Monday, August 9th, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL



Good morning, it’s Monday, August 9, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

Saudi Arabian officials have reached a preliminary agreement with Research In Motion (RIM) that would give security officials limited access to users’ data in a bid to prevent a ban on BlackBerry devices, according to a report in the AP. In what could set a precedent in international territories, RIM plans to place a server inside Saudi Arabia to provide access to encrypted information to government officials. In a related story, Bahrain’s foreign minister said his Persian Gulf country has no plans to ban some BlackBerry services, explaining that security fears do not outweigh the device’s technological benefits.


RTL and ProSieben, Germany’s two largest commercial broadcasters, said Friday they have submitted plans for a new Hulu-style ad supported platform of catch-up TV services across Germany and Austria to the European Commission antitrust committee. The platform would be open to all broadcasters, including private competitors and public TV stations, per Dow Jones.
Licensing talks between the Universal Music Group and MTV Networks have taken a turn for worse, resulting in the removal of all UMG artists’ music videos from, and, per Billboard. Rights to stream Universal music videos are being handled by the Vevo online joint venture, also owned by Sony Music and YouTube.


Social gaming start-up Zynga has acquired Tokyo-based Unoh, one of Japan’s leading social games companies (“Machitsuku!,” “Band Yarouyo!”) Unoh games will form the foundation of Zynga Japan’s mobile product efforts, according to the SoftBank and Zynga joint venture.


Primetime Emmy® Awards Special Series: Actor/Actress
This Thursday, August 12

The final Special Series issue before the Awards are presented!
Time is running out to showcase your Nominee to Primetime Emmy® Voters.
Contact Mike Farina, [email protected] , 203.218.6480 for impactful advertising programs.

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FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said that a reported arrangement between Google and Verizon that would result in Google paying for faster access for its customers would be “unacceptable,” according to a report in the NYTimes. The FCC, which broke off net neutrality talks with a group of companies last week, is considering several options to improve U.S. broadband infrastructure including reclassifying broadband as a Title II service. The commission also released a statement last week seeking broad public input on how to continue improving data and analysis for its next broadband deployment report.
The Pentagon is demanding that return the more than 70,000 classified U.S. field reports it acquired regarding the war in Afghanistan, as well as some 15,000 additional records that the Web site says it might release soon.
Acting upon the industry’s concern over Over-the-Top video services, Openet launched a new Partner Service Controls software solution for cable MSOs. It enables operators to partner with third-party content, application and device manufacturers to deliver subscription or PPV services through their closed networks, complete with full backend and billing support.


EA Sports announced it will release the iPhone and iPad Madden NFL game this year on August 10, the same day the Madden NFL 10 console game comes out. iPhone 4 users will enjoy improved graphics because of the phone’s higher resolution screen and greater processing power, according to EA. A new feature called GameFlow is also featured on all versions, a play calling system designed to speed up the play of the game. No pricing info was disclosed.
Social game developer Kabam (formerly known as Watercooler) has worked with Sports Illustrated to create the SI Fantasy Football Facebook app, also available on and mobile. The ad supported app (sponsored by GMC and Finish Line) is meant to be a social hub for fantasy footballers who draft their teams using the SI FF draft kit, complete with draft analysis, tips and news NFL news coverage. 


Mark Papermaster, the Apple engineer who oversaw the design of the iPhone, has left the company, per the NYTimes. Bob Mansfield, SVP/Macintosh Hardware Engineering, is assuming his responsibilities.
Initiative announced several additions as well as a promotion within its client management team. Both Jason Harrington and Julia Jones join the agency as SVP, Group Account Directors, responsible for strategic planning, media activation and optimization for several of the agency’s flagship clients. Todd Gordon has also been promoted to SVP, Managing Director National Broadcast reporting to Kris Magel, EVP/National Broadcast. 
Digital delivery service SmartJog has hired former Ascent Media Network Services director, Jodynne Wood as Senior Account Manager. Jodynne will be based in SmartJog’s Los Angeles office.


Football fans who cannot or will not get DirecTV have long complained about the satellite broadcaster’s exclusive lock on the NFL package. The league has decided to help them scratch their itch by offering live online video access to at least preseason games this year. kicked off its NFL Preseason Live offering Sunday night with coverage of the NFL’s first preseason game between the Cincinnati Bengals and Dallas Cowboys. (The league couldn’t ask for a better storyline, as it featured the return of the outspoken Terrell Owens to his former team – which released him before the start of last season without even notifying him.) The $39.99 subscription package, powered by partner NeuLion, features live and on demand HD access to over 50 preseason games with lots of bells and whistles, including movable picture-in-picture and mosaic layouts to watch multiple games at once. Preseason games aren’t nearly as exciting (or important) as regular season matchups, but they have become more interesting to the legions of fantasy football fans out there who want to get a glimpse at the players before their fantasy drafts. NeuLion is also powering’s Audio Pass service, offering live and archived audio access to every regular season game for $29.99, as well as NFL Game Rewind – HD-quality game replays sans commercials (available 24 hours after the game is played) for $39.99/season, double what it costs when the product initially launched. The league is offering a special bundle deal – pricing all 3 for $99.99 (a savings of 30 bucks) – but that’s a premium price when you consider that the bundle price is still more than what charged for its basic, streaming a whole season of live games. ( is also available to stream on your television through an integration with Roku, an essential part of the strategy if the NFL wants to get traction with this.)
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: SUPR, PROG INVENT/Rainbow/NYC: Mng projs related to inventory admin for cable nets. Anlyz/review contracts & inv data. Exp in invent admin, Fam w/contracts & solid analytical skills a mus. #11403BR (8/14)

JOB OPENING: LICENSING MGR, LATIN AMERICA (NYC): Leads retail strategy & drives profitability 5+ yrs. exp. Excellent organizational skills & ability to multi-task in fast-paced environment BA/BS deg. req. [email protected] (8/14)

JOB OPENING: AFFILIATE MRKTG, INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS MGR/Univision NYC:  Develop/Execute distributor marketing and media partnerships/exp in media and consumer marketing, Spanish fluent a + EOE Resumes: [email protected]   (8/13)
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JOB OPENING:  DIR OF FINANCE/Multi platform kids /Burbank:  Needs  P/T 3days a wk.  Understanding of children’s properties & cross media platforms. Expert fin’l modeling & hands on attitude req’d. [email protected] (8/13)

JOB OPENING:    INTEGRATED MKTG MGR/fuse:  Dvlp/execute revenue generating multi-platform integrated mktg opps 4 potential/existing Ad Sls clients. Dvlp promo/spnsrshps 4 dig pltfrm. Apply: employment @bott #2010-503

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PRODUCT MNGMNT/NYC/Northern VA/INVISION, Inc: Digital professional w/ exp in sales plan’g and/or sales operations at a mid to lrg sized publisher, looking for a new challenge. Resume: [email protected] (8/12)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR PRODUCT STRATEGY/ Burbank: manage multiplatform digital strategy, identify digital platform opportunities, EOE apply via job ID 257865 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRODUCT STRATEGY/Burbank: define digital priorities for the Playhouse Disney property & franchise; min 6 yrs exp in digital media space; EOE apply via job ID 257203 (8/12)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED MKTG/AETN/LA: Liaise btw ad sales partnerships/mktg on added val sprshps btw clnts/adv & LT/LMN assts/props; TV Mktg exp; Ad Sls Mktg pfd (8/12)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER EDITORS/HOUSTON: The new Tribune is recruiting anti-establishment preditors to collaborate on a groundbreaking morning news/infotainment format unlike anything ever tried on local TV. Job 15014 (8/11)

JOB OPENING: SR. AD SALES EXEC/Hearst Magazines/NY: Develop and implement sales strategy for media tablet “apps” Work across magazine platform,7-10yrs ad sales exp, be early adapter of changing media technology  [email protected] (8/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER-MUSIC CHOICE/LA:Create integrated cross platform proposals,mng accnts,update sales materials,identify & research prospects. 2+yrs of ntwrk/agency exp pref’d. (8/11)

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JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MKTG MGR/NYC: Provide strategy & execution of digital mktg efforts (online communities, social media, partnerships) for digital ntwrks (qubo & ION Life) of ION Media Ntwrks EOE [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/OVATION/NY: Develop & mng new/existing accts. Excellent presentation + negotiation skills, solid agency/client relationships  5+ years media experience. Resumes to: [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR BUS. OPS/ESPN Inc/NYC:Resp.for mgmt of ad sales support team. Min of 5 yrs exp. in ad ind.TV exp. Pref’d-dig. exp. a +. Strong analytical skills w/mgmt or supervisory exp. Resume: [email protected] EOE/M/F/D/AAP (8/10)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH DIR/SPOTLIGHT/PITTSBURGH PA: Comcast Spotlight: 10+ yrs related rsrch exp; excellent written and oral comm. skills; provide leadership & direction for rsrch team of 3; learn more at (8/10)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES AE/NYC: small TV Net sales group, 2-5 years sales exp in internet/digital req’d , build/create sales strategies & proposals , young adult exp a + , some travel to Chicago & LA [email protected] (8/10)

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST /Fuse/NY: Support consumer/trade publicity efforts to gen awareness of Fuse brand. Write, pitch, & execute public relations plans & events. Min 2-3 yrs media rel. exp. Rez to [email protected] “Pub” in subj (8/10)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Oxygen Media/NBCU/NY/ SOCIAL MEDIA INTERN: Must be eligible to earn college credit, able towork2-3 full days during fall semester, passionate about TV & social media. Resume to [email protected] (8/13)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  TV PROD INTERN/NY: handle fast-paced position for a min of 10 hrs per wk. Addt’l hours may be banked. Must have basic knwldg of Excel & Word. Prior office exp is a +. Please contact [email protected] (8/13)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Development Company in midtown Manhattan. Good writing skills, attention to detail, and enthusiasm a must! Knowledge of FCP a plus. Start right away, for credit only. Email resumes: [email protected] (8/11)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Oxygen Media/NBCU(NY) DIGITAL EDITORIAL INTERN with an enthusiasm for marketing/online, strong writing/editing skills, social networking,& MS Office. work part time. Resumes to [email protected] (8/11)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: Executive Assistant position film/TV (NY) 10 years experience: Interned for a President, Executive Assistant to SVP/VP/film director/celebrity [email protected] (8/14)

SITUATION WANTED: Hard working, self-starter PRODUCTION MANAGER(NY)with Field Producing and Post Supervisor experience seeks challenging new position. Past companies include HBO, MTV, A&E, Thirteen & Nat Geo. [email protected]   (8/13)
SITUATION WANTED: STORY/POST PRODUCER (LA): Creative thinker/hard worker, 10+ years experience, all reality genres, many network & cable credits. Great at paper cuts, solid in edit bay, detail-oriented, fun. [email protected] (8/12)

SITUATION WANTED: ONLINE ACCOUNT EXEC/NY: 5yrs digital Media exp/goal oriented, customer service driven/top agency list/exp. with display,video,sponsorships,newsletter,integrated custom content. Contact: [email protected]  (8/12)

SITUATION WANTED: Assistant – Film/Television. 13 yrs. work experience (6+ as an asst.). Internship at Participant Media. Final Cut Pro. Hold MFA, MA, and BA degrees. [email protected] (8/11)

SITUATION WANTED: CHILDREN’S PRODUCER/CREATIVE DEVELOPER Animation and live action. BBC TV trained. 200 credits as producer and 100 credits as writer of children’s and family shows. Canada-based Canadian and UK citizen. [email protected] (8/11)

SITUATION WANTED: PA/ NYC: NYU Film & TV grad seeking entry-level work. Writer/Director/SFX Makeup/Art Department/Production. Can handle both Mac and PC systems with Microsoft Office, FCP, etc. Contact: [email protected] (8/11)


E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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