Wednesday, June 25th, 2008


Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Wednesday, June 25, 2008, and this is your first early morning Kids briefing.

DreamWorks picks up the feature film rights to The 39 Clues, a multiplatform adventure series from Scholastic Media, per Variety.  Steven Spielberg, who might direct, is set to produce the movie with Scholastic Media President Debra Forte.  Targeted to Kids/tween 8-12 The 39 Clues, which launches September 9, encourages kids to read and solve the mystery of the central family in the property.  The 39 Clues includes a 10-book series by author Rick Riordan, which will be released over the course of the next two years, as well as an online game, trading cards.


V-me treats preschoolers to a marathon event again this July 4 (8a-5p), by extending its V-me Ninos daily block from its regular 6-hours to 9-hours.  The V-me Ninos marathon will features two new series; Cotoons and the 3D animated series Ozie Boo!, as well as episodes of the blocks regular programming such as Jim de la Luna (Lunar Jim), Las Tres Mellizas Bebes (The Baby Triplets), Cinco Minutos mas (Five Minutes More), Dougie se disfraza (Dougie in Disguise) and Los Pies Magicos de Franny (Franny’s Feet) and Plaza Sesamo (Sesame Street) among others.

PBS Kids partners with Kidtoons in a long-term deal to include PBS Kids program shorts and music videos in the Kidtoons in-theatre matinees program nationwide.  While PBS kid-targeted programming has previously been included as part of the Kidtoons program, under the new pact PBS Kids content will be screened each weekend at 100+ movie theatres throughout 2008 and into 2009.  PBS Kids preschool-targeted series that will be featured include Martha Speaks, Sid the Science Kid, and WordGirl among others.  Kidtoons is a division of The Bigger Picture, which in turn is an AccessIT company.

Papercutz, publisher of tween/teen aimed graphic novels, teams with uclick to offer a series of Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys graphic novel titles to uclick’s GoComics mobile comic book reader.

DoSomething .org‘s tween and teen-targeted Public service Announcements (PSAs) will be featured on BusRadio under a new partnership between the two.  The DoSomething PSAs feature celebrities encouraging kids/tweens/teens to get involved in their communities by volunteering as well as suggesting was in which they can participate.

This week marks THQ’s release of Wall-E, the video game based on the Disney/Pixar movie.  Developed by Heavy Iron Studios, the game is available for multiple game formats and will be available in 70+ countries over the next few months.

The animated preschool series Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks will makes its way to video games under a new deal between Graffiti Entertainment and Sweden’s video game developer Nordic Softsales, a subsidiary of Signature Devices.  Under the deal Signature Devices has the exclusive right to publish and distribute Jakers: Let’s Explore, Nordic Softsales’ upcoming 3D video game title for kids based on the animated series.


Al Ovadia & Associates, Inc. is tapped by Kanbar Entertainment to serve as worldwide licensing agent for the CGI animated feature Hoodwinked Too: Hood vs. Evil.  The movie’s voice cast includes Amy Poehler, Hayden Panettiere, Glenn Close and Martin Short among others. A sequel to Hoodwinked (2006), Hoodwinked Too: Hood vs. Evil is being produced by Kanbar and distributed by Kaleidoscope, the family label of The Weinstein Company.

Contender Entertainment Group names several new licensees for its preschool animated property Peppa Pig in the UK: Party Plus (branded partyware  2008); PMS International (plush products/6-24 inches, aimed at the amusement market  2009); InspirationWorks (electronic educational products  2008)


Razor & Tie Entertainment promotes Iris Pagan-Frank to Controller.  Most recently she was Assistant Controller.  Based in NYC, Pagan-Frank reports to Angela Alvino, VP/Finance & Operations


Cartoon Network’s new Thursday night primetime programming block Har Har Tharsdays (7:30p-10p) delivered its best performance since launching (March 6, 2008) among K6-11 up by +50% versus the same time last year, according to preliminary Nielsen Media Research data.  Overall Cartoon Network’s primetime and total day delivered an increase last week versus the prior four weeks with K6-11 by +21% and +28% respectively.

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K2-11 (000) 6/16-6/22/08 :
Total Day        (000)   Primetime       (000)
NICK°:             1185    DSNY*:             1447
DSNY*:              983    CARTOON:          813
CARTOON:          661    NAN**:              472
NOGGIN:            234    NOGGIN:            278
NAN**:              291    TOON DIS:          151
ADSM**:            216    NICKTOONS:       108
TOON DIS.:        130    DISCOVERY:         83
NICKTOONS:        81    ANIMAL PLANET:   72
DISCOVERY:        53    MTV:                    64
ANIMAL PLANET:  48    BET:                     61
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K6-11 (000) 6/16-6/22/08 :
Total Day      (000)   Primetime       (000)
DSNY*:            752    DSNY*:             1149
NICK°:             686    CARTOON:          586
CARTOON:        469    NAN**:              378
NAN**:            239    TOON DIS:           84
ADSM**:          159    NICKTOONS:        60
TOON DIS.:        78    DISCOVERY:         60
NOGGIN:            51    ANIMAL PLANET:   51
NICKTOONS:      50    NOGGIN:              47
DISCOVERY:       39    TLC:                    43
ANIMAL PLANET: 32    ESPN:                  41
                                 MTV:                   41
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among Tweens 9-14 (000) 6/16-6/22/08 :
Total Day  (000)   Primetime      (000)
DSNY*:        643     DSNY*:            979
NICK°:         510     CARTOON:        435
CARTOON:    336     NAN**:            428
NAN**:        334     MTV:                108
ADSM**:      219     ESPN:                54
MTV:              78     COMEDY:           84
BET:               57     DISCOVERY:      78
COMEDY:        56     BET:                  73
DISCOVERY:   55     TLC:                  59
TOON DIS:      51     THE N:              51
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Saturday, June 21, 2008, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:          K2-11 1314; K6-11 857; TWEENS 9-14 614
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11   831; K6-11 541; TWEENS 9-14 427
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   538; K6-11 375; TWEENS 9-14 298
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11   109; K6-11   72; TWEENS 9-14   43
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Sunday, June 22, 2008, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:         K2-11 1127; K6-11 689; TWEENS 9-14 492
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11   899; K6-11 566; TWEENS 9-14 464
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   630; K6-11 431; TWEENS 9-14 284
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11   139; K6-11   96; TWEENS 9-14   41
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Monday, June 23, 2008, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:         K2-11 1331; K6-11 752; TWEENS 9-14 491
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11 1145; K6-11 814; TWEENS 9-14 698
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   743; K6-11 474; TWEENS 9-14 322
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11   179; K6-11 107; TWEENS 9-14   63
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Below are the newly provided numbers for Friday, June 20, 2008:

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Friday, June 20, 2008, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11 1606; K6-11   1240; TWEENS 9-14 1156
NICKELODEON:          K2-11 1228; K6-11 693; TWEENS 9-14 519
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   603; K6-11   432; TWEENS 9-14 352
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11   151; K6-11     84; TWEENS 9-14 51
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: Who was the voice of Iago the parrot in both the Disney film Aladdin (1992) and on the TV series (1994-1996)? GILBERT GOTTFRIED Kudos to: Ellen Harter Wall-FamilyFun/Northampton, MA; Brad Stern-OMSC/Woodbury, NY; Nancy Nally-WKRC/Cincinnati, OH; Jenna Waite-Beacon Media Group/NY; Heather Floore-KDAF/Dallas; Mike Patterson-Cartoon Network /[adult swim]/Chicago; Kerri Huyck-KIDK/Idaho Falls, ID; Harry Perry III-Soapbox Films/Burbank; Justin Meadows-Disney Channel/Burbank; Carrie R. Wheadon-Common Sense Media/San Francisco; Kristen McGregor-Kids’ CBC/Toronto; Jarrett Sherman-Smoke Bomb/Toronto

Today’s Trivia Question: On the series That’s So Raven, Raven’s Dad opens a restaurant in Season 2 where she and her friends often hangout. What was this place called? (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Cyn

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