Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009


Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Tuesday, November 3, 2009, and this is your first early morning Kids briefing. 

Sesame Workshop is awarded a grant from MetLife Foundation to promote Healthy Habits for Life with the help of the Sesame Street Muppets in India and Mexico. The initiative will launch in India via Galli Galli Sim Sim, a multimedia educational initiative that facilitates young kids learning basic and life skills, as well as delivering health messages to kids, parents, and educators, and in Mexico via the expanded Plaza Sesamo Habitos Saludables para la Vida, a multimedia effort that provides age-appropriate, educational health messages to meet the needs of Mexican preschoolers.  The grant will enable the production of special themed episodes, public service announcements (PSAs), online content, storybooks, posters, and community events.  The PSAs begin airing in Mexico this month and distribution of the outreach materials is slated for the spring of 2010.  In India, PSAs will begin airing this winter, along with the launch of mobile community viewings of Galli Galli Sim Sim content and online health messages and activities.


Disney XD will launch its new short-form sports-themed series Moises Rules! (4×2.5) on Monday, December 7 at 5p.  The series features Moises Arias (Hannah Montana) going up against other kids in unique sporting events such as foam tetherball and finger football.  The episodes will debut Monday-Thursday, December 7  10.  Additionally, new features and exclusive show content will debut Tuesday, November 10 at DisneyXD.com, viewers can send a message to Moises, play sports-themed games and download all-new wallpapers.

Beginning this week the new CGI and HD animated series, The Garfield Show (26×30) joins Cartoon Network’s US programming line-up.  Cartoon Network is airing The Garfield Show Monday-Friday at 10:30a and 3p.  Featuring episodes penned by Jim Davis, Garfield creator, the series is a production of Paws, Inc. and Dargaud Media.  Cartoon Network Japan is slated to debut the series during 2010.

Redbox Automated Retail enters into two new DVD distribution deals that will make respective titles available at its 15,000+ automated DVD rental kiosks across the US:

  • Summit Entertainment inks a two-year distribution pact with Redbox, making its movies including The Twilight Saga, Knowing and its direct-to-DVD titles, available redbox DVD rental locations.  The deal begins January 1, 2010.  Additionally, under the pact Redbox has agreed to destroy the Summit product once it is removed from the redbox kiosk.
  • Kid’s entertainment distributor NCircle Entertainment also signs an agreement with Redbox.  Under the deal redbox will feature NCircle titles, including The Jim Henson Company’s Sid the Science Kid, Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!, Dive Olly Dive!, WordWorld, Richard Scarry’s Busytown Mysteries, Johnny Test, Mighty Machines and others.


Big Tent Entertainment and RWS & Associates Entertainment ink a deal to feature the Discovery Kids brand in a live stage show in theme parks across the US in summer 2010.  Currently in development, the shows will run about 15-minutes will focus Discovery Kids brand types of topics such as being green, ecology, and nature and the solar system.

Chorion enters into a deal with e-tailer TysToyBox to launch an Olivia online shop at www.tystoybox.com in North America.  The dedicated Olivia shop will offer new Olivia products, including Ty’s exclusive personalized T-shirts as well as Olivia DVDs and new line of TV tie-in books from Simon & Schuster.  Additionally, this month Chorion launches the official Olivia website MyOlivia .com, which features games, printables and info on the Olivia CGI animated TV series.

Every Baby Company, creators of eebee’s adventures, releases eebee’s Mix&Mash adventures, a book designed to encourage and help parents cook with their babies and toddlers while playing and begin developing nutrition skills.  Published by Sterling Publishing, the oversized board book features six baby food recipes, featuring activities that young kids can actually help do to make a meal like mash and shake, along with rhymes, photos of real babies and food and various other activities.  Mix&Mash also includes a DVD, co-produced with Parents TV, featuring Parents TV anchor, Juli Auclair, ebee, and ebee’s pal Kristy Glass, demonstrating and talking about nutrition and the recipes.

Gemma International, a UK-based greeting card company, enters into a licensing deal with Nintendo to create Nintendo themed greeting cards and gift packaging.  Performance Brand brokered the deal.  Gemma’s line of products will preview at Spring Fair, and will then launch in March 2010.

Bulldog Licensing completes three new licensing deals for Gogo’s Crazy Bones with Alpa (back-to-school and gift line), Vogue (branded lunch boxes and bottles), and Winning Moves (Gogo’s top trumps).  The product lines will debut around the world, including in the UK.  Gogo’s Crazy Bones are produced by Magic Box International and Promociones Premiere International.


Disney Television Animation names Kevin Gamble as VP/Development.  He will be responsible for the development and production of new animation shorts and series, as well as overseeing recruitment of new artists, directors and writers and will work in partnership with the talent and music departments.  Gamble, who joins Disney from Classic Media where he most recently served as VP/Production and Creative, will report to Eric Coleman, SVP/Original Series, Disney Television Animation.


Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Thursday, October 29, 2009, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:         K2-11 1037; K6-11 416; TWEENS 9-14 296
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11   934; K6-11 608; TWEENS 9-14 479
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   509; K6-11 319; TWEENS 9-14 231
DISNEY XD:               K2-11   132; K6-11   81; TWEENS 9-14   62
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question:  The black button worn by Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable reading “SD Jr,” is a reference to whom?   SAMMY DAVIS JR.  Kudos to: Nancy Lombardi-Toys & Family Entertainment/NY; Cishawn Randolph-AETN/NY; Mark Krause-WXMI/Grand Rapids; Meredith Wayne-Telerep/NY; Barb Throm-SmartMedia/St. Louis; Renee Rochman-Vision Media Advertising Group/Anthem; Clover Keyes Roy-Pacific Technical Group/Burbank; Katharine Heintz, Ph.D.-Santa Clara University/PST; Deanna Duffek-Busch Entertainment Corp/LA; Rich Fineza-Disney ABC Networks Group/Burbank; Shane Petroni-Cartoon Network/Sydney

Today’s Trivia Question:  On this Disney Show, at the age of 18, only one of the Russo children will get to keep their magical powers.  The other siblings who lose their power, may have to go into the family business. What is the Russo family business?  (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Gwen
 Gwen Billings for Cynopsis Kids!

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