Digital Ad Sales
Gen online rev thru dig products across A+E Networks portfolio.
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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
Good morning. It’s Tuesday, January 8, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!
I had many requests over the holidays to reprint the version of “If” I wrote a couple of years ago.
My Apologies to Mr. Kipling
If you can keep your wits when all about you
Are losing theirs jobs, including you;
If you can trust yourself when interviewers doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can be patient and yet, continue to endure,
Or, being ignored, don’t become benign,
Or, feeling invisible, stand tall and remain assured,
And yet don’t become arrogant, nor talk of negative times;
If you can hope – and not make hope your work;
If you can think – and speak well when in the flame;
If you can meet with CEO and clerk;
And respect those two just the same;
If you can bear to hear the job was given to another
and have no ill will to the one who made the choice,
Or watch the career you gave your life to smothered,
And stoop and start again from nothing but your voice;
If you can make one writing of all your winnings
And send it out time and time again,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never allow your confidence to wain;
If you can force your heart, belief and all you know
To serve your turn long after all hope is gone,
And step forward and try again when there is nothing more to show
Except the will which says to them: “Move on”;
If you can take care of your household,
even when others think you should run;
If even loving-friends have nothing to dole;
and yet still all count on you, to work until the work is done;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ of why you’re the one –
When the worst cannot defeat you,
no matter what has happened, you will have won.
We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].
Date: JAN 24, 2013 | Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET | Price: $295/site
Hosted by: Sahil Patel
– Associate Editor, Cynopsis DigitalSpeakers
JoAnna Foyle Abel – VP, Marketing, FreeWheel
Charlie Echeverry – EVPSales for Univision Interactive, Univision Communications
Marcus Startzel – General Manager, North America, Millennial Media
Rayna is a fading Nashville superstar. To boost her publicity around her latest record, she’ll have to team up with teen sensation, Juliette Barnes. While it may be a few hits to her ego, the choice is hers to make.
So many people are going through changes in their careers this year. Some are being open about it, others are putting on a brave face and suffering through alone, and still others are self-destructing. Our industry is infamous for ups and downs, and comebacks. Where are you? On an up? Headed down? In need of a comeback? The first step is being honest with yourself about where you are right now.
Sometimes, I give you tools that you can use for your business. Other times, I give you strategies and mindsets to navigate your way. Today, if you’re suffering through any kind of change, I’m going to give you some words that may not be the makings of a great country song, but they come from my heart. Here goes-
You don’t deserve to suffer because you have a passion for what you do. It shouldn’t hurt your relationships, cause you financial hardship, or negatively affect your health because you love what you do and you can’t bear the thought of doing anything else. And yet, this happens to so many of us. It’s like a cruel joke; you’ve been given a gift, a passion so great, that all you want to do is indulge in that gift everyday, and make enough money to be happy and keep on sharing your gift. But the roadblocks and the rejections keep getting in the way. So many people have no idea what their purpose in life is, but you do. It’s so clear that if I asked you to tell me what it looked like; what your ideal day at work would be, or who you’ll be working with in ten years, you’d be able to tell me with such joy such excitement. So why do you have to suffer? Why were you given this gift, this knowledge of your purpose if it would be such a challenge to share? Do we really have to hit rock bottom, lose it all, or hurt the ones we love because we don’t want to give up?
It’s not fair! Yell it three times, out loud. Go on, I give you permission. It may feel weird at first, but you have a right to say it and mean it. It’s not fair! Your gift, your birthright talent is pumping in your veins. You explain it to people; you are misunderstood, you are valued, you are mocked, you are revered, you are rejected, you are rewarded, you are deflated, you are rejuvenated, you are desperate, you are in the zone. It’s a roller coaster ride, forever, and you’ve already bought your ticket and strapped yourself in.
When you’re up, you fear being down. When you’re down, you fear never being up again.
If you’re ready for a comeback, you have to take some lessons from Rayna and give up your sabotaging ways, your bad habits, your pride, your ‘story.’ Whatever that story was for you when you decided to pursue your dream, it’s time to rewrite it. The only way to do that is through BIG change. It’s terrifying, I know, believe me, I do. But when you make that decision to change, to take that big leap, you make a decision to have faith that the net will appear and you will bounce back stronger than you’ve ever been. You think that the competition is fierce, that there’s not enough room for everyone, and you’re right. What you don’t realize is that there’s room for you. You’re a cut above the rest, and deep down you know it. It’s what keeps you holding on. It’s what makes the suffering bearable. You’re special and you know it. You truly are.
And Action!
1. Take the next six months to do inventory. What has to change? Who’s support do you need? What risks must you take?
2. What hasn’t been working that you continue to do? What will you do in 2013 to force it to change?
Rayna has to swallow her pride and up with a teenager. What are you willing to do to keep living your dream?
Jessica Sitomer,The Greenlight Coach,is a top Entertainment Industry Speaker and Coach and is the author of And…Action! Powerful, Proven, and Proactive Strategies to Achieve Success in the Entertainment Industry. To learn more about her, visit,
How should I handle illegal or inappropriate questions?
I’m not a lawyer so I can only advise you to ask someone who is qualified to answer this.
I just received a better job offer than the one I accepted a few days ago. Can I rescind my acceptance of the first offer and accept the second one?
If you haven’t signed a legal document you can turn down the first and take the second. I would recommend finding 1-3 people who would be excellent candidates for the first job to help them get someone to replace you as quickly as possible in order to keep a good relationship with the people who wanted to hire you.
Jessica Sitomer, The Greenlight Coach, answers an entertainment industry question daily at
235+ major brands | Cable/MSO/DBS Representatives | Agency Reps/Buyers/Planners | Cable & Broadcast Network Decision Makers | Talent | Technology Executives | Producers | Writers/Editors | Analyst/Researchers | Freelance Consultants | Publicists/Agents | Crew/Operators |
Other Industry Professionals & Influencers
Contact Mike Farina, VP Sales & Marketing to drive results & reach your target market.
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES AE/Sony Pictures TV/LA: Strong dig. sales bckgrnd a must. Interest in ent, gaming, emerg. tech. Able to sell mult properties, incl: PS Network, FEARnet & DrOz. Apply: (1/12)
JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SALES RESEARCH/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Manage sales research for two cable networks. Expertise in Galaxy Explorer, TVToolbox, Simmons/MRI, Excel, PowerPoint. Apply online at (#7797BR) (1/12)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCERS, DIRECTORS, WRITERS, CGI GFX for Sci-Fi based doc/drama series. People exp”d w/High-End Storytelling, Expert Interviewing, Recrees, and CGI. Email w/credit list to: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: DIRECT RESPONSE AD SALES ASST/GMC TV/NY: Seeking a recent grad w/previous ad sales/advertising internship exp to asst DR ad sales dept. Strong Excel & multi-tasking a +. Must be very organized. Apply: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCER APPS/HITN/Brooklyn: Create/edit/track changes in design documents for educational APPS. Min 5+ yrs of software dvlpmnt exp in web, console dvlpmnt. BA Deg computer science req’d. Cover/resume: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: SR. SALES RESEARCH ANALYST/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 6 month consultant role with Ad Sales Research at USA & Cloo. 1-3 yrs. exp. using Nielsen TV Toolbox/NPower in cable/broadcast req’d. CV: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: SR. ANALYST DIGITAL RESEARCH/NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: 6 month consultant role supporting USA Digital Research team. 1-3 yrs. exp. Omniture reporting req’d; comScore, Nielsen a plus. CV: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: DIR, CURRENT PROD/IFC/NYC: Provide creative input for all stages of prodon, casting, booking, script notes, etc. Main contact w/prod & prod co for creative, logistical issues. Comedy exp +. Res: (1/12)
JOB OPENING: MGR, ADV PLTFRM PLANN & DISTRIB/AMC/NYC: Implement strategic directions, priorities of Metadata, Scheduling & Dist Team. Mng projects as assigned. Ensure all deliverables are met.Res: (1/12)
JOB OPENING: PD PRGMNG/DIR RESPONSE SALES EXEC/WRNN-TV/Rye Brook NY: Grow/mng pd prgrmmng (infomercials/shopping/religious prgrmrs) & direct response sales. 5 yrs pd prgrmng & short form sales exp. Res/cover w/ sal req. [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: EXEC/PERSONAL ASST/NYC: For two exec producers who are also owners of a NY based Television Production Company. This is not a stepping stone position – apply only to BE an Exec Asst. Resume: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: VP, CURRENT PROG/Late Night (FX Networks, LA): Oversee current Late Night/Scripted projects, evaluate staff, attend tapings, work w/Ad Sales, production & Talent. BA, 5-7 yrs. dev/prog. exp req. (1/12)
JOB OPENING: SALES EXECUTIVE – LATAM/BBC AMERICA/NYC: Responsible for Central American & Caribbean TV sales. Assist w/growing digital sales & US Hispanic biz. BA/BS w/TV exp. pref. in LatAm mrkts. Eng/Span MUST [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: SYSTEMS SPECIALIST/NYC: Manage QA across ad sales systems/create custom x-platform BI reports. BA Degree, 7+yrs in Broadcast/Cable Ops + Exp w/DealMaker and BI tools JobID: 1201913-M (1/12)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, PUBLISHER DEVELOPMENT/NY: Mng & grow pub sales pipeline. 2-4 yrs digital exp. Mng all facets of biz dev cycle across range of pubs and pub product offerings. Resume: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: FT FREELANCE PROMO SCHED COORD/cable network/NYC: schedule daily promo assets and provide administrative support to fantastic team. Orgnzd, resp detail oriented a must. Resume: here (1/12)
JOB OPENING: DIR, SOCIAL MEDIA/A+E Networks/NY: Oversee social media strategy, implement & direct fan engagement campaigns & multi-platform solutions for A&E Ntwrk in support of audience goals. Apply: (1/12)
JOB OPENING: SALES EXEC/ITN SOURCE/NYC: Self driven Sales Exec for its successful sales operation. provide both sales support to your colleagues & exceptional cust srvc support to US customers. Resume/apply: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC/The Weather Channel/NYC: 5+ yrs cable sales exp required. Support TWC. Create, present proposals to secure business. Dvlp/maintain client & agency relationships. Monthly travel. BA Deg req’d. Resume: [email protected] (1/12)
JOB OPENING: SELLING DIRECTOR/Digital Ad Sales/NY: Gen online rev thru dig products across A+E Networks portfolio. Full Info/Apply: (1/12)
JOB OPENING: MARKETING MGR/CBS SPORTS NETWORK/NY: Execute digital & social mktg initiatives to drive brand awareness & tune-in. Exp in sports mktg &/or grassroots consumer mktg in cable preferred. Apply: (1/11)
JOB OPENING: VP AD SALESMKTG TRAVEL/GAC: Lead team that dvlp/activates multiplatform client solutions. Solid mgmt & collaboration skills, 15 yrs+ Media/Cable/Creative bgrd req. Details/apply: req #3132, (1/11)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RATINGS RESEARCH Vh1/NYC: 7+ yrs wk exp w/n cable/broadcast network field. Strng analytic & TV prgm exp. Knwldge of Nielsen & Lake 5.Tech Edge A+. Apply (1/11)
JOB OPENING: LEAD COORD/TV ONE/MD: BA pref’d & 4 yrs of exp Brdcst Operations. Sched/maintain on-air secondary event promos. Wrk w/ internal depts. in on-air secondary event media plan’g/execution. Media & Ent exp +. (1/11)
JOB OPENING: RED SOX REMOTE COORD PROD/MASS: Coord/sprvs/execute high qual, well-resourced Red Sox event telecasts for fan base. BA deg comm, brdcst radio. 10+ yrs exp live sports event producing. Info/apply: (1/11)
JOB OPENING: Copy COORD TEMP/TV ONE/NY: BA pref’d and/or 2 yrs of exp in TV Ops & Traffic. Wrk w/external agencies & traffic mgmt to secure and input comm copy for ntwrk. B’way & Log Bldg. exp a +. $21-$23 per hr. (1/11)
JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/TV Guide/ NY: Excel skills a +, Organized, Strong comm skills, Work w/AEs/Planners/Sales/Traffic/P&P Marketing. Weekly allocations, deal maintenance, daily comm w/agencies. [email protected] (1/11)
JOB OPENING: DIR ACCT MNGMNT/Origin Digital, an Accenture Co./NYC: As worldwide leader in enabling LIVE events on 2nd screens, we’re seeking a star to build our revenues. New media/sports/sale/ tech. background. [email protected] (1/11)
JOB OPENING: AD SLS MKTG MGR/Discovery/NY: Dvlp & execute multi-platform ad sls sponsorships; 5+ yrs ad agency, media sls/mktg, client mktg exp; prod exp preferred; (1/11)
JOB OPENING: ASSOC MEDI DIR/SUMMIT NJ MEDIA AGENCY: Min 5+ yrs cross platform media plan’g/buying, with exp in nat’l brdcst/cable. Seeking smart, motivated thinker. Resume/salary requirements to [email protected] (12/22)
JOB OPENING: IPTV ACCOUNT EXEC/selling AT&T Adworks/NYC: selling TV advertising-U-verse Platform. Manage ad agencies/clients-gen. mkt/adv TV inventory. BA/BS, 5+ yrs sales exp./3+ nat’l TV sales Apply: (12/22)
JOB OPENING: AD SALES ACCT EXEC’S/PAC-12/SF, AZ, WA: AE’s for multimedia ad sales. 3+ yrs sales exp. See full posting/apply to:
JOB OPENING: SELLING DIRECTOR/DIGITAL AD SALES/NY: Gen online rev thru dig products across A+E Networks portfolio. Full Info/Apply: (12/20)
JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/REELZ/NYC: Work with Sales AEs to maintain, flight, steward and reconcile sales orders with clients. Some planning exp a plus. Apply: [email protected] (12/20)
JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC, DIG MEDIA SALES (3)/CRACKLE NETWORK/LA/Chi/NYC: Crackle Ntwrk. Dev new bus/mng list of names accts, 5yrs dig adv exp, & 2 yrs video media sales req, [email protected] (12/20)
JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/ESPN/CT: Resp for reporting, tracking, forecasting national & local data for ESPN Deportes. Proficiency in MS Office/Nielsen data preferred. Apply: [email protected] (12/20)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL PRODUCT MGMT/Cablevision/Bethpage NY: Run day-to-day ops, user experience & strategy for biz & consumer portals; 12+ yrs prod mktg exp. Apply to [email protected] (12/20)
JOB OPENING: SR RSCH ANLST/NBCUniversal/NY: 1+ yrs Natl media rsrch@cable, brdcst, synd or ad agency; Natl Nielsen systems & data knwlg required. Support Bdcst Ent Programming (12/20)
JOB OPENING: DIR, MGR & SR ANALYST AD SALES STRAT/NBCUNI/NYC: Dvlp. insightful /actionable rsrch & strat. in support cable/dig portfolio. Seeking EXp’d only. For more info/ Apply: #7952BR. (12/20)
JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR/Myx TV/LA: Myx TV is the fastest growing Asian American entertainment cable TV network. Apply now: Please visit for details. (12/20)
JOB OPENING: SR PROD MGR, MOBILE/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Dvlps mobile prods/features across platforms. 3+ yrs life-cycle dig prod mgt exp (software/web/mobile app environmts). BA/BS, Comp Sci prefd. #147911, (12/18)
JOB OPENING: ASSOC. DIRECTOR U-VERSE SALES OPS/AT&T AdWorks/NYC: Manages Product Dev., works with sales/mkting teams. BA/BS, 3+yrs Media Exp., product dev.+knowledge of research skills desired. Apply: (12/18)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SUPPORT REP/AT&T AdWorks/NYC: Support U-verse TV Sales Planners, manage inventory, reconcile discrepancies, campaign reporting. BA degree reqd. Apply: (12/18)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SUPPORT REP/AT&T AdWorks/LA: Support U-verse TV Sales Planners, manage inventory, reconcile discrepancies, campaign reporting. BA degree reqd. Apply: (12/18)
JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PROJECT MGR/SYFY, NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Day-to-day project mgmt for &, apps for phones & new tech. 5+ years project mgmt in a cross-disciplinary environment req’d. #7926 (12/18)
JOB OPENING: SPVSR, SCHEDULING/AMC/NYC: maintain wkly prog scheds, calendars for AMC domestic and Canada. Create sched change memos & grids, track relevant competitive prog info, etc. 2+ yrs exp. Submit res: (12/18)
JOB OPENING: DIR., MARKETING & COMM (Fox Sports South-Atlanta, GA): Manage all OAP, off-channel & social media efforts to drive revenue, traffic, subs & ratings. 7-10 yrs exp in marketing/brand dev req. (12/18)
JOB OPENING: ABC RESEARCH PART TIME CONTRACTOR/ABC Burbank: TV and digital research experience, multiplatform reporting, solid computer skills, organized & detail oriented, TV and digital media research exp, college degree required [email protected] (12/18)
supporting all aspects of the financial operations and reporting for the global Digital Music team as well as NMS consolidation efforts including monthly reporting, forecasting, the annual budget and MRP processes
Director of Finance, Digital 3414741
Sony Corporation
partner with Human Resources team and clients to execute against the people strategy in line with the business goals
HR Business Partner 7043
Discovery Channel
supports brand development, inventory management and sales planning to deliver action plans for the development of a diverse retailer and brand base
VP, Brand Management & Sales Planning
BBC America
defines and manage the overall editorial visions
Managing Editor,
BBC America
lead the creative collaboration that will result in development of 2-year seasonal thematic plans for each Key Property that will be presented for review and feedback by CP executive leadership
Vice President, Creative Strategy & Planning 5057
responsible for leading their team in the development and implementation of a comprehensive territory strategy
Director – Educational Partnerships 7046
Discovery Channel
Silver Spring MD
partner with key leaders on the development and implementation of key HR initiatives
HR Director
Turner Broadcasting
Washington DC
responsible for creating and managing the scheduling of quarterly grids, stunts and specials encompassing the mission of the channel, division/company revenue targets, as well as viewer/ratings impact
Director – Programming 7029
Discovery Channel
Miami FL
serve as main counsel and strategic business partner to the Leadership team
SVP, Business & Legal Affairs, Telemundo Media 7991BR
NBC Universal
Hialeah FL
ensure priorities are defined and making sure the team and function are operating effectively
Director, Pricing & Planning 187
Chicago IL
play a key role in developing multi-platform opportunities for clients
Director, Brand Solutions 246
Chicago IL
provide detailed, thoughtful, and timely marketplace assessments
Director, Platform Management – Mobile/Emerging Channels
Chicago IL
drive significant revenue growth by using general business acumen to uncover prospect business needs and identify how Dotomi solutions can help prospects achieve their business goals
Director, Business Development
Chicago IL
responsible for defining, specifying and documenting large-scale, complex ecommerce applications. They perform many roles and interact with many different teams across one or several commerce related projects
Senior Commerce Functional Analyst 12078
Chicago IL
developing and communicating industry-leading creative concepts
Senior Art Director 12148
Austin TX
continuous assessment and improvement of the Hulu culture
VP, Talent and Organization
Los Angeles CA
facilitate and continuously improving our Nulugan Onboarding program using an experiential model that helps them build strong cohort relationships and quickly integrate into Hulu culture
Senior Talent and Development Manager
Los Angeles CA
maximize profitability through innovative retail marketing plans that satisfy both Brand *Marketing strategies/tactics and retailer objectives
VP Retail Marketing – Home Media 3637
Hollywood CA
develops and leads implementation of digital marketing plans to acquire and retain audience; understands business unit revenue and audience goals and builds marketing plans accordingly
Director – Marketing (ABC Digital Media) 82761BR
Walt Disney Studios
Burbank CA
oversees creative, art direction and production of a number of animated series and related content for Disney Interactive Labs
Director, Development 82903BR
Walt Disney Studios
Glendale CA
responsible for local and account financial information
Client Finance Manager
San Francisco CA
primarily responsible for designing, directing, and/or executing interactive advertising and marketing communications
Senior Art Director
San Francisco CA
structure, draft and negotiate a high volume of development and production agreements
Sr. Counsel Business and Legal Affairs – Comedy Central 4565
Santa Monica CA
directs the development and production of original programming that enhance the competitive standing, ratings, identity and advertising sales for the channel
VP Program Development, CMT 4774
Santa Monica CA
architect, develop, implement and maintain software for media workflow fulfillment and content processing applications
Sr. Developer 3427924
Sony Corporation
Marina Del Rey CA
DuJour Media Group added Robin Keller as Chief Digital Officer starting yesterday. Robin will oversee as well as all digital functions for the company’s brands. She will report to Jason Binn, CEO.
Optimedia named Jason Hoffman to the newly-created position as SVP/Digital to oversee the agency’s New York Digital Operations encompassing Display, Search, Mobile, Video and Analytics. Jason will report to Adam Seymour, Managing Director/Digital and will additionally work with communications planning and the broadcast teams to integrate digital media strategies for Optimedia’s clients including BBC, British Airways, Joe Fresh, Pizza Hut, Purina, Richemont and ServiceMaster. Previously, Jason was with OMD where he was Head/US Digital Media and Strategy.
Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]
Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Media Entertainment
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group
Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858
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