

Good morning. It’s Friday, February 28, 2014, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


Dailymotion is launching its first original series this spring, called Feedback Kitchen, with celebrity chef Mario Batali and sponsored by KitchenAid. The show will feature top musicians discussing cooking and creating music. Dailymotion will spend $3-4 million on original series with six projects in the works for 2014, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Complex TV announced four new original shows, and renewed Magnum Opus, The Neighborhood, Quickstrike, and Cut & Show.
New shows to premiere in Q1 2014:

  • Desus vs. Mero: a pop-culture show based on the podcast.
  • The Drop: an Electronic Dance Music (EDM) music genre series.
  • 10 Dishes: a food show featuring the inspiration behind the best New York chefs.
  • To launch at a later date is Classic Status: a show that focuses on popular hip-hop debates


On Oscar day this Sunday, Fandango will be live Instagramming the red carpet, live Tweeting the red carpet and show, live "gif-ing" on Tumblr, and recapping the winners on Facebook. Also, Fandango’s online web series Frontrunners has released interviews with nominees Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Amy Adams, and Jonah Hill, with and more available at www.fandango.com/frontrunners. And a recent online Fandango survey of more than 1,000 moviegoers about the Oscars found that:

  • 71 percent plan to see winning films after they are awarded at the ceremony.
  • 65 percent are more excited to watch the show with Ellen DeGeneres as this year’s Oscar host than they were with Seth MacFarlane last year. Fandango’s Dave Karger commented, "Everyone in the industry and around the country loves her quick humor. She’s the perfect cheerleader for Hollywood on its biggest night."
  • 59 percent plan to watch the show as part of an Oscar-viewing gathering. Pass the popcorn, please.

ABC will stream the Academy Awards on its Watch ABC mobile and web video services for pay-TV subscribers in eight markets this Sunday. The Oscars app, which ABC debuted in 2011, has been retired. ABC, the last of the Big Four to sign on for Twitter Amplify, will launch its first sponsored-tweet campaign on Sunday. Tweets, including 10 "Twitter mirror" photos from the green room, will be sponsored by Samsung Electronics and originate from @TheAcademy. 

… And by the way, the Oscar-winning classic Forrest Gump won ABCNews.com‘s Best Oscar Movie From The Past 64 Years bracket challenge. The interactive online race brought in more than 529,000 mobile and desktop votes through Facebook and Twitter after six rounds of voting. Coming in second was The Godfather.

Don’t Miss Out… The call for entries in the third annual Cynopsis Kids !magination + People Awards is now open. The Awards honor the best children’s and family multiplatform programming and marketing, plus the outstanding execs in kids entertainment. This year, we will also be honoring an elite group of Animation Innovators. Entry deadline is Friday, March 14, and we will salute all winners on June 11, 2014, at the !magination Awards ceremony in NY. Please visit the awards website for info: http://www.cynopsis.com/events/kids-awards.


With two weeks under Jimmy Fallon‘s belt, web content and social media impression measurement company Kontera has analyzed the online arena so far.

  • The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon‘s online consumption has increased 154 percent this week. There was 167 percent more consumption around Fallon than any other late night host in the past ten days.
  • However, in the past year leading up to the host switch, Jimmy Kimmel saw 31 percent more consumption than Fallon. It will be interesting to see ifFallon can maintain his lead, given that Kimmel’s online activity rose 55 percent in the last 10 days…

"Time slot and guest roster are factors, but perhaps less appreciated is Fallon’s digital savvy and The Tonight Show’s newfound comfort with bite-sized, shareable content," Kontera’s Executive Vice President Ammiel Kamon told Cynopsis. "This one change lends itself well to on-line amplification among today’s digital viewers."


Honoring the Best in Kids Programming & Marketing

Entry Deadline: TWO WEEKS AWAY! – 3/14/2014
Late Deadline: Mar. 21, 2014
Awards Event:
June 11, 2014 (NYC)

Visit our website for additional information on:
Who Should Enter, How to Enter, Eligibility Period, Categories, Deadlines, Sponsorship Opportunities, Contact Information & FAQs.


History announced a new digital partnership with BMW of North America for last night’s launch of Vikings second season. For the first half of the season, BMW sponsored on-air vignettes will push viewers to the digital Inside Look site that features behind-the-scenes info and interviews with the cast and crew of the show. Videos will be added to the site the day after a new episode airs.

Sparking much discussion at the ANA 2014 Brand Masters Conference in Hollywood Florida this week was Mashable‘s Christina Warren’s presentation on new digital trends – specifically Apple’s location-sensing tech, iBeacon. It uses Bluetooth to detect whether an iPhone is nearby, and can send a push notification with a greeting, website, or video. As soon as Senior Technology Analyst Warren mentioned it, the room full of CMOs began buzzing at the potential of iBeacon to attract big money from retailers and large venues.


Bravo and Oxygen named Aimee Viles as Senior Vice President of Emerging Media and Nancy Jo as Vice President of Business Development and Digital Strategy.

Don Robert has been promoted to Senior Vice President of Research and Analytics for A+E Networks.

Lisa Mallen has joined FYI (of A+E Networks) as Senior Vice President of Ad Sales. She was previously Vice President and National Sales Manager for OWN.

Comedy Central has promoted Brooke Posch to Senior Vice President of Original Programming and Development, East Coast. Posch was formerly the Vice President of the division.


Cynopsis sat down with ChoiceStream CEO Eric Bosco to talk about the state of programmatic media buying. Bosco was CPO at comScore and pioneer of AOL’s Instant Messenger.

What do you think is the biggest obstacle with programmatic advertising?
The number one complaint I hear is agencies wondering where to spend their money in programmatic, because it’s still not well understood by CMOs. Leveraging digital advertising and automation buying and selling can drive immediate results. We need to continue to educate people on how to use programmatic, and to choose sustainable solutions.

You helped get AOL’s Instant Messenger off the ground in the late ’90s, a program that truly revolutionized online communication… what was your reaction to Facebook’s acquisition of the WhatsApp messenger service?
It hit somewhat close to home. Everything WhatsApp has now, AOL AIM had in 2002. We were just ahead of our time. The reason AOL didn’t succeed in keeping hold of that business is that social behavior is fickle. AOL thought that because the company had a large user base they could build a similar messaging system foundation, and everyone would jump on board. That’s not how it works. Facebook is smart because they’re bringing in an app that already has millions of users and a foundation in the market. But even if they have a majority in the messaging and "inner-circle" community with WhatsApp now, doesn’t mean they always will over time.

What are your thoughts on the recent comScore/Google partnership?
I was shocked that the two companies made that deal, but it gives each company what it needs: big brands and access to data. Before Tim Armstrong came over to run AOL he worked at Google, and a big reason that he jumped to AOL was for the brands. So it makes sense Google would want to bring in comScore… they’ve done a great job at measuring effective advertising, so with Google on board it will continue to do well in that area.


The Exploding World of Kids’ Tablets: The New Way to Build Your Brand
Thursday, March 20, 2014 ||| 1:30 – 3:00pm ET ||| Sign-Up Now

Speakers Include:
Moderator: Cathy Applefeld Olson  Editor {Cynopsis Kids!}
Abby Jenkins
– Director of Content {PBS KIDS Digital}
Mindy Brooks
– Director of Education & Research {SesameWorkshop}
Graham Farrar
– Co-Founder {IStoryTime}
Caroline Fraser
– VP, Digital Products & Production
{Scholastic Media}


The 86th annual Academy Awards will include the winner for Best Documentary Short, and one of the nominees, The Lady in Number 6 – Music Save My Life was just acquired by Netflix yesterday. The producer of the short, Nick Reed, first promoted it on YouTube a year ago and garnered almost a million views. Because of the volume of buzz, Reed, former Omnicom executive Tim Staples and new media entrepreneur Cameron Manwaring created a brand agency to focus exclusively on YT, and named it Contagious. The agency has already marketed more than 70 videos with one million or more views. Check out a preview of "Lady in Number 6" at www.cyopsis.com.


Reaching Today’s U.S. Hispanic Connected Audience Through
Digital, Social Media and Web Video Webinar

Date: March 27, 2014 | Time: 1:30 – 3:00 PM EST

Featured Speakers:
Daniel Eilemberg, Chief Digital Officer (Fusion)
Virginia Lennon, SVP, Client Partnerships (Ipsos MediaCT)
Carlos Restrepo, VP, Business Development & Sales (Outrigger Media)

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese  @JMarieReese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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JOB OPENING: VP, CORP COMM/AMC/NYC: Manage trade& business media rel.for AMC & IFC Films. Rare opp for driven and dynamic exec, hot network, highly-visible job. Submit res: http://tinyurl.com/k3gqfpf (3/7)

JOB OPENING: MGR, CLIENT SERVICES: Digital dist consulting co. seeking PT mgr to asst President. Sales exp & new bus dvlpmnt are also a +. Must be able to work from home. BA/BS + 3-5 yrs min exp dig media & dist req’d. Resume: HERE (3/7)

JOB OPENING: YANGAROO/DIRECTOR OF SALES, DIRECT RESPONSE/NY: Oversee sales into and revenue growth from Direct Response Agencies. 10+ years relevant DR sales role and experience in media, advertising or Saas. Resumes: [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER ON-AIR PROMOS/CNN/ATL: Exp write/produce national and/or local news promos, writing for multiple genres and platforms. Topical Exp Pref.2-3 yrs+ exp.To Apply: http://bit.ly/1h88sbZ (3/7)

JOB OPENING: SR. CREATIVE PRODUCER/NYC: Responsible for creative ideas and day-to-day mgmt of app dev process. Work with tech and mktg teams at all stages. 4+ yrs in apps, games, entertainment, etc. Resume to: [email protected] (3/7)

JOB OPENING: VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MOBILE GAMES, APPS/LOS ANGELES CA: Fox Digital Entertainment is seeking a VP, Business, Development, for its mobile games and apps business. General Strategy Consultants Apply: http://tinyurl.com/jwem3vj (FFE0002218) (3/6)

JOB OPENING: TEMP-DIRECTOR MULTI-PLATFORM INTERSTITIAL STRATEGY & PLANNING/SHOWTIME/NYC: Direct the content strategy & media plans of all networks & alternative platforms; maintain media post-analysis reviews. Apply www.sho.com/careers (3/5)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR PROMOTIONS WRITER/PRODUCER/TWC/ATL: Conceive, write & produce on-air promotion & brand communication. Strong creative skills. 5+ yrs exp w/cable Co., local news, ad agency, etc. Apply: [email protected] (3/5)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MANAGER/LA: Produce analysis & presentations. 3 yrs exp in TV rsrch related to synd TV pref’d. – brdcst & cable exp a +. Bach deg. Galaxy Explorer and WRAP a must. Resume to: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SYNDICATION AD SALES INDY PRODUCER/DISTRIB/Philadelphia PA: seeks exp’d broadcast, cable, or syndication ad sales specialist w/strong marketing relationships for sponsorship/general ad sales. Send resumes to [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SR PROMO WRITER-PRODUCER/OWN/Oprah Winfrey Network/LA: Funny unsinkable creative producer wanted! Min 5 yrs exp in promo at a network or agency. Must have strong reel & work ethic. Apply at: http://careers.own.tv/ (3/4)

JOB OPENING: EDITORIAL DIR/Comedy Central/NYC: Write/oversee daily editorial content promotions. Great sense of humor! (Literally & figuratively) Min 5yrs relevant ent/promot’l Creative writing exp. w/in ad agency. Full info apply HERE (3/4)

JOB OPENING: CORP COMMS SPECIALIST/THE WEATHER COMPANY/NYC: Promote Weather Channel prog, digital cont, ad sales comms, int comms. Skilled w/Cision, TV Eyes, Meltwater News, intranet. 3 yrs exp. Apply HERE or email [email protected] (3/4) 

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/Disney ABC Television Group/Burbank: to ensure high quality and timely delivery of EM content. To apply http://bit.ly/1eBYRIo (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PRODUCER ON-AIR PROMOS/ABC TV Comedy/LA: Write/produce on/off air; Strong writer + visual; supv all prod phases. 5 yrs+ exp w/cable/network/agency. BA in TV/film/creative to Apply – http://bit.ly/1eVicmA (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SVP, CONSUMER INSIGHTS RESEARCH/NICKELODEON/NYC: Overseeing rsrch monitoring brand perceptions and affinity for key brands within the Nickelodeon Group arsenal. A min 10 yrs exp in applied rsch. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)
JOB OPENING: ONLINE MNGNG EDITOR/Univision-Flama/NYC: Resp for scouring online to find the best vids, writing catchy headlines & working to make Flama top online destination. 3+ yrs as online editor or dig media position. Apply HERE (3/4)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Music Choice: Prgm/Ad Sales research. NPower exp a must. MRI/Rentrak a plus. Standard reports, custom requests & competitive analysis. BA/BS, plus 1-3 yrs relevant research exp. Required. Apply HERE (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIR, RETAIL MKTG/Nickelodeon/NY: Resp for dvlpmnt/execution of customized mktg prgrms that drive placement & sell-thru of Nick consumer products at key retail accts. BA deg+ 8yrs exp mktg retail/ent. Full info/apply HERE (3/4)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES EXEC/NCC/Chicago: Be forward facing to Online Media & Interactive Advrtsng decision-makers at the Digital Agencies. Min 5 yrs dig media sales exp, w/knwlg online & advanced Advrtsng space. Resumes: HERE (3/4)

JOB OPENING: TVONE/ACCOUNT EXEC/NY: Achieve national ad. Revenue. Carryout entire sales process.Communicate TV1 ntwork to advertisers. 20-30% dom. Travel. BA+ 8 yrs nat’l advertsing sales exp. strg cable industry knwldg. Resumes: HERE [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, DIGITAL ANALYTICS/NY: 3+ yrs Digital Analytics/Research exp. Exp w/cross-platform media research online, mobile, & on-air a plus. Apply HERE contact: [email protected] (3/4)

JOB OPENING: MGR, BUSINESS DEV/AMC NETWORKS/NYC: generate business across all networks, ability to build targeted sales presentations for clients. Photoshop, Custom Show, PowerPoint skills. Must be creative. APPLY HERE (3/4)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED: LA: Non-fiction field & post producer available and looking to work at your company. News, talk, reality & promos. Whatever you need, whatever it takes; I’m there for you! [email protected] (3/6)

SITUATION WANTED: BROADCAST MEDIA PRO w/10+ yrs exp in Tech Operations & Prod/Admin support seeks F/T or P/T position in NYC. From Behind the Camera to On-Camera & Voice Over. Plz contact: [email protected] (3/1)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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