
Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Friday, January 17, 2014, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


NBC Universal announced it’s diving deeper into digital with the Winter Olympics. Partnering with Facebook for the Games in Sochi, Russia, NBCU will feature video content exclusively on Facebook, with the social networking behemoth producing social media segments and other site integrations tied to the events. For the first time, NBCU will live stream almost every important competition online, rather than reserve popular competitions for primetime broadcast slots.

At the Sundance Film Festival, Vimeo announced a new $500K program to support crowd-funded films. The streaming service will sift through platforms like Indiegogo, Kickstarter and Seed&Spark to find film projects that could receive advance funding and marketing support in exchange for exclusive digital premiere rights on Vimeo On Demand.

A&E re-launched AETV.com, with an eye toward digital forces TV Everywhere, mobile consumption and social TV. The new design features an authenticated video experience with full episodes and the integration of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram posts as content by episode. For A&E Social Moments, A&E will identify the largest spikes in social conversation each episode, sharing the chatted-about video clips on AETV.com, Twitter, Facebook and other platforms.


YouTube announced a Super Bowl 2014 commercial sneak-peek feature on its YouTube Ad Blitz channel. The channel will feature ad teasers, game analysis from FOX Sports, custom content from YT stars and post-game voting for favorite commercials from the broadcast. Last year, more than half of the Super Bowl advertisers used YouTube to launch their campaigns early, with people viewing 2.3 million hours. “Digital is now the first stop for brands – not down the road as an afterthought,” YouTube Managing Director, Brand Solution’s Suzie Reider told Cynopsis. “Last year, Super Bowl ads were watched more than 80 million times on YouTube before the game even started, so conversations about the commercials are now happening earlier and earlier. If brands want to be relevant with fans and be part of these conversations, they need to create a digital strategy that spans the weeks before and after the game.”

Hulu made a similar announcement yesterday for its new Hulu AdZone Super Bowl commercial experience. The big game ad platform can be streamed through all of Hulu’s platforms, and will include the broadcast commercials on Feb. 2 in real time. AdZone users will also have the opportunity to vote for favorite Super Bowl spots. Hulu put together an AdZone experience video that can be viewed here.

Netflix struck gold with yesterday’s announcement of the 86th Annual Academy Awards nominations. The streaming service got a nod in the Best Documentary category for its first major acquisition, The Square, depicting the 2011 Egyptian revolution. The doc can be viewed on Netflix starting today.

Veronica Mars creator Rob Thomas offered a hint via Twitter regarding the plot for the cancelled-in-2007 cult hit series’ just-announced digital spin-off on CW Seed. “The CW web series: a comedy featuring Ryan Hansen attempting to put together a Dick Casablancas spin-off of Veronica Mars. No date yet.”

Discovery Digital Networks unveiled Animalist’s The Cat Pack, a series of videos from five felines gone Internet sensation for their unique dispositions and undeniable cuteness. The weekly line-up: Monday is Cole The Black Cat, Tuesday is Before It Was Cool with Hamilton The Hipster Cat, Wednesday is Pudge It Yourself with Pudge The Cat, Thursday is Lil Bub and Friday features Colonel Meow. The videos can be found at Animalist.com or at the individual cat’s YouTube pages.

A new fashion site that pulls TV character looks, Pardux, launched yesterday. Users can log on to the fashion directory and search for favorite shows like Pretty Little Liars or Mad Men, and find similar products at stores like Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus.

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Facebook is hopping on the “trending” train by listing trending topics on alongside its News Feed, the social site announced yesterday. The new feature, Trending, will use an algorithm to list popular topics for each user, combining interests with content. Trending topics won’t include sponsored or promoted content (yet). The new feature rolled out for a select few yesterday.


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Video advertising platform Videology with Forrester Consulting found 64 percent of advertisers believe advertising effectiveness will improve with changes in the video adverts over the next three years, and 74 percent believe they will increase overall revenue. Other findings included:

  • 51 percent of advertisers see targeting certain consumers a key benefit versus 37 percent of agencies, and 43 percent of agencies see increasing audience attention the key benefit versus 27 percent advertisers.
  • 43 percent of media companies see increase in ROI a top benefit offered by video ads versus 27 percent of advertisers and agencies
  • The industry will continue to use different ad-buying programs to achieve different marketing results.


Apple and Samsung won the U.S. smartphone race in 2013 Q4 sales, according to the most recent report from market research company NPD. iPhone owners increased from 35 percent the same period in 2012 to 42 percent, and Android phones increased from 22 percent to 26 percent. Blackberry hit around a six percent increase, from the previous two percent in 2012. In general, smartphone ownership increased from 52 percent in 2012 to 60 percent of all cell phone users.


NBCUniversal announced it has promoted Ashley Kraska to NBCU Television & New Media Distribution’s Vice President. Kraska was previously the Director for the same division.

Maker Studios hired Rene Rechtman to run its International Operations. Rechtman was previously an AOL executive in charge of AOL’s Be On branded content division.

Epidemic Sound has appointed Felix Mannheimer as its Chief Operating Officer and Peter McKelvy as its Managing Director for North America. The company’s founding COO Helena Bengtsson is taking on a new role as Chief Creative Officer. McKelvy was previously with Discovery Communications for 22 years; Mannheimer joins Epidemic Sound from Modern Time Group.



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Subaru launched an adorable and charming ad campaign featuring man’s best friend. In the new string of ads, Meet the Barkleys, Subaru features a family of canines behind the wheel. What’s the Fuss About? suggests the distractions dogs might face if they took a spin behind the wheel. Check out one of the spots at www.cynopsis.com.


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Jessica Reese

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, CEO,PeekAnalytics
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, VP, Industry Insights, Nielsen
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JOB OPENING:  SALES SUPPORT SPECIALIST DIGITAL/AT&T AdWorks/New York: Manage reporting/media planning/account creation/research/traffic to assist campaign creation. BA/BS. Apply: http://attlinks.com/19xiorN (1/25)

JOB OPENING:MARKETING MANAGER/iN DEMAND/NYC: Devlp/execute consumer mktg & ptnrship initiatives, 3-5 yrs mktg exp., strong know of digital & social media. Resume & sal req to: [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  ASSOC. Broadcast/Cable Dir. ADWEEK/NYC:Integrated Sls – dvlp custom prgms to clients across print, dig, editorial. 3-5 yrs Sls media & adv exp. Strong kwldg brdcst & cable sales. RESUMES 2: http://bit.ly/1dxyIIC (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECT RESPONSE AE/Sportsman Channel/WI OR NY: AE w/3+ yrs exp in broadcast or cable network a must. Proven track record in sales. Apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR/NYC: Veria Living. 15 yrs exp, 7 yrs in network nonfiction & reality manage dept & staff Exp in strategy and FPC planning. Send resumes to [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  TRAFFIC COORDINATOR/SIRIUSXM RADIO/NYC: Reconcile SXM Talk Channels, manage format changes, prophet logs, traffic logs. Obtain copy & instructions for scheduled sales orders. 2+ yrs exp. [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING: DIR. SOCIAL MEDIA-SPORTS/Univision/Miami: Leading SM for 2014 FIFA World Cup. Strategy, plan’g of SM & social TV efforts for all sports related initiative. Min 5 yrs SM exp. Fluent in Spanish. http://tinyurl.com/pllvh9o (1/24)

JOB OPENING: AE/BabyFirst/LA or CHI: Oversee Ads and Brand Integration in region. Prior cable net sales exp. req’d; women/kids nets preferred. Lo-Mid 6-figure Pkg w $70K base. Report to SVP. Reply @ [email protected] (1/24)

JOB OPENING: SVP, CREATIVE MKTG/MTV2/U & Logo/NYC: Lead and oversee creative dvlpmnt of on-air promo &environment for all screens. 8+ yrs hold mktg &/or creative positions. Strong business & personal ethics.  More info apply HERE (1/24)

JOB OPENING:Writer Prod/2CMedia/CHI: daily dir, dev, execution & edit sup of topical show promos. Strg/quick writing skills, create thinking, org skills, client mgmt. 5+yrs exp cable, bc net or syn. Resumes & links to [email protected] (1/24)

JOB OPENING:VP AFFIL MKTG/FOX BROADCASTING CO./LA: Oversight of daily ops of the dept. Resp: Implementing the network mktg strategy… Advertising, Mktg, Promotions, PR and Sales Mgr Apply: http://tinyurl.com/kvdayds (1/22) (FNG0002896)

JOB OPENING:AD SALES ASST/UP TV/NY: Recent grad w/previous ad sales/adv internship exp. to asst ad sales dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Good comm, interpersonal & organzt’l skills.Res: [email protected] (1/22)

JOB OPENING:DIR CLIENT SOLUTIONS/USA TODAY/NY: Mng generating revenue thru dvlpmnt of insight-lead integrated mktg solutions for Nat’l Sales/Acct Execs. 10+ yrs insight-lead Media Sales mktg. Resume: [email protected] Full details HERE (1/22)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER NEWS PROMOS/NBC/NY: Concept & execute promos in networks voice; write & produce sales marketing materials. Must have 3 yrs exp. Fulltime, On Site/Freelance. Send resumes and reels to [email protected] (1/18)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCERS/The Weather Channel, ATL: Multiple openings for Producers/AP’s/Sr Producers. Must have live programming exp related to weather or news. Large local or network exp preferred. Resumes [email protected] (1/18)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR-COMEDY/SPIKE-NY: Experienced Ad Sales Media Researcher, expertise in cross-platform measurement, consumer insights to lead team, Nielsen a must. APPLY HERE (1/18)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES ASSISTANT/Discovery/NYC: Motivated individual to spprt Digital Ad Sales team. Resp. for acct maintenance, assist w/cmpgn scheduling/optimizations, and general spprt. Great opp to learn ad sls biz. APPLY HERE (1/18) 

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: Seeking Development job. 7 yrs exp casting/producing. 2 pilots A&E. Network or production company. Will travel. Great w/cast, setting up shoots. [email protected] (1/22)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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