Tuesday, September 11th, 2012





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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning.  It’s Tuesday, September 11, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!


No, not your interviews, their interviews.

Who are they? The CEO, the CFO, the COO, anyone who is important enough at a company to be interviewed about it.

When you are applying for a job at a company, find all the important players and look for interviews they have given, the more recent the better.

These interviews will tell you more about a company’s culture and strategy then almost any other source. Plus interviews are fluid, they are recent, they will often explain details about the company in a much more comprehensive and interesting manner than what someone has written.

The same question to the same person asked by different people just months apart may result in a markedly different answer, which will provide you with a greater insight into the company’s current direction.

Other information you can pull from viewing the interviews; what industry jargon is commonly used, what products or strategies are they placing an emphasis on, how do the people at the company dress, and perhaps most importantly, what are they not talking about.

All this information will help you assimilate to the company before walking into their building. Along with reading and understanding the company’s annual report, the interviews can provide you with intangibles unavailable anywhere else.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].


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Five Tips for Salary Negotiation for the Initial Offer
by Joel Garfinkle

You’ve likely survived through several rounds of interviews and have come to know the company, some of the key players and the open position more intimately. Your phone rings and the company wants to extend you an offer to come join their team. That’s great news! However, the job hunt process isn’t over quite yet. Following are five tips when moving into the salary negotiation for the initial offer stage.

1.  Take your time. When you receive the initial offer, don’t immediately react to it. Take some time to really consider the position, the company and the offer. Hiring managers won’t typically expect you to sign the offer the moment it’s presented. Depending on the urgency of the position, they will usually give you between 24 and 72 hours to make a decision. This not only gives you time to evaluate the offer fully, but also discuss it with family members. However, the company does not want to give you too much time. If you’re not going to accept the offer, they need to know, so they can either move to their second choice candidate or continue the interview process.

2.  To negotiate or not negotiate, that is the question. Once you have the offer in hand, decide whether or not it is an offer that you feel should be negotiated. If you and the company are miles apart on numbers, likely no amount of negotiating will close the gap. Hopefully, you and the company have determined your mutual expected salary ranges during the interview process and this won’t be an issue. Another reason you may not want to negotiate an offer is if you feel the offer is fair and you want the position. Not every company low balls candidates on the initial offer. In fact, a company that understands hiring the best candidates and developing a mutually rewarding relationship begins with that first offer.

3.  Develop a well-supported counter offer. If you’ve decided that you’d like the position, however you’d like the company to increase the offer, make sure your counter offer is well-supported. Reiterate the unique experience, knowledge and education you have, as well as past results, that will be especially beneficial to the company and that will justify the increase in the offer. If the position will mean relocation, clearly present cost-of-living changes that warrant a higher salary. An employer will respect a candidate that thoughtfully puts together a well-supported counter offer that justifies their offer.

4.  Strive for a win-win situation. If you and the company are close to coming to an agreement, but there’s still a small difference in your numbers, strive for a win-win situation. A 90-day review and raise to a predetermined salary, that is agreeable to you, allows the company the assurance that you will perform and deserve that increase, while giving you time to come up to speed with your new organization. This allows you to obtain the salary figure with which you’re comfortable, within a reasonable amount of time.

5.  Don’t forget about the non-salary parts of the offer. Although the salary is often the facet of an initial offer that stands out for most candidates, don’t forget about the non-salary parts of the offer. Vacation time, paid holidays, 401(k) contributions, bonuses, insurance, and other perks are often things that can transform a good offer into a great offer. As with negotiating the salary component of the offer, be sure to justify why you deserve a bump in benefits.

Joel Garfinkle is a professional motivational and keynote speaker that is recognized as one of the top 50 executive coaches in America. Not your average, motivational speaker, Joel uses his background in executive coaching, performance improvement, and change management to empower associations and corporate audiences to create more fulfilling work and to achieve their full leadership potential.

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Joel Garfinkle

As a gift, I received a very expensive and very nice bag (briefcase). Might an interviewer look at this bag and decide if I can afford this bag, I cannot, that I really don’t need this job? Should I buy a cheaper one for interviews?

Unless you’re interviewing for a position within the fashion industry, you’d be better off leaving that very expensive bag at home for the interview. You do not want the interviewer to pre-judge you based on any visual cues, including an expensive bag, watch, or shoes. You are right. If you walk into the interview with a bag someone in your position could not typically afford, the interviewer may decide right then and there that you will not be happy with what they could offer and begin to write you off as a potential candidate.

The best rule of thumb for dressing, and accessorizing, for a job interview is to dress one step above how you’d dress if you actually worked for the company. This shows a level of respect for the company and that you are serious about the position. If jeans are acceptable work wear, go for business casual with khakis and a polo or button down shirt. If business casual is the norm for the company you are applying to, wear a suit. If it’s a suit and tie environment, be sure you don’t forget the accessories such as cuff links, a tie clip and a handkerchief square that complements your tie.

If I was making about $175,000 annual salary prior to being laid off, and have been out of work for ten months, what salary range should I be shooting for? Is there some kind of equation that demonstrates the amount of time you’ve been out of work to the drop in salary you need to take?

To negotiate a higher starting salary you must clearly communicate the value you’ll bring to the company. First, it’s important to understand the length of your job search is affected by so many factors  the economy, the demand for your particular skills, the vitality of your industry, and more. Although the figure that a job search takes approximately 1 month for each $10,000 in salary is unsubstantiated, it does illustrate a general point that higher salaried positions are often less numerous than lower salaried positions, which may result in a longer job search process. However, there is no magic sliding scale that adjusts salary based on the length of your job search.

Instead, look at the prevailing market conditions. For instance, if you’re seeing positions that seem to be a good fit for your area of expertise and experience, but the salary range is $125,000 to $150,000, then you may need to adjust your salary expectations. The same is true if you’re getting offers for lower salaries, then the market conditions may simply be such that your position is not currently worth $175,000. In your new position, demonstrate how valuable your skills are to your new employer, and I’m sure you’ll work your way back to your previous salary and beyond.

During Joel’s tenure as an outplacement consultant, he has written many books from topics ranging from Getting Ahead to Find a Job in 14 Days. You can also order Joel’s book Land Your Dream Job which guides you through a proven, seven-step action-oriented process that helps you to define and land work that matches your natural gifts and passions.


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JOB OPENING: AVID EDITOR/TV ONE/MD: 5-7 yrs of exp comm and/or promo editing. Editing promo spots; mktg presentations ad prgrmng. Avid Media Composer & effect skills. Adobe After Effects & Photoshop pref’d. Visit www.TVOneJobs.com (9/15)

JOB OPENING: ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/NYC: National daytime talk show looking for experienced AP for conflict resolution show. The candidate must have 3 yrs booking/casting experience to be considered. Resume to: [email protected] (9/15)

JOB OPENING: PROJ MGR RSRCH/NY: 5+ yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cableexp in data analysis & dvlpng estimates. Kwldg of Star/Nielsen sys. BA deg req’d. To apply, contact [email protected] (9/15)

JOB OPENING: DIR DIGITAL AD SALES RSRCH/Turner Digital/NYC: High level cust srvc, tough negotiator, run primary rsrch projects, media rsrch exp including 3+ yrs dig media rsrch, ad sales rsrch plus. Apply: http://bit.ly/Rwq4PB (9/15)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, PRIMARY RESEARCH/SYFY/NYC: Work with team to plan, design, analyze & report consumer research projects. 2-3 years media/market research and BA/BS req’d. www.nbcunicareers.com (#6940BR) (9/14)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/New York City: Work with Ad Sales dept. to service and maintain agencies and clients on daily basis. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (9/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR CONSUMER MKTG/WEtv/NYC: 5+ yrs exp ntwrk TV w/tradit’l & digital milieus. Handle direct campaign dvlp w/creative & media agency. Execute integrated mktg plans to increase viewer engagement. Res: [email protected] (9/14)

JOB OPENING: DIR, AD SALES MKTG/AMC/NYC: 5+ yrs exp working w/ad Sales to develop/execute sponsorship, branded entertainment & custom mktng opps. Manage process from pitch thru fulfillment. Submit res: [email protected] (9/14)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/TVGUIDE/CHICAGO: Build media plans, steward deals, assist AEs in sales process, support network & online sales teams. 2+ yrs agency/sales exp. Competitive salary, excellent benefits [email protected] (9/13)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH, BROADCAST SYNDICATION/Disney ABC TV/BURBANK: Min of 12 years in media research w/ syndication/distribution exp. Apply www.disneycareers.com/ req ID 59837 (9/13)

JOB OPENING: SR PUBLICIST/LA: Handle publicity for New Daily Syndi Talk Show. Previous exp working In Content-Rich Talk Shows. Strong writing/pitching skills a must. Exp Syndior Station Community a +. Resume: [email protected] (9/13)

JOB OPENING: STATION MGR OPENINGS (2)/Radio Disney/NYC, Boston: Responsible for all sales, promo initiatives & day to day ops. 3+ years of sales management exp req. Apply www.disneycareers.com REQ 59842, 62390 EEO (9/13)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, BIZ OPS/Viacom/NY: Resp. for supporting Content Distr. Mrktng/ Operating department systems that optimize workflow efficiency EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.viacomcareers.com (9/12)

JOB OPENING: SVP, DIGITAL OPERATIONS/NBC Entertainment/Universal City CA: Looking for an SVP, Digital Operations. Please visit www.nbcunicareer.com job#6908BR for more information. (9/12)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, PROGRAM RESEARCH/USA NTWK/NYC: Provide top line and detailed multiplatform ratings analysis. 2+ years in television preferred, working w syndicated research programs. www.nbcunicareer.com (6971BR) (9/12)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Univision Network Sales/NY: Entry-level assist 2 sr mgrs w/admin & project-based wrk. Strong comm skills & strength w/numbers are a MUST. Eng/Span bilingual a +, Resume/cover letter: [email protected] (9/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR COMM/Discovery/MD: dvlps comm strategy & oversees PR/program publicity/Public Affairs outreach for ID and Military Channel; 8+yrs hands on media exp http://careers.discovery.com/ #6337 (9/11)

JOB OPENING: STRATEGIC MKTG MGR/USA NETWK, NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Develop and execute multi-platform integrated marketing initiatives. Min 5 yrs experience at a TV Network or agency. Digital exp req’d. www.nbcunicareers.com (#6825BR) (9/11)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STRATEGY & BUS. DVLPMNT/SONY MUSIC/NYC: Support Strat & Bus Dvlpmnt for Global Digital Bus Group. 3-5 yrs exp; Comm, presentation & analysis skills key; Prior consulting exp; Music or dig media passion a +. Apply here (9/11)

JOB OPENING: ACTIVATION-PROMO MGR/AMC/NYC: manage planning & execution of dozens of simultaneous promo & activation projects, 5+ yrs.tv/entertainment yrs. exp, pro-active,results driven. Resumes to: [email protected] (9/11)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING MANAGER/truTV/NY: MKT MGR will work to develop interactive & social media strategies for key series & network initiatives – 5+yrs Marketing/Interactive/Digital & Social exp. is a must – http://bit.ly/truTVMkt (9/8)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PREDITOR, ON-AIR PROMOS/NYC: Oversee pre/post prod, from concept to final delivery; Min 3-4 yrs exp creative svcs dept TV ntwrk; Proven Final Cut Pro skills; Exc copywriting/media mgmt skills. Res to: [email protected] (9/8)

JOB OPENING: SALES PANNER/TVGUIDE/CHICAGO: Build media plans, steward deals, assist AEs in sales process, support network & online sales teams. 2+yrs agency/sales exp. Competitive salary, excellent benefits [email protected] (9/8)

JOB OPENING: SVP MKTG STRATEGY/Discovery/Md or LA: Lead the mktg efforts through strategy dvlpmt, creative brand leadership & mgmt of successful consumer mktg prgms; 15yrs+ sr lvl mktg w/media org exp; http://careers.discovery.com/ #6053 (9/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF CONSUMER MKTG, PARTNERSHIPS/Food Network/Cooking Channel/NY: Oversee creation/exec of prtnrshps driving ratings &/or brand awareness (ad sales/affil mktg/ prgrmng/dig/talent). 8yrs exp/Apply: scripptnetworks.com #3305 (9/8)

JOB OPENING: EXEC. PRODUC/Fox Sports-Ft. Lauderdale: Manages production for Sun Sports/FS Florida. Oversees budget, studio/remote events & staffing. Liaise with offsite Master Control. 10+ yrs. exp. http://bit.ly/U9qH1i (9/7)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING COORDINATOR/Scholastic Digital/NYC: 2 years digital/ecommerce exp. Strategic thinker with strong communication skills. Growth opportunity for the right candidate. Apply to G050001 at www.scholastic.com/careers (9/7)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCT MANAGER/Scholastic Digital/NYC: 4 years exp managing an ecommerce or digital or environment. Exp in ProductDevelopment, Design and business Development Apply to NY8524 www.scholastic.com/careers (9/7)

JOB OPENING:  PROJECT MANAGER/Scholastic Digital/NYC: 3 years exp plan, develop and execute national digital programs including online advertising, web site strategy, and social media, mobile. Apply to NY8516 www.scholastic.com/careers (9/7)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/EDITOR/CHILLER, NBCUNIVERSAL. NYC: Write, edit, produce on-air promos for network. 2-3 years experience and strong FinalCut skills required. Apply online: www.nbcunicareers.com (6904BR) (9/6)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/ZOOM/NY: Mng digital place-based media res., client res. reports, reports for mgmt insight. Video, events, static. 5+ yrs exp; exp w/ Nielsen, MRI, data, Excel, PPoint. Resume to: [email protected] (9/5)


work closely with Fandango leadership team to understand the business goals and effectively communicate them
VP, Communications for Fandango  7006BR
NBC Universal

assist in developing and shaping solutions for clients (web sites, web-based applications, etc.) that solve tangible business problems
Senior Functional Analyst  11718

identifies and monitor industry marketplace trends and opportunities to create strategic market development opportunities for key brands
VP, Brand Management & Sales Planning
BBC America

accountability for decision making under the complex framework of US GAAP and the rules and regulations of the SEC and supervisory responsibility
VP, Deputy Controller  4537

oversee multiple events and productions from inception through completion with the ability to produce one project while managing others
VP, Production Special Events  4482

develop an understanding of market needs and business needs to prioritize product requirements and develop the product roadmap
Senior Manager – Digital Video  63052BR
Bristol CT

interact with senior management to understand the company’s strategic vision and business goals – help to shape that vision and those goals
VP1, Engineering Operations – VP of Quality Assurance
Philadelphia PA

be involved in all areas of the business and will have a close relationship with the operating units and possess keen insights into the business
VP, Financial Planning & Analysis  188
BET Networks
Washington DC

provide creative leadership, creative staff management and successful implementation of TLC’s on air and off air creative and brand campaigns
VP – Marketing – Creative  6465
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

prepare monthly US Nets divisional financial reports
Financial Analyst  6481
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

provides strategic direction for infrastructure design, applications and systems development and maintenance of current and future technologies used to support Cox services and operations
Senior Manager of Business Relationships and Requirements  41841
Cox Communications
Atlanta GA

in charge of the development and execution of strategic long-term and short-term plans for external publicity and internal cross promotions
VP, Programming Publicity and Talent Strategy  7001BR
NBC Universal
Hialeah FL

responsible for executing solid designs that speak to the creative and art direction provided
Senior Designer
Detroit MI

responsible for the development, implementation and ongoing management of Dotomi’s Personalization Platform
VP, Platform Management  1542
Chicago IL

drive significant revenue growth by using general business acumen to uncover prospect business needs and identify how Dotomi solutions can help prospects achieve their business goals
Director, Business Development
Chicago IL

create content strategies to define the what, how much, when, where, why and how for digital content across multiple channels
Senior Content Strategist  ARC000245
Leo Burnett
Chicago IL

create and conceptualize ideas for new series, specials, and other programming initiatives
Director – Development  6445
Discovery Communications
Los Angeles CA

oversee Production and Development for Comedy Central International, which includes developing and executing programming that can be used across all Comedy Central International Channels.
Vice President, Development – Comedy Central International  4622
Los Angeles CA

manages timely completion and accuracy of journal entries, reconciliations, and schedules related to fixed assets
Senior Financial Analyst – Fixed Assets
Fox Networks
Los Angeles CA

be an integrative, highly collaborative leader for our seasoned recruiting team
Director, Talent Management
Los Angeles CA

responsible for the dissemination and exchange of programming information with sales, affiliate relations, media relations
Director, Program Planning and Scheduling  12666BR
CBS Corporation
Studio City CA

partner with the VP, ABECG Communication in developing the overall communication strategies related to ABC Studios and Times Square Studios
Vice President – Communications  58836BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

responsible for managing the VMI daily demand planning and allocation at the retail level
VMI Demand Planner  3502
Hollywood CA

create beautiful, easy-to-use television interfaces that delight our members
Senior User Experience Designer TV Interfaces
Los Gatos CA

articulating the benefits of and forming a convincing argument for various CS methodologies
Content Strategy Lead  11659
San Francisco CA


KIRO 7 Eyewitness News, owned by Cox Media Group and the CBS affiliate serving Western Washington, hired John Knicely and David Ham for its news staff in October. John will become Anchor of the weekday morning news and report for the evening news while David will become a General Assignment Reporter.

Telemundo Media appointed Patty Marrero as SVP/Client Partnership Development where she will manage all new client development and enterprise selling duties for Telemundo Media encompassing Telemundo Network, Telemundo stations, mun2 and all digital properties. Located in New York, Patty will report to Dan Lovinger, EVP/Advertising Sales and Integrated Marketing at Telemundo Media and Enrique Perez, SVP/Sales for the Telemundo Station Group.

Warner Bros. Television Group elevated Jay Levine to SVP/Business and Strategic Planning. Jay has been with the company since 2009 and most recently in the role of VP/Business planning. He will continue to report to Craig Hunegs, EVP.

Independent television and digital production company, Endemol promoted Kimilyn Whitaker to the newly-minted role as Global Head Franchise Management, Endemol Worldwide Brands. Previously, Kimilyn served as VP/Franchise Management, Endemol Worldwide Brands, North America. Based in Los Angeles, she will continue to report to Olivier Gers, CEO, Endemol Worldwide Brands.

Effective immediately, Young Broadcasting, LLC named Bill Rinchik as Director/Financial Planning and Analysis as announced by Deborah McDermott, President, Young Broadcasting, LLC. Prior to this appointment, Bill was with Freedom Broadcasting where he was VP/Finance and New Ventures.

Former Here Media Inc. executive Stephen Macias established Macias Media Group LLC (MMG), a full-service, multi-media marketing, public relations and corporate communications company specializing in connecting its clients with the LGBT consumer base. Based in Los Angeles, MMG officially launches its operations on October 1, 2012. Additionally, MMG will serve as the marketing and PR agency of record for Here Media Inc.

Sony Pictures Television Networks, Asia named Sunil Punjabi as Business Head/India Networks, Asia, Sony Pictures Television. Sunil will head the local team in all business functions for SPT Networks, Asia’s channels in India including AXN and Animax. Based at the company’s Mumbai office, Sunil will report to Singapore-based Ricky Ow, EVP/GM, Networks, Asia, Sony Pictures Television.

Coming out of retirement, Jim Gray takes on a new position as Acting News Director at Max Media at KFBB-TV, the ABC and FOX affiliate serving Great Falls, MT. Jim will serve this capacity while the company seeks to fill the vacancy.

Continental Television Sales , a unit of the Katz Television Group hired Dan Barker as Sales Manager of the Olympic Team based in Chicago. Barker has been with Katz Television Group since 2008, starting out as an AE for Millennium Sales & Marketing, also based in Chicago.

RIVR Media added Allison Boon to the company’s West Coast location’s development team as Director/Development. Allison has written and produced shows for E!, Travel Channel, HISTORY, TLC and National Geographic Channel.

Effective October 1, Katz Media Group is hiring Mort Greenberg as President of Katz 360, the digital sales unit of Katz Media Group. Mort is joining from Nokia.

Three executives were added to Universal Television, the television production unit of the NBCUniversal Television Group. George Sealey joins from Mark Burnett Productions as VP/Alternative Programming and Development; Curt Northrup also joins as VP/Alternative Programming and Development from Genetic Entertainment where he was a Partner; and Fernando J. Hernandez, previously from Ryan Seacrest Productions was named to the newly-minted role as SVP/Alternative Development. All three report to Meredith Ahr, EVP/Alternative Programming and Development, NBCUniversal.

CNN Worldwide taps Rick Lewchuk as SVP/Creative Services where he will supervise on-air and off-channel brand and marketing creative for all CNN Worldwide business. Rick will be based in Atlanta.

Former VP/Olympic Creative Director of Marketing for the 2012 London Olympics, Roger Guillen was named SVP/Creative Director at Oxygen Media. In his new role, Roger will develop and lead the creative strategies for the network. Based in New York, Roger will report to Jane Olson, SVP/Marketing and Brand Strategy.

RLTV elevated E.J. Conlin as SVP/Marketing and Communications. E.J. heads all facets of marketing, communications, social media and advertising outreach initiatives. She further heads the network’s brand strategy development, coordination and implementation across the country. E.J. has been with RLTV since 2008.

Marvin Dorson was appointed as VP/On-Air Promotions for Fox Movie Channel (FMC) and FX Movie Channel (FXM). Marvin is tasked with overseeing the direction and executive of all network on-air promotional activities as well as growing the awareness of the FXM brand among other duties.

Greg Carroll, formerly with IMGMedia/Big Fish Entertainment as VP, has founded Greg Carroll Development (GCD), a syndication company that specializes in OTO highlighting women’s issues lifestyles and social media trends. GCD has offices in La Quinta and Santa Barbara, CA.

As of September 10, Christopher Furst takes on the newly-created position as EVP/CIO with Univision Communications Inc. Christopher joins from NBC Universal where he has been EVP/CIO since 2007. At Univision, he will be based in New York and will report to John Eck, EVP/Technology, Operations and Engineering.

Effective immediately, Stephen Brown was promoted to EVP/Programming and Development at Twentieth Television. Stephen will continue to manage the first-run programming and development portfolio for Twentieth Television. Based in Los Angeles, Stephen continues to report to Greg Meidel, President, Twentieth Television.

Cleve Keller was appointed Chief Development Officer for Shine America’s new label Ardaban. Cleve is based in New York and is behind such formats as Rocco’s Dinner Party and No Kitchen Required and in his new position will manage all development efforts for the newly-created format company.

Adam Brent Houghtaling was tapped as Editor-In-Chief and Brand Director of BlackBook Magazine and http://blackbookmag.com/ which are part of the Vibe Media I Access Network team.

Hollywood-based creative content agency M3 Creative has launched a new multi-platform marketing/promotion and film production company called M3 Creative Film. Partners overseeing the new division include Andy Meyers and Brad Baruh.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

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Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
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