Tuesday, May 6th, 2008



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c : Nielsen NPower. Based on W18-49 C3 index. Kids blocks brdcasters. M-S6a-12m all cable nets.

Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Tuesday, May 6, 2008, and this is your first early morning briefing.

With Iron Man just out and raking in the dough as the final box office numbers roll in for both domestic ($102.1 million) and international ($98.6 million), I know you will be shocked to hear that Marvel Studios says it plans to produce an Iron Man sequel.  Okay, back on your chair now?  In announcing its Q1 2008 shareholders report, Marvel Entertainment laid out the Marvel Studio move release plan.  We are looking at no Marvel Studios movies for 2009, but 2010 will see the release of the next Iron Man movie (April 30) and a feature film version of Marvel’s character Thor (June 4), which will be followed in summer 2011 by two Avengers movies, The First Avenger: Captain America (a working title, May 6, 2011) and The Avengers (July 2011).  All of these movies will be distributed by Paramount.  Marvel Studios is also developing an Ant-Man movie.  In just a few week Marvel Studios will release The Incredible Hulk (June 13, 2008) distributed by Universal, and studio heads say they plan on continuing that franchise as well. Furthermore under separate feature film production deals work continues on Spider-Man 4 (Sony, date tbd), X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Fox, set for May 1, 2009), Punisher: War Zone (Lionsgate, December 2008).

Nickelodeon will reposition its Nick at Nite (NAN) day-part as a young family programming block, according to Variety.  While NAN will continue to feature off-net sitcoms (e.g. George Lopez, Home Improvement, Fresh Prince of Bel Air etc), the network plans to produce several new family-centric productions to air during the block hoping to capture those who grew up watching the network, along with their kids.  New original programming will include a game show titled My Family’s Got Guts (a family version of the Nickelodeon game show Guts) and the dog competition show, The First Annual Worldwide Fido Awards (July 27 & 28), both of which come from Albie Hecht’s Worldwide Biggies.


NBC News’ educational arm NBC Learn launches iCue, a free hybrid online social network and news archive information content for Kids/Teens 13+ originally announced a few years back.  Designed in collaboration with the MIT Education Arcade, a research group that integrates gaming and peer collaboration into traditional learning activities and environments, iCue is an acronym for Immerse, Connect, Understand and Excel and offers users an archive of videos, letters, images, cartoons and graphs and other information from NBC News, discussion forums and the iCue CueCard patented technology.  The CueCard is a media player, flash card, note-taking tool, and trading card.  This week’s launch features political-themed games/activities highlighting specifically on Decision ’08.  Over the summer NBC Learn will add additional content and course curriculum for US History, US Government and Politics, and English Language and Composition, all of which is aligned with educational standards for AP courses and a range of high school and college classes.  Additional iCue content partners include The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.

Cartoon Network New Media introduces Ben 10 Alien Force: Game Creator, a new, free online game.  Based on the network’s new animated series Ben 10: Alien Force, which is set five years in the future, the Game Creator allows users to build their own online games and share them with friends and can be sent to the game gallery at www.cartoonnetwork.com for others to play.

Casting Call: 9 Story Entertainment, YTV and Les Stroud, wilderness survivor, host and filmmaker, are on the hunt for six brave teens (13-17 years old), to participate in the previously announced new series Survivorman Kids (13 episodes).  Would be teen participants can apply at www.survivormankids.com ; the deadline is Friday, May 16.  The program will be filmed in Ontario over the summer.


Screenvision and MTV are teaming up for an in-cinema initiative to promote the 2008 MTV Movie Awards.  The 2008 MTV Movie Awards in-theater campaign will launch across Screenvision’s cinema advertising network on May 9, and include original branded content segments featuring the 2008 awards as part of Screenvision’s digital pre-show.  The 2008 MTV Movie Awards will be broadcast live on June 1 at 8p.  Screenvision’s in-cinema ad network includes 14,000+ screens across 2,300 theatres across the US.

PorchLight Home Entertainment acquires the US DVD distribution rights to Animalia.  The first DVD title set for release is Animalia: Welcome to the Kingdom is comprised of four episodes and will be available from September 23, 2008.  Based on the Animalia illustrated kid’s book by author/illustrator Graeme Base, the CGI Animalia series currently airs in the US on both Animania HD and PBS, as well as in the UK on BBC and Canada on CBC.

Sesame Street Playground, a new CD/DVD set comprised of songs and music videos from Sesame Street productions around the world, including classic and new regional Muppet characters, will be released by Putumayo Kids this September 30, 2008.  The CD features 12 songs, including Zhima Jie, the Chinese version of Rubber Ducky, and featuring characters developed specifically to reflect the culture and society of each country.  The DVD includes 6 music videos, visiting various locations around the world.  The liner notes will be printed in four languages.  At least one percent of Putumayo Kids CD sales proceeds benefit non-profit groups that support kids, families, schools and other charities


Shea Fontana is upped to Manager/Children’s Programming, PorchLight Entertainment.  She will focus on developing preschool programming, in addition to girl-related kid’s program development and sales.  Fontana joined PorchLight two years ago and most recently served as Production coordinator and ADR voice director on Animalia, as well as a range of other animated series.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: 
Premiering in 1954, the first incarnation of the Walt Disney anthology TV series titled Disneyland was subsequently and more commonly known as The Wonderful World of Disney. What was the original theme song of this show?  WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR    Kudos to:    Estrella Diaz-TNT/TBS/ TruTV/NY;  Brian Yanish-Brian Yanish Designs/NY; Dusty Ratledge-Scripps Networks/ Knoxville, TN; Kareem el-Dahab-AOL/Dulles, VA; Susan FordC&R Research/Chicago; Hank Bordowitz-Western Illinois University/Macomb,IL; Katrina Cicala-Prairie Home Productions/Saint Paul, MN; Kerri Huyck-KIDK/Idaho Falls, ID; Al Ovadia-Al Ovadia & Associates/Hidden Hills, CA; Richard Quan-Imaginary Time/San Francisco; Bonny Dore Productions Inc./LA; Peter Hill-Canwest Broadcasting /Toronto

Today’s Trivia Question: Grouchy Bear, Marcella, Queasy the Parrot and Sunny Bunny are characters from what late ’80s animated TV show?  (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Gwen
Gwen Billings for Cynopsis: Kids!

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JOB OPENING:  EDITORIAL DIR, POP CULTURE & BLOG/VH1/NYC: 5+ editorial exp, 3+ yrs. writing exp, Knowledge of online writing and content development. EOE/M/F/D/AAP.  Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/13)

JOB OPENING: PR /FerenComm/NYC: TV agency seeks Sr. AEs w/strong contacts to oversee PR campaigns for talk, drama and lifestyle series  to apply, email  [email protected]    (5/13)

JOB OPENING: WEB DESIGNER/NY: 3+yrs exp designing/dvlpng interactive rich media creative, strng flash/action script skills, Bachelor degree in graphic design, amazing portfolio a must, ent. exp. a+. Apply: [email protected] (5/13)

JOB OPENING: DIRECT RESPONSE SALES PRO/HISPANIC TV Rep firm seeks exp’d DR seller. Minimum 2 yrs of National and or Spot experience Bilingual preferred but not required  Send resume to:  [email protected]   (5/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR MKTG PROMO/Disney ABC Kids NYC: Assists in the dev of mktg solutions for ad partners, will work to create mktg promo strats, programs that will help drive sales revenue,
apply  www.disneycareers.com Req 157616  (5/13)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Zenith Media/NYC:  2+ yrs exp;  Proficiency: Nielsen tools,TNS Media Intelligence, IMS data systems, ComScore, NetRatings, Excel, PowerPoint [email protected] (5/13)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC RESEARCH ANALYST/CNN Digital/NY: Support sales & research across multiple digital platforms. BA, Strong analytical aptitude, relevant internships pref’d. Apply: [email protected]. EOE (5/11)

JOB OPENING: VP PROGRAM RESEARCH/MTV/NY: 10+ yrs Na tl TV Research. Strong leadership sk; detail-oriented, proactive; analytical sk. Expert w/Nielsen, MRI, etc. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply  www.mtvncareers.com (5/11)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, DISTRIB/GSN THE NETWORK FOR GAMES/NY: Resp for affiliate relationships (subscriber acquisition/retention), marketing/promotions. BA/BS + 3 yrs min sales/marketing  exper. Enter/cable a plus. [email protected] (5/11)

JOB OPENING:  WRITERS (SEVERAL)/SHOWBIZ TONIGHT/NYC: Smart, witty & opinionated copy. Send resume & single document w/4 stories 30 secs each, 3 pkg intros, & 4 teases. Topical content. Email: [email protected]. EOE (5/11)

JOB OPENING:  STANDARDS & PRACTICES EDITOR /ABC TV Netwk/LA: Review scripts/rough cuts; alt series, wk w/network & prod staff on loc; detailed/critical thinking/writing; JD & prod exp a plus. Apply www.disneycareers.com Req 158299 (5/11)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC MKTG RES MGR/Univision/NY: Develop mrktg presentations to support national sales. Knowledge of syndicated research and strong writing& analytical skills required. EOE Contact: [email protected] (5/11)

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER/FOOD NETWORK & FINE LIVING/CHICAGO: Support National Ad Sales team to develop &implement sales promotions for National Advertisers. Full details & Apply: www.scrippsnetworks.com (5/11)

JOB OPENINGTEMP MKTG MGR/AETN/NY: Self-starter with exp. in print & digital project mgt.; develop mktg materials, proficient in PowerPoint, Excel. Trade show planning, intl exp. a+. Start 6/2. Apply: [email protected]  (5/11)

JOB OPENING: DIR DIGITAL PROMO MKTG/A&E TV Networks/NY: Dev/execute ad sales & mktg partnership opportunities for network sites. 5+ yrs exp in ad sales mktg or promo mktg in a digital environment. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html . (5/10)

JOB OPENING:  UNIVERSITY RELATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR/ mtvU /NYC: 1+ yrs Admin exp, excellent written/oral skills, Strng PC skills & detail oriented. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/10)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, PUBLIC AFFAIRS/MTV/NYC: 1+yrs media/non profit/PA sector exp, Strg written/oral skills, Bachelor degree A+. Prvn campaign/media exp w/relation to change. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/10)

JOB OPENING: SCHEDULING COORDINATOR/MTV/NYC: 2+yrs schdlng/music prgming exp, Strng Microsoft/written/oral/details skills. Knwldge of pop culture/MTV brands as it relates to music on-air/MTV prgrming. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/10)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER/ mtvU/ NYC: 3+yrs productions Exp. In New Media, Strg knowledge of Industry best practices. Creativity in concept/development. Strg Comm. Skills. Bachelor degree A+. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (5/10)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC SPECIALIST/Spike & Comedy/NY: 1+ yrs exp and BA degree req., proven traffic exp. Create and manage commercial logs for high-volume networks. Apply online: www.mtvncareers.com (5/10)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA BUSINESS ANALYSTS/ Multiple/ Washington DC: Exp. w/content development, programming, production, rights mgmt. and requirements gathering. Use case development a plus. Apply to: [email protected] (5/10)

JOB OPENING:  NATIONAL TV BUYING SPVSR/NYC/(mid sized agency): Network, cable and syndication buying with 4-6 yrs exp.  DDS agency, pharma exp a plus. Send Resume: [email protected]   (5/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR PUBLICITY/A&E TV NY:  Dev History Channel PR strategies on print/electronic & internet props. Mng  Public Affairs & Mktg prtnships. BA Comm/Eng & 3-4 yrs TV publ cable/b’cast/news.  Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (5/9)

JOB OPENING: SALES RESEARCH MANAGER/NBC UNIVERSAL/NYC: Support Sales positioning of USA and SCI FI. Knowledge of Nielsen Galaxy Explorer, NPOWER, IAG, Simmons and MRI: Excel/Ppt. Apply online at www.nbcunicareers.com (#814593) (5/9)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST-DIRECT RESPONSE/Hallmark Channel/NY: Provide admin. & sales support to DR Dept. Entry level. See full posting and apply @ www.hallmarkchannel.com (5/9)

JOB OPENING: COORD, AFFILIATE SALES/AETN, NY: Support NE & Canadian Affiliate groups. Maintain budgets, contracts, premium program. Str communication & MS Office skills, cable industry exp. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (5/9)

JOB OPENING: ACCT DIR/GMR/NY: Seasoned new media exec to serve as the lead acct dir to  portfolio of high profile tech clients. Exp.w/ digital platforms, web mktg, branding & online mktg   [email protected]    (5/9)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/MediaPlace/NY: Out of Home TV, creative “out of box” thinking, media sales/planning exp. Please email res/cl to: [email protected]. “AE” in subj.  (5/9)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR: For animated CG preschool TV series. Creative oversight of design, voice records, storyboard, animatics, overseas animation and post production.  Resume to: [email protected] (5/9)

JOB OPENING: DR ONLINE ACCT EXECUTIVE/NY: Adsales Exec with Dir Response/Transactional sales exp; Promotional Marketing/Sponsorship exp. also desirable. For immediate consideration please send resume to: [email protected] (5/9)

JOB OPENING:  AD SALES DR ACCT EXEC/NY: Sales person with min. 2 yrs Nat’l TV Direct Response sales exp. PSS/Sales training is a plus. For immediate consideration please send resume to: [email protected] (5/9)

JOB OPENING:  MOBILE AD SALES EXEC/NY: Adsales Exec w/ 5 yrs+ Outside Media Sales exp & 2-4 yr’s exp in Internet Ad Sales preferred. Adv Agency bkgd/exp. highly pref’d.  Resume:  [email protected] (5/9)

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXEC/Ovation TV/New York: Immediate opening for 5yrs exp professional. Heavy client/planning selling; seek new business/create Mktg platforms tailored for client’s needs Apply: [email protected] (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  ASST MGR, CLIENT SERVICES/Redwood City CA:  Develop client media campaigns, create sales presentations, manage client relationship. Responsible for launch details, campaign Q/A. [email protected] (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  SEVERAL POSITIONS/SALES OPS/Comcast Networks (Versus)/ NY: Traffic Coord 59765BR, Sales Service (Inventory) Coord 62578BR. For more info and to apply visit:  www.comcast.com. EEO/AA/Drug Free (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  ACCT DIR/Screenvision Cinema/NY: 4+ yrs exp, proven media sales performer to dvlp, present & sell cinema advertising to nat’l clients, Bachelors req., regional travel req. Apply online: www.screenvision.com/careers (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  AE, ADVRTSNG SALES/BlogHer.com/NY: Contacts & exp. in the client & ad agency arena, incl’g planning and buying groups. Exc selling & presentation skills, able to dvlp leads for sales opps. Apply: [email protected] (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  MANAGER, AD SALES FINANCE/ Forecasting/Analysis/ NY: Oversee all forecasting & Ad revenue planning for top Networks. Apply: www.mtvncareers.com under Finance. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  VP, AD SALES FINANCE/NY: Lead a robust ad sales finance team to fully support/analyze all facets of MTVN Ad Sales revenue. Apply: www.mtvncareers.com under Finance. EOE/M/F/D/AAP  (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  COORDINATOR, GAMES/Nickelodeon/NYC: Coordination of product development and creative for assigned categories; Min. 2- 4 yrs licensing exp; B.A; MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply:  www.mtvncareers.com (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  AD SALES APPLICATION SUPPORT/NY: Provide user support & testing for ad sales systems. DealMaker or VCI required. Exp w/ media or TV Advertising desired. Apply: www.weather.com/careers . Position VSA005 (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  MGR- AFFILIATE AD SALES & DISTR. MKTG/LIFETIME TV:  Seeking creative thinker to manage projects that support the distribution efforts for Lifetime/ Apply at: http://www.mylifetime.com/about/jobs.html (5/8)

JOB OPENING:  PUBLICIST /Telepictures Prods/NY: Unit pub for synd daytime talk show. Pitch/secure stories/content.  Write/distrib releases. Work w/exec/staff. 5-8yrs exp Res: [email protected] (5/8)

JOB OPENING: DIR CONSUMER MKTG/Fuse TV/NYC: Comm. mktg/promotion plans on & off channel activities which support fuse’s tv programming, live events and channel image. 10yrs. mktg. exp. Please send resume to [email protected]  (5/7)

JOB OPENING: DIR, MKTG SPECIAL PROJECTS/Cynopsis Top Tier (recruiter):  Oversee variety of special projects; 2-3+ yrs mktg/pr exp; highly creative thinker/executor – do things as never before. East Coast. Email Top Tier w/res:  [email protected] (5/7)

JOB OPENING: VP/DIGITAL SALES/Cynopsis Top Tier (recruiter): Multiplatform seller w/ creative out of the box thinking. Initiate new ideas for new era. Digital/multiplatform selling exp a must.  East coast.  Res: [email protected] (5/7)

JOB OPENING: VP DEVL/Buena Vista Prods/LA:  Extensive exp (min 8-10 yrs) in devlpment of non-scripted prgrmng incl talk, game, reality for netwk, 1st run, cable; Proven track record. APPLY www.disneycareers.com Req # 155219 (5/7)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Comcast Nets/NY: Generate upf & scatter plans; deal maint & stwrdship; support sales team. Liason btwn AEs & agencies. 2 yrs exp sales/planning prfrd. www.comcast.com 63381BR EEO/AA/drug free (5/7)

JOB OPENING:   INDEPENDENT INTL’ SALES CONSULTANT: 5+ yr. exp. in international TV/film sales. Must have strong sales history and connections and be able to perform independently. Email resume [email protected] (5/7)

JOB OPENING: MGR, TALENT MGMT/Discovery/MD: Dev Strng Relationship w/Discovery Talent. 5+ yrs. exp. Must be energetic, thrive in high energy. High energy, high profile. 25-35% travel req. Apply here: discovery.jobs    (5/7)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH STRATEGIST/Discovery/MD: Collect/analyze data to evaluate and dev. existing offerings. 3+ years research exp. Strong analytical skills. Travel up to 20%. Apply here: discovery.jobs   (5/7)

SPRING AND SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNS (2)/May-Aug/LA:  Asst Exec Prod. paperwork, phone calls, sched’g, setting up meetings, casting, & generally assisting on shooting days. People skills, PC & Internet rsrch skills a must.Email: [email protected]  (5/11)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  MKTG/SALES INTERN: MediaPlace seeks motivated interns, 2-3 days wk, with strong interest in marketing/sales, strong comm skills required. Assist w/ projects, college credit. E-mail Resume/CL: [email protected]  (5/10)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PR INTERN/Priority PR/LA: Phones/outrch /writg/ editng/ typng / resrch / reprtng /website updtes. Strng comm skills & good attitude to asst boutique PR firm, begin ASAP. thru summer. Res/Cvr:  [email protected]    (5/8)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact [email protected] for more information ….

SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCHER: Skills tested under life & death circumstances: over nine years as an operative at a private investigative firm specializing in death penalty defense cases. What’s at stake for you? LA. [email protected] (5/13)

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