Tuesday, June 9th, 2009


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL



Good morning, it’s Tuesday, June 9, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

Apple unveiled its next generation iPhone 3G S at its annual developer’s conference, slated for release with the new iPhone 3.0 OS on June 19 – timed almost exactly 2 years after the release of the first iPhone model when early adopters’ contracts expire. The phone is likely to spawn a new generation of mobile video and photo applications thanks to faster processing speeds, longer battery life, easy-to-use video recording software and a real 3 megapixel camera. The autofocus camera automatically adjusts focus, exposure and contrast. You can record high-quality video clips and edit them right on the iPhone 3G S by simply trimming the start and stop points. You can also send photos and video by email or MMS and post them directly to YouTube or Apple’s $99/year MobileMe subscription service with a single tap. The new iPhone will retail for $199 with 16 GB online and at AT&T, Best Buy and Wal-Mart stores. In a move to capture more price sensitive folks, the existing iPhone 3G model dropped in price to $99, effective immediately.
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The New York Yankees will become the first MLB team to stream games live within its home market. Major League Baseball Advanced Media and the YES Network have cut a deal with Cablevision that will end the blackout to home games for Cablevision subs who subscribe to at least extended basic, according to Sports Business Journal. The system will rely on an authentication system similar to the one being tested to limit access to cable programming online. In-market subscriptions will be offered via Yankees.com, YESNetwork.com and Cablevision’s OptimumOnline.com. The deal could open the flood gates for the streaming of local sports games within teams’ home market, which has been long fought by cable operators.
Clear Channel launched an online media player that consolidates access to roughly 350 of its U.S. radio stations on a single portal at IHeartRadio.com. The player, also available as a free iPhone or BlackBerry app, will also offer access to 10,000+ videos and be monetized with interactive, embeddable ads.
NBC News and Three Part Media launched The Grio, a video-centric new site targeting African Americans aggregating content from a variety of NBCU sources including NBC News, msnbc.com and NBC O&Os. Ford has signed on as exclusive sponsor during its beta phase.


Following last night’s Webby Awards ceremony comes the online video advertising event OnFronts, produced by internet video connoisseurs Tilzy.tv, (not to be confused with last week’s NewFronts, put on by Digitas’ The Third Act.) Although the event does include a panel about bringing branded advertising to the digital space, it’s more focused on presentations of content new media studios are trying to sell to, according to Tilzy.tv founders Jamison Tilsner and Joshua Cohen. “One of the things we learned putting this together is that many media planners are unaware of this space in general,” said Mr. Tilsner. “There’s also issues with larger firms allocating resources when trying to make smaller, more targeted buys.” More than a dozen web studios will present their latest shows at ADD-compatible speed including Revision3, Deep Focus, Blip.tv, For Your Imagination and Vuguru.


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The local search-advertising marketplace may be headed for a shakeout where less-sophisticated affiliates and resellers of search advertising could be forced out by national services such as Google, according to a new report from Gordon Borrell & Assoc. underwritten by Clickable. Churn rates from local clients who buy search ads are rising steadily. Savvy affiliates and resellers who are able to optimize search performance through software tools and ROI reporting techniques will fare best.
Showtime tried LinkedIn as a place to promote Nurse Jackie, its latest original series starring Sopranos and Oz cast member Edie Falco – the first network to place a media buy on the professional social networking site. The company began by targeting health professionals during Nurses Week then purchased a dynamic banner ad and top-of-page tune in link on the home page. Showtime’s free preview of Nurse Jackie has been the #1 podcast on iTunes for the past week and the recently released season 4 of Weeds is currently the top TV season.
signed Lexus and Stella Artois as integrated upfront sponsors around Top Chef. Multiplatform deals include brand integration, online and on air sponsorships. For instance, Lexus will sponsor the “Top Chef Masters Recipe Finder,” and the UGC tool “Rate the Plate” on www.BravoTV.com.


Video delivery infrastructure provider Blackwave is introducing its next generation storage and delivery platform this morning, designed to reduce operational costs for CDNs and larger video publishers and aggregators. Blackwave’s new solution, which adds support of Flash and Windows Media streaming, enables content providers to dynamically adjust required video bandwidth to reduce fees related to pre-paying for bandwidth costs. “As bandwidth costs get reduced to a commodity, the costs of delivering video is tied to infrastructure and our approach can help publishers better monetize their content by reducing storage and delivery fees,” said Blackwave CTO Mike Killian. The company also announced that South Korea-based CDNetworks is the first CDN to deploy the R6 system.
Online media tool provider Triton Digital announced it has surpassed 4,000 station affiliations, an increase of over 500 affiliations since January 1, 2009.


Nielsen found that overall U.S. ad spending dropped by 12% overall during Q1 as every single measured media category showed negative growth. Cable TV (Spanish and general market) and internet ad spending held up the best, followed by network TV ad spending. Several print categories dropped by huge margins.
Media Category                      Q1 2009 vs. Q1 2008 % Change
Spanish-Language Cable TV                  -1.1%
Cable TV                                             -2.7%
Internet*                                            -3.4%
Network TV                                         -4.8%
FSI Coupon                                         -7.5%
Spot Radio                                          -9.0%
Outdoor                                            -10.7%
Network Radio                                   -12.6%
Spanish-Language TV                         -13.8%
Local Newspaper                                -14.3%
Spot TV Top 100 DMAs                        -15.6%
Syndication TV                                    -18.8%
National Magazine                               -20.6%
Local Magazine                                   -23.6%
National Sunday Supplement                -25.9%
National Newspaper                             -27.7%
Spot TV 101-210 DMAs                        -28.9%
B-to-B Magazines                                -29.9%
Local Sunday Supplements                  -37.7%
TOTAL                                                  -12%
Source: The Nielsen Company * CPM-based, image-based advertising


Apple’s new iPhone 3.0 OS will enable a wealth of cool new apps, a few of which were previewed yesterday. For instance, ScrollMotion will introduce the Iceberg Reader this summer, which allows you to scroll and pinch-to-zoom to navigate newspapers, magazines and other publication’s pages. A note-taking feature allows you to jot down thoughts and refer to them from any point in the book or magazine. In-app purchasing will enable readers to purchase books and subscriptions directly from the app.
Outdoors store REI launched its latest iPhone app geared toward cyclists. The Bike Your Drive app allows you to view your progress on a trip via GPS, share geotagged photos and calculate gas savings.
EA shipped the new Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 yesterday, the first game to utilize the new Wii MotionPlus controller. The game, bundled with the accessory, retails for $60.


Time Warner upped Mark D’Arcy to President and Chief Creative Officer, Time Warner Global Media Group, succeeding John Partilla, who is leaving Time Warner to take the top sales post at Clear Channel. Mark, who has been with the group since 2004, will work to with advertisers to develop campaigns across Time Warner’s portfolio.
Chatsworth, CA-based Osiris Entertainment has tapped Doug Dohmen as the company’s new VP of Sales and Marketing. He will oversee broadcast, home entertainment and digital distribution for the company’s film library.
ContextWeb has hired Mia L. Sossei to serve as its Chicago-based Midwest Director, replacing Spencer Lee who has left the company. Mia comes from Q Interactive where she has been VP/Business Development since 2008.


A new news site dubbed True/Slant launched in beta yesterday with $3 million in funding from Forbes Media and Fuse Capital. Led by veteran journalist/web guru Lewis Dvorkin, True/Slant is providing a platform for more than 100 “Entrepreneurial Journalists” who want to use the web to reach readers directly in exchange for a small stipend, a share of the ad revenue the site generates or, in some cases, an equity stake in the company. Contributors include former reporters for the NYTimes, Boston Globe, BBC and Newsweek. The site is more of a blogging/social networking platform than a news site; contributors get their own page to post their work on and attract followers to, complete with commenting tools and the ability to link to other outlets. (A blog roll of sorts ranks them by popularity and activeness in the right hand corner of the homepage.) Contributors will take an active role in moderating the discussion on their pages. True/Slant’s advertising approach is interesting: advertisers themselves will maintain their own (clearly identified) pages that will vie for followers. Marketers can post original content, capture headlines and link or post videos to generate community buzz.
Later — Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/ Screenvision Cinema/NYC: 2-4 yrs exp; proficient w/Nielsen & Research systems. Ability to analyze data & execute for sales in fast pace environ. Apply at: www.screenvision.com (6/16)

JOB OPENING: SUPERVISOR/Univision NAT’L TV Sales /NY: Prior Brdcst exp req’d, Exe Asst exp pref’d. Detail-oriented, strong comm & orgnztnal skills, fluency in MS Office. 4 yr BA degree pref’d. Email: [email protected] EOE (6/16)

JOB OPENING: SHOW RUNNER/DOCU-SOAP: Est NY prod co seeks highly exp’d docu-soap whiz to produce, work w/talent, craft storylines, oversee staff, create a hit show. Previous docu-soap series an absolute must. Res: [email protected] (6/16)

JOB OPENING: NON-SCRIPTED MGR & VP DVLPMT/PROD Co:Create/dvlp new & current unscripted prgrmng brdcst/cbl ntwrks. Adapt intern’l formats for dom. dist.Exp reality dvlpmnt. Firm relationships cbl ntwrk execs & agents. [email protected] (6/13)

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC ADVRTSNG SALES/Kids Ntwrk./NY: 3+yrs Advrtsng Sales exp. pref Kids; new buz dvlpmnt & growing existing buz; existing client/agency contacts a must. Apply: http://www.thecookiejarcompany.com/cj_careers.php (6/13)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ASSOCIATE/TLC/SS: Analysis/reporting/interpretation of ratings. 2+ yrs mktg. research exp. with strong analytical & math skills required. Nielsen data & systems desired. Apply: www.discovery.com Req# 8998 (6/13)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES PLANNER/Gospel Music Channel/NY: fast growing cable net seeking dynamic individual to build proposals & maintain schedules for advertisers. Industry experience req’d. Email [email protected] (6/12)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE DIGITAL CONTENT COORD/AETN/NYC:Manage digital assets, archiving, reports, w/strong tech skills, client focus, attn to detail, exlnt org & comm skills Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (6/12)

JOB OPENING: VP STRATEGY & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT/MTV Networks/NYC: 7+yrs exp. in Strat/Biz Dev; 3yrs in M&A/Consultng, Strng Analytic Skills, Exp in Entrtainmnt/Digital, MBA A+ EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (6/12)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANALYST, DISTRIBUTION/AETN/NY: Support trad’l & new distrib platforms. Create reports/review synd res studies. 2+ yrs media res exp. Know Nielsen syst & other res sources. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (6/10)

JOB OPENING: LEGAL SECRETARY/IFC-SUN/NY: Admin support to Legal Dept. w/Heavy phone,calendar& contract asst. 4+ yrs admin exp legal dept/law firm pref. Exc comm, organztl & PC skills must. Res: www.cablevision.jobs ref #8734BR (6/10)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ASSISTANT/Gospel Music Channel/NY: fast growing cable net seeking dynamic individual to assist sales team and schedule and maintain commercial units for advertisers. Email [email protected] (6/10)

JOB OPENING: SVP LEGAL AFFAIRS/DISNEY ABC CABLE NTWK/LA: Top legal counsel/Sr mgmt advisor; JD 20+ yrs ent legal exp w/expert knwldg of cable ind. child/family prgrmng, media regulatory issues. www.disneycareers.com Req # 196288 (6/10)


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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDIT ONLY: Intern for TV Syndication Co.Learn various aspects of TV Rsrch including ratings positioning, tracking and software. Min 10 hrs per wk in AM. Resume/Covr lttr to: [email protected] (6/12)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: 20+ yrs. experience in TV Broadcasting & Cable ACCOUNTING/FINANCE. Seeking FT, PT or Temporary position: immediate start. Please contact [email protected] (6/16)

SITUATION WANTED: DOCUMENTARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (6/13)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/DIRECTOR: Very fast, flexible and creative writer for movies, TV, rewrites, polishes or script consulting. LA based, will travel. References/reel available upon request. Contact Chris: [email protected] (6/13)


SITUATION WANTED: Bilingual Latino PRODUCER/DIRECTOR specializing in documentary & TV of Women, LGBTQ and Urban Youth, including testimonial commercials in English and Spanish, contact [email protected] (6/12)

SITUATION WANTED: PR & MARKETING PROFESSIONAL with 13 yrs exp in non-profit fine arts, music, film, TV & finance is seeking FT opportunity in LA or NYC. Exceptional writer & communicator. Contact Marni at: [email protected] (6/12)

SITUATION WANTED: Mult-talented TELEVISION EXECUTIVE w 20 yrs exp in sales, marketing, programming, finance, research, operations. Cable, satellite, IPTV. VOD, PPV, subscription. Let’s talk! Contact [email protected] (6/11)

SITUATION WANTED: TV/PRINT/RADIO/ONLINE/EVENTS MRKTG/PRODUCTION EXPERT NY: Cost cutting, well rounded,client services expert who can get the job done. Fantastic references. Freelance or FT. [email protected] (6/11)

SITUATION WANTED: FILM/TV/Ent PR/NYC: Seeking F/T or Freelance opps. Write press releases/pitch to targeted print/online & brdcst media, track news clips, editorial calendar opps, build press lists w/Cision [email protected] (6/11)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/DIRECTOR/PRODUCER  Exceptional and fast writer, client friendly, EPK’s and DVD bonus features, webpods, video games for Disney, Universal, New Line etc. In LA, will travel or relocate. [email protected] (6/11)

SITUATION WANTED: Experienced MARKETING/EVENTS COORDINATOR with experience in the music and entertainment industry seeks freelance and/or full-time opportunity in NYC. Please contact via [email protected] (6/10)

SITUATION WANTED: ASST PRODUCER/COORD/MGR/PA (NY) Experience: ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, MTV, Food Network, History Channel, Sesame Street, NY1. Seeks FT, PT, freelance. Resume: charles.goon.googlepages.com Email: [email protected] (6/10)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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