Monday, January 30th, 2012

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Monday, January 30, 2012, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis editions online, click here.

Facebook could file paperwork for its upcoming initial public offering this week, reports The Wall Street Journal. As has been often discussed over the past several months, the deal could net Facebook a valuation between $75 billion and $100 billion, as the company seeks to raise up to $10 billion for the IPO (a valuation closer to $75 billion would actually be lower than most expectations). If it does raise $10 billion, it would become the fourth-largest IPO for U.S. companies, falling only behind Visa, General Motors and AT&T Wireless. The target for the IPO is sometime between late spring and early summer 2012. According to the Journal‘s sources, Facebook is also close to choosing Morgan Stanley as the lead bank for the deal. However, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley’s chief rival in this matter, might also play a significant role.


Veria Living, a media company centered on providing wellness programming and other health-related lifestyle content, has re-launched The site features six channels, each offering articles, videos, and expert advice covering different aspects of healthy living, from nutrition tips to advice on fitness, pregnancy and parenting, healthy housekeeping and other health-related lifestyle topics. The site also offers localized tools to users; for example: a tool on the “Yoga & Fitness” channel helps users locate classes being offered nearby.


Harvard University has unveiled The Experiment Fund, a new venture capital firm, backed by New Enterprise Associates, which will be located on the school’s campus. Independent from the school itself, the new firm is designed to provide budding entrepreneurs guidance, including access to experts and, in some cases, seed capital, as they develop their ideas and projects. According to the firm, “When the ‘next big thing’ is invented in a cramped dorm room, ruminated over in a late-night cafe or discovered in a laboratory, it will find more support in (and its inventors will have better reasons to stay connected to) the Cambridge area.” Even though it will be housed on the Harvard campus, the Fund’s website asserts that its services will not be exclusive to only Harvard students. Patrick Chung, one of the co-founders of the Fund, expects it to support several “promising” companies in the next two years. Over the same time period, each new venture can receive up to $250,000 in investment.


Using LinkedIn’s InMail messaging platform, Cisco Systems delivered a video ad for its “The Cisco Story” campaign to approximately 140,000 CxOs on the social network. Here’s how it worked: an ad alerting the user to the campaign was delivered to LinkedIn members who are CxOs; a personalized message, accompanied by an embedded video, was also delivered to their inbox; a button on the video allowed the viewer to share it on LinkedIn and other social networks, as well as to click through to go to the campaign’s landing page. InMail messages are a part of LinkedIn’s Partner Messages platform, which offers clients an opportunity to deliver customized messages to a targeted group of users via a co-branded landing page, an ad unit and a call-to-action button. “The Cisco Story” campaign, which is designed to explain “what Cisco makes possible for its customers with its technology solutions,” premiered two weekends ago via a TV ad during the NFL playoffs.

VeriFone Systems, Inc. has become the newest member of the Digital Place-based Advertising Association (DPAA). VeriFone Media owns and operates the VeriFone Digital Network, which delivers over 130 million monthly digital advertising impressions to consumers in taxis and at gas pumps. It combines its media delivery with its payments technology, creating an out-of-home network that looks to reach viewers as well as convert them into consumers. Founded in 2006, the DPAA is tasked with fostering collaboration between agencies and digital place-based networks; providing standards, best practices and industry-wide research; and promoting the effectiveness of the medium.


A group of Vancouver-based production, technology and media companies have come together to launch RenderCloud, a “server farm” that will allow studios to render in the cloud and facilitate workshare on large special effects and animation projects. The project was spearheaded by Vancouver Studio Group, Great Northern Way Campus (GNWC), Scalar Decisions and BC Film and Media. RenderCloud will be housed at GNWC’s Centre for Digital Media, where it will hold over 600 servers. Scalar Decisions hopes to grow RenderCloud to 1,500 by this summer, and up to 5,000 in the long-term future. Clients will be able to pay for the server technology on an “as-needed” cost-per-day basis, as well as “subleasing” their resources to other studios when they themselves don’t need them. The entire project is meant to be a step toward establishing Vancouver as equally viable as the U.S., U.K., New Zealand and Australia for large-scale production of 3D, animation and special effects for feature films, television and games.

Twitter has provided some clarification on its decision to selectively censor tweets according to countries’ “different ideas about the contours of freedom of expression.” First, the social network says that any tweet it decides to block in a particular country will be done so retroactively “in response to what [Twitter] believes to be a valid and applicable legal request.” Second, any withheld content will be identified as such to users in that country, and users will be given the option to learn more about why that particular tweet was blocked. Third, via the company’s partnership with Chilling Effects, Twitter will make notices and requests for blocking content publicly available on this page. Twitter has not put this program into motion just yet, but according to them, it is a way to not have to delete “offending” content on a global scale, while at the same time showing transparency for why it decided to take such an action in a particular country.


The internet economy of G-20 nations is projected to reach $4.2 trillion in 2016, according to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). It would nearly double the size it was in 2010, when it reached $2.3 trillion. The report attributes the jump in users across the globe (from 1.9 billion in 2010 to a projected 3 billion in 2016) as one of the biggest drivers in the expected growth. The rise of emerging markets, popularity of mobile devices and the growth of social media are also provided as reasons for the forecast. In addition, BCG states that $1.3 trillion worth of goods were researched online first, before the consumer made the purchase offline. This represents a 2.7% of GDP, more than $3,000 per connected household. With all of that in mind, BCG stresses the importance of every business needing to “go digital” in order to take advantage of the massive shift toward web adoption and usage.

In news that is sure to not surprise you, per eMarketer, IHS Screen Digest estimates that 96% of smartphone apps downloaded in 2011 were done so for free. As free apps have no direct source of revenue, marketers generally monetize them via advertising and/or the “freemium” model. The latter will become the more popular revenue model of choice in the future, according to IHS. In fact, it sees in-app purchases accounting for 64% of total smartphone app revenue in 2015, up from 39% in 2011. For this to happen, however, apps need to develop repeat visitors. eMarketer cites a separate study, this one from mobile analytics company Localytics, which finds that loyal app users produce 25% more in-app purchases than average customers. In addition, 44% of smartphone users who had made an in-app purchase only did so after having interacting with the app for 10 or more times.

66.9 million tablets were sold worldwide in 2011, which is a 260% increase over the 18.6 million units that were sold in 2010, according to the latest numbers from Strategy Analytics. The last three months of 2011 played a significant role in the growth of tablet sales as 26.8 million units were sold in the 4Q 2011 alone, which, according to the research firm, is a new record. Of that, 58% were iPads and 39% were Android devices, which actually reflected a growth in share of the tablet market for the Android operating system. A year earlier, Android had accounted for 29% of global tablet sales, while the iPad had held down a larger share at 68%.


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Let’s start off your week right, shall we? This project has been making the rounds on the web over the last week, and it is incredibly cool if you’re interested in the possibilities of user-generated content, digital media and, of course, Star Wars. Arguably the most talked-about movie of the last 100 years (I have no facts to back this up, just a gut feeling) has been remade by a large group of fans and users, each producing a 15-second interval of the popular film. has been an expansive, two-year project from Casey Pugh, who asked fans from all over the world to help him remake the movie by picking out and shooting recreations of their favorite scenes. The response was very positive, and recently Pugh and his team cut together their favorite contributions to make a full, crowdsourced version of A New Hope. Check it out; it won Pugh an Emmy for Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media.


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Later – Sahil
Sahil Patel, Associate Reporter for Cynopsis Digital

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JOB OPENING: MGR, PARTNERSHIPS/NY: Work w/Ad Sales across A+E Networks brands to sell value based partnerships. Focus on Movie Studio deals (2/4)

JOB OPENING: VP PROGRAM SCHED & PRGRAM PLANNING/RLTV/BALTO, MD: Optimize ratings & leverage prgrm inventory to max brand positioning. Exp: managing var. prgm formats, cable, ratings & research systems. Send resume: [email protected] (2/4)

JOB OPENING: DIR TALENT RELATIONS/BBC AMERICA/NYC: Develop talent strategy includes celebrity driven activites/projcts/stunts. Nurture new talent. 5-8 yrs ent talent mgmt exp. Press/casting/booking exp, a +. [email protected] (2/4)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL DISTRIBTN & BIZ DEV/BBC WORLDWIDE AMERICAS/NYC: Negotiates & manages the license of BBC properties to select digital video platforms in the US, including multi-platfrm dig VOD & EST clients. [email protected] (2/4)

JOB OPENING: CONTRACT ATT., LBA/Los Angeles: Attorney who will be drafting and negotiating contracts for one of the top cable companies (2/3)
JOB OPENING: TEMPORARY PRIMARY RESEARCH VP, USA NETWORK/NYC: Plan, design, analyze consumer research. Cable network exp. req. Strong online survey skills. Temp role. Apply: [email protected] Subject: Research (2/3)

JOB OPENING: SR PROD/PROD, DIG (WEBSITE)/CURRENT/SFO: Run website for its soon-to-launch PT prog. Highly energetic ind. to oversee strat/pub content for prgrm’s website & social media platforms daily. Res/cov req: [email protected] (2/3)

JOB OPENING: DIR, CONSUMER MKTG/CURRENT/NY: Dvlp/implement & mng Current’s brand initiatives & prtnrshps across all media platforms. 5yrs+ exp cbl &or brdcst ntwrk prgrm mktg campaign creation/exec. Res/cover: [email protected] (2/3)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST/The Food Network/NYC: For Ad Sales Rsrch team. Resp for providing research support. Work w/ Ad Sales to create rsrch solutions & achieve rev goals. Details: & select req 2796 (2/2)

JOB OPENING: ANLYST, DIG SLS RSRCH/FOX/NY: Dvlp/maint FOX online digtl aud estimates. Prvds data analysis frm 3rd prty sources, incl. Omniture, Nielsen & comScore. BA/BS & 2+ yrs digtl as sls rsrch exp. FNG0000908 (2/2)

JOB OPENING: DIST COUNSEL/A+E Networks/NY: 5+ yrs. exp. Aff Sales Atty providing legal support for U.S., Canadian & Caribbean dist of 10 A+E ntwrks. More info & Apply: #119820 (2/1)

JOB OPENING: TV SALES PLANNER-U-VERSE/AT&T AdWorks/NY: 2+ yrs sales and media planning exp. Apply- (2/1)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE CONTRIBUTING DIYER/NYC: for Multimedia Co. Live TV exp as spokesperson/host, DIY ability & accessibility for New York based media req’d. Digital reel, bio, headshot, rates & resume: [email protected] (2/1)

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JOB OPENING: EDITOR/WGBH/BOSTON: Proj Contract, FT, 37-45 Wks. Edit program content. 5 yrs editing exp. Exp w/ editing music. Knowledge of effects & computer editing. Apply: (2/1)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH & MKTG SVCS/NYC: Lead qualitative & quantitative research/analysis; Sr-Level position; Proactive, Creative, Detail-Oriented; 10+ yrs exp w/ data collection & applied research; (2/1)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/NYC: 2+ years in TV research; strong analytical and presentation writing skills, Working knowledge of Npower/Ad*views/MRI/Comscore, advanced PowerPoint/Excel. Apply: [email protected] (2/1)

JOB OPENING: SEG PRODUCER/NYC: Talkshow needs Seg Producer. Strong booking abilities for conflict story lines. Min 5yrs talk/reality/casting. Resume: [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, AFFILIATE FINANCE/KNOXVILLE, TN: Manage analytics of affiliation contracts. Exp w/ short/long term planning for business ops. 5+ yrs exp in Accounting or Finance. Degree req’d. #2748 (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MGR, SOC MED/COMM-FS SOUTH/ATL: Create & implmt soc med & comm. strategy maintain FS South’s position to better connect w/ loc fans. BS/BA Comm, PR. Min 5-7 yrs exp PR or Mktg., FNG0000649 (1/31)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR ADVANCED MEDIA/COMCAST/PHL: Resp for maximizing and providing strategic direction for Advanced Media opps & other cross-platform sales efforts. BA deg pref’d. (1/31)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Entertainment firm/NYC: 15-25 hrs wkly. Fluent read/write Chinese reqd. Fluent read/write English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (put “Internship” in subject). (2/2)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 20 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (put “Beijing” in subject). (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT: position film/tv (NY) 10 years experience: Interned for a President, Executive Assistant to SVP/VP/film director/celebrity [email protected] (2/4)

SITUATION WANTED: I’M ALL YOURS/N.Y. Seeking to Assist, Currently an E.A. to Chief of Dept. 5 Yrs. work exp. B.A. Mass Comm. Contact, [email protected] (2/4)

SITUATION WANTED: AD SALES ASSISTANT/CHICAGO: Interned at Comcast Sports Net in Ad Sales, Works as Sales Assistant at NBCUniversal. Has B.A. from DePaul in PR/Advertising. Resume upon request. Contact [email protected] (2/4)

SITUATION WANTED: TV PRODUCER/NY: 12 yrs in live news preps you for anything. Recently branched out into food TV and corp media. Highly organized/natural leader/thrive under pressure/tailor talents to any subject [email protected] (2/4)

SITUATION WANTED:  Jeanne Intile Burns, VOICE-OVER ARTIST/VOICE COACH, Cell: 845-721-9681, E-Mail: [email protected], Web Links:,, (“American Biographies”) (2/3)

SITUATION WANTED:  EXP’D MEDIA SALES PROFESSIONAL: 20+yrs of multi-media sales exp, 10+ years of sales management exp, a strong sales track record and having a strategic plan to growing clients is looking for an opportunity to help a company grow. Contact: [email protected]  (2/3)

SITUATION WANTED: PROMO SCHEDULER. Highly experienced promo scheduler (including AMC & Vh1) seeks full-time work within New York City. Resume available upon request. Contact: [email protected] (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED:  SR REVENUE STARTER/INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTOR/LA BASED: Well connected. ISO differentiated media properties (advanced TV, video, digital) Consulting or full-time. Contact Steven. [email protected] (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED: EXECUTIVE/SUPERVISING PRODUCER: 10 yrs experience, as well as raising over 1MM in sponsorships and on air talent. FOX, MTV, SPEED, Discovery. [email protected] reel (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER/NYC: Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED: BROADCAST TV, VOD, AND RADIO SALES/NY: Integrated salesand inventory & pricingmanagement 6+YR exp. seeking to become a critical contributing member to the Ad Sales team. Contact: [email protected] (2/2)

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA RESEARCH EXPERT/NY: but will relocate: Seek management opportunity. Ad sales,/prgrming/ mgmnt w/expertise in interpret/anal quant/qual & spearhead custom. Team leader & team player. [email protected] (1/31)

SITUATION WANTED: MULTI-PLATFORM SALES EXPERT: Resourceful hunter w strong, relevant skill-set translating to mutually beneficial success. Multi-media exp across mobile, digital, TV, sports, radio, online & OOH. [email protected] (1/31)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/CREATIVE WRITER, SEG & FIELD PROD: 9+yrs TV: Univision, MTV, Mun2, Lat Grammy, Telemundo, Strong ethics, Mng & people skills Exp talent & celebs Eng/Sp FCP, Photoshop, MiniDVCam 310-254-0131 [email protected] (1/31)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT/NEW YORK: Current NBC Page with experience at “Saturday Night Live”, “TODAY”, and “Mad Money w/ Jim Cramer”. Experience in film, as well, at Focus Features. Resume available upon request: [email protected] (1/31)

SITUATION WANTED: FREELANCE VIDEOGRAPHER: 5 years experience with Multi Camera Truck, open availability. Experience in filming sporting events, town hall meetings, weddings… 757-229-3282 email [email protected] (1/31)

SITUATION WANTED: DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/LA BASED: Reality/Ent/Docs. NBC; CBS; Spike; Dis; TLC; E!; History; Syfy;Travel Channel; runs on Batteries. [email protected] (1/31)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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