FT work. Balances research & analytics with a creative, strategic, & tactical vision of the social media landscape. Tweets, blogs, obtains mayorships. Contact: [email protected] (6/22)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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