Friday, May 30th, 2008


A lot can happen in 30 Days.

Morgan Spurlock is back
for Season 3

An FX Original Series
Premieres Tuesday June 3 at 10pm e/p on FX

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Friday, May 30, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
It seems appropriate to announce this one just as S#x and The City opens in theaters. Fast-growing lifestyle and fashion vertical Glam Media has launched its first online video platform. Glam TV will distribute appropriately themed content such as E! Online’s E! News Now and Sony BMG’s to its network of 500+ premium sites and blogs that reach an aggregate 35 million uniques, per ComScore. Interesting sidelights of the launch include offering publishers curated videos from video platform Ooyala as well as linking the Glam network to Brightcove’s video content providers, offering a ready made distribution pipeline targeting the female demo.


MTV Network’s Logo inked a new deal giving mail/digital DVD rental company Netflix exclusive distribution rights to original Logo series including Curl Girls, Visible Vote ’08: A Presidential Forum and Wisecrack. As part of the deal Logo will promote the Netflix-distributed shows on air and via owned sites such as and The two companies also committed to co-acquiring rights to future titles that will air on Logo then be made available on Netflix thereafter.
Sci Fi Channel’s has got game fever. After launching a successful casual Game Center the division rolled out a stand alone gaming blog called Fidgit on Thursday featuring reviews, galleries, news and insider dope. Games journalist Tom Chick (who you may remember as Oscar’s lover Gil in The Office), will edit the site.
announced it will be supporting Google’s OpenSocial platform as part of a broader integration, beginning with the adoption of Google Gadgets on


Redlasso is refusing to be hogtied by that decease and desist letter set by the TV networks. The company pledged it will continue to collect footage for its video embedding service, and it has recruited former Westinghouse and CBS CEO Michael Jordan (not the Bull) as an advisor.
CBS O&O WBZ in Boston launched a new branding campaign called Declare Your Curiosity, combining viewer concerns with their desire to share content online. Viewers can post videos, photos with commentary about what they think about a given issues. By emphasizing the creative and keeping it broad, the site does a nice job of making UGC seem a little less frightening to the uninitiated.
Web show EPIC-FU (tagline: Art+Tech+Music for Geeks) decided not to renew its syndication deal with Next New Networks, according to a couple of amiable postings on the companies’ blogs. The site’s producers Smashface have reportedly been in talks with a cable network involving online and on air. EPIC-FU says it has a big announcement for us on June 5 …


Dish Network‘s iTV platform (accessible on Channel 100) launched a new application from BIAP allowing viewers to access a content pulled from various political sites. The portal activates news and research based on the subscriber’s zip code, providing local House and Senate race updates and targeted local advertising opportunities. 


The FCC will meet on June 12 to set the terms of a spectrum auction that may include a provision requiring the winner to provide free Wi-Fi services for much of the country.
Comcast Interactive Media
(including sites such as, Fancast, Fandango, Ziddio and now Plaxo) is on target to turn a profit later this year, according to an interview in Reuters. Apparently ad revenue sharing partnerships with Google and Yahoo are bringing in more cash than expected.
This one is more for cable tech folks, but it’s kind of cute. To promote a new whitepaper about monitoring video quality, San Jose-based Symmetricom has put together this little viral video characterizing “Ten Video Quality Nightmares.”


Efforts like the above have helped local TV station websites make more money online, judging from a new web spending report from Borrell Associates. Online revenue at local TV stations rose 72% last year to $772 million and is expected to jump another 55% this year to $1.2 billion. Newspaper sites are projected to triple that take, however, earning $3.7 million of the projected $13.1 billion local online ad pie (which itself is 50% larger than it was a year ago.) More than half of that will go to “pure play” internet firms such as Google which are increasingly turning their attention toward local advertising.
Local Online Ad Share By Media Choice, 2007
Outlet                    % market share
Pureplay                       57.3%
Newspapers                  24.6 %
Directories                     7.8%
Broadcast TV                  6.9%
Other Print                     1.4%
Radio Stations                1.3%
Magazine                         .8%
Source: Borrell Associates Inc.


The guy-targeted site is easily the most crowded entertainment category on the net. It probably has something to do with the fact that the early days of online video was driven by, well, you know what I’m referring to. MTV Networks’ figures to have a leg up (no pun intended) on the competition, given the 96-million-home cable network behind it. A new redesign launching today follows web 2.0 standards, featuring a souped-up full episode video player, blog-style formatting, social networking tools and plenty of semi-crude attitude. The look is better, but not great – the organization needs a little work. hopes to differentiate itself with compelling originals its sister network can contribute to and feed off of, according to Jon Slusser, SVP/Spike Digital & Video Games (former CEO of MTVN-acquired Spike is putting the finishing touches on an original content deal with Playboy that will yield web-only series exclusives for and Playboy. (Spike should be a much better setting for the brand than YouTube, where a recent Playboy promotion fell mostly on deaf ears.) A new movie review show from YouTube’s Angry Video Game Nerd is coming. And the Spike network’s first original comedy The Factory will debut on the site 3 weeks before the on air premiere. Absorbing some 300,000 videos from the merger also helps add depth to the offering.

Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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