#1 A25-54
#1 A18-49
#1 Households
#1 Total Viewers
Source: Nielsen Media Research. Galaxy Explorer. Claim #1-Based on 1st Quarter data from 1992-Present; #1 vs #2 network for quarter, P25-54, (000). Claim #2-All basic cable networks, M-Su 8p-11p, HHLDs, P25-54, P18-49, P2+, (000), Live only. Subject to qualifications upon request.
Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good Morning, it’s Friday, May 4, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
The Sen. Barack Obama campaign got into flap with a LA-based paralegal who had been using his MySpace page to convince his “friends” to vote for the presidential candidate. Joe Anthony started the profile page three years ago, attracting more than 30,000 friends before Obama even announced his candidacy this January. The head start gave the Senator cache in the press, as reports circulated of Obama winning the “MySpace primary.” As traffic to the site increased, Anthony’s workload spiked, prompting him to ask for compensation from the campaign. The Obama internet team refused and complained to MySpace. The social networking site froze Anthony out of the account and ceded control of the page to campaign staffers. The end result so far is a massive loss of friends; the Obama profile currently has just over 22,000 friends down from 160,000 at the beginning of this week.
IAC‘s local online guide Citysearch introduced a new video feature powered by TurnHere to give users an inside glimpse of local businesses. Local shops can upload footage and personalized messages that come in searches for local information. The product is part of push by the Barry Diller – led IAC to maximize local internet advertising revenue. Meanwhile, IAC’s search engine Ask.com launched a major TV and web-based ad campaign to promote the relaunch of the site and the debut of a new search technology planned for later this year. The ads, designed by Crispin, Porter + Bogusky, insert techie terms such as “algorithm” into casual conversation.
American Eagle Outfitters is sponsoring It’s a Mall World, its first original series for the web. Shorter three-minute versions of the comedy will premier on air during MTV’s Real World from August 1. Full-length five-minute webisodes will be viewable in American Eagle stores and stream exclusively on ae.com on Thursday nights beginning August 2. The 12-episode show’s ensemble cast includes Sam Huntington (Superman Returns) and Dianna Agron (Shark) and is produced by Divine Pictures.
Discovery Channel and Discovery Health Channel are inviting viewers to submit “ cancer collages” to share their personal experiences with the disease. The forum is a tie-in to Ted Koppel’s latest Discovery special Koppel on Discovery: Living With Cancer premiering Sunday May 6 at 8 pm ET/PT, featuring conversations with Executive Producer Leroy Sievers and cyclist Lance Armstrong.
Mobile video provider mywaves Inc. launched a free web-to-mobile and mobile-to-web video player, allowing users to upload and share videos back and forth from the web to their mobile phones. Consumers can go to the mywaves site to download the video player and create a customizable channel that can be played on any site supporting embedded code including MySpace, Friendster and Blogger. The service works across 3G, Edge and EVDO mobile carriers and on most video-capable phones.
Netflix introduced some new features to its instant movie download service powered by Microsoft‘s new video platform Silverlight. Users can choose between half or full-screen viewing, skip the opening credits and navigate through DVD-like chapters, rate a film for other users, pull up an interactive screen to learn more about the filmmakers or chat about the movie with friends using the integrated Instant Messaging feature.
Meanwhile, Blockbuster said its competing Total Access download movie service is still three to four months away. Spending on the initiative increased losses to $49.2 million during the first quarter. Subscriptions for the current Total Access service, which allows customers to order titles to be shipped online and returned via mail or in the store, grew to 2.8 million, up 800,000 during the quarter.
Steve Jobs answered environmental critics with a long missive posted on the Apple web site outlining the company’s efforts to recycle and eliminate toxic materials. He even pulled back the curtain a little to reveal what’s in development: Macs with mercury-free displays backlit by LEDs and glass monitors free of arsenic. Apple joins Google, Yahoo, H-P and IBM in the trend to promote greener operations. Greenpeace, for one, sees the letter as a step in the right direction, but questions what’s being done internationally.
CBS Corp. Executive Chairman Sumner Redstone and CBS President and CEO Les Moonves promised the company would continue to focus on monetizing content across new distribution platforms in an earnings call with analysts. The CBS Interactive Audience Network, CBS’ name for its multiplatform, multi-site approach, was created to “greatly increase the reach of our core content and to secure new platforms that can help us create next-generation content,” according to Moonves. CBS reported a small decline in earnings to $213.5 million but did not break out interactive revenues.
Research In Motion unveiled the BlackBerry Curve, a sexier new smartphone that allows users to search for music and video files on their computers. New software developed with Roxio Inc. adds iPod-like functionality such as the ability to create playlists, scroll through songs and manage digital media. The entry level Curve is currently being offered through AT&T for $99.
Gemstar-TV Guide introduced a new suite of cross platform guidance tools to improve the linear TV Guide product and help viewers navigate content on multiple devices. The tools will be licensed to cable, satellite, telco and mobile distributors, designed to complement existing interactive program guides. The “My TV Guide” suite of tools include:
- MetaPlus Enhanced Data, providing a portal-style user interface to the TV Guide screen featuring video previews, extras, movie data, editorial recommendations and family ratings.
- Personalized Guide Services, using algorithms to match viewers with relevant shows, stars and sports teams. TV Guide’s editorial staff will create “Hot Lists” to recommend programming.
- Cross Platform Messaging, enabling interoperability between set-top, PC and mobile devices. A “Remote Recording” service will enable DVR recording to be set from a PC or cell phone.
- Advanced Guide Ad Services, bringing interactive, rich media adverting features to the TV environment
- Client Applications, delivering operators a toolkit to simplify implementation of TV Guide services.
Internet Radio Broadcasters were granted a reprieve by Copyright Royalty Board, which postponed the deadline to pay new per-song fees by two months from May 15 to July 15. Webcasters now have 30 days within which to file for an appeal of the decision in federal court.
Microsoft acquired Paris-based mobile advertising company Pioneer ScreenTonic for an undisclosed sum. ScreenTonic provides advertisers with a range of mobile ad formats and ad management/reporting systems, working with carriers in Belgium, France and the U.K. The acquisition is seen as an effort to jumpstart the nascent mobile advertising market in the U.S.
AOL was the bright spot in a better-than-expected earnings report for Time Warner, as ad sales increased over 40% following AOL’s transition from a subscription-based walled garden service to a free ad-supported web portal. The division’s overall revenue fell by 25% due to a drop in subscriptions, but new initiatives such as AOL Search Marketplace and AOL Local Search helped minimize the impact. AOL is now the #3 provider of internet services in the U.S. with 12 million customers, behind AT&T (12.9 million) and Comcast (12.1 million).
Publicis Group is creating an international digital advertising network called Publicis Modem. The company will combine the resources of existing interactive unit Dialog with online ad network Digitas and Digitas subsidiary Modem Media. The latter company’s current president Martin Reidy will become CEO of Publicis Modem. Digital revenue accounts from 15% of the Publicis group’s overall revenue thanks to the Digitas acquisition, according to quarterly earnings reports.
Almost half of European viewers are watching TV online according to new study conducted by StrategyOne for Motorola. The French are the most avid online viewers, with 59% turning to the web to watch shows, followed by Italians, Brits and Germans. Some 57% of viewers said they want the ability to go online with their set-top box during a live TV broadcast to check sports statistics or shop for fashion show items while 35% said they want the ability to pause, fast forward or rewind live TV.
The American Idol website ranked as the most visited broadcast network show site for the week ending April 28, according to Hitwise, garnering a 32.9% market share. NBC’s Deal or No Deal came in second with a 12.3% share and ABC’s Dancing With the Stars site fished third with 9.3% of the category’s clicks, based on Hitwise’s 10 million users sample.
Meredith 360° promoted Julie Fuoti to VP/Client Solutions. She will lead the company’s strategic marketing unit focused on developing multimedia assets and services to key customers across content, interactive, print, video, broadcast and mobile business units.
Hispanic ad agency la comunidad, Miami named Andrei Ivanoff as Director/Interactive. Former head of Interactive and Design Planning for Siboney USA, he will spearhead creative conception, development and strategic planning and report to Jose Molla, Founder/Chief Creative Officer.
Tivo is trying to capture a larger share of the DVR market with a new $15 million ad campaign, created by the Kaplan Thaler Group and featuring the tagline “My Tivo gets me.” Look for TV, Radio and in theater spots, blog postings, contests and promotional events. The companion website does a good job of explaining what differentiates Tivo from generic DVRs, with personal testimonies from the likes of TV Critic Gene Shalit.
A new website will be featured here everyday for you to check out. Some are TV-centric, some creative, some just plain strange. Email me your suggestions at [email protected] and if I include the site you mention, your name, company and city will be credited. Only one mention per calendar week, to make it fair.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digitals
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JOB OPENING: MULTI-PLATFORM MKTG/Rainbow Media/NYC: Create online branding/marketing/promo campaigns for Lifeskool & Sportskool On Demand networks. Manage web content/programming. Min 3 yrs online exp. [email protected] (5/11)
JOB OPENING: SR FINANCE ANALYST/NY: Coord budget/estimate process for NCP Hard Goods, Mktg & Retail. Collect/analyze rev projections from licensing partners on quarterly basis www.mtvncareers.com EOE/M/F/D/AAP (5/11)
JOB OPENING: SALES DIR/BBCWWA-Motion Glry/NY: Clip licensing div. of BBC. Motvt & mng sales team, dev. terr sales strat. 5+ yrs sales mgmt exp,media licnsing+, revenue drvn. Re: [email protected]. EOE (5/10)
JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/ Nielsen Media Research: Sales/client support for LA’s synd’n & ntwrk client base (prsnl acct rep), prospecting, & issue resolution.Req: 4 yr. deg, 4 yrs. in ind, & Nielsen data usage. Apply: www.nielsen.com (5/10)
JOB OPENING: DIR LEGAL & BUS/A&E TV, NY: Manage agreements for drama/real life/docu; prodn & intellectual props. JD & 5+ yrs entertainment law in cable/bcast/film prodn. Resume w/salary: www.aetn.com/careers.html (5/10)
JOB OPENING: CREATIVE DIR/SUNDANCE CHANNEL/NY: Lead small, busy team of designers. Min 5 yrs print/brdcst exp in TV or agency, juggle mult projs, intrnl/extrnl approvs, strng creative concepting/exec. Res: [email protected] (5/10)
JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/Rainbow Media/NYC: Create & mng mrktng/promo strategy for Life skool On Demand TV Network. Min 7 yrs exp creating consumer mktg plans to drive awareness/viewership/revenue. [email protected] (5/10)
JOB OPENING: TELEVISION PROGRAM ESTIMATOR/NYC: 2+ years exp estimating broadcast television programming for Upfront in a media/advertising agency. Freelance assignment lasting approx. 3-4 wks. Apply [email protected] (5/10)
JOB OPENING: MNG, NEWS & SPORTS RES/ NY: Min 4 yrs degree, Min 3 yrs exp in media, exp MS Office, Nielsen, Galaxy & Marketbreaks, exp in News & Sports analysis for commercial min est. Apply at www.nbcunicareers.com Job # 594063 (5/9)
JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST NBCUni TV NET DIST & DIG/NY: Min 3 yrs PR/Corp Comm & ent/cable exp, mng press efforts, draft press releases, create pres, maintain affiliate site, Apply to www.nbcunicareers.com Job# 595317 (5/9)
JOB OPENING: DIR, CREATIVE/NYC Adapt children’s books into animated TV shows & direct-to-DVD formats for pre-school aud. BA-Eng/Media Studies/Comm. 5yrs exp. in job or Creative Mgr/Prod. Coord. [email protected] (5/9)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, SLS RESEARCH & MARKETING/Fox/NY: Dvlp unique analyses & sls positioning; create TV sls materials & cross platform content extensions; 10+yrs ad/media research; Nielsen syst; strong comm; www.foxcareers.com (5/9)
JOB OPENING: SR. BUYER/Job Share/SPOT TV/Active Int’l Pearl River NY (15 miles from NYC): 3 days-24hours total, 7 yrs+ agency Buying Spot TV exp a must; Resumes to: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 (5/16)
JOB OPENING: SR. DIRECTOR, AD SALES RESEARCH/Hallmark Channel NY: 5 years exp. See full posting & apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (5/9)
JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/A&E TV, NY: 3 + yrs cable/bcast research. Nielsen systems exp. req. MRI/SMRB know. a plus . Strong presentation/analytical/communication skills. Res: www.aetn.com/careers.html (5/9)
JOB OPENING: SUPERVISOR/SPOT TV GROUP/Pearl River NY(15 miles from NYC): Lead/train Media Buyers and Assistants. 5 yrs+ supervisor Spot TV & 10 yrs+ buying exp a must; Resumes: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 (5/15)
JOB OPENING: SR. NEGOTIATOR/National Broadcast/Pearl River NY(15 miles NYC: Exp in all areas of Nat’l Brdcst placement. Strong analytical & presentation skills req’d. Resume: [email protected] or call 845 732-8943 (5/15)
JOB OPENING: DIR AD SALES/ROO NY & CHI: Top 10 online video provider looking for strong creative sales people to help drive revenue with ad agencies and clients. [email protected] (5/8)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA SALES EXECUTIVE/(NYC): Traditional agency sales, in-content sponsorship integration, syndication experience, back room oversight, corporate relationships, programming development. [email protected] (5/8)
JOB OPENING: MGR MEDIA BUYING/SAN FRAN BAY AREA: Sr Buyer/Spvsr level Exp w/5+yrs in Nat’l TV buying. Support brand mktg group of fortune 500 Co. w/ expertise in Net TV, Radio, Hisp & DR. Relo pkg. Res: [email protected] (5/5)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXEC./TV One Ad Sales/NYC: responsible for achieving national ad revenue targets through direct sales to accounts in the NYC territory. 3-5 yrs exp national ad sales. Visit: www.tvoneonline.com to apply. (5/5)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORD/ TV One/NY: Exp in order entry & creating flow charts a + but willing to train right person. See our website for a detailed job description & other exciting career opportunities at www.tvoneonline.com (5/5)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TV One/NY: Prepare post analysis, prepare advertiser’s scheds; create presentations; research; track liability schedules. 2yrs exp sales/plnning+. Visit www.tvoneonline.com to apply. (5/5)
JOB OPENING: GM/ Equity Broadcasting for Univision/Telefutura affiliates in Ft. Myers, FL. TV sales and/or sales mgmt. exp.; bilingual a +. Email resume to Sam Smith [email protected]. EEO. (5/5)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, INTEGRATED MRKTG Tr3s, MTV/NYC. 7yrs exp in TV/Adv/Media Mrktg, Strng presentation/creative writing skills, Knwldge TV/Sales. Mgmt exp. Req., Spanish fluency A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/5)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, COMMUNICATIONS /MTV/NYC: 5+yrs PR exp, Corp Comm, PR & media relations, Strng media contacts, writt &comm. skills, Knwldg of MTV brand EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/5)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, INTEGRATED MRKTG/ MTV/NYC: 7yrs exp in TV/Adv/Media Mrktg, Strng presentation & creative writing skills. Mgmt exp. Required. Strng knwldge TV/Sales, BA/BS req, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/5)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER, CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS/ Nickelodeon/NYC: 5+yrs exp TV Comm/PR/media relations, Strg written/oral comm. skills, Strng media contacts, Digital/Online campaign exp A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/5)
JOB OPENING: REGIONAL DIR AFFILIATE MKTG/Gospel Music Channel/Atlanta, GA: Develop and implement affiliate marketing plans. Oversee collateral production and events. 5+ yrs experience. Resume to: [email protected] (5/5)
JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES RESEARCH/A&E TV/NY: Dvlp strategies & analysis for Ad Sls & AETN in the mktplace. BA/BS & 5 yrs media rsrch. Knwldg Nielsen/prime rsrch. Res: www.aetn.com/careers.html (5/5)
JOB OPENING: FREELANCE ASSOC PROD/History Channel/Stamford CT: Series of doc specials. Help develop/book/mng shoots; oversee budgets/schedules. Small team, great opp. Min. 1 year AP exp in long-form. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers (5/5)
SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Smithsonian Networks ( www.smithsoniannetworks.com ) is currently looking For a summer intern for the PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT. If interested please contact [email protected] for more information. (5/11)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Trylon SMR www.trylonSMR.com is a NYC PR agency seeking an intern that has familiarity with the MEDIA INDUSTRY AND TECH SECTOR. This is a for-credit internship with flexible hours. [email protected] (5/9)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: qubo/children’s broadcast Network, summer intern: Assist ad sales and mktg dept. Strong interpersonal skills and PC literacy are musts. Apply to: [email protected] 5/8)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: ION Media Networks, summer intern: assist ad sales and mkting dept. Strong interpersonal skills and PC literacy are musts. Apply to: [email protected] 5/8)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: The Kitchen”/Los Angeles: Seeks summer interns for Int’l. TV Business. 5 days/wk.Get involved in all areas of int’l.language customization for TV. Bi-lingual a plus. Apply: [email protected] 5/8)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: The Kitchen”/Miami: Seeks summer interns for Language Translation Audio Depts. 5 days/wk.Get involved in all areas of language customization for TV. Bi-lingual a plus. Apply: [email protected] 5/8)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: The Documentary Channel/Several Interns for day to day activities. Duties incl OFFICE WORK, POST-PROD ASSISTING, PROD, MKTNG. Great opp to learn ind. Res/cvr ltr: [email protected] or fax 818-252-1331 (5/8)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Sundance Channel/NYC: Seeks summer intern (JD cand) in LEGAL DEPT. Avail 5 days/wk. Work on due dilgnce proj, film & tv prodctn & licsng trans. Intrst in intell’l propty, entertainment law. Apply: [email protected] (5/5)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Cartoon Network Summer 2007 NY Intern (unpaid) – Younger Viewers Prgrm Dvlpmnt Must be interested in early childhood development and children’s media. Psychology background a plus. www.Turnerjobs.com , Req.#78841BR (5/5)
SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated, enthusiastic college grad with 1+yrs. experience seeking RESEARCH position. Strong communication/analytic skills. Proficient in Nielsen Galaxy/Marketbreaks/NPower/Excel/PP. Contact [email protected]. (5/11)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER ASSISTANT/LA: Energetic, hardworking, and reliable assistant with 8yrs studio & production exp. seeks opportunity. Contact: Dermar Moses for resume, (818)406-2731, [email protected] (5/11)
SITUATION WANTED: PhD student in Psych/Transformational TV looking for scholarship/mentor from sponsor in POSITIVE TV PRGRMNG. Exp’d in TV producing, hosting, news anchor, reporting & talk show host. www.tvproducer101.actorsite.com (5/10)
SITUATION WANTED: PROD ASST: Cheney, McCain, NBC & punk rock; I have experience with each (and much more!) Currently seeking employment with Wash, DC media as production assistant or similar position. Ready to work! [email protected] (5/10)
SITUATION WANTED: Soon to be college grad majoring in Graphic Design/Illustration from Northern Illinois University. Talented, creative, hard-working. Looking for Summer Internship in Chicago. For resume contact [email protected] (5/8)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION/MARKETING: Ambitious Hampton University senior seeks entry level Production/Marketing position. Previous internship experience in marketing and camera operation. Contact [email protected]. (5/8)
SITUATION WANTED: NY: Perfect entry level/PA candidate; college grad w/ 3 yrs TV exp; EP of TV series w/ 2 student Emmys; 1.5 yrs as Programming Dir; Network PA exp; news & promo background. THE Jack of all trades [email protected] (5/8)
SITUATION WANTED: Exp’d 24 year-old male seeks ON-CAMERA TALENT POSITION. Education: MA Communication. Exp: Host, VJ, Anchor/Reporter, radio personality. Skills: teleprompter reading, writing, interview. Email: [email protected] (5/5)
SITUATION WANTED: FREELANCE RESEARCHER: In media, nothing is more important than your new product research. Synectics trained CFGD- 15 yrs. exp./100’s of focus groups & studies for start ups to Fortune 500: [email protected] (5/5)
E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.
Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.