Proudly Announces
Industry Day at the NYTVF in Partnership with NATPE
Featuring a Keynote Conversation with:
Bonnie Hammer – President of NBC Universal Cable Entertainment & Universal Cable Studios
Rick Rosen – William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Rick Feldman President and CEO of NATPE
Tuesday, September 22nd , 4 PM at The Times Center
For tickets and more information visit: www.nytvf.com/2009_boxoffice
Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Wednesday, September 2, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
eBay announced it was selling a controlling share in internet calling service Skype to private investors led by Silicon Valley-based Silver Lake Partners. The deal, which includes a pay out of $1.9 billion for a 65% share of the company, ends a tech marriage that never really found its promised synergy, even as Skype continued to add subscribers and increase revenues. (The service currently claims 480 million global registered users and reported Q2 earnings of $170 million – up 25% from the previous year.) eBay, which is loaning the group $125 million as part of the deal, will retain an approximate 35% share in the company.
Much hope is being pinned on the Sept. 9 release of The Beatles version of MTV Games‘ Rock Band to resuscitate the flagging video game industry and the company is paying Beatles rights holders big money to include the Fab Four’s songs and images in the game, reports the LA Times. MTV has guaranteed rights holders a minimum of around $10 million and will pay royalties of $40 million or more if the game sells as expected. The company is hoping that huge retail promotions such as prize and memorabilia giveaways at Best Buys nationwide will attract first time Rock Band buyers.
CBSSports.com is extending its live online preview show Fantasy Football Today by 30-minutes this year to help players make those last-minute line-up decisions. The show averaged approximately 500,000 weekly viewers last season, according to CBS Interactive.
Bravo Digital says it is on track to record its best August delivery ever, with nearly four million unique visitors and 5.7 million video streams. Year-to-year, monthly uniques are up 43% (vs. 2.73 million) and video streams are up 183% (vs. 2.03 million). The Real Housewives of Atlanta premiere attracted 318,000 video streams, the best Bravo online premiere yet.
Call for Votes: EW.com is teaming with Hulu to ask users to vote on the best TV shows and performances that were overlooked at the Emmys this year. Vote here through Sep. 6 to nominate your favorite comedies and comedic actors/performances then return from Sept. 7 to choose among overlooked dramas and performances.
The NFL amended its Twitter policy once again on Monday, ordering players, coaches and operational folks to cease using Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms up to 90 minutes before kickoff, then not resume until after post-game media interviews. During the game, individuals or people representing individual players (sorry Chad Ochocinco) will be prohibited from posting.
Casting site GotCast.com is powering another reality talent search, this time for Lifetime‘s Project Runway spinoff, Models of the Runway. MySpace and producers The Weinstein Co. will co-host the challenge on MySpace and ProjectRunway.com, asking perspective contestants to upload videos, photos and a brief essay about themselves.
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Hulu has managed to squeeze handsome CPMs out of advertisers by presenting a premium environment and limiting clutter, but for how long?, asks Business Week. Average prices of $40/thousand impressions may be hard to sustain as ad agencies begin to experiment with cheaper alternatives.
Google’s Chrome browser scored a major coup in the U.S., signing a deal with Sony to become the default web browser on its popular Vaio line of PCs, per the WSJ. Chrome’s share of the U.S. web browser market stands at just 3.4% according to StatCounter, compared to 59% for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and 31% for Mozilla’s Firefox.
High-speed WiMax internet service provider Clearwire has launched its 4G Clear service in an additional 10 markets, eight of them in Texas. The Texas markets are Abilene, Amarillo, Corpus Christi, Killeen/Temple, Lubbock, Midland/Odessa, Waco and Wichita Falls, joining Boise, Idaho and Bellingham, Wash.
Toronto-based Yangaroo signed its first client for its new secure digital video delivery system, landing Delvin Video International, a production facility whose clients include ABC Sports, CBS, Comedy Central and HBO Sports.
U.S. ad spending took a tumble during the first half of 2009 falling in almost every media and product category, according to Nielsen. A total of $56.9 billion was spent on advertising in the first six months of the year, more than $10.3 billion less than the same time period in 2008. Despite a 31% y/y drop, automotive remained the top product category, totaling $3.68 billion in spending through June. Sunday Supplements, Spot TV ads in smaller DMAs and magazine placements were among the hardest hit outlets. Cable TV was the only media category to see added spending with a 1.5% surge overall and a 0.6% increase for Spanish Language Cable TV. There were some growth categories, however, as ad spending on multi-function cell phones more than doubled to almost $233 million
Year-to-Year Change in Ad Spend, by Media
Media Category First Half 2009 vs. First Half 2008
Cable TV 1.5%
Spanish Language Cable TV 0.6%
Internet -1.0%
FSI Coupon -5.5%
Network TV -7.0%
Network Radio -9.0%
Spot Radio -9.1%
Spanish Language TV -10.1%
Syndication TV -11.6%
Local Newspaper -13.2%
Outdoor -14.9%
Spot TV Top 100 DMAs -17.4%
National Magazine -21.2%
National Sunday Supplement -22.4%
National Newspaper -22.8%
Local Magazine -25.4%
B-to-B Magazines -31.8%
Spot TV 101-210 DMAs -32.1%
Local Sunday Supplements -45.7%
Grand Total -15.4%
Source: The Nielsen Company
Amazon, Blockbuster and Facebook are getting ready to launch their own Yahoo TV widgets, following those of other popular platforms such as YouTube and Twitter, reports ClickZ. The widgets enable users to access interactive content on TVs of participating manufacturers including Sony, Samsung, LG and Vizio.
Apple has approved the music streaming app submitted by UK-based Spotify so we can expect to see it shortly in the U.S., according to the company blog. One of its selling points is that it downloads songs to your hard drive so that you can listen while you’re not connected to the network.
Now legal music streaming service Napster launched a new WAP service accessible via web-enabled phones. Go to m.napster.com to sign up for unlimited listening for $5/month, including 5 free MP3 downloads. Buy a phone at Best Buy and Napster will throw in a $15 credit. However, the company has no plans to submit an iPhone music streaming app it designed due to prohibitively high licensing costs, according to paidcontent.org.
Susanne Smith McAvoy has been upped to SVP/Marketing for Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel. She will continue to report to Bill Abbott, President and CEO in Hallmark’s New York office.
Meredith Corporation has tapped former Publicis Modem & Dialog CEO Martin F. Reidy as President of Meredith Integrated Marketing, replacing Wendy Riches who will become Chief Strategy Officer for Meredith Corp., a new position. Martin will also serve as an EVP of Meredith’s National Media Group and Corporate VP of Interactive Strategy. He will report to Jack Griffin, President of Meredith’s National Media Group.
Mobile video ad network Transpera made two additions to its Board of Directors: media industry veterans Robert Perkins and Jeff Ballowe. They join fellow board members Frank Barbieri, CEO and founder of Transpera, Jeffrey Bussgang, General Partner of Flybridge Capital Partners and Jeff Schrock, Investment Director for Intel Capital.
More stars are launching internet TV shows, often funded by major sponsors as sound business models and commercial opportunities slowly emerge, according to a new Futurescape research report, The Birth of Online TV. Revenue is trickling in via digital download sales, major brand sponsorship and commissions from web sites while stars are also managing to utilize digital distribution platforms such as gaming consoles to help new media properties succeed. For instance, Microsoft funded two seasons of gamer otaku comedy The Guild to provide original content directly to TV viewers via the Xbox 360 Live Marketplace. The show, also distributed via MSN and the Microsoft Zune media player, reaches a potential 14m viewers in 26 countries and claims an aggregate 25 million viewers served. Niche-targeted The Guild is not particularly original (or well acted,) but it should be a lesson to web producers to let the medium be the message. Set a show within a world that is complementary to a potential sponsor (or better yet a distributor) and you’ll have a much better chance of monetizing it.
Join us on October 28 at The Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center for The Walter Kaitz Foundation Annual Fundraising Dinner, part of Cable Connection Fall. You’ll socialize with industry leaders while supporting organizations that make diversity their central mission: The Emma L. Bowen Foundation, The National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications, and Women in Cable Telecommunications.
Visit us here for details about tables, tickets and sponsorships. And make your plans now to join us in Denver, Colorado on October 28!
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR/SOAPNet/ABC DAYTIME/LA: Help build digital mktg strategy, lead exec of digital mktg plans, devlp content for social media space; 4+ yrs exp corp/ agency digital media mktg, BA/BS. www.disneycareers.com Req # 204809 (9/8)
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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: COMMUNICATIONS INTERN/NYC PBS station: Assist in PR/marketing of programs to media. Grassroots promotion, research, web updates, proofing. MS Office, strong writing & comm skills required. Resumes: [email protected] (9/9)
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SITUATION WANTED: DOCUMENTARY PROD, DIR., WRITER in L.A. Credits: truTV, Discovery, History, A&E, Food Network and HGTV. Strengths include field producing and re-enactment directing. Contact email: [email protected] (9/9)
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SITUATION WANTED: 20+ yrs. experience in TV Broadcasting & Cable ACCOUNTING/FINANCE. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-Perm position: immediate start. Please contact [email protected] (9/9)
SITUATION WANTED: 9 time Emmy winning CREATIVE PRODUCER-based in Atlanta seeking freelance jobs. Great with clients. 15yrs experience in promotional / creative TV. [email protected] / website: www.pack30productions.com (9/8)
SITUATION WANTED: FILM/TV/ENT PR/NYC: Seeking F/T or Freelance opps. Write press releases/pitch to targeted print/online & brdcst media, track news clips, editorial calendar opps, build press lists w/Cision [email protected] (9/8)
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