Wednesday, October 12th, 2005



Top 5 in Primetime with W18-49 & W18-34

Available exclusively from
Warner Bros. Domestic Cable Distribution  Get with the programming  online.Source: NTI, Explorer, 9/19-10/9/05, US Rtg.



Good morning.  It’s Wednesday, October 12, 2005, and this is your first early morning briefing. 

Two more primetime freshman series get the long term nod from their network.  Fox has ordered the back nine for both Bones and War at Home. Bones on Tuesday nights at 8p has been highly competitive, averaging a 9 share and just point or two behind the time period leader among A18-49; and War at Home has averaged a 10 share on Sunday nights at 830p.

Tonight’s Finale:
ABC Family: Kicked Out at 10p

Tonight’s Premieres:
:  Freddie at 830p
E!:     Party at the Palms at 10p

* MORE GOOD STUFF *WE: Women’s Entertainment will add Style Me with Rachel Hunter to its program schedule.  The 8-week reality series features a dozen aspiring stylists competing to style Hunter for an upcoming red carpet appearance.  Official sponsors for the series includes L’Oreal Paris and Payless ShoeSource.  The show premieres on January 20 at 10p.

The Style Network has ordered a new season of The Brini Maxwell Show, set to debut on October 30th at 6p.  The weekly 30m show is a bevy of tips from Brini in the areas of home design, crafting and her own unique sensibilities.

Screenvision, a provider of in-cinema advertising, has launched its new in-theatre pre-show concept.  A kid-targeted version of the SCREAMvision pre-show has been packaged to run prior to G & PG movies, with a separate PG-13 and R version for older audiences.  As for the older audiences, Screenvision has signed a content deal with E! whereby the cable network will provide every month new segments from programming on its two networks, E! and Style.  E! will also provide Screenvision with its trivia which is also seen before the feature film begins while audiences are gathering. Screenvision’s first pre-show is a Halloween-themed event called SCREAMvision, which is running nationwide through the end of October. 

Paramount Domestic Television is knocking on doors with the syndication rights to the CBS hit series NCIS for fall 2007.  By that time an estimated 92 episodes will be in the can.  The likelihood is Paramount is first looking for a strip clearance on a cable network – most likely TNT, Spike, or USA – with perhaps a repurpose deal included that will get the network current season episodes as early as next fall.  Once that portion is taken care of, Paramount will likely offer weekend-only plays to local broadcast stations.

Bravo will launch a new 8-part 60m series called Party/Party, an unscripted series which follows 16 families as they prepare for a huge party they are each hosting.  The series will debut on December 6 at 9p.  The parties are all really big deals for each of these families – which can be quite evident in the price tag.  Consider this – a 10-year old’s $10,000 princess party – that’s $1000 for each year!,Another family is busy planning a massive and awe-inspiring Bat Mitzvah, and another working on a Graduation party.  The focus is not the price tag as much as it is the different approaches each family takes in the preparation for their event.  Party/Party is produced by World of Wonder.

HGTV‘s new series My First Place scheduled to debut on October 22, can been seen first at on October 17.  In addition, webcasts of the series can been seen on  Scripps has long been looking at ways to promote and market its networks’ content beyond its own properties, recognizing how difficult it is to draw a new viewer into its various niche networks.  The webcasts of My First Place will be sponsored by Century 21 on, tho will be sponsor-free on

The National Geographic Channel (NGC) has acquired Rough Trades from Parthenon Entertainment.  The show is actually dubbed Extreme Jobs for the global market. Parthenon worked with ProSieben to produce the show and distributed it with ProSieben’s international distributor, SevenOne International.  NGC will air Extreme Jobs this fall season starting with a 90-minute special and followed by the 20×30 series.  It looks at extreme jobs from across the globe.

Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Network Rankings among Total Viewers for the week of 10/3-9, 2005:
Primetime      (000)    Total Pgm Day   (000)
ESPN             4581     NICK              1924
USA              2657     ESPN              1848
TNT              2360     NAN*              389
LIFETIME         2036    TNT               1178
CARTOON 1680     USA              1149
NAN              1675     CARTOON 1097
FOXNEWS 1646     ADULT SWIM*     1088
TBS              1490     LIFETIME         1087
SPIKE            1349     FOXNEWS 910
FX               1117     TBS               898
 Source: Turner Research from Nielsen Media Research Data.
All ratings based on Total U.S. Television Universe of 109,600,000 homes
* = Network broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24 hour day. Primetime listing only includes those networks broadcasting more than 51% of the primetime hours (M-Su 8p-11p)

Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Network Rankings among A18-49 for the week of 10/3-9, 2005:
Primetime     (000)     Total Pgm Day   (000)
ESPN             2225     ESPN              928
USA              1347     NAN*              609
TNT              1071     USA               609
TBS              928      TNT               577
LIFETIME         870     TBS               540
SPIKE            789      ADULT SWIM*     527
FX               661      LIFETIME         500
MTV              532      NICK              440
SCIFI            516      SPIKE             363
VH1              460      FX                335
Source: Turner Research from Nielsen Media Research Data.
All ratings based on Total U.S. Television Universe of 109,600,000 homes
* = Network broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24 hour day. Primetime listing only includes those networks broadcasting more than 51% of the primetime hours (M-Su 8p-11p)

Top 10 Cable Programs among A18-49 (000) for the week of 10/3-9, 2005:
ESPN     Bengals/Jaguars          8343
ESPN    Angels/Yankees            7212
ESPN    Red Sox/White Sox       6364
ESPN    College Fball Saturday  6243
USA     WWE Mon 9p               6177
USA     WWE Mon 10p              5811
ESPN    Yankees/Angels            5524
ESPN    Baseball Post Game Wed 5455
ESPN    NFL Prime Sun            5085
ESPN    Braves/Astros             4866
Source: Turner Research from Nielsen Media Research Data.
All ratings based on Total U.S. Television Universe of 109,600,000 homes

Top 10 Broadcast Programs among A18-49 (000) for the week of OCT 3-9, 2005:
ABC:     Desperate Housewives             14,380
CBS:    CSI                                 12,770
ABC:    Lost                                       11,980
ABC:    Grey’s Anatomy                    10,440
CBS:    Without a Trace                               8880
CBS:    CSI: Miami                        8270
ABC:    Ex. Makeover: Home Edition      8160
NBC:     E.R.                                                  8160
CBS:     Survivor                                            8130
NBC:    Law & Order: SVU                 8050
Source:  Nielsen Media Research, Galaxy Explorer

If you caught the typo in yesterday’s History Channel fact – you were right – my bad.  The Battle of Savannah, Georgia during the American Revolution was in 1769, and clearly not in 1669.  Having a battle of the Revolutionary War nearly a century ahead of schedule would have been quite a trick. Glad to see not only were you paying attention in school, but you’re paying attention to the History Channel facts here everyday too!

In an effort to help clear up any misunderstandings or misconstrued information about the FCC’s obscenity rules, the government agency has set up a website to explain the rules as well as provide information on how to file a complaint.  The site also provides a variety of statistics going back to 1993 on the FCC’s enforcement efforts including the number of complaints received, acted upon and the amount of fines issued.  You too can know all this valuable information by clicking on

 * NEW ORDERS / CASTING / DEVELOPMENT / PRODUCTION *Touchstone Television has signed Alias showrunner Jeff Pinkner to a two year deal, which will keep him with Alias as well as develop new projects for the studio, says Variety.

CBS has ordered up another season of Big Brother – it will be the show’s 7th season.  Returning as exec producers are Arnold Shapiro and Allison Grodner, and Julie Chen will continue as host, says Variety.  Big Brother is a production from Endemol USA.

NBC is taking a close look at a project from Bunim-Murray Prods called 100 Things To Do Before I Die.  The unscripted series features two guys – reportedly considering participating in this project are Leslie Nielsen and Ed Asner – who set out to do exactly as the title suggests.

* CARRIAGE DEALS*WWE announced six new carriage deals for its 24/7 SVOD subscription service: Armstrong Cable Services Inc. in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky and Maryland; Buckeye CableSystem in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan; Patriot Media & Communications in New Jersey; Astound Broadband in St. Cloud, Minn., and Concord/Walnut Creek, Calif.; BendBroadband in central Oregon; and SIGECOM LLC in southern Indiana.

Playboy has signed a two part deal with Comcast – to carry Playboy’s movies on VOD the Comcast’s VOD tier, as well as Playboy TV on Comcast’s SVOD service, according to MultiChannel News.

* EXECUTIVE MOVES *Lifetime Movie Network has upped Louise Henry Bryson to EVP/GM of the network, retaining her current responsibilities together with adding many new ones.  Louise joined the company in 1999 as EVP/Distribution and Affiliate Business Development for Lifetime Entertainment Services.* RATINGS *Monday — A18-49 Analysis:  ABC won the night on Monday with a wall to wall 5.1/13 A18-49 rating according to final numbers from Nielsen Media Research.  Fox was #2 with the playoff game between the Yankees and the Angels earning a 4.8/12 and ending at 11:45p. CBS was a close #3 with a 4.7/11, followed by NBC 4.3/10, UPN 1.7/4, WB 1.5/4.  At 8p Surface on NBC earned a time-period winning 3.4/9, tho King of Queens was slightly ahead with a 3.5/9, How I Met Your Mother at 830p tugged down a share point by 3.4/8, bringing down the average for the hour. 7th Heaven on the WB earned a 2.0/5, tho the network dipped with a repeat of Related at 9p (1.0/2), slipping behind UPN’s 9-10p sitcoms (1.7/4). At 9p the football game kicked off and after finishing up at 1230am, averaged a 6.3/16. Las Vegas on NBC delivered a 4.8/11 for the 9p hour, tho 2-1/2 Men on CBS was ahead by a share point.  At 10p CSI Miami led the hour with a 6.2/15, ahead of Medium’s 4.7/11.

FINAL HOUSEHOLD RATINGS:  Monday, October 10, 2005, for all Networks – program averages.  Source: Nielsen Media Research. 

CBS     9.2/14   The King of Queens 6.9/11, How I Met Your Mother 6.5/9, Two and a Half Men 9.8/14, Out of Practice 8.1/12, CSI: Miami 11.9/18

FOX     8.9/14   MLB Baseball: Yankees at LA Angels (11:45p) 8.9/14

ABC     8.5/13   Wife Swap 5.4/9, NFL Football: Pittsburgh at San Diego (12:29a) 10.2/17

NBC     8.1/12   Surface 6.6/10, Las Vegas 8.8/13, Medium 8.7/13

WB      2.7/4    7th Heaven 3.6/5,  Related  [r] 1.8/3

UPN     2.5/4    One on One 2.4/4, All of Us 2.6/4, Girlfriends 2.7/4, Half & Half 2.4/3

A18-49            ABC 5.1/13, Fox 4.8/12, CBS 4.7/11, NBC 4.3/10, UPN 1.7/4, WB 1.5/4

The History Channel presents This Day in History:
1960-In one of the UN’s most memorable moments, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev throws a wild tantrum, pounding a table with his shoe in protest against criticisms of Soviet policy.  Trying to restore order, General Assembly President Frederick Boland pounded his gavel, which broke before Khrushchev replaced his shoe.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question:  What was the name of Louis Nye character on The Steve Allen Show, the country club snob who welcomed Steve by saying “Hi! Ho! Steverino!”?    GORDON HATHAWAY Kudos to: Louis Barbash-Connecting the Dots/DC; Gary A. Stark-WEWS/Cleveland; Jessica Pritchett-Court TV/NY; Ron Salcedo-Zimmerman/NY; Debbie Vasquez-Coca Cola/Dallas; Kathy Yarbrough-The Graham Group/Lafayette; Larry Glazer-Katz Continental TV Sales/Chicago; Joann Kelleher-CLTV/Chicago;  Michael Ramirez-Edelman Public Relations/LA; Alan Perris-Metts Consulting/LA; Donna Carper-KCBS TV/KCAL-TV/LA; Larry Goodman-LMNO Productions/Encino CA


A GAMBLE? OR A SURE THING?On tonight’s episode of PSYCHIC DETECTIVES, entitled The Gambler , police call on a psychic in Hawaii for help on a baffling case thousands of miles away in Louisiana. Wednesdays at 10PM E/P. Only on Court TV.The sure thing? Viewers will be riveted, and advertisers will love this attentive and loyal audience. Find out more about us at

Today’s Trivia Question: Along with Linda Evans, which former Dynasty actor appeared in the 1965 film, “Beach Blanket Bingo?”   (click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Cyn
10.12.05 – 5:15a
Cynopsis Ad Sales – Barbara Shapiro – 203-583-1224 /

Classified Ad Sales – Trish Pihonak – 203.381-9096 /

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Copyright Cynthia Turner 2005

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JOB OPENING: MGR. SCHED. & ACQUISITIONS/ Wash. DC: Nat Geo Channel. Dvlps primetime program sched., recommend programs for purchase, 4-7yrs.exp.TV ability to program/purchase shows.  Apply@ . (job# fng1180) EOE (10/19)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXEC/Nielsen, New York. Sell Nielsen products to Local Stations/Agencies. Focus on East Coast markets. 5+years research/sales industry experience a must. (200502854-JL) (10/19)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, MUSIC RESEARCH, MTV/NYC. 6+yrs music ind. Exp, Pref in music media, Strng knwlg qual/quan research Xcross platforms esp TV/online, Knwlg Nielsen/media metrics A+  EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/19)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, ACQUISITIONS, VH1/CMT/Logo/NYC. 5+yrs ent. industry, Basic knwlg acq&contracts, Knwlg research/ratings/emrging tech, Strng Xcel/PPt, Strng Knwlg Pop Cult/Gay/Country EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/19)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISING PRODUCER,DEV & PROD (2 spots), VH1/NYC. 5+yrs Prod in News/Reality/Related media, Stg Exp in Building Story&Writing, Strg Prod/Negotiating/Mgmt, Able to travel  EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/19)

JOB OPENING: VICE PRESIDENT, COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC AFFAIRS, Logo/NYC. 10yrs PR/Comm Exp Strg int/ext Strategy exp, Strg media relationships, Manage high vol&crisis, Xcllnt writer&leader  EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (10/19)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AFFIL MKTG/TNA Wrestling/Nashville: Mktg for TV prog & PPV events. Creative, versatile, self-starter, ok w/travel. Exc comm & pres skills. 3-5 yrs in Aff Mktg req. Res & cvr ltr:

JOB OPENING: MEDIA BUYER/ Boston Ad Agency (Waltham area): 3-5 yrs. ‘ exp. negotiating mid-to- large – size markets (TV/radio).  Email resume:
, or mail Attn: Michele Alkon, RPA, 201 Jones Rd, #130, Waltham, MA 02451  (10/19)

JOB OPENING: MTV Networks  ACCT EXEC in AFSM: Collaborate w/ the Nat’l Acct Group & Sales Exec team members to dvlp new ideas & strategic objectives resulting in maximizing revenue & distribution goals. Apply: (10/19)

JOB OPENING: EXEC ASST, DEVELOPMENT/CITY LIGHTS TELEVISION  NYC: Entry-level w/ potential for growth, supporting President. Must be org, det-oriented & personable w/passion for devt /reality tv.Res: 

JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST , Nickelodeon/NY: Support publicity efforts corp comm.dept.Dev press releases, story placement; mng events. 3-4 yrs Publ. exp; strong relationships w/ nat’l press/TV trades. Apply: EOE (10/19)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER WE: Women’s Entertainment.  Strong promo writing & natl. TV exp. in 2 or more of the following: episodics, movie promos, presentation reels. Preditors a plus. Resumes: 

JOB OPENING: SR. WRITER/PRODUCER WE: Women’s Entertainment.  Must know female TV audience & have conversational, witty promo writing style, extensive exp. in reality-genre launch campaigns. Resumes: 

JOB OPENING: MGR, AFFIL MKTG/Long Island, NY 5+yrs exp. Strat sales/mktg prof. Cable industry exp a must.Apply to

JOB OPENING: COPYWRITER /LIFETIME TV,NY: Creative, strategic thinker to assist in the planning, development and execution of copy in support of promotional and mktg. efforts. Apply at (10/18)

JOB OPENING: MGR, NATIONAL AD SALES MKTG/LIFETIME TV,NY. CREATIVE MGR w/ excellent writing skills; 2+ yrs at a cable network in an ad sales mktg or national promotions dept. Apply at (10/18)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRIMARY RES./LIFETIME TV NY Oversee prim. res./media studies; work w/ suppliers on all phases of studies; BA/BS plus 2-4 yrs exp designing & executing studies Apply at (10/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/Zenith Media/Irvine CA: Maintain all aspects of Acct Mgmt incl signif. client contact.1yr media exp. Exc analytical & comm skills. Attn to detail. Strong Excel & PP. Res/sal req’s to:

JOB OPENING: SR. PUBLICIST/National Geographic Channel-Wash. DC: Run publicity campaigns, press outreach across all mediums, 4-7 yrs. exp sr .media  contacts. Must apply on-line @ for position #FNG1299 (10/18)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC. RES. ANALYST/CNN/NY: Multi-tasker, strong analytical/problem solving skills & MS Office proficient; media exp a+, info #46313; Res:

JOB OPENING: VOD COORD.  iN DEMAND/NY: Maintain VOD databases, distribute VOD info, prepare reports, communicate VOD info to affiliates. Bchlrs degree with 1 year work/intern exp.
EOE (10/15)

JOB OPENING: TALENT MNGMNT JR EXEC/ NYC based TALENT BRAND MNGMNT FIRM: Creative, Org, detail oriented, energetic w/ exp & passion for Fashion, Advertising, New Media, Mrktng, & Publicity. Res & cvr letter to 212-226-9791 or

JOB OPENING: VP/GM /Nexstar Br’casting Grp/Evansville IN: Oversee WTVW, FOX Affil. Track record of success in revenue, community & audience dev building motivated team & bottom line growth is req’d. Credentials to:

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH CONSULT / G4 Media/LA: Thorough knwldg of Nielsen ratings data & other resrch tools. Strong PC knwldg (esp Mrktbreaks or StarTrak, MS Office) req’d. BA & prev TV resrch exp req’d. Temp position.

JOB OPENING: MGR WORLD WIDE PROGRAMMING STRATEGY/Burbank; 2+ yrs exp in int’l tv; television/children’s programming &  research exp pref’d; exp in global bus and foreign language skills. Resumes To:

JOB OPENING:  ADMIN ASST, PROGRAMMING/OLN-Stamford, CT. Entry-level, supporting busy VPs. Proficiency w/MS Office, detail-oriented/deadline driven, interest in programming.  See: Resume/salary:

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT, AETN/NY: Organized, multi-tasker with Int/Adv Excel req & media math skills desirable. Energetic w/ interest in sales/business, excellent comm skills. Send resume & cover to

JOB OPENING: MGR, AFFIL MKTG/LIFETIME TV, NY. Seeking a detailed-orientated, creative thinker with a min. of 5 yrs exp. at a cable network. TV/Ent. industry exp. pref’d. Apply at (10/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, COMM, Nick Networks/NY: Devlp & mng comm & media strtgy for TV & Online. Devlp/write press mat’l. 7-10 yrs PR exp. Strng  in Teen Press & relat’s w/ Teen mags, cons print/TV & cbl trades. EOE (10/13)

JOB OPENING: SR RES. ANALYST/Cartoon Ntwrk Res./ATL:3-5 yrs Nat’lTV exp; Prof. in mrkt res. stats, Nielsen sftwr & internet measurement strongly pref’d.Media math; info #49016;Res:

JOB OPENING: TV NETWORK PLANNER/Galavision/Chicago– Media Planner w/1+ years exp. Strong analytical & comm. skills. Spanish speaking pref/not req. Resume:

FALL SEMESTER INTERNSHIP POSITIONS are all non-paying positions (unless otherwise noted), available for school credit only. Nobody here gets paid – not even Cynopsis for the listing. To learn more about posting your Internship position here, email Cynopsis .

Fall Internship Credits Only: CHANNEL ONE NEWS/NYC: Assist mktg dept of teen TV news ntwk w/sales & cons mktg projects, promos, sponsor programs. 3-5 dys/wk. Creative/enthusiastic/organized, Excel/PPoint. Cover ltr/resume:

Fall Internship Credits Only: NAT GEO CHANNEL/DC: Seeks Credit-Only Intern to support Communications dept in various duties. Knowledge of PR/Communications a + but not necessary. Email resume to:

Fall Internship Credits Only: Creative Entertainment Services / Burbank has internship opportunities in: Product Placement, Promotions, Ent. Event Mrktng & TV Media Advertising. Must be avail 15-20 hrs/wk. Apply to:

Fall Internship Credits Only: LBM/WISDOMMEDIA/NY: Seeks Credit-Only Intern for Admin. Mkting, Sales General Service dept to assist in various duties. Duties include filing, greeting, answering phones, mrkt research. Send to:

Fall Internship Credits Only: Warner Bros TV Prods/LA: Assist RESEARCH DEPT with ratings analysis and focus groups. Must be proficient in excel and have strong interest in TV. Email:


SITUATION WANTED: Eager College Graduate. Interested in all aspects of the AD AGENCY. Looking in northern NJ, NY city, and Philly.  Contact

SITUATION WANTED: EXP. w/strng TV News bkgnd.seeks position. TALENT EXEC/PROD/DIR OF PR Exp./news & ent.include: Prod exp. ABC, ET,Access Hollywood and PR Exp. Discovery, BET and PR Projects.

for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email
for specs

WHAT’S ON TONIGHT: Wednesday, October 12, 2005

ABC              George Lopez, Freddie [p], Lost, Invasion
CBS              Still Standing, Yes Dear, Criminal  Minds, CSI: NY
FOX              Sports Special:  MLB NLCS Game # 1:  St. Louis Cardinals vs. Houston Astros
NBC              E-Ring, The Apprentice: Martha Stewart, Law & Order 
PAX              Doc,  Diagnosis Murder, Early Edition
UPN              America’s Next Top Model, Veronica Mars
WB               One Tree Hill, Related
TELE             El Cuerpo del Deseo,  Los Plateados, Decisiones
UNIV             Contra Viento y Marea, La Esposa Virgen,  Don Francisco Presenta

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