Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good Morning, it’s Wednesday, March 21, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

A furor has erupted over the mysterious identity of ParkRidge47, not seen since the days of Lonleygirl15’s emergence as one of YouTube‘s first anonymous stars. The videographer uploaded an attack mash up on YouTube on March 5, making Hillary Rodham Clinton the subject of a conspiratorial trailer done in the style of Apple’s famous “1984” ad. The trailer portrays Clinton as a big brother figure while portraying her rival, Sen. Barak Obama, as the symbol of a new generation. The Obama campaign emphatically denies authorship.

~ MULTIPLATFORM CONTENT NEWS ~ is testing a new video player it plans to launch next month that features full-screen or mini screen viewing options and new features for advertisers, such as a new sponsor screen that pops up when the video is paused. The branded player is the Trojan horse of ABC’s online syndication strategy, according to Albert Cheng, EVP of digital media for Disney/ABC, as the network plans to embed it on affiliates’ sites and other destinations, offering local stations the opportunity to sell and insert local ads and, eventually, local content. ABC is also planning to add an online user-generated component to America’s Funniest Home Videos, giving users the opportunity to upload clips from that will be vetted by the network then placed into thematic categories on the site.

The entire upcoming third season of MTV 2’s The Andy Milonakis Show will premiere exclusively on iTunes this week, a month before it’s set to premier on air. The digital release is part of a pre-broadcast, multiplatform distribution strategy that includes a la carte download sales on Amazon’s Unbox, AOL Video, Wal-Mart Video and the Xbox Live Marketplace beginning next week. Andy Milonakis, a comedian who built his following on the web before breaking into show biz on the Jimmy Kimmel show, is a perfect poster boy for the new model. MTV Mobile, and MTV Demand will also stream one episode per week beginning March 27. Promotional clips will play on Viral video sites such, and MTV-owned to promote the show.

IFC Entertainment acquired distribution rights for French films Private Fears In Public Places and Dans Paris and plans to release both day and date in theaters and on cable’s VOD platform. IFC in Theaters releases reach over 40 million Comcast, Cablevision, Time Warner Cable and Insight homes and are available on PPV via DirecTV.

ABC Family and Lycos are throwing an online viewing party at abcfamily .com to celebrate the season finale of Wildfire on March 26. Lycos’ watch & chat video platform allows visitors to set up private screening rooms for online friends to gather together live in. The feature will be available from March 26 at 9 pm ET to midnight on April 1. launched a blog ( with Billy Ray Cyrus as vehicle for him to share his experiences on ABC’s Dancing With the Stars.


CBS acquired high school online sports network, complementing its college sports network CSTV and features stats, player profiles, and coverage of nearly 80,000 high school football games and over 500,000 boys and girls basketball games played each year. The site boasts over 1 million registered high school athletes.
Reports are circulating that Apple has finally started to ship the Apple TV from its website. The 40GB model, which holds up to 50 hours of video downloaded from the net, is selling for $299, shipped for free. I’m waiting to read some reviews to find out what video it will and will not play…

Online video content aggregator Network2 signed a deal to distribute the Veoh Networks player as part of its suite of video offerings. The player comes pre-configured to browse through a variety of short and long-form episodic content available on . Videos downloaded to the player can be viewed when offline and can be pushed to an iPod, Sony PSP or even a large screen TV. Network2 also announced it has petitioned the FCC to keep internet television unregulated, as regulations would stifle creativity and development of the nascent industry.   (fyi – Cynopsis daily video can be seen on

Ticketmaster acquired a majority stake in online fan and brand management company Echomusic. The Nashville-based company builds marketing relationships with clients such as Kelly Clarkson, Rascal Flatts and Keith Urban. Ticketmaster, part of Barry Diller-run IAC Corp., will help Echomusic leverage its resources to increase fan club membership and drive ticket sales for its clients. IAC also recently invested $13.3 million in music community site

Amp’d mobile service launched in Canada this week and in Japan earlier this month. The company has also signed content deals exclusive to each territory, including “The Big League Report” by Boston Globe columnist Dan Shaughnessy covering Japanese major leaguers for Japan users. The deals bring the Amp’d Live video offering to a footprint of over 30 million users worldwide.

Private equity firm Shamrock Capital Growth Fund is investing $50 million in digital 3-D technology provider Real D. The company has shipped over 700 3-D screens to 14 countries and supplies companies such as NASA, BMW and Boeing with 3-D visualization technologies.


Ari Paparo, vice president of rich media for leading online advertising technology provider Doubleclick, admitted video advertising on the internet remains fraught with challenges. Although it’s a rapidly growing sector in which demand for avails far outstrips supply, several challenges remain before the medium is ready to compete with linear television, he said. Among the sobering revelations he shared with the audience at the Video on the Net conference in San Jose:

  • Too many video player formats make delivering ads across many sites problematic. Microsoft’s Windows Media player continues to struggle with compatibility issues and lacks the interactive features of Flash-based players.
  • Buying ad products across sites remains a laborious process for media buyers. The process needs to be streamlined to create a more fluid experience for buyers and advertisers.
  • Metrics and measurement systems for online video remain all over the map.


A CMO Council survey of 15,000 mobile phone users worldwide found the #1 complaint to be “feature fatigue.” In other words, cell phones have way too many gadgets and functions including data services, games, video and PC-type functionality they just don’t have a clue about how to use. The report suggests that user interface is a prime culprit.


Blockbuster Video Chairman/ CEO John Antioco agreed to leave the company by the end of this year. Blockbuster has struggled in recent years due to competition from online rental service NetFlix and digital download movie services gaining traction on the net. He will leave with a lump sum payment of just under $5 million, an amount that was renegotiated by the board, down from $13.5 million.

GoTV Networks hired Rachael McLean as Vice President of Music. She will oversee GoTV music-themed mobile channels such as Hip Hop Offical and Attitude. Rachael will be based in Sherman Oaks, California and report to Daniel Tibbets, executive vice president and studio chief.


One of the most enthusiastic spokespeople for the online television revolution at the Video on the Net conference this week was Dina Kaplan, COO and co-founder of Blip TV. Her site is creating a home for some of the most ambitious online show producers by giving them complete creative control, offering to help them find ad sponsors and working to distribute the content on other sites and other devices by striking distribution agreements with companies such as IPTV-enabler Akimbo. is the home of such series as Amanda Congdon’s Rocketboom, Hayden Black’s Goodnight Burbank and Wallstrip, a tongue-in-cheek financial news show that delivers “hundreds of thousands” of impressions per episode, according to Kaplan.

A new website will be featured here everyday for you to check out. Some are TV-centric, some creative, some just plain strange. Email me your suggestions at [email protected] and if I include the site you mention, your name, company and city will be credited. Only one mention per calendar week, to make it fair.

Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENINGDIR BRAND MKTG/Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Min 8 yrs mktg exp in brand management, dev strong relationships w/org to gain consensus on strategy, interpret cust res/trends, please apply, job #585549 (3/28)

JOB OPENINGFREELANCE PUBLICIST: NY, 2 to 5 years web, new media, music and/or tv experience. Excellent writing and pitching skills with strong broadcast, print and internet media contacts. Email resume to [email protected].  (3/28)

JOB OPENINGSR DIRECTOR/BRAVO DIGITAL, NBC Universal/NY: Oversee editorial/prod/design to develop/deliver editorial & promotional pkgs for  Bachelor’s  Degree w/5 yrs related exp. keyword job #585797  (3/28)

JOB OPENINGMKTG MGR/Court TV, NY: Initiate/track projects from Print to Video.Must: mktg or cable exp, emphasis on affil. or B2B mktg.  Apply  www. “TBS, Inc. and its subsidiaries are Equal Opportunity Employers.” (3/28)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, AFFILIATE MKTG/iN DEMAND/NYC: Develop/ implement affiliate mktg strategies. BA & 5+ yrs cable affil mktg exp. Send resume: [email protected]   (3/27)

JOB OPENINGCLIENT SERVICE EXECUTIVE/Nielsen, New York. Sell Nielsen products; provide service to National Cable networks. 3+ yrs research industry exp. Sales exp a must. National Cable exp a+. (#737BR)  (3/27)

JOB OPENINGAD SALES MKTG DIRECTOR, Fine Living: NYC: 5-8 yrs exp at a cable network or within media co./sales. Oversee promotion dev’t. Manage team, rel’ship w/sales/network/clients. [email protected] ref. 5973U  (3/27)

JOB OPENINGCOMMERCIAL OPS ASST OR COORD/Oxygen/NY – Copy and Log Editing responsibilities. Must be detailed oriented, traffic &Gabriel exp a +. Send resumes to: [email protected] reference job title in subj line.  (3/27)

JOB OPENINGN’WORK CABLE ADMIN/Asst/BET Ad Sales NY: 2-3 yrs exp. Must be det. oriented & have ability to multi-task in fast paced environment. Proficient in MS Word/Excel/PP. Exc oral/written skills. [email protected]   (3/27)

JOB OPENINGDIRECTOR OF DIGITAL MARKETING/NY: BA, 8 yrs b-2-b digital marketing exp, Exp designing and maintaining Web sites 4 yrs in HTML, Java Script, Adobe, Photo Shop and Flash. Please apply #584044  (3/27)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, MKT/AUDIENCE RESEARCH/Thirteen/WNET/NY:  Perform research pjcts, develop research-based mktg tools & sup a Coor. 5 yrs exp in media research req. See full posting & apply at (3/24)

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLAN’R/CBS TV DIST/NY: Mng all asp of advertising sched, build media plans, resolve discrepancies, process sales posts, fill inventory avails & clear oversells. Res/sal req: [email protected] (3/24)

JOB OPENING:  VP,  DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/Litton Entertainment  Syndication, network development, interactive strategy, corporate alliances;  Apply at j sandstrom (3/24)

JOB OPENING:  DIR, AD SALES RESEARCH/GSN/NY: Oversees & coordinates research support for sales team. BA with 5 yrs. applicable exp.. Visit for complete desc. & to apply or submit your resume to [email protected] (3/24)

JOB OPENING:  AD SALES MARKETING MGR/AETN NY: Dvlp mktg tools aimed at agency planning groups. Manage dvlp of events, promotions & programs to support nat’l ad sales. 2-3 yrs min agency plnng exp. Apply:   (3/24)

JOB OPENING:  CONTRACTS ADMINISTRATOR/RAINBOW/NYC Area: Draft agreements, coord. rights clearances re film & TV product, keep databases. Exp in clearances, paralegal or contract admin in legal dept. Resumes: [email protected] (3/24)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR MARKET RESEARCH VH1/CMT/Logo: BA/BS; 7 yrs exp qual/quant mkt resrch; strong analytical sk; Exp w/variety of media platforms incl digital. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (3/24)

JOB OPENING:  ADMINISTRATIVE ASST, PUBLICITY/Hallmark Channel LA: Support SVP and dept. 2 yrs. min exp. See full posting & apply at (3/23)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, MEDIA STRATEGY & PLAN’G/National Geo Channel/DC: Dvlp & execute off/on-air media plans; partner w/external media agency; oversee bcst logs; 3+yrs media plan’g within ntwrk or media agency; (3/23)

JOB OPENING: CREATIVE SRVCS PROJ MGR/Sundance Channel/NY: 4-6 yrs exp print prod proj mgmt at an agency or netwrk. Strong client serv skills. Must understand print & web design process. Resumes to: [email protected]      (3/23)

JOB OPENING: ADMINISTRATIVE ASST/Affiliate Distribution/NY (Mid-town): Support RVP and regional NDS Teams. 2 yrs. min exp. See full posting & apply at (3/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PROMOS & EVENTS/IFC/NY: Plan & exec Promo/Event marketing campaigns to support partners & Affil. Cable outreach, Nat’l film fest, guerilla mktg. 3+ yrs Promo/Event mktg. res: ref #2934BR (3/22)

JOB OPENING:  SALES ASSISTANT /Hallmark Channel-NY: Works with AE’s and Planners to service & maintain agencies/clients on daily basis. See full posting at   Resumes: [email protected] (3/22)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/GALAVISION Network/LA: Highly-motivated w/ sales/media/presentation skills, solutions orientated & agency/client relations. Fax res & cvr letter to Jim Baral (310)348-3626 or: lagalajob     (3/23)

SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

INTERNSHIP POSTING – CREDITS ONLY: LIME /PR INTERN: Support healthy living/”green” multi-platform brand’s PR dept in compiling press clips; research/write talent & exec bios; update media lists; and other related functions. Resume: [email protected]   (3/28)

INTERNSHIP POSTING – CREDITS ONLYPalace Digital Studios, Norwalk CT, seeking TV PRODUCTION INTERN. Screen/log tapes, org library, general office duties. Req heavy lifting (up to 50lbs) and using a [email protected] Subject: Intern  (3/27)

WINTER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Roger LA , a motion graphics firm, is looking for an Intern three days a week. Knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects is required. Please inquire to Elaina Porter [email protected] . (3/24)


SITUATION WANTED: REALITY PRODUCER / SHOW RUNNER (Competition, makeover, wish fulfillment-cable & network).  Hard working, creative, strong writer and storyteller, excellent interviewer.  [email protected]  (3/28)

SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL MEDIA SALES/BUS DEV EXEC-LA. Elevated digital divisions into top revenue generating entitles.  F/T position w/ entertain firm positioned to leverage new media advertising platforms. [email protected]   (3/28)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER : Experienced in entertainment and sports news, reality, clip shows, field producing, interviewing celebrities and experts and post-production. Contact: tvprodinla   (3.27)

SITUATION WANTED:  PROMO COPYWRITING: Uber-copywriters. Fortune 500 entertainment clients. Copy runs, tag lines that deliver a creative kick in the chest. We get things did! Contact [email protected] (3/24)

SITUATION WANTED:  DIGITAL MKTG EXEC (NYC): 3 yrs Mktg exp., MBA (UK/Germany), currently doing MSc in Online Mktg at NYU and in tern at Nickelodeon. Highly efficient, passionate about multi-channel mktg. possibilities. [email protected] (3/24)

SITUATION WANTED:  Exc team player seeking  MEDIA MRKTNG, AD SALES, PROMOTIONS, PRGRMNG OR PROD position.  Most current job is working as the  Prgrmng & Prod. Asst. at MTV Networks.  Detail oriented.  [email protected] (3/23)

SITUATION WANTED: CELEBRITY BOOKER &REALITY/NON-FICTION CASTING DIRECTOR: Thousands of contacts to celebrities/experts/authors/real people/show hosts, etc. Extensive exp w/TV Talk Shows & Reality Shows. Contact: [email protected] (3/22)

SITUATION WANTED: EXP AFF SALES, DISTRIBUTION & BIZ DEV EXEC w/20yrs in media sales seeks F/T position w/cable network, new media or startup co. Exp w/startups, Biz strategy&building solid relationships. Contact: [email protected] (3/22)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

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