BBC America/BBC Worldwide Americas, HT Capital Advisors,
Warner Bros. Domestic Cable Distribution, HBO, Fox Broadcasting, Certainly Studio,
NBC Universal, The Dovetail Group, Sir Groovy, FEARnet
And thanks to all those who bid on our auction items! This year’s event drew in 3x the dollars as last year, with all the proceeds going to
Kids In Need and EarthEcho International
www.cynopsisfoundation.org .
Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Monday, August 25, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
NBCOlympics.com generated just $5.75 million in online video ad revenue from the Olympics according to eMarketer estimates acquired by the WSJ. NBCOlympics.com frustrated fans (and advertisers) by withholding live video of key events from the site and chose not to syndicate the video to other sites, limiting its viral reach. By comparison CBS Sports claims it made $23 million from streaming the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament this year after dropping registration requirements and allowing video to be embedded across multiple portals.
Major League Baseball Advanced Media extended its digital rights contract with ESPN providing for a wide range of distribution through 2013. The network negotiated for rights to stream live games and other events ESPN has the TV rights for on multiple platforms including ESPN.com, ESPN 360.com and ESPN Mobile TV – subject to local blackouts. ESPN also gained the right to offer MLB-related programming on portable devices, video game consoles and interactive mediums including iTunes, Zune, Xbox Live Marketplace and ESPN GameCast.
Working to enhance its online resources for parents PBS relaunched its pbsparents.org portal introducing new content including a new parenting blog and a guide to “Understanding and Raising Girls.” Three real-life sisters Jen Lemen, Kristen Hammond and Patience Salgado (who have eight children among them) will pen the Supersisters blog.
Gamers chomping at the bit to get their hands on Will Wright’s latest sim masterpiece Spore may want to check out How to Build a Better Being on National Geographic Channel tomorrow night at 10 p ET/PT. The documentary offers insight into the genetic engineering research that went into Spore, which enables players to design life forms utilizing a menu of creator tools. The Spore Galactic Edition, which includes a DVD of the documentary, is due out for PC and Mac on Sept. 7.
Kids entertainment publisher Jetix Europe announced that redesigns of all 19 of its localized websites will rollout across Europe in September. With the help of Bloc Media, Jetix focused on improving the look, navigation and functionality of the sites. New features include a brand new interactive video player, enhanced game sections and additional social networking features.
Last Thursday evening, The Cynopsis Foundation Inc. held its second annual Charity Dinner and Auction fundraiser at New York City’s Chelsea Pier 60. The evening demonstrated the importance of encouraging and enabling all children to dare to dream to become whatever they want to be and thanks to its Presenting Sponsor qubo, and Participating Sponsors A&E Television Network and Retirement Living TV, and guests from more than 40 industry organizations, the Foundation was able to raise more than $85,000, to be donated to this year’s recipient charities – Kids In Need and EarthEcho International. After a wonderful performance by Emmy and Grammy nominee pianist Richard Freitas, attendees had the opportunity to bid on exclusive experiences such as a session with Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan and a private dinner with Philippe Cousteau. Also on the auction block were very popular luxury trips to Myrtle Beach, provided by MyrtleBeachGolfTrips.com, and a trip to Bonaire in the Netherlands Antilles, a premier diving destination. Thank you to all those who attended and/or donated – we hope to see you again next year!
Memphis-based filmmaker Craig Brewer (Hustle & Flow) is creating a new series for MTV New Media called $5 Cover, taking online viewers into the modern day Memphis music scene. Viewers can take a virtual tour of the local music scene, explore some of the cast‘s favorite hangouts, and get an inside look at Memphis hotspots. Additionally, MTV will share social networking applications and other digital tools with fans to build anticipation in between episodes. MySpace and Facebook widgets created for $5 Cover” will continuously feed related content, including exclusive music performances, video blogs and video tours of popular Memphis juke joints. The show will also be available on mobile, gaming and MP3-compatible devices.
Sweden-based virtual dress up site Stardoll announced a partnership with Chinese media conglomerate, TOM Group jointly launching a Chinese version of the teen and tween targeted site. Stardoll says it averages about 8 million monthly uniques drawing users from over 200 countries.
Here’s some gadget intel from Digg.com founder and Diggnation star Kevin Rose himself. Claiming to have inside info from within the secretive Apple empire, Kevin says the company plans to introduce the following changes in the next few weeks:
- the iPod nano will take on a slimmer, more rounded look
- the iPod Touch will get an update with a new 2.1 operating system
- Prices of the iPod line will drop to differentiate the product from the iPhone
- iTunes 8.0 will be a major new release with several additional features
- Further out Apple is planning to add Blu-ray support to Mac OS X
The AirMe iPhone app is one of the handier ways to instantly share photos with friends via one button integration with your Flickr account. A new release of the free app now adds the option to send and tag images to Facebook, Twitter, Picasa and Photobucket. All photos are auto-tagged with location, time, weather and user-customized information.
Apple suffered another PR black eye over the weekend. Poland Orange, one of 20 new overseas carriers to release the iPhone 3G for the first time on Friday, admitted to hiring actors to form fake lines in from of 20 key stores across to simulate pent up demand for the device. While the carrier taking full credit (or blame?) for the stunt, analysts wonder whether or not Apple will be a victim of guilt by association. After selling 3 million iPhones 3Gs during the first month of its release (in the 22 countries it was initially available in,) Apple intends to dramatically increase production capabilities for the phone. The plan is to manufacture 40-45 million units of the device in the coming 12 months in order to keep up with increasing demand, according to BusinessWeek.
The cable industry will have one more chance to get interactivity right. Intel and Yahoo will introduce new tools allowing web applications to appear alongside TV programming. The new chip technology will enable The Widget Channel, a compendium of clickable icons, to scroll across the bottom of the screen providing links to localized weather forecasts, eBay auctions, Twitter updates, social networking profiles or even YouTube videos. Utilizing Cable Labs’ long awaited Tru2way framework, the channel will allow developers to use familiar internet tools and standards to write applications once that will play across all cable systems. Comcast said it plans to begin testing the technology next year.
Microsoft is in talks to sell its digital advertising agency AvenueA/Razorfish to WPP Group, per AdAge. The agency is part of the portfolio of companies acquired by Microsoft last August in its $6 billion deal for aQuantive.
In other Redmond news Jerry Seinfeld was hired by Microsoft’s Miami ad agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky to act as pitchman for the much-maligned Vista operating system.
Heading into the much blogged about DNC convention Nielsen released some numbers comparing and contrasting Obama’s and McCain’s online presence:
- In July 2008 video streams more than doubled from 377,000 to 1.01 million on JohnMcCain.com possibly due to press coverage around McCain’s Paris Hilton jab. Views on BarackObama.com dropped from 967,000 to 502,000 during the same period
- During July, the “Obama for America” image-based online ad campaign was five times bigger than the previous month, with 417 million impressions in July 2008 vs. 80 million online impressions in June 2008. John McCain’s campaign doubled its sponsored search link advertising from June to July 2008
Unique Audience for Presidential Candidates
June and July 2008 – Unique Audience
June 2008 July 2008
BarackObama.com 3,091,000 3,330,000
JohnMcCain.com 1,239,000 1,592,000
Source: Nielsen Online, NetView U.S. Home and Work
AOL’s social networking site Bebo hired Kelly Brett as its new Head of Original Productions. She will be based in London, reporting to Kate Burns, VP and Managing Director, Europe. Kelly worked on KateModern for Bebo and will oversee production of Universal Music-sponsored The Secret Word of Sam King.
Glam Media announced the addition of Christine McNicholas as VP of Sales for the Midwest region. Former EVP of Sales and Services for targeted internet advertising firm Dotomi, Christine will help Glam Media expand its team to connect advertisers to Glam’s network of 600+ sites.
Census-based online measurement firm Quantcast hired Todd Teresi as Chief Revenue Officer. Todd joins the San Francisco-based firm after nearly 10 years at Yahoo where he served as SVP of the Yahoo Publisher Network.
Australian government funded ABC Radio National launched Pool, a new social media site allowing ABC producers and community members to “pool” their resources by uploading shareable photos, videos, interviews, music and other content. The site is built on Creative Commons licensing principles using open source software Drupal. Creative Commons is one of most promising web 3.0 initiatives to come along, designed to expand public domain content while allowing publishers to pick and choose exactly how their content is sliced, diced, shared and distributed on the web. The Pool team intends to add educational features into the licensing system to help users determine which license is best for them.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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