Wednesday, April 15th, 2009


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Wednesday, April 15, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

After shopping the fast growing unit, eBay announced Tuesday it would spin off its Skype internet-based calling service via an initial public offering during the first half of next year. eBay purchased Skype back in 2005 for $2.6 billion, but never delivered on its promise to integrate the calling software with its international auction sites. Yet the calling service has continued to grow in leaps and bounds in terms of its user base, with over 400 million registered users to date. Skype added nearly a half a million new users since launching its controversial iPhone app, downloaded by 2 million users in its first week of release.


The 13th Annual Webby Award nominees were announced yesterday across a range of categories with familiar names such as the (13 nominations), (12), The Onion (8) (6), PBS (5), NPR (5), The Sundance Channel (5) garnering multiple nominations. This year a number of established stars were recognized for original web productions including Jack Black, John. C. Reilly, Neil Patrick Harris for “Prop 8 The Musical; Sarah Silverman for “The Great Schlep”; and Rob Corddry, Megan Mullaley, Lake Bell, Ed Helms for’s “Children’s Hospital.” Winners are determined both by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences and by public opinion. Now through April 30 fans can cast their votes online.
The days of offering free live video coverage of major sporting events to everyone online may be coming to end. NBC will offer cable MSOs, telcos and satellite providers exclusive access to live streaming of the 2010 Winter Olympic games in Vancouver, reports Sports Business Journal. The broadcaster plans to introduce an authentication system to limit live broadband viewing of the games only to paying subscribers of the providers who agree to license the service.
In another example of the web incubating linear shows, Bravo announced that its live interactive “Watch What Happens” reality postmortem show starring Bravo’s own Andy Cohen will move on-air this year – taking advantage of the network’s multiplatform “InfoFrame” iTV technology to enable user interaction. Bravo says multi-screen interactions helped it boost WAP page views by 255% since Sept. Bravo Digital attracted 3.33 million average monthly unique visitors overall and 2.3 million average monthly video streams During Q1. wrestled in record numbers around its 25th anniversary extravaganza on April 5, attracting 2.7 million unique users and 2 million videos streamed in one day. The PPV event generated an estimated $43 million in worldwide gross Pay-Per-View revenue.‘s upcoming motivational reality show I Want to Save Your Life, premiering April 25, launched a web component featuring video tips from host Charles Platkin and blog entries from series participants. 


A trio of media veterans including former AT&T Broadband and Global Crossing chairman Leo Hindrey Jr, Court TV founder Steven Brill and former WSJ publisher L. Gordon Crovitz introduced a new company to solve the problem of how to fund good journalism in the digital age. Journalism Online LLC, will offer a number of key services to existing publishers, helping them transition to a new businesses model that restores circulation revenue “while taking advantage of the savings to be gained from producing and delivering content electronically.” Services will include:

  • Developing a website template with flexible payment options allowing users to purchase subscriptions or single a la carte articles
  • Marketing an all-inclusive subscription plan that will collect fees from all JOI-member sites, revenue from which will be shared among publishers
  • Negotiating wholesale licensing fees with third-party services such as search engines
  • Provide best practices reports to offer guidance on how to boost circulation and increase traffic

Long-gone entertainment magazine Movieline resurfaced as a website under the direction of seasoned writers and Defamer alums Seth Abramovitch, Kyle Buchanan and S.T. VanAirsdale. The blog-style site features breaking news, reviews, reader-driven features, comedic commentary and celebrity interviews. is part of a portfolio of Web sites owned and operated by digital media firm MMC.
ABC’s In the Motherhood blog-turned show may have gotten the axe (it was trimmed to just 6 episodes) but that hasn’t slowed the Mommy niche online. Producer ChiKiiTV and AtomicOnline’s introduced a new 26-week reality series, Real Moms Guide, following the trials and tribulations of 4 real life Moms. Sponsors include Mott’s Apple Juice.
Virtual world service provider Big Stage Entertainment has secured $2.7 million in Series B funding from Mission Ventures, Selby Ventures and TechCoast Angels, its original investors. The company, which has raised $10.6 million to date, will use the funding to accelerate R&D, sales and marketing for its 3D photo-real avatar facial modeling technology.


Search engine spending was down overall by 13% YOY during Q1 2009 and 3.3% Quarter vs. Quarter, according to search engine marketing firm Efficient Frontier. The relationship between spending and ROI trends showed that advertisers continued to downwardly adjust their budgets to compensate for the economic downturn and to improve ROI.
struck a partnership with media buying solutions provider MediaBank to integrate the company’s digital platforms in order to streamline the media planning and buying processes. The platform integration will enable media planners and buyers to more seamlessly navigate between the media planning and buying, execution and billing processes.
Several ad agencies received multiple Webby nominations yesterday for their client work including: R/GA (14) Wieden + Kennedy (8), Crispin, Porter + Bogusky (8), Hyperfactory (8), DDB (6), Razorfish (5), Goodby Silverstein + Partners (4), BBDO (4), Lean Mean Fighting Machine (3), Poke (3), and Euro RSCG (3).


shed some light on the fiasco that resulted in the removal of sales rankings on a number of LGBT-themed books. Refuting reports of a hacker, the company says the problem was caused by an “embarrassing and ham-fisted” error that affected more than 57,310 books in several categories. Many books have already been reclassified and new measures are underway to prevent such a glitch from occurring again. News spread of the problem from Sunday after author Mark Probst noticed in his blog that one of his gay westerns had been removed from Amazon’s sales rankings. Mark, for one, is willing to give Amazon the benefit of the doubt on this one.
Video technology company Diversion Media introduced HD Cloud, a new transcoding service to help publishers improve on cost and scale propositions by adopting “cloud computing” distribution techniques. Rather than operate their own encoding farms or pay a CDN for the service, HD Cloud introduces an automated architecture that borrows server capacity as needed. Social video solutions provider has singed on to use the HD cloud service for,, Zappos.TV,, and
Online video measurement firm Visible Measures signed on to become the official video measurement platform for MySpace, providing audience behavior details across the MySpace platform.
Triton Digital Media announced an alliance with AirKast to offer AirKast’s mobile media platform to its affiliates as part of an integrated package that includes AirKast’s TuneKast, Ando Media ad serving and audience measurement and content delivery from StreamTheWorld.


Parent Companies/Divisions – March 2009
Parent           Unique Audience    Time Per Person
                         (000)                 (hh:mm:ss)
Google                137,620              2:07:05   
Microsoft             128,518              2:38:44   
Yahoo!                121,537              3:29:21   
AOL LLC                86,400              3:45:47   
News Corp. Online  81,745              1:15:33   
Facebook               69,151              3:16:08   
InterActiveCorp      66,460              0:16:13   
eBay                      65,350             1:54:44   
Amazon                  62,913              0:27:21  
Wikimedia Found.    60,027              0:16:55  
Source: Nielsen Online

Top 10 Web Brands – March 2009
Brand           Unique Audience    Time Per Person
                         (000)                 (hh:mm:ss)
Google                    129,894      1:31:36  
Yahoo!                    120,735      3:29:24  
MSN/Windows Live   104,234      2:30:01  
Microsoft                 103,693       0:45:41  
AOL Media Network    86,400       3:45:47  
YouTube                    84,267       0:54:37  
Facebook                   69,151       3:16:08  
Fox Interactive Media  68,001       1:17:57  
Wikipedia                   59,809       0:16:50  
Amazon                      54,602       0:24:50  
Source: Nielsen Online

Average U.S. Internet Usage, Combined Home & Work -March 2009
Metrics                                                Mar-09
Sessions/Visits per Person                        62
Domains Visited per Person                     111
Web Pages per Person                          2,554
Duration of a Web Page Viewed          0:00:56
PC Time per Person                          75:19:22
Active Digital Media Universe        168,852,936
Current Digital Media Universe      230,819,672 (Estimate)
Source: Nielsen Online


Nintendo set a release date of June 8 for its Wii MotionPlus controller, an accessory for the Wii Remote that attaches to the bottom of the Wii-mote to more accurately trace motions in 3-D space by better orienting the controller. A sequel to the Wii Sports module, “Wii Sports Resort,” will be the first game to take advantage of the add-on, allowing users to accomplish such feats as duel with swords or throw a Frisbee.
, the popular social app that alerts friends of your upcoming travel plans, introduced a new free iPhone app providing access to your itineraries; airline, hotel and restaurant bookings; maps and directions and phone book integration.


Information management system provider StoredIQ Inc. has added industry veterans Dan Junk as VP/Business Development and Ellis Ishaya as VP/Partner Development, both to be based in the company’s Austin, TX headquarters. The company also announced that it has closed an $8 million investment financing from its existing investors, including S3 Ventures and Techxas Ventures.


As other major sports sites move to build new distribution franchises online by offering full-game streaming, has treaded extremely cautiously in this regard, fiercely protective of its video content on new platforms. ( conducted an “experiment” with last year streaming each of the Sunday Night match-ups but has not discussed whether or not it will be repeat the feat this year.) The out-of-market games package it just renewed with DirecTV is worth an estimated $4 billion and you know what they say about a bird in the hand. But there are signs that NFL’s digital team is working to build up the site as a social and news destination for fans. The league released the 2009 NFL schedule exclusively on and NFL Network last night 30 minutes before releasing it to the press, offering interactive features such as chats, fan forums and poll questions. A new social chatting feature called the War Room, powered by Pluck Media, is on track to attract 150,000 users leading up to the NFL draft. It can be used to network with fans of your team during draft day, full video coverage of which will also be available on the site. The best news for football fans is the return of Game Rewind, a little publicized feature added to during the final week of last season. The package, priced at $19.99 last year, offers high-quality streaming access to every game the day after it is played. That’s quite a deal if you can manage to hide under a rock on Sunday afternoons.
Later — Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: SR MGR, MKTG/ABC Daytime/SOAPNet/LA: Mng/execute mktg strategy initiatives; lead devl of digital mktg/social netwk strat; 4+yrs enter /consumer mktg exp. Apply Req ID# 191605 (4/22)

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

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