Friday, May 16th, 2008

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Friday, May 16, 2008, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
CBS became a major force in the online tech publishing arena with one fell swoop (pending approval), acquiring San Francisco based CNET Networks for $1.8 billion – a 45% premium to CNET’s closing share price on Wednesday. CNET is no longer the darling of Silicon Valley, but its strong brand equity in technology and collective 200 million worldwide unique users will make CBS Interactive a top 10 destination in terms of traffic and give it lots of gadget and gaming synergies to play with. The CNET sites, including CNET, ZDNet,,, and CNET, will be combined with CBS’s national and local interactive businesses, informing news portals (, CBS Television Station Interactive properties), affiliate sites (the CBS Audience Network) and recent web 2.0 acquisitions (, Wallstrip). And the two companies should find it easier to merge than other seemingly unlike entities. CBS Interactive President Quincy Smith consulted for with CNET when he worked for the investment bank Allen & Co.


NBC Sports beefed up its mobile content offerings available via video service NBC 2Go. Provided through FLO TV and MobiTV, NBC 2Go will feature live simulcast coverage of The Preakness on Saturday, The Senior PGA Championship on May 24, The French open from May 31 and The U.S. Open from June 12-15. The service will also pick up NHL playoff coverage, the AST Action Sports Dew Tour and every home Notre Dame football game.
Utilizing the popular handheld device as a Trojan horse of sorts, Disney Interactive Studios launched DGamer – a community site where North American Nintendo DS users can connect up and share games. DS users must have access to a wireless broadband access point to join the network. Kids can choose from a variety of Disney characters to serve as their avatar, which improve in stature as they complete in-game missions. The site launches in conjunction with the release of the Nintendo DS version of Disney/Walden Media’s The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, based on the film opening today.
Puzzled Grey’s Anatomy fans can now lob questions at producers via the new Ask Grey’s Anatomy video blog, the latest in a series of interactive blogs on
Cablevision added Music Choice to its iO line up of free on demand programming.
TVN Entertainment’s VOD services surpassed a penetration of 40 million homes with a current affiliate list comprised of 126 cariers in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.
Outdoor Channel announced it is now simulcasting in HD.


Animoto, makers of the web application that uses proprietary video orchestration technology to automatically generate videos around music, received an undisclosed amount of funding from Amazon. Animoto’s video generating Facebook app released in March has over 750,000 users.
Audio book site chose Wizzard Media‘s LibsynPRO dynamic ad insertion system to help monetize its library of serialized audiobooks.

~ GADGETS & APPS ~ launched a handy dandy MP3 Clips Widget allowing bloggers, social networkers and website owners to showcase song samples from Amazon’s catalog of over 5 million DRM free tracks. When a user listens to a song on your site then clicks over to buy it from Amazon, the owner can earn up to 10% in referral fees depending on the label. The Amazon MP3 Clips Widget comes on the heels of the release of several new digital product widgets from Amazon’s Associates Program, including the Kindle Chicklet, Your Video Widget and Unbox Movie & TV Preview Widget. Check out the list available to associate members here.


Carl Icahn sent an open letter to Yahoo detailing his proxy bid to replace the company’s entire board, naming former Viacom CEO Frank J. Biondi, Jr. and HDNet founder Mark Cuban among the replacements. Yahoo’s chairman Roy Bostock responded to letter, defending the board’s action and claiming Mr. Icahn “significantly misunderstood” the facts about the Microsoft proposal. 


Next New Networks landed a sponsorship deal with Janome sewing machines, which will target fashion minded do-it-yourselfers through the ThreadBanger Network. The deal includes product placements and product-themed segments on the ThreadHeads show. Janome also plans to release sewing machines sporting the ThreadBanger logo.


Google Sites achieved the number one spot in ComScore‘s Top 50 U.S. Properties ranking for the first time with a total audience of more than 141 million visitors. Yahoo! Sites ranked second with 140.6 million visitors, followed by Microsoft Sites with 121.2 million visitors. The net’s total audience increased slightly with music community site posting the biggest monthly gain. Returning new episodes helped the TV category to increase 4% to 93.2 million visitors. Yahoo! TV led the category with 15.6 million visitors – a 38% bump from the previous month – followed by AOL Television with 12.5 million visitors and MySpace TV with 12 million visitors. Significant gains were also achieved by MSN TV (up 21% to 11.7 million visitors) and (up 18% to 9 million visitors).
Top 10 Gaining Properties by Percentage Change in Unique Visitors* (U.S.)
    April 2008 vs. March 2008 – Total U.S. – Home, Work and University Locations
Total Unique Visitors (000)  
                                  Mar-08       Apr-08        % Change Rank by Unique Visitors             5,548        7,632             38                137                  9,799       13,318           36                   76                  17,311       23,354           35                   34 Sites  3,733         4,667           25                 238
    Chrysler LLC             4,167         5,149           24                 209
    CondeNet Network     8,760       10,563           21                  97                8,728       10,445           20                  99  6,150       7,252            18                 149
    Yum! Brands Inc.       4,109        4,845           18                 224                   7,667        9,032           18                 111
    Total Audience       188,010     190,728            1                  N/A
 * Ranking based on the top 250 properties in April 2008
Source: comScore Media Metrix
Here are some web metrics that address what a combined CBS/CNET will look like, courtesy of Nielsen Online. In April, CNET Networks had 21.2 million unique visitors who did not also visit a CBS Web property – meaning a 44% increase in visitors to the total unique audience of the two companies will result.
Unduplicated Unique Audience for CBS Corporation & CNET Networks, April 2008 (US, Home and Work)
Parent Company            Unique Audience (000)
CNET Networks                    31,394
CBS Corporation                  26,526
Unduplicated Audience         47,773
Source: Nielsen Online
Composition Index for Males 12-17 and 18-34 (U.S., Home and Work)
Demographic      CBS Corporation      CNET Networks
Male 12 – 17           50                        108
Male 18 – 34           104                      130
Source: Nielsen Online
Note: Average composition index is 100.
Unique Audience Growth for CBS Corporation & CNET Networks, April 2008
(US, Home and Work)
Parent Company           Apr-07 UA (000)     Apr-08 UA (000)     YOY Growth
CBS Corporation             21,927                  26,526                   21%
CNET Networks              31,899                   31,394                  -2%
Source: Nielsen Online


Lisa Choi Owens is joining Scripps Networks as SVP/Online Partnerships and Distribution, reporting directly to Deanna Brown, President of the Interactive Group at Scripps Networks.  Owens will work on building distribution for Scripps’ lifestyle content over the internet and other devices, including mobile and video on demand.
Strategic marketing veteran David DeSocio was named SVP/Lifetime Partnerships, charged with creating marketing opportunities for clients across multiple platforms. He will be based in New York and report to Lifetime’s new EVP/Ad Sales, Debbie Richman. David joined Lifetime from OMD, where he was Chief Strategy Officer.

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Mark Cuban’s personal blog, aptly named blog maverick, is always a good read for those interested in the future of where media may be headed. True to his nature, the billionaire entertainment mogul pulls no punches and is never afraid to go out on a limb to provoke a thought or prove a point. Check out “Beating Google?,” posted the day before he was named among the Yahoo invaders. He wonders aloud what it would cost to pay the internet’s top publishers to remove themselves from the Google Index and thus render Google’s powerful search engine, well, useless. Mark figures it might cost a Microsoft, Yahoo or Microhoo about $1 billion. It’s a quixotic idea, no doubt. But the community at large has to do something to slow down the Google juggernaut, he figures, and combining resources may be the only way the two portals can hope to accomplish such a feat.

Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: VP, MKTG & LICENSING/NY, 4Kids Entertainment, Inc:  Brand Marketer, Client Services, Strategic, Creative, Team Oriented w/ exp in Toys & Games Mkting/Dev., min. of 10 yrs exp. BS req.  Resume to:  [email protected] (5/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR PLANNING & SCHEDULING/USA NETWORK/NYC: Manage all day-to-day on-air promo scheduling, including scheduling all on-air promotion in the traffic system. 3-4 yrs exp and BA degree req. Go to 820304 (5/23)

JOB OPENING: DEV ASST/LA:  Need long term temp to support VP of Devt at major cable network. Hard working,  highly organized/eager to help. Incredibly fast past paced office. Submit resumes to:  [email protected] (5/23)

JOB OPENING: TELEVISION PROGRAM ESTIMATOR/NYC:  2+ years exp estimating broadcast television programming for Upfront in a media/advertising agency. Freelance assignment  lasting approx. 3-4 wks.  Apply [email protected] (5/23)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER CONTENT DISTRIBUTION/FUSE/MSG Media-Santa Monica office:  3 yrs exp & travel required. For more info and to apply, go to and click on employment   (5/23)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR CONTENT DISTRIBUTION/FUSE/MSG Media-NY Office: 5 yrs related exp. required. For more info and to apply, go to and click on employment  (5/23)

JOB OPENING: AUDIO/POST PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR/NICKELODEON/NY: Sup & schedl audio for animated series, incld post SFX/mix/layback & delivery. Exp w/music, cast, direct, producing A+. Email:  [email protected]   (5/23)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER, SHORT-FORM ORG. PROGRAMMING-LOGO/MTV/NYC: 4+yrs Programming exp, Strg editorial skills, Knwldge of content creation mobile/wireless. Knwldge of LOGO brands. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (5/22)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST-DR/SUPERSTATION WGN/NY: Provide admin. & sales support to DR Dept; order entry, confirmations, pre & post logs to clients, etc. Apply @ [email protected] (5/22)

JOB OPENING:  PRODUCER/ SCRIPPS NETWORKS (HGTV/DIY/Food/FL/GAC) Knox: 5+ yrs prod exp long/short form Lifestyle TV/taped live/Online exp A+/exlent interpersonal skills. Full job descrip/apply at Knoxville Based  (5/22)

JOB OPENING:  PR COORDINATOR/HGTV/New York: manage press inquiries, requests & events, liaison w/ HGTV talent & production companies, provide Admin support to PR team. 1-3 yrs PR exp. Full details & apply (5/22)

JOB OPENING:  DIR PRODUCTION/LA: Mng movie prod for Disney Chl/ABC Family/Jetix; frm decision-mkg/budgt/prod to post. 7-10yrs TV, movie prod exp. Knowldg in guild and union agreemnts. Apply at: Req# 162325  (5/22)

JOB OPENING: DIG ASSET & CONTENT MGR/Starzmedia/NYC: 3+yrs dig asst mgmt & databas, vid/aud & techncl format knowldg. Mang dig cont assets(lng/shrt-form vids/trlrs/clips/imgs/sound)for co. Dig Media div. Apply:  [email protected]   (5/21)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST to PRES/CEO TV prod/Burbank: Manage daily schedule & travel/roll& track calls/excellent oral & written skills/well organized. 2-4 yrs exp. MAC, Word, Excel, Filemaker, Entourage.  Apply: [email protected]     (5/21)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/AETN, NY: Create Proposals, steward accts, servicing orders. 2yrs exp in advertising or sales research. Exc comm skills. Apply: (5/21)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE JUNKET WRITER-PRODUCER/HALLMARK CHANNEL/LA: Create 30 minute hosted entertainment pieces. 3-5 yrs. experience. See full posting and apply at (5/21)

JOB OPENING: GRAPHIC DESIGNER/WEB MASTER/Charles Drew University/LA, CA: Provide high-volume desktop publishing design for print, media, and marketing materials, website postings and updates. See full posting at (5/21)

JOB OPENING: AFFIL MKTG MGR/Versus/PHIL: Work w/ Dir, Consumer & Affil Marketing & Comcast Corporate to drive affiliate distribution & build value. Read more/apply: (60610BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: PRGRM PLAN’G & SCHED MGR/VERSUS/PHIL: Execute program scheduling plan for the network and assist with all aspects of planning and scheduling. Read more/apply (Req #60727) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: SR MOTION DESIGNER, CREATIVE SRVCS/Versus/Phl: Dvlp/exec new & innovative design & layout solutions. 6+yrs of complex related exp. Exc. creative/comm. Skills. Read more/apply: (Req 61368BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PROD/VERSUS/PHL: 5 yrs nat’l cable or ntwrk TV exp. Exc creative & comm. skills. Resp for writing/prod’g compelling on/off-air promotion. Read more/apply (Req# 51639BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: VP INTERNET STRATEGY/DVLPMNT/ Comcast/Versus/Phil: Mng network’s consumer Internet presence. 7+yrs related exp Internet prod & editorial. 3+yrs Sr mngmnt role. Read more/apply: (Req # 60341BR)   (5/20)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/VERSUS/PHIL:Analysis of ntwrk viewership, dvlp estimates, supports all deprtmnts.        Expr in Nielsen Npower, Galaxy, Navigator required.4-5 yrs rsrch exp. Read more/apply: (req #60861BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: SR MKTG GRAPHIC DESIGNER/VERSUS/PHL: Create variety of mktg materials. 10+ yrs graphic designer w/ some ent ind. exp  Background in prod of collateral/print/internet ads. Read more/apply: (Req # 61372BR) (5/20)

JOB OPENING: A/P SUPERVISOR/LIFETIME TV/NY: seeking a detail oriented, self-starter to join our A/P Department with auditing of expense reports, verifying expenses. Apply at: (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOC ACCT EXEC/Music Choice/Los Angeles:  Responsible for all aspects of account management including sales, promotions development of relationships.BS or BA required. Min 3 yrs sales & marketing exp in cable/related industry w/track record for achieving results. 50% travel. [email protected] (5/20)

JOB OPENING:   MUSIC CHOICE/NYC/SALES PLANNER:  Manage proposal process; update sales materials.  Manage small-scale accounts. Identify/ research prospects.  2+ yrs exp. at ad agency or network. [email protected]  (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  MGR RESEARCH/ENDEAVOR TALENT AGENCY/LA: Strong Nielsen systems & analytical skills req’d. Respon. include Broadcast Prime, Cable and Theatrical research. Dynamic work environment. Send resumes to: [email protected]  (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  TRAFFIC SUPERVISOR/Cablevision/NY, NY:   Min. 4 yrs Traffic experience.  Strong exp. with  OSCAR system, order entry, admin & reporting modules. View full posting and apply to req id 6117BR  (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  RESEARCH MGR/FOOD/HGTV AD SALES (2 POSITIONS)/NY:5+ yrs media research exp. Strong analytical/data interpretation/presentation skills req’d.See full job description/apply at (5/20)

JOB OPENING:  PROGRAM DIRECTOR/MARTHA STEWART LIVING RADIO/NYC: Manage the daily operations of MSLR and actively work to grow the channel.All interested parties should apply online: (5/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR PARTNERSHIP SALES/qubo/NY: 5+ yrs exp media sales to dvlp, present, & sell lng-term deals to nat’l clients, detailed-oriented, organized, multi-tasker, exc comm., some travel req. send resume: [email protected]  (5/17)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST CABLEVISION BRONX/NY: Sales Asst Cablevision Bronx, NY  2+ yrs exp in mrkt, adv or bus related field.  Assist Dir.& Sales team. Strong Excel and Powerpoint skills. See full posting and apply to req 6162BR (5/17)

JOB OPENING: PROD SRVS PRODUCER/Nat Geo/DC: 5+ yrs exp at Network or Prod Comp. Documentary/field prod exp req’d. Knowledge of Avid and HD. BS/BA. Please apply at (5/17)

JOB OPENING:  DEVELOPMENT MGR/Nat Geo/DC: 3+ yrs related exp. Exp in development, production and business affairs req’d. BS/BA. Please apply at (5/17)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXEC/WBXX-TV Knoxville, the #1 CW: Minimal requirements for this position are a BA degree, 2 years outside sales experience and an unquenchable drive to win. Resume: [email protected]  (5/17)

SPRING AND SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP/CREDITS ONLY:  Film Prod. company and financier is looking for self starters. Learn all aspects of film production. Strng comm skills & good attitude, begin ASAP. thru summer. [email protected]  (5/23)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP/CREDITS ONLY:  MKTG/ON-AIR: Fox Reality Channel-LA – summer intern for mktg & on-air production. 30-40 hrs/wk. Majors: Mktg, Adv, PR/Comm, TV/Film. Skills: Writing & computer; On-Air Pro/Avid a plus. [email protected] (5/23)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  DIG MEDIA INTERN/Starzmedia/NYC: Undergrads/3.0+ GPA/currently enrolled in univ., 20-35 hrs/wk. Work on several chllnging projects (i.e. viral distrib and Broadband Channel comp. review) Apply: [email protected] (5/21)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: WordWorld Consumer Products (unpaid) Internship: 3days/ wk for DB setup/maintenance, product inventory, trade show prep, market research, admin support.  Send resume to: [email protected]    (5/20)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Stone & Company Entertainment seeks motivated interns interested in television development, 2-3 days wk with strong writing and creative skills. E-mail resume/CL to attn: Patti Stone [email protected]  (5/17)

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