Tuesday, October 13th, 2009




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Good morning, it’s Tuesday, October 13, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

Two months after Google CEO Eric Schmidt resigned from the Apple board to appease FTC regulators, Genentech chairman Arthur Levinson – who serves on both the Apple and the Google boards – followed suit yesterday and resigned from both boards. FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz praised the companies and Mr Levinson for the decision, as did various advocacy groups. The move highlights just how serious regulators have become in their efforts to prevent collusion and anticompetitive practices among technology giants.


Lifetime Digital continues to build out its myLifetime.com site with introduction of a new fashion-themed destination and the launch of three new online series this week:

  • The new All the Looks site features an interactive photo-finder tool enabling users to track down, view and rate celebrity photos by dozens of criteria, including celebrity name; event; hair color, length and style; clothing designer; color; or pattern
  • Sherri (8 webisodes) features stand-up material related to each week;s TV episode
  • Rita Rocks (15) is a digital diary documenting Rita’s on-air pregnancy
  • Celebrity Buzz with Tanya (3/week) is an online vehicle for Groundlings alumnus Tanya Scheer

launched a new social networking tool dubbed “Section 140” that allows Division 1 College Football fans to comment on games they’re watching in Twitter-style text bursts. (Twitter limits responses to 140 characters.) The app will work across multiple ESPN platforms including ESPN Mobile (via Windows phones), ESPN.com and ESPN360.com via features like Scoreboards, GameCast and Alerts. On Saturday afternoons from noon-6 p.m. ET, a roster of ESPN experts will also utilize Section 140 to chat and impart knowledge to fans.
From Turner Classic Movies comes Private Screenings Uncut, a series of monthly audio podcasts launching on TCM.com and iTunes, featuring archived uncut interviews between Robert Osborne and a roster of cinematic legends. (Many of Robert’s interviews run 2 hours or more but they’re always edited down to one hour for TCM.) This month’s entry is with Star of the Month Leslie Caron, with Angela Lansbury and Lauren Bacall slated for Nov. and Dec., respectively.


Online video ad company ScanScout introduced a new “Super Pre-Roll” ad format featuring contextual interactive ad elements. The format enables advertisers to include opt-in polls or questionnaires in order to solicit feedback and encourage engagement with the brand. Unilever’s Vaseline Sheer Infusion utilized the unit during a CelebTV.com segment; viewers who participated received a coupon for the product.
Call for Content: Digital out-of-home advertiser Titan is teaming with MySpace to invite users to Step Up To the Mic to share thoughts and images with friends. Fifty-character submissions will be shared on Titan screens from New York to London.


ComScore released a study estimating that, thanks to the growth of services such as Yahoo Local, CitySearch and Yelp, about 10% of all display ads on the web are now locally targeted. The company surveyed ads in 4 representative markets – Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington D.C.
Locally-Targeted Online Display Advertising by U.S. Market – August 2009
Local Market         Share of Display Ads that are Local
                          All Publishers   Top 100 Publishers   Regional/Local Site Category
Atlanta                         10%                   7%              23%
Chicago                          9%                   9%              33%
San Francisco                11%                  10%              26%
Washington, D.C.           11%                  10%              32%
Average of 4 Markets      10%                   9%              28%
Source: comScore
Note from Cyn:  We’ve been hearing the buzz for years on Advanced Advertising & iTV, and we’re wondering if it’s really beginning to happen, and where that will take us in the future.  We’re trying to get to the center of the conversation and hear all sides, and would like your help to do that.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a brand, an agency, television distributor or programmer – if you have a free moment, or need a distraction, we would appreciate your thoughts on this newest ad trend, by going here and anonymously answering the questions on a short survey on the topic.  We’ll share the info with you at our CTAM Luncheon in Denver later on this month.  Thanks for your participation!


Associated Press President and CEO Tom Curley discussed the AP’s plans to create a News Registry rights management and tracking system to discourage unauthorized usage of copyrighted news material at the Xinhua Beijing Media Summit in Beijing on Friday. “We will no longer tolerate the disconnect between the people who devote themselves – at great human and economic cost – to gathering the news of public interest and those who profit from it without supporting it,” he remarked during the address. The “AP3P” or Protect, Point and Pay plan calls for the indexing of protected content and the creation of digital protocols to enable publishers to monetize and track their content as it is shared and distributed across the web.


Nielsen is meeting with several of its clients this week to brainstorm about how to help content owners get real compensation for content they distribute online and via mobile devices, per B&C.
The company has promised a single measurement service that tracks usage across multiple platforms but the industry has been frustrated with its progress.
The surprise news that President Obama was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize was received mostly positively on Twitter, according to a semantic analysis of tweets related to the topic from Radian6’s Attensity Cloud service. Eight percent viewed the win as extremely positive, 54% viewed it positively, 2% were neutral, 34% viewed it negatively and another 2% viewed it extremely negatively.
As suspected by gaming companies who advertise heavily on online video sites, gamers over-index considerably in terms of online video consumption, according to results of ComScore‘s new GamePlan industry-specific audience targeting tool. In fact, gamers are nearly twice as likely than the average user to consume over 50 video streams per day, and 60% more likely than average to consume between 11 to 20 audio streams per day.
Gamer Streaming Digital Content Consumption Profile- August 2009
                                                           Share (%) of Audience
                                            Total Internet      Gamers        Index*
18+ yrs old (Total Audience)            100.0           100.0         100
Video Streaming              
1-5 (video streams on avg day)           34.2            38.6         113
6-10 (video streams on avg day)           5.4             8.1         149
11-20 (video streams on avg day)          1.6             2.5         159
21-30 (video streams on avg day)          0.5             0.7         135
31-50 (video streams on avg day)          0.2             0.3         153
More than 50 (video streams avg day)    0.8             1.5         195
Audio Streaming              
1-5 (audio streams on avg day)           30.9            34.9         113
6-10 (audio streams on avg day)           3.3             4.3         128
11-20 (audio streams on avg day)          1.5             2.4         161
21-30 (audio streams on avg day)          0.7             0.9         128
31-50 (audio streams on avg day)          0.5             0.7         150
More than 50 (audio streams on avg day)   0.8             1.0         125
Source: comScore GamePlan *Index = % of Segment/% of Total Internet x 100; Index of 100 indicates average representation


Adobe released a free version of its ubiquitous Photoshop photo editing software for the iPhone, enabling the instant editing of photos directly on the phone. The app includes lots of cool special effects including “soft focus,” which creates an old Hollywood gauze-like effect.
The Weather Channel Mobile launched its first free application for the BlackBerry, sporting a GPS-based Location Tracker and geo-targeted interactive radar maps. Users can share severe weather alerts, current conditions and forecasts with friends and contacts via e-mail or text message directly from the app.


Former AT&T U-Verse executive Guy Beverlin has been named EVP/Operations by IP-based TV solutions provider Move Networks. Guy will lead the continued build out of Move’s network and operations capabilities, reporting to CEO Roxanne Austin.
Glam Media hired Josh Jacobs as SVP/Brand Advertising Products Marketing. Josh will oversee all of Glam’s brand advertising products, including owned & operated site applications and the Glam Publisher Network. He joins from Yahoo, where he served as VP and GM of Marketing Technology, and was head of strategy and marketing for the Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN).
Starz Media has tapped Alecia Dixon to spearhead its domestic television expansion as VP/Domestic TV Sales. She reports to Gene George, EVP/Worldwide Distribution for Starz Media.


Cynopsis Media CTAM Summit 2009 Luncheon – October 26, 12:45-2:30pm
Advanced Advertising and Interactive TV: A Panel Discussion: What’s Real – What’s Not!

Jen Soch,
VP, Activation Director of Advanced TV, MediaVest USA – Keynote
Lisa Meier,
SVP of Sales, Time Warner Cable
 Kevin Smith, VP, Digital Media, Comcast Spotlight
Jen Robertson,
VP, Digital & Emerging Media, We tv, Wedding Central
Andy Addis,
SVP, Marketing & Business Development, Ensequence

CLICK TO REGISTER.   Sponsored by WE tv, Wedding Central, Comcast Spotlight, Ensequence


Crackle, the video portal Sony purchased as Grouper for $65 million back in 2006, is getting a jump on Halloween with Zombiefest, a month-long celebration of rotting corpses featuring Electric Farm Entertainment’s high-budget web series Woke Up Dead, starring Napoleon Dynamite’s Jon Heder and Breaking Bad’s Krysten Ritter. The live action comedy, which begins with Heder waking up at the bottom of a bathtub only to discover that he’s displaying certain undead characteristics, is proof that the studios are still throwing real money at web productions. Unlike some of Crackle’s less successful attempts at original programming, Woke Up Dead is well-acted and well-written and is a commitment in terms of budget and length. The show will include a total of 23 4-5 minute episodes, to be distributed through Oct. 31. While not in the league of Hulu, Crackle is quietly becoming a site to be reckoned with. Minisodes like Addams Family snippets, Sony Television full episodes like Damages and more than 100 feature-length films are available to stream for free on the site. (Included in the selection is the Paul Schrader-penned Taxi Driver, which becomes the second feature film to show up on YouTube this week through a tie up with Google-owned site.) Sony is even hitting up its directors to help fill out the site. Check out The Esquire Digital Man, a new vlog from Men In Black helmer Barry Sonnenfeld. Barry’s latest entry is an infomerical for the Traeger Professional Wood Pellet Grill.

Later — Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: RSRCH ASST/WGBH/BOSTON: Resp. for assisting in variety of rsrch proj’s w/ a focus on Nat’l Corp Sponsorship. BA Deg & 1 to 2 yr of media rsrch background. Cvr ltr/resume: http://careers.wgbh.org Research Assistant (10/20)

JOB OPENING: LEAD DVLPR/Rainbow/NY: Dev apps, provide tech asst, design & introd new features to support cbl ntwrk sites. 5+yrs in web app dev w/PHP, JSP, JAVA & Servlets. 3-4 yrs in bldng CMS & Dev. res: www.cablevision.jobs #9609BR (10/16)

JOB OPENING: FINANCE MGR/Rainbow Media/NY: TEMP (short term)- assist w/reporting of contractual prgrmng rights for Netwrk Acquis dept. Exp nec in contract rights budgeting & finance. Hvy Excel. res: www.cablevision.jobs #9682BR (10/16)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES ASST/UNIVISION/NY: Aggressive self starter to asst AEs w/accts. Serve as liaison AEs & stations. Strong Phone, filing, order entry & PC skills. (Eng/Spanish speak) pref’d. Resume: [email protected] EOE (10/16)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA SALES SPECIALIST/Jun Group/NYC: Seeking aggressive self-starters who know digital and love working Fortune 500 clients. 1-3 yrs. exp. req’d. Res/cover to: [email protected] (10/16)

JOB OPENING: SALES & MKTG REP/Plum TV/Miami Beach: Creative, aggressive, ad sales pro familiar w/local/regional area. 7+ yrs exp in cable TV, or other nat’l media. See full posting plumtv.com (10/16)

JOB OPENING: ASST ED/PROD/NY: Edit trails/online barker, assemble comp reels, custom PPV event promos. Final Cut Pro must, Attn to detail. Res to: [email protected] (10/15)

JOB OPENING: FIELD PRODUCTION MANAGER/NYC: Must have 5 years exp in field TV production management. Reality show experience required. Please send resume to [email protected] (10/15)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, MEDIA RELS/Disney Channel/XD/BURBANK: 5+ yrs publicity exp, top writing skills, established rapport w/press; self-starter, prior exper in TV publicity. Apply www.disneycareers.com Req #208885. (10/15)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Cablevision NY, NY: 1 to 3 yrs TV Rsrch exp. SAS/SQL exp. Online and Trad. rsrch tools pref. See full posting and apply to www.cablevision.jobs req 9779R (10/14)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

F ALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: BROADCAST/OPS, MKTG/ADVERTISING, INTERNS/V-me (Nat’l Spanish-language ntwrk): Send letters of interest/res: [email protected]. Bi-lingual candidates w/a working knwldg of Spanish pref’d. More info about V-me www.vmeTV.com (10/15)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]


SITUATION WANTED: DESIGN, ILLUSTRATION & ART DIRECTION (NYC) 20 years experience working concept through completion. Portfolio: www.baerdavis.com Email: [email protected] (10/20)

SITUATION WANTED: College graduate with Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Media and Film. Efficient in audio and video productions. [email protected] 908-268-2078 (10/20)

SITUATION WANTED: SALES TRAINER/EXECUTIVE COACH:  NY, NJ, Boston, Fortune 100 exp., Avail FT or PT consultant, 90 days or less to better personal and professional results guaranteed or 1 month free. Email: [email protected] (10/17)

SITUATION WANTED: CAMERA OPERATOR/LA Based … MTV, TRUTV, ABC, Watch my reel at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxsrcWAvvKw . Contact email: [email protected]  (10/17)

SITUATION WANTED: (New York) 7 yrs exp: Interned for a President, Exec Asst to SVP, VP, and personal assistant to film director and celebrity. Looking for EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Position in film/TV (NY). [email protected] (10/15)

SITUATION WANTED: 20+ yrs. experience in TV Broadcasting & Cable ACCOUNTING/FINANCE. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-Perm position: [email protected] (10/15)

SITUATION WANTED: Freelance (live, tape, studio, remote) TV DIRECTOR w/ single & multi camera series credits seeks directing assignments on the East coast. Samples available. Contact: [email protected] (10/15)

SITUATION WANTED: TRAFFIC MANAGER with 13 years exp seeks position in Radio/TV/Online or traffic software in NY/NJ. [email protected] (10/15)

SITUATION WANTED: ASST POSITION WANTED/LA: Veteran with 3+ yrs admin exp at top companies in TV and film depts. 10+ years exp in functional & creative writing in TV & radio broadcast, mrktg, and pr mediums. [email protected] (10/15)

SITUATION WANTED: TURNAROUND EXECUTIVE/NYC: 20 years exp in turnaround planning, execution and lending. Seeking media situation which is operationally or capitally challenged. [email protected] (10/15)

SITUATION WANTED: Need Closed Captioning & Fast Turnaround?: We Provide Closed Captioning for all broadcast mediums; Tape, Web, SD, HD, & Tapeless available. Satisfaction Guaranteed! Great Prices! For a Quote: [email protected] (10/14)

SITUATION WANTED: TALENT EXEC/NYC: 5+ years experience managing on-air (celebrity/reality) talent: casting, booking, talent relations, development.Seeking FT/PT, freelance, consulting, temp-to-perm. Email: [email protected] (10/14)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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