Monday, June 18th, 2007



The network that ranks #1 in interest
among total adults 18+ and women 18+.
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Source:  June 2006 BETA Research Cable Subscriber Interest Study.  Ranking among 35 reported ad-supported emerging/digital networks (exclude commercial-free networks).



Good morning, it’s Monday, June 18, 2007 and this is your first early morning briefing.

FOX took care of some upfront business using the new currency – live commercial ratings plus three-days of DVR playback data. The recent deals, as reported in TV Week, are with various movie studios and reportedly FOX got price increases in the high single digits. The upfront is off to a slower start this year as both buyers and sellers are getting familiar with using the new ratings data.

Tonight’s Premieres:
NBC: Age of Love at 9p
MTV: My Super Sweet 16 at 9p, Engaged & Underage at 930p and Making the Band 4 at 10p
TNT: The Closer at 9p and Heartland at 10p
Tonight’s Finales:
NBC: Deal or No Deal at 8p
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Trifecta Entertainment & Media has cleared the syndicated reality series Jack Hanna, Into the Wild in 85% of the U.S. for a fall launch. The weekly program has been picked up by such station groups as Fox, CBS, Belo, Raycom, Hearst, Lin, Gannett, Clear Channel, Media General, Pappas, and Weigel.
Sundance Channel has extended its Spotlight web series on, making the profiles of artists, musicians and filmmakers a regular feature. Starting today, a new Spotlight will focus on indie rock musician Lou Barlow of Dinosaur Jr., followed by Sundance Film Festival Short Filmmakers on June 25 and animator Cole Gerst on July 2. The Spotlight series contains exclusive interviews with each subject, unique video that could include live performances, photos, as well as background information and music tracks when necessary. 

While CNN is reportedly wooing Campbell Brown, anchor of NBC’s Weekend Today, the cable news network is also planning the replacement for Paula Zahn Now, currently airing at 8p.  According to Variety, it’s expected Zahn will leave when her contract expires at the end of next month. If successful with Brown, CNN may have a new primetime anchor. Plan B apparently is to move Lou Dobbs to 8p, opposite Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. With that said, it’s probably fair to say there’s also a Plan C and a Plan D.

HBO Family picked up a 3D animated series ordered by the South African Broadcasting Corporation. Magic Cellar will debut on June 23 at 630p in the U.S. and Bermuda, marking the first time that an animated television series from Africa was purchased by a top U.S. network.  The Saturday show is based on 20 African folktales.  Magic Cellar was produced by Canada’s Chocolate Moose Media and South Africa’s Morula Pictures.

Anime Network has picked up the license for the young-adult targeted anime series Ninja Nonsense from The Right Stuf International. The Japanese comedy, described as “racy,” follows the mischievous adventures of a girl named Shinobu, a naive ninja-in-training. Comprised of 12 episodes, Ninja Nonsense is scheduled to debut on U.S. VOD on July 5 on Anime Network.

Weekend Box Office Estimates: June 15-17, 2007
Fantastic Four (Fox)                               $57.4 million – opening weekend
Ocean’s 13 (Warner Bros.)                       $19.1 million – 2 wk total $69.8m
Knocked Up (Universal)                           $14.5 million – 3 wk total $90.4m
Pirates: At World’s End (Buena Vista)        $12.0 million – 4 wk total $273.8m
Surf’s Up (Sony)                                    $9.3 million – 2 wk total $34.7m
Shrek the Third (Paramount/DreamWorks)  $9.0 million – 5 wk total $297.2m
Nancy Drew (Warner Bros.)                     $7.1 million – opening weekend
Hostel Part II (Lionsgate)                        $3.0 million – 2 wk total $14.2m
Mr. Brooks (MGM)                                  $2.8 million – 3 wk total $23.4m
Spider-Man 3 (Sony)                              $2.5 million – 7 wk total $330.0m
Source: Box Office Mojo
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Joining the cast of NBC‘s Heroes next season will be Nick D’Agosto in a recurring role as Claire’s boyfriend, who comes with his own super powers.

Jesse Martin has reupped with Law & Order, agreeing to return for his ninth season as Detective Ed Green. 
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Michael R. Polis has joined W!LDBRAIN in the new position of CMO. Previously, Michael served as SVP/Marketing Worldwide for The Jim Henson Company where he produced content for the web and for sale on DVD.



Today in Cynopsis Kids, listen to the audio version here, or subscribe to the iTunes CynKids podcast

  • Family and Consumer Choice Act of 2007
  • HBO acquires 3D animated African series for HBO Family KIDZ BOP concert tour

Today in Cynopsis International, listen to the audio version here or subscribe to the iTunes Cyn Int’l podcast  

  • Alfred Haber Distribution inks first two global TV deals agreements for The International Fight League programming
  • Viz Media signs distribution deal with Brazil’s SBT for TV Tokyo‘s Naruto
  • Logo to debut D.E.B.S. film on network TV for first time

Today in Cynopsis Digital, listen to the audio version here or subscribe to the iTunes Cyn Digital podcast

  • Sony is disconnecting the video and music components of Connect and connecting Grouper with a networked PS3
  • Major League Baseball Advanced Media is on pace to knock out $400 million in revenue
  • Online marketing/distributions options are increasing for indie filmmakers



THURSDAY – A18-49 AnalysisWeek to week, FOX kept a steady pace Thursday night winning with 3.5/12 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. FOX was the leader at 8p with Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? at 3.1/11, and at 9p won again with So You Think You Can Dance at 4.0/12. ABC succeeded in winning at 10p with its NBA Finals coverage at 3.7/11.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Thursday, June 14, 2007 – time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research

FOX       6.2/11       Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 5.9/11, So You Think You Can Dance 6.5/11

CBS       5.3/10         Pirate Master 3.7/7, CSI [r] 6.4/11, Shark [r] 5.8/10

ABC       4.9/9          Fast Cars & Superstars 3.8/7, NBA Pre-Game 3.7/7, NBA Finals 5.5/10

NBC       2.9/5           My Name Is Earl [r] 3.3/6, 30 Rock [r] 2.8/5, The Office [r] 2.9/5, Scrubs [r] 2.6/4, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip 3.0/5

UNIV      2.0/4          La Fea Mas Bella 2.1/4, Destilando Amor 2.3/4, Aqui y Ahora 1.7/3

CW        1.2/2          Smallville [r] 1.3/2, Supernatural [r] 1.1/2

TELE      0.7/1          Marina 0.7/1, Zorro 0.7/1, Esclava Isaura 0.7/1

A18-49: FOX 3.5/12, ABC 2.9/9, CBS 1.9/6, NBC 1.8/6, UNIV 1.7/5, CW 0.6/2, TELE 0.5/2

This Day in History: 1925 – Harvard University granted the first degree in landscape architecture.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia:  What early 80’s sitcom used “My Life”, by Billy Joel, as its theme song? BOSOM BUDDIES  Kudos to:  Alicia Lordi-NBC Universal/NY; Alan Asarch-Pearson Education/ Parsippany, NJ; Karen Feigenbaum-Fuse/NY; Paco Correa-Pacovision/NY; Heather R. Floore- KDAF/Dallas; Eric Merrill-GSD&M/Austin; Joy Starr-HIT Entertainment/Allen, TX; David Burke- Quad-City Times/Davenport, IA; Sam Zoda-Granada America/LA; Matt Sautter- Pilat Media/Denver; Amanda Klein-Primal Pictures/LA; Ginger Sheehy-Warren Miller Entertainment/Boulder

Today’s Trivia Question:  What was the name of the comic strip written by Henry Rush?   (click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Cyn

Cynopsis Ad Sales:  Mark Bohn- 203- 583-1224 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-926-9878 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DEVELP: Assist, to manage dept. daily operations, file, track contracts, maintain database & assist in reviewing pitches. Req’d. Phtshp, Illust, Script& final draft. [email protected]. (6/23)

JOB OPENING: DIR LEGAL & BUS AFFAIRS/NatGeo/ Wash DC: Help guide our mission by leading a team w/ your JD + 5 yrs in TV, film or new media. Draft agreements & advise. Competitive salary & benes apply @ (6/23)

JOB OPENING: PROJECT MGR, INNOVATIONS /INITIATIVE LA: (advertising). Dev creative, digital , and marketing ideas and presentations for clients. Req 3+ yrs + BA/BS, rel. exp +. Email [email protected]   EOE M/F/D/ (6/23

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL MEDIA & CONSUMER MKTG/National Geo Channel/Washington, DC: develop digital media, mktg & promo strategies to support NGC’s tune-in & awareness; 5+ yrs promo/mktg w/in media/entertain; 6/23)

JOB OPENING: NATIONAL CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP SALES/WGBH’s Sponsorship Group for Public Television: sell nat’l sponsorship of WGBH & partner productions as integrated media packages to F500 corps, 5+yrs sales exp. [email protected] (6/23)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAM ACQ-SCHED MGR/HD VOD/Marina del Rey: Assist SVP in content acq, prog rights mgmt, schedules/playlists, screen & eval, licensing, buy reports; 2+ yrs. exp. TV or new media, adv Excel; [email protected]   (6/23)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ASSOCIATE/Silver Spring MD: Support rsrch initiatives. 2yrs Rsrch exp. in Brdcst/Media pref. Quantitative/Qualitative rsrch background. Excellent growth opp. Apply: Position 5407 (6/22)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER OF STANDARDS & PRACTICES/MTV Tr3s/NYC: Review on-air & digital content for MTV Tr3s. Knowledge of FCC regulations. Bi-lingual Spanish. 3 yrs related experience. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (6/22)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Oxygen/NY: Support 2 AEs and Sales Planner w/ all aspects of sales process. Must be detailed oriented w/strong PC Skills and a team player. 1+ yr cable exp or advertising agency. Resume to: [email protected] (6/21)

JOB OPENING: VP MKTG/ Retirement Living TV, DC/Balto area: BA, 7 yrs Sr Mgmt exp, tv or media exp req/ oversee dev of mktg strategies & campaigns, create & implement mktg plan, short to long term strategy, apply @ (6/21)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCERS, ASSOCIATE PRODUCERS & FIELD PRODUCERS/NY based Nationally Syndicated TV show. All needed and each position must have experience in talk. RESUMES: [email protected] (6/21)

JOB OPENING: DIR, BUS. DEV/NY: Emph on brdbnd bus. Knowl ent. ind. Knowl. w/cab & sat. ind. Intutve analytcl sklls. Able to mng proj. Min. 3 yrs post MBA rel. exp.Ability to manage multi projects simul. [email protected] (6/21)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PROGRAMMING/VERSUS/Stamford, CT: Assist w/all aspects of scheduling for fast growing sports cable net.1-2 yrs prior exp, knwldg/interest in sports & strong computer skills req’d.EOE.Apply at (6/20)

JOB OPENING: CONTENT DVLPMNT/RIGHTS MGR for NY Metro Area leading cable ntwrk.Leveraging content assets across multi-platform.Prod & Rights clearance exp. Req’d.Contract negotiation skills a +. Apply [email protected]    (6/20)

JOB OPENING: DR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Fox Cable/ NY:Establish & maintain relations w/nat’l Direct Response Advertisers & Agencies; identify avail inventory; 2+ yrs DR sls experience; strong comm & present skills; (6/20)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/EDITOR : Write, shoot, edit provocative shorts for bilingual audience. Take projects from pre to post production. Know Final Cut, Photoshop, After Effects, etc. Send links to your reel: [email protected] (6/20)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/KTXL FOX40/Sacramento: More at To apply send resume; Email: [email protected] or Fax: (916) 733-3110; EOE (6/20)

JOB OPENING: PROMO SERVICE REP/Fox/NY:dvlp & execute sponsor partnerships (in-show integration, promotions & on-site branding); liaise w/ internal & external clients; 2+yrs promo/mktg w/in entertain or adv; (6/20)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT MGR-AFFILIATE SALES/AETN, NY: Support the NE & SE regions in distribution, promotion and marketing of all the AETN networks.  2+ years
exp in Affiliate Sales.   Apply: (6/19)

JOB OPENING:  MEDIA SALES PLANNER/AMC/WE TV – LA: 2-4 yrs cable TV experience. Must have a minimum of 2 Upfronts and Gabriel exp pref. Resumes to #3628BR  (6/19)

JOB OPENING: SR. BUYER/Job Share/SPOT TV/Active Int’l Pearl River NY(15 miles from NYC): 3 days-24hours total, 7 yrs+ agency Buying Spot TV exp a must; Resumes to: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 (6/19)

JOB OPENING: SR. NEGOTIATOR/National Broadcast/Pearl River NY(15 miles NYC): Exp in all areas of Nat’l Broadcast placement. Strong analytical & presentation skills req’d. Resume: [email protected] or call 845 732-8943 (6/19)

JOB OPENING: GROUP BUYING DIR/Spot TV-Active Int’l /Pearl River NY (15 miles NYC): 10 Exp+. in Supervising/Buying TV. Strong negotiating, operations & team bldg skills req’d. [email protected] 845-732-8943 (6/19)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: WE Public Relations, NY, NY opportunity to learn the mechanics of a major cable network tv comm dept by working w/ the publicists & participate in daily ops. Visit req Id 3694 for more details. (6/23)


SITUATION WANTED: DEVELOPMENT MANAGER/Content Creator: Reality & scripted content/treatment writer w/ strong suit for comedy. Have pitched to major networks. Exp @ reputable TV & Film companies. Reply: [email protected] (6/23)

SITUATION WANTED: Teen drama seeks home on the Internet. Sized perfectly to fit the format. Great for branded entertainment. For more info contact [email protected] for link and password to pilot. Need to track all inquiries (6/23)

SITUATION WANTED: ASST. PRODUCER/PROD. COORDINATOR/NYC: 3+yrs Freelance exp. Excellent skills incl. multitasking, organization, computer. Hard worker. Fast learner. Motivated. Available immediately. Contact: [email protected] (6/23)

SITUATION WANTED: CONSULTANT w/20 yrs transactional/biz affairs/biz dev/legal experience in cable, broadband, broadcast. Successful and creative solutions. Available project basis/hourly rate. contact [email protected] (6/21)

SITUATION WANTED: SALES /NYC. Exp. professional with strong interest in media looking to transfer Wall Street sales & analytical skills to ent. industry. Seeks position in sales dept. w/ability to learn & grow. [email protected] (6/20)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

WHAT’S ON TONIGHT: Monday, June 18, 2007

ABC:    Wife Swap [r], Ex-Wives Club, Supernanny [r]
CBS:     Creature Comforts , Old Christine [r], Two and a Half Men [r], How I Met Your Mother [r], CSI:Miami [r]
CW:     Everyone Hates Chris [r], All of Us [r], Girlfriends [r], The Game [r]
FOX:    The Simpson’s [r], American Dad [r], Hell’s Kitchen
ION:     Mama’s Family, Mama’s Family, Diagnosis Murder, Wonder Years, Wonder Years
MNT:    IFL Battleground [r]
NBC:    Deal or No Deal [f ], Age of Love [p ], Dateline
PBS:    Antiques Roadshow [r], Simon Schama’s Power of Art: Van Gogh, Simon Schama’s Power of Art: Picasso
TELE:   Marina, Zorro, La Esclava Isaura
UNIV:   La Fea Mas Bella, Destilando Amor, Cristina

CYNOPSIS EMAILS TO THE EDITOR:   To submit an Email to the Editor, send to [email protected], Subject: Email to the Editor.  By sending an email with the subject Email to Editor and with your full name, you should anticipate it will be published in the next edition of Cynopsis with full attribution.   Not all Emails to the Editor will be published, and those that are may be edited for length and/or language.



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