Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013


Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, September 3, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

Welcome to Leadership Lessons, the column that focuses on conversations with senior managers and leaders in the TV world, speaking candidly about their professional journeys and how that informs what they look for when hiring new employees. Today, meet Keith Chapman, founder, Keith Chapman Productions and the creator of Bob the Builder and new Nickelodeon series, Paw Patrol.

What was your first job?
A paper boy at the age of 10 or 11, far too young to bet getting up in the dark and going on a bike with a bag bigger than me full of newspapers to deliver. My first proper job after college was a junior art director working at an advertising agency, but I always did my cartooning on the side.

What qualities do you look for when hiring or looking for partners?
People who have the same regard for quality as I do, and those who have a passion for what they are doing and want to produce the very best shows they can. I like people who push themselves.

Best advice for someone trying to break into kids content development?
If you’ve got a dream, or a determination to do something, follow it. Don’t be put off by those who say, “You’re not still doing that, are you? You’re never going to get anywhere.” Believe in yourself and your idea. You may have to get some other job to earn some money in the meantime, but if it’s good enough, it will happen.


Cynopsis Webinar:
Reaching Millennials: New Ways to Activate Viewership & Revenue
SEPT 18 ~ 1:30-3:00pm ET ~ $295/site
This 90-min webinar we’ll show you the must-have strategies that will help you attract and connect your properties across multiple platforms, from mobile to tablet, and from Facebook to Tumblr.
Kent Rees (Pivot/Participant Media), Joe Ortiz (MTV),
Noel Cottrell (Fitzgerald + Co), Patty Gillette (Turner Broadcasting’s Young Adults Group)
Roberta Caploe

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JOB OPENING: MANAGER, (FREELANCE) INTEGRATED/truTV/NYC: Development & execution of integrated advertiser marketing solutions across all platforms. 3-5 yrs, solid linear & digital ad sales exp. Resume: [email protected] (9/12)

JOB OPENING: BROADCAST EXEC: Brdcst group dvlpng interactive shows seeks exec well-versed in social TV ecosystem w/5+ yrs of digital exp. Applicants should be exp’d building/mktg multi-screen experiences. Resume: [email protected] (9/10)

JOB OPENING: LOG EDITOR/REVOLT TV/LA: BA req’d. 2 yrs exp in TV ops & traffic pref’d. Mng on-air program log, playlist delivery & reconciliation. Exp with Wide Orbit a + Send resumes to: [email protected] (9/10)

JOB OPENING: ASSC. DIRECTOR OF ON-AIR PROMOTIONS/Atlanta, GA: Manage on-air promotions, drop-ins, live studio reads, handle promotion schedules. Req’d: Min 7 yrs exp, Wide Orbit/AVID Media Composer exp. Apply: http://goo.gl/ald535 (9/10)

JOB OPENING: VP OF NON FICTION PROG/LIFETIME/LA: More info/apply. https://secure.sterlingdirect.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=170977 (9/10)

JOB OPENING: NON-LINEAR VIDEO EDITOR/Sportsman Channel/WI or NY: Seeking highly creative Final Cut/Premiere editor. 3+ yrs exp in brdcst/cbl or agency editorial exp. Apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (9/10)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, (FREELANCE) INTEGRATED/truTV/NYC: Development & execution of integrated advertiser marketing solutions across all platforms. 3-5 yrs, solid linear & digital ad sales exp. Resume: [email protected] (9/10)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PROD-ON-AIR PROMOS/YES Network/Stamford CT: 5 yrs exp. Highly-motivated sports enthusiast to dvlp concepts; prod spots/topicals; promotion; sales & mktg materials; oversee all pre/post prod. Res: HERE (9/10)

JOB OPENING: VP RETAIL SALES/NICKELODEON/Bentonville AR: Resp for overall bus. at Walmart & Sam’s to maximize revs. Work w/key licens’g partners. 10+ yrs exp retail sales, retail promos mktg or classic mktg. Details/apply: HERE (9/10) 

JOB OPENING: DIG. INTERACTIVE MGR/WZTV/Nashville: ensure that all digital objectives, incl’g Internet & Mobile, maintain or exceed co. rev growth goals. 3+ yrs media sales exp, w/dig. media strongly pref’d. Full info/apply: HERE (9/10) 

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, SOCIAL MEDIA/LA: Oversee FX Networks social media presence & manage social media team on multiple services. Oversee development of content and applications. 6+ yrs media exp. Apply: http://goo.gl/JT5ppz (9/6)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANALYST/ESPN/NYC: Will report, track & provide analysis of nat’l & local TV ratings data for the ESPN networks and ESPN on ABC, as well as competitors. Min 1 year exp. Full info/apply: HERE (9/6)
JOB OPENING: VP, REMOTE OPS &ENGINEERING/CBS SPORTS/NY: Manage operations and engineering for remote events. 10+ yrs remote broadcast engineering exp. Apply
www.cbscorporation.com/careers ID 15827BR (9/6)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DEVEL/Discovery/MD or NY: Powerhouse devel mind to create/conceptualize high caliber Discovery Channel series/specials/stunts. Hip to trends in male genre nonfic space. Proven track record @prod comp req’d. HERE (9/6) 

JOB OPENING: SALES RESEARCH MANAGER/NYC: Manage sales research for USA. Expertise in Explorer, TVToolbox, Simmons/MRI, Excel, ppt. 4+ years research exp. Apply online HERE (9/6)

JOB OPENING: MGR MEDIA OPTIMIZATION (SR ANALYST +)/Weather Channel/NYC: Work w/advrtsng sales & pricing/plan’g leadership to dvlp new commercial optmztion methods leveraging new tech/data insights. 5 yrs media exp sales plan’g & media math. Resume: HERE (9/6)

JOB OPENING: MGR, CONSUMER MKTG/Nickelodeon/NYC: Support Dir in dvlpmnt of mktg launch plans from initial series positioning through prod. Agency acct exp pref’d. 5 yrs of relevant media exp. Full info/apply HERE (9/6)

JOB OPENING: PACKAGE/SEGMENT PRODUCER/Atlanta: Create, develop story ideas from conception to air including writing, coordination of assets, booking guests & overseeing all aspects of production. Resumes to [email protected] (9/6)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/ATL: Experienced field producer needed for multiple series shooting in the SE. 5+ years non-fiction TV experience a must. Resume to: [email protected] (9/4)

JOB OPENING: SR DIR RSCH NBC NEWS PROGRAMMING/NBCU/NYC: Min 7 yrs media research and experience w/Nielsen programs required Job#11581BR URL or Email. Apply HERE (9/4)

JOB OPENING: SR LICENSING ASSOCIATE/Mattel/El Segundo CA: Mng licensing reports, agreements & unsolicited submissions. BA/BS w/2+ yrs licensing or legal exp. Strong Excel/Powerpoint. Apply at www.mattel.com (9/4)

JOB OPENING: LONGFORM DEV COORDINATOR/NY-Weather Channel: Assist w/dev and program’g tasks; includ admin supp’t. Strong writing, computer, organiz’l skills. Knwldg pop culture, TV trends. 1-2 yrs exp studio/TV pref’d. Resume: [email protected] (8/31)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATIONS PRODUCER/LA: Mid Oct – Feb. Responsibilities incl: developing and securing trade-outs with local and regional retailers for home renovation TV series Credits a must. Resume: [email protected] (8/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR BIZ DEV: Captivate Network LA or SF. Min 3 yrs media sales in SCA or NCA. Need current contacts, ability to get client/agency meetings and drive revenue. Apply: HERE (8/31)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, (FREELANCE) INTEGRATED/truTV/NYC: Development & execution of integrated advertiser marketing solutions across all platforms. 3-5 yrs, solid linear & digital ad sales exp. Resume: [email protected] (8/31)

JOB OPENING: SR WRITER/PROD- ON-AIR PROMOS/YES Network/Stamford  CT: 5 yrs exp. Highly-motivated sports enthusiast to dvlp  concepts; prod spots/topicals; promotion; sales & mktg materials; oversee all pre/post prod. Res: HERE  (8/31)

JOB OPENING: VP RETAIL SALES/NICKELODEON/Bentonville AR: Resp for overall bus. at Walmart & Sam’s to maximize revs. Work w/key licens’g partners.  10+ yrs exp retail sales, retail promos mktg or classic mktg.  Details/apply: HERE (8/31) 

JOB OPENING: DIG. INTERACTIVE MGR/WZTV/Nashville: ensure that all digital objectives, incl’g Internet & Mobile, maintain or exceed co. rev  growth goals. 3+ yrs media sales exp, w/dig. media strongly pref’d. Full info/apply:  HERE (8/31) www.sbgi.net

JOB OPENING: NON-LINEAR VIDEO EDITOR/Sportsman Channel/WI or NY: Seeking highly creative Final Cut/Premiere editor.  3+ yrs exp in brdcst/cbl or agency editorial exp. Apply: www.thesportsmanchannel.com (8/31)

JOB OPENING: VP FINANCE/NYC: Mng all financial & accnting for busy fast growing TV production cmpny. 7-10 yrs accnting exp in media/film. Strong kwldg of Quickbks + analytics essential. Resume: [email protected] (8/30)

JOB OPENING: RIGHTS & CLEARANCES SPRVSR/NY: Knwldg of clearances, S&P, copyright laws, network deliverables Track, compile, mgmt of workflows, flag issues, comm w/legal dept. 3-5 yrs exp. Start asap. Resume to: [email protected] (8/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ON-AIR PLANNING/SYFY/NYC: 2+ yrs On-Air Planning or Proj. Mgr exp. Coord promo delivery & schuling, execute sales initiatives, help new sys transition. 4mth asgmt. Send Resume: [email protected] (8/24)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/FX NETWORKS/LA: Analyze ratings trajectory of FX Networks and key competitors. Service all FX Networks & partner on custom requests and ad hoc needs. 2 yrs media exp. Apply here: http://bit.ly/143jbMF (8/24)

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR/NY: Mng dev initiatives. Identify, cultivate & evaluate dev activities. BA deg & 5 yrs of exp at ntwrk/prod co. Knwldg audience & industry trends. Resume: www.Nationalgeographic.com/jobs (job 5720) (8/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES EXECUTIVE/NYC: 3-5 yrs exp, health & wellness media network interest send res & $ to: [email protected] (8/24)

JOB OPENING: SR SALES PLANNING ANYST/NYC: 1-3 yrs exp. Contract mainten, inventory mng, traffic coord, stewardship eval, ratings impact & system upkeep. Agency/Netwrk exp + . Apply: HERE (8/23)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANLYST/MGM TV/LA: Use quant & qual rsrch tools to track & anlyze compet TV lndscpe. Create nat’l, local and cable present. Rsrch sftwre + 1 yr exp w/ nat’l & local NR anlysis. Apply: [email protected] (8/22)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST AD SALES RSCH/NBCU/NYC: 1-3 yrs media rsrch exp, support Sports & Olympics sales rsrch, proficient w/rsrch software, able to visually communicate & provide mktplce insight URL or Email: HERE (8/22)

JOB OPENING: DR SALES PLANNER/Travel/GAC/NYC: Mng, assist sale of long & short form invntry. 2 yrs sales exp, we are looking for career focused pro w passion to develop career in Ad Sales. www.scrippsnetworks.com #3843 (8/22)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Fox Sports/San Diego, CA: Responsible for ad sales, develop mktg programs/presentations, reporting, maintain accounts. Req’d 4 yrs exp @ media comp. Apply: http://goo.gl/791ig3 (8/22)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Screenvision/NYC: Sales acct management support, sales reporting, campaign tracking, Need BS+3yrs media exp, strong excel. Apply at www.screenvision.com (8/22)

JOB OPENING: DIR BUSW DEV DIGITAL/NY, NY: for Zee TV must have OTT experience for Pay TV/Cable/On Demand Send resume and $$ [email protected] (8/21)

JOB OPENING: LOCAL AD SALES MANAGER/NY, NY: for Zee TV must have Cable, Local, Spot Buys, 5-10 yrs exp prefer NY DMA Send resume and $$ [email protected] (8/21)

JOB OPENING: DIR, BUS INTELLIGENCE & SALES ANALYSIS (20TH CENTURY FOX HOME ENT)/LA: Create/analyze/deliver standardized & ad-hoc performance reports using industry-wide point-of-sale (POS) data from our data warehouse. Apply: HERE (8/21) 

JOB OPENING: TV SYND SALES ASST/NYC: Review/enter sales contracts into an order processing sys to main accurate sales data, assist w/billing revisions & stewardship reporting. BA, strong math & PC skills req’d. 1-2 yrs media exp pref’d. Resume HERE (8/21)


Cynopsis Future TV Summit:
Content Innovation and Next Gen Advertising Models
October 17| Grand Hyatt | NYC

Speakers Include:
Sean Atkins: Senior Vice President at Discovery Communications
Mark Garner: Senior Vice President at A+E Networks
Mac McKean: Senior Vice President at AMC
Miguel Monteverde: Vice President at Discovery Communications


manage the strategy, planning and execution of online search marketing programs
Acquisition Marketing Manager

manage the team of Brand Solutions Managers to provide high-touch, solutions-oriented service for Google’s largest Agency and Advertiser clients
Manager Brand Solutions

manage and grow relationships with top tier ISP and Portal partnerships
Strategic Partner Lead, ISP and Portals

prospect for clients, pitch new business, and generate sales
Sales Director

define product vision and business strategy in collaboration with eXelate leadership and market visionaries
Senior Director, Product

coordinate and lead meetings with partnership team, product managers and UrbanDaddy campaign partners to ensure that all deadlines are met and projects are completed on time and flawlessly
Partnership Marketing Manager

act as the primary media expert for assigned clients and client service team, including planning and buying of media
Senior Media Planner

managing the day-to-day activities of T&E Expense functions including Help Desk Email, Expense Reimbursement, Travel Policy and Receipt Audit for all entities and locations utilizing Concur
Senior Travel & Expense Analyst
Washington DC

effectively communicate and present information internally and externally for employees and clients
Chief of Staff
Atlanta GA

oversee Resource Management, Operations and Delivery departments; Client and Agency Finance Leads will dotted-line report into this person
EVP, Director of North American Operations
Chicago IL

work directly with clients/prospects to grow their business on the eXelate eXchange via driving pull through sales with eXelate
Director, Sales (Mid-West)
Chicago IL

define and lead the execution of field marketing and corporate events plans, ensuring projects are delivered on brand, on time and on budget
Marketing Director
San Francisco CA

work closely with your assigned teams to guide them through Hulu’s strategic talent processes and programs, including: performance management and salary reviews, headcount planning, and succession planning
HR Business Partner
Santa Monica CA

provide full life cycle, high volume recruiting support for a wide range of departments
Senior Recruiter
Santa Monica CA

provide financial and business support within the Technology and Corporate Development finance organization
Sr. Financial Analyst, Tech & Corp Dev
San Jose CA

play a critical roll in the group as a creative research engineer working across multiple cross-functional projects
Research Engineer, Sr Principal
Sunnyvale CA

partners with HR Directors and HR Coordinators to drive a culture of High Performance throughout the organization
HR Business Partner
Sunnyvale CA

understands and demonstrates the ability to articulate complex concepts from the business stand point
Manager, Strategic Sourcing
Menlo Park CA

responsible for building relationships without the technical teams to implement strategies that meet the development objectives of Facebook
HR Business Partner, Engineering
Menlo Park CA

own one or more strategic focus areas of mobility (global compensation reporting, business travelers, etc)
Global Mobility and Tax Programs Manager
Menlo Park CA


**Cynopsis Webinar Just Announced**

Reaching Millennials: New Ways to Activate Viewership & Revenue

Join Cynopsis Wednesday, September 18th to get the latest insights and tactics on how to influence Millennials across different media. Whether it’s online, on mobile or on television, we can teach you how to increase engagement with this sometimes elusive digital native.

| SEPT.18 |1:30PM – 3:00PM EST | REGISTER NOW |


Antony Young is jumping from his global business development role at Mindshare, where until last month he was CEO, to become president of the newly formed Water Cooler Group. The company, whose specialties include media planning, content development social media and interactive television, is formed of agencies Bolt, Hip Genius, Maude and Media Storm. Clients of the holding group include MTV, Food Network and WE tv.

Discovery Communications has upped Robert S. Scanlon to General Manager of Velocity, a net targeting an upscale male audience. Scanlon had been the net’s Senior VP since 2011.

Noah Pollack starts as senior VP, Programming and Development of E! this fall; he’ll be responsible for series development and original programming. He comes from Lifetime, where he was VP, Reality Programming.

Robert Gottlieb has been upped from Senior VP and head of marketing to Exec VP of marketing for Fox Sports. Gottlieb has been with the net since 2004.

WGN America and Tribune Studios are forging ahead with original programming with the hire of Tom Huffman as Senior VP, Unscripted Programming. Huffman, who starts in October, comes from VH1, where he was VP of Development and Production.

Joonas Hytonen has been named CEO of TV Production for Banijay Finland, one of Scandinavia’s largest TV companies. He replaces Petteri Ahomnaa.

Global media investment firm GroupM named Pierre Conte its new CEO. He replaces Bruno Kemoun and Eryk Rebbouh, who will continue with the company as consultants.

David Ford will join Fusion, the new net from ABC and Univision, in mid-September as VP for Corporate Communications. He comes from the PR team at ABC News.

Discovery Channel upped Sean Boyle to VP, Development. Boyle, who has been with the net since 2011, will continue to report to EVP of Programming & Production Nancy Daniels.

Robert Liuag was named VP of Research for HGTV and DIY Network, reporting to SVP, marketing and creative services Denise Conroy. His most recent position was with NFL Network.

Telemundo tapped Latha Sarathy as VP, Telemundo Digital Research, and promoted Yatisha Bothwell to VP, Insights & Strategy. Sarathy joins the company from Interactive One/Radio Digital One, where she spearheaded the sales and research and analytics departments for digital properties. Bothwell was bumped up from Director, Consumer Insights at Telemundo.

Dutch producer Talpa (The Voice) division Talpa International is beefing up its executive ranks, naming Etienne de Jong head of international productions. De Jong will be tasked with supporting local producers as they adapt Talpa formats; he will report to Managing Director Maarten Meijs. Gepke Nederlof has been promoted to Head of Sales, and Andre Adema has been appointed Business Director; Adema hails from Fremantle Media‘s Blue Circle.

A&E Networks UK appointed Remi Abayomi Senior Director of Broadcast Operations. Abayomi, who reports to Managing Director Tom Davidson, previously worked at Viacom, MTV and Nickelodeon.

Dave Ginsberg has been appointed Chief Technology Officer at Sundance Institute. Ginsberg, who will oversee all technology staff, was most recently at Warner Bros.

Charles Sipkins has been named Head of Communications of Sony Pictures Entertainment, effective September 7. He previously served as a crisis-management specialist with public relations firm Sard Verbinnen & Company.

Al Jazeera America has appointed Mark Coatney as the channel’s first Senior Vice President of Digital Media. He was formerly Media Director at Tumblr.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

Copyright Cynopsis 2013

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