Tuesday, January 29th, 2013



Dev new bus/mng accts, 5yrs dig adv exp, & 2 yrs video media sales req. Proven track rec dvlpng 7 Figure+ deals – brand/client contacts/agencies.

 [email protected]..

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, January 29, 2013, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

We are pleased to announce Roberta Caploe has joined Cynopsis as Editorial Director. She will oversee all of Cynopsis’s e-newsletters and e-special reports, including Cynopsis flagship, Cynopsis Digital, Cynopsis Sports and Cynopsis Kids. She’ll also collaborate on the development of the growing roster of Cynopsis Media business summits, award events, Webinars, and other initiatives. Roberta will be attending NATPE  so please feel free to reach out to her at [email protected].

Conflict at Work

Sooner or later, you’ll be involved in some kind of conflict at work. While most people would advise to stay away from it, there is an opportunity to make the conflict work for you.

Whatever the conflict, make sure you understand both sides of the situation. Equally as important, let the people involved know that you understand their position. These situations often erupt in something much greater because someone feels misunderstood. Take the time to listen and ask questions if necessary. This will make your co-workers feel they can depend on you when difficult situations arise.

After having a full understanding of the conflict, remind all involved and direct the discussion to the real goal, the health of the company. This will demonstrate your ability to rise above personal pettiness and your commitment to the company.

If the conflict is of a personal nature, stay out of it. There are no winners in this situation.

Likewise, never get personal in any type of conflict. People will remember what you said in anger long after the disagreement is resolved.

Be objective throughout the process. Focus on the needs of the company, not of the personalities of the people involved. This is the most efficient path to an agreement and you will be respected for your problem solving skills.

Always think win-win. How can both sides achieve what they want without infringing on one another? What is the final goal of each side and do they have to be mutually exclusive? The person who comes up with the solution will be seen as a leader within the office.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].


Date: JAN 24, 2013 | Time: 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET | Price: $295/site

Hosted by: Sahil Patel Associate Editor, Cynopsis Digital
JoAnna Foyle Abel
– VP, Marketing, FreeWheel
Charlie Echeverry
– EVPSales for Univision Interactive, Univision Communications
Marcus Startzel
– General Manager, North America, Millennial Media

The Dark Knight Teaches
by Michael Pollock

Within the summer blockbuster Dark Knight Rises is a nugget that has stuck with me. Christian Bales finds himself incarcerated at the bottom of a vertical shaft looking up at a distant circle of sky. The inmates have rigged up a rope that can get a hopeful escapee to a ledge that is almost at the top  but then there is a final leap that no one ever seems to get right  so they fall, badly, banging against the rough-hewn stony sides of the shaft.

But always there is the sky above instilling the hope that drives another prisoner to the rope to try his luck.  Bales himself fails twice and is badly injured.  Even with the rope he bangs against the rocky sides. At last comes the pearl of wisdom as he asks an oldster for the secret.  He is told to accept the fear of failing, to let that fear provide the drive to succeed and most of all to DO IT WITHOUT THE ROPE.

Aha  without the rope  that is the insight.  On his own, with his own strength and skill and with the pressure his fear puts on himself, he finally succeeds in reaching the surface and getting away.

The teaching moment is upon us.  Many of us have ropes that we clutch at  believing that it will save us from failure and better, it is all we need to succeed.   But probably what we really need has to be independent of that rope.

Here are some examples of ropes  I look forward to hearing yours.  Authors believe that they just need an agent.  Artists, photographers and directors believe they need a rep.  Businesses believe they need a publicist  or a blog.  Job seekers believe they need a recruiter. So the goal they reach for is for to acquire one of these, er, ropes, which in itself is not actually their end goal, their circle of sky. 

Once it’s in place, it gives the illusion that all will be well  but in fact what it dulls their fear does is make them ease up on their efforts, they place their trust in the rope, the edge is off their fear, it gives them something to hang from.  And by the way  the expectations of what these agents and publicists et al can deliver are so enormous, that any study of results would surely make people think twice before putting all their marbles on that play.

So while there is undoubtedly a place for getting the right people on your team  do not let them be your rope and give you a false sense that you will be hauled to the top.  Don’t let your own edge and fear of failure be dulled. Use this fear to mobilize everything in your power to get to the top without a rope, propelled by your own inner strength.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark (www.pollockspark.com). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals. He works with people in film, TV, journalism, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Michael Pollock

What are the biggest mistakes you see on resumes?

Making them boring and me-too.  Making them two pages when they could be one.  Making it three pages or more.  Making them generic to the opportunity instead of special to you.  Making the reader work too hard to figure out what the applicant does and why they should care.  Making them cluttered and hard to look at.  Making the detail in the chronology not support the case.  Including things that have no bearing on the value you offer. 

And to my mind, putting your street address at the top makes no sense.  It gets the reader into thinking about where you live, which is a distraction that should have no bearing whatsoever on your suitability.  And besides, do you really think she is going to write you a letter and put it in the mail?

Is there a particular font and size I should be using on my resume and cover letter?

Make it readable and clean and clear. Unless unusual graphic choices are an integral part of your pitch, you want the reader to engage with the content and not with the form.  It should be easy to read and pleasant to look at, uncluttered and with some negative space. 

My own resumes have always been sans serif and 10 or 11 point.  12 may be too large. I would stick with something simple and widely compatible like Verdana or Arial or Helvetica.  Or if you prefer a serif then consider Times New Roman. 

This applies equally to cover letters and resumes.  Use bold subheads in your resume to lead the eye and telegraph the bones of your story. As an aside, I do recommend Gary Hustwit’s fascinating documentary called Helvetica  a full-length film about that ubiquitous typeface.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark (www.pollockspark.com). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.


Honoring Top Sports Programs, Campaigns, and People…

It’s a NEW YEAR, so don’t forget to enter the
2nd Annual Cynopsis: Sports Media Awards
Entry Deadline: February 1
Late Submissions: February 8
Awards Event: April 2013 (NYC)

Visit our website for additional information on:
Who Should Enter, How to Enter, Eligibility Period, Categories, Deadlines, Sponsorship Opportunities, Contact Information and FAQs.


JOB OPENING: DIR, DIG AD SALES/NBC SPORTS REGIONAL NETWORKS/NY: work with/oversee dig. ad sales: 2 nat’l rep firms, NBC TV Stations and Fox Home Team sports; meet/exceed revenue targets. More info/apply: HERE (2/2)

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC DIG MEDIA SALES (3)/CRACKLE NTWRK/LA/Chi/NYC: Dev new bus/mng accts, 5yrs dig adv exp, & 2 yrs video media sales req. Proven track rec dvlpng 7 Figure+ deals – brand/client contacts/agencies. [email protected] (2/2)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DIGITAL RESEARCH/FOOD NETWORK/COOKING CHANNEL/New York: 5 yrs digital analytics exp; competence with web metrics tools: Omniture SiteCatalyst & Discover. Aptitude for analyzing & synthesizing data. Apply HERE (2/2)

JOB OPENING: TEMP MKTG SUP/SHOWTIME/NYC: coordinate consumer mktg, branding and on-air campaigns for Smithsonian Channel. Min 3 yrs exp. Organized, creative, media and marketing savvy. Apply at www.sho.com/careers (2/2)

JOB OPENING: CAMPAIGN MGR/Crackle Ntwrk Ad Ops/NYC: Lead dvlpmt of the ad trafficking team to support US ops. Be liaison regarding tech integrations/ad serving upgrades/custom unit implementations, etc. Resume: [email protected] (2/2)

JOB OPENING: SUPV CONSUMER CONNECTIONS/St Louis: Asst mgr. in dev. strategic recommendations for achieving media & marketing obj’s. 3 yr media exp. Resume to: http://www.buschjobs.com/careers/career-opportunities/jobdetail?jobid=68891 (2/1)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH/PROJECT MGR/Latitude/BOS: Join innovative media rsrch firm: established exp. w/mkt rsrch, pgt mgmt & clnt relations; attn. to detail & strong writing – http://bit.ly/W2AUPq Apply: [email protected] (2/1)

JOB OPENING: DIR, DIGITAL MKTG (DOMESTIC THEATRICAL) LA: 20 CENTURYFOX Oversee mkting for domestic theatrical releases that touch Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, PR and Sales Mgr.  Apply: http://tinyurl.com/b7o2su5 (FFE0000797) (2/1)

JOB OPENING: SVP, INT’L PROG & CONTENTMUSIC & YOUTH/NYC/London: 15+ yrs exp. in TV Prog/Acquis/Dev; Min 3yrs @VP level & above; Exp. Youth demo across cultures/languages; Exp. w/Brdcst TV. EOE/M/F/D/AAP apply www.viacomcareers.com (2/1)

JOB OPENING: SENIOR PUBLICIST/E!/NBCUniversal/Los Angeles, CA: Publicize & Promote E! programming including E! News & E! Online. Exp.w/ Consumer TV PR Req; Breaking news exp. desired. www.nbcunicareers.com Job#7375BR (1/31)

JOB OPENING: SR. WRITER/PRODUCER, ON AIR PROMOS/E!/Los Angeles, CA: Write, and produce promos for network and programming. 4 yrs. promo or advertising exp. required; Must be a true creative! www.nbcunicareers.com Job#5591BR (1/31)

JOB OPENING: VP, PRICING & PLAN’G/SUNDANCE/NYC: Mng financial plan’g, forecasting, reports for Ad Sales Finance. Est’d upfront & scatter rate cards. Review proposals, oversee mgmt ntwk inventory. http://tinyurl.com/ah874o5 (1/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/PLANNER/American Target Network/NYC: Dvlp Sales prop, work w/agency buyers, 3 yrs+ exp in TV, must be very orgnzd, media math, Nielson, excel & PP skills a must. Apply: [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR STRATEGY & CONS MKTG/LIFETIME MKTG/NY: Mng strat plng, cons mktg & digital/tradit’l media initiatives. 7+yrs strategy exp within an ad agency, ent mktg exp, media plng exp. BA/BS Deg Apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers.html (1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, FINANCE & ADMIN OPS/DirecTV/NYC: Oversee expense mgmt. & reporting / revenue trends/financial modeling BA/BS Req’d (MBA Pref’d) 12+ yrs exp Ad Industry /Mgmt Exp + Strategy & Dvlpmnt www.directv.com/careers (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MGR AD SALES MKTG/DISH MEDIA SALES/NY: Generate mktg strategies & supporting ad sales materials. Oversee presentation dvlpmnt, mktg partnerships, events & external comm. 5-7 yrs exp. Resumes: [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MKT. MGR./RLTV/MD: 5+ yrs mkt. exp. at a network or entertain. co.; min. 3+ yrs exp. in digital & social media; develop/execute digital and consumer mkt. materials and consumer contact. B.A req. Apply: [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: MGR, STANDARDS & PRACTICES/DISNEY/BURBANK: Review Original & Acquired ABC Family shows. Knowledge primetime & family programming. Strong communication & negotiating skills. S&P exp req. disneycareers.com REQ 54793 (1/31)

JOB OPENING: LOCAL MEDIA SALES POSITIONS/Vidicom/NY/Chi: Lead sales efforts selling brand integration opptys for the Citybuzz DOOH Ntwrk. Strong kwldg local ad mktplace & non-trad media.1-3 yrs exp req’d. Res to: [email protected] (1/30)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL DIR/Bleacher Report/NYC: Min 8 yrs Digital Mkting exp. Must be passionate about sports. Partner with sales to bring Promos to market, spec focusing on Bleacher Report. To apply: click here: https://careers.timewarner.com/en/asp/tg/cim_jobdetail.asp?partnerid=391&siteid=36&AReq=133780BR (1/30)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRICING & PLANNING/Fox Sports Media Group/NY: 3-5 yrs Media Ad Sales, planning or research req. Reporting & forecasting. Must have exp w/Ad Sales Systems, Excel, analytical & math skills req. http://bit.ly/W7CgFD (1/29)

JOB OPENING: MGR, AFFILIATE RELATIONS & PROMOTION/NBCUniversal/Stamford, CT: Relations & promo contact for 4 NBC produced shows. Exp.w/TV syndication req; affiliate relations desired. www.nbcunicareers.com Job#8455BR (1/29)

JOB OPENING: ADV (ONLINE TRAFFIC) ACCT MGR (86025BR) & DIGITAL PLANNER (86025BR)/ABC Owned/NY: For more info & to apply: www.disneycareers.com or forward resume to: [email protected] (1/29)

JOB OPENING: WRITER PRODUCER/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL: 5+ years industry related exp. Resp for concept development, writing, production & proj mngt of creative on-air promo & campaigns for network. Resume to: [email protected] (1/29)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, AD SLS RESEARCH/Vh1/NY: 5+yrs rsch exp, proficient in Nielsen systems, MRI, Lake 5, Support P&I needs, Develop unique rsch metrics & methods of measurement, EOE/M/F/D/AAP. www.viacomcareers.com (1/29)

JOB OPENING: DIR, RSCH/Turner/ATL: 8+ yrs media rsch &/or plan’g exp. Media agency exp pref’d & Strong knwldg of rsrch systems such as NPower, IMS, Adviews, MEMRI. Resume: http://bit.ly/WbRgCu (1/29)

JOB OPENING: TV MARKETING MGR/THE WEATHER CHANNEL/ATL: 3-5 yrs marketing, implement & execute TV mrktng strategy & increase audience reach & engagement. Strategic creation to mrktng plan execution.Resume to: [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/TV: San Fran/Marin: Manage teams of rsrchrs/APs thru fast paced envir, strong pre-pro exp, work close w/supervising producers, multi-shows, BA deg, 5 + yrs TV exp. CV to: [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCT MANAGER, SHOW/Fox Broadcasting/LA: Create, manage & deliver engaging web, social & mobile experiences. BA, 5-7 yrs exp . Creative & technically adept. Scrum/network TV exp a plus. http://bit.ly/XF18GQ (1/26)

JOB OPENING: DIR, POST PROD/Leftfield Pictures/NY: Oversee all NY-based Post Ops.Overseeing mult shows, dvlpng workflows, hiring/mngng a lrg staff. Must be profic in Avid. Min 3-5 yrs as Post Sup. Apply: [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: NEW BIZ ACCT EXEC DIRECT RESPONSE/DISH Media Sales/NY: Join fast-growing Nat’l sales team. Dvlp NEW DR business. 5+ yrs cable ad sales exp w/relationships & history of new biz dvlpmnt. Resumes: [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE CLIENT SERVICES SPECIALIST/DISH Network NY: Produce interactive broadcast ad campaigns. Detail oriented, strong communication skills. 2-4 yrs creative PM experience. Resumes to: [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH ANALYST/Discovery/NY: Monitors US Hispanic Ntwrks’ ratings & demographic prfrm utilizing Nielsen Media Rsrch systms & syndicated rprts; 4+yrs Media/Ad Sls Rsrch/cable ntwrk or similar; http://careers.discovery.com/#7176 (1/26)

JOB OPENING:  DR SALES ASST/Univision/NY Based: Entry level position. Looking for fast paced, detail oriented individual looking to grow within a newly created division in Ad Sales. Ad Sales experience a plus but not required. [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: TEMP SCHEDULING ASST/NY: Entry Level: 6 mos proj. Detail/Organiz. Respn incld schedule graphics,data entry, operate On-Air database, create #s for TV bugs, Operational/strategic plan’g. Exp. Req. Resume [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Scripps HGTV & DIY/NY: 1 +yrs Natl media rsrch@cable, brdcst, synd or ad agency; Natl Nielsen systems & syndicated data systems knowledge required. Support Ad Sales. Apply at Click here to apply (1/25)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, ANIMATION DEV/MARVEL/LA: Lead develop. & current series superv incl post-prod. Exp in scripting process critical. 5+ yrs anim production or development exp required. Apply: [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING: MGR, ANIMATION DEV/MARVEL/LA: Manage develop. & current series superv – dom & intl co-pros. Exp in scripting process critical. 5+ yrs animation exp required. Must read & speak Japanese. Apply: [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING: COORDINATOR, ANIMATION/MARVEL/LA: Supports develop & prod w/distro and compiling of assets/scheds/scripts. 1 yr animation exp required.Apply: [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING: TEMP ASSOCIATE PRODUCER/Studio City: Support dept. with content updates and production for company’s consumer web initiatives. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (1/25)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR/Discovery – Ad Sales/NY: Temp Sr Mgr assgnmt for DCI to conduct research & to develop strategies to manage ad sales research. Visit: www.facebook.com/discoverfsg (1/24)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR STRGY/DISCOVERY CHANNEL/MD: Drives brand strgy; mngs off-air media plans/partnerships/consumer events; 10+ yrs exp mktg/ad wrkin brdcst/cable ntwrkmktg/ad agency/brand mgmt; http://careers.discovery.com/#6100 (1/24)

JOB OPENING: MGR, AD SALES MKTG/IFC/NYC: execute integrated marketing partnerships, events, promos, and online extensions. Develop sales packages and partner proposals. Digital knowledge a must. 5+ yrs exp. Submit res @ http://tinyurl.com/aowgwt4 (1/24)

JOB OPENING: NETWORK ACCOUNT MANAGER: Manage large cable network client for growing VC backed co. 3+ yrs exp in cable network, pref in sales or pricing. Able to spend signif. time in NY. To Apply: http://www.wideorbit.com/careers/ (1/24)

JOB OPENING: IMPLEMENTATION SPECIALIST: Travel to clients to implemnt softwre and train usrs. 2+ yrs exp in cable network, pref in sales dept. Able to travel signif. & spend time in NY. To Apply: http://www.wideorbit.com/careers/ (1/24)

JOB OPENING: SR MKTG MGR/Discovery Communications/LA: Dvlp & execute TLC-centric multiplatform, integrated partnership deals for Ad Sls clients; 5+ yrs of relevant integrated mktg exp.http://careers.discovery.com/ #7174 (1/23)

JOB OPENING: AD SLS MKTG MGR/Discovery/NY: Dvlp & execute multi-platform ad sls sponsorships; 5+ yrs ad agency, media sls/mktg, client mktg exp; prod exp preferred; http://careers.discovery.com/#6742 (1/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR FASHION DESIGN/Viacom-Orlando: BA Fashion Design; exp in retail/apparel/consumer prod. Fluent understanding of global fashion/retail landscape. Must have 5-7 yrs of exp; Apply www.viacomcareers.com EOE/M/F/D/AAP (1/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR, INTEGRATED MKTG ENT/NYC: Work with Sales, Prgrmng, Promos, Online & brand creative groups to conceive, write and present multi-platform client integrated mktng prgrms. 4+yrs exp mktg at TV co. Apply: http://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH05/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=MTVNETWORKS&cws=1&rid=5102 (1/23)

JOB OPENING: MGR, INTEGRATED MKTG/SPIKE/NYC: Work with the dig integrated mktg team to create multi-platform sponsorship packages for assigned Spike properties. Min 4yrs Ad Sales &/or mktg exp. Apply: http://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH05/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=MTVNETWORKS&cws=1&rid=5103 (1/23)

JOB OPENING: WRITER/PRODUCER/iNDEMAND/NYC: Conceptualize, write, rough edit and produce through the post production process. BA deg. 2+yrs TV industry. Resumes: to [email protected] (1/23)

JOB OPENING: SR GRAPHIC DESIGNER/iNDEMAND/NYC: Lead dvlpng concepts/layouts for ads in the online and print spaces, collateral pieces, sales kits, posters etc. BFA in Graphic Design. Resumes: to [email protected] (1/23)

JOB OPENING: VP BUS AFFAIRS/ION/NYC: Manage high vol of Content Agrmts, includ Prog Acquisitions, Scripted/NonScripted Develop & Mrktng/Creative Services. 7+ yrs exp w/ent law firm or studio/ntwrk.EEO Apply at [email protected] (1/23)


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develop a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy to drive success in renewal and new deals
Director, Network Sales
BBC America

lead analysis meetings with business and IT stakeholders to elicit, analyze, prioritize, document and validate business and functional requirements
Sr Business Systems Analyst
Turner Broadcasting

responsible for leveraging ratings data and other syndicated audience measurement tools to deliver perspective insights that drive audience and business development for the Telemundo Station Group
Senior Director, Research Operations  8613BR
NBC Universal

draft, review and negotiate a variety of agreements arising from the distribution of the VMN/BETN programming services and related content on a broad array of media platforms
Senior Counsel, Business & Legal Affairs  5134

creates innovative products across intranet/internet sites, mobile, tablet and social for Viacom
Senior Director Digital  4448

oversees all program and schedule research for Program Planning team

oversees the BET schedule including the roll-out of series and special events, paying close attention to weekly pacing and research analysis

responsible for the overall creative supervision and direction of Discovery’s websites
Creative Director  7235
Discovery Channel

responsible for developing and implementing program publicity campaigns for a number of Network series and specials
Manager – Publicity  7223
Discovery Channel

ensure accurate and timely month-end advertising sales accounting close and reporting for our U.S. networks and joint ventures
Senior Accountant – Advertising Revenue  7243
Discovery Channel
Silver Springs MD

support maintenance of global information security policies and standards that align with business needs, best practices and industry standards
Senior Analyst, Policy and Risk Management  3355704
Sony Corporation
Herndon VA

responsible for partner ideation, development, negotiation and on-going management of audience development, content partnerships, and business development/strategic partnerships
Manager, Strategy & Business Development – Wellness
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

manage the creative and technical workflow of highly conceptual interactive and experiential work
Digital Producer  LEO000840
Leo Burnett
Detroit MI

collaborates directly with writers and directs designers in executing and ideating concepts
Senior Art Director
Detroit MI

elevating an evolving creative vision within the Dotomi studio as we continue to raise the creative bar for our clients
Senior Creative Technologist  1674
Chicago IL

generate new business – identify, influence, present and close deals with potential customers, leading and leveraging Dotomi’s capabilities
Director, Business Development  1480
Chicago IL

responsible for conceptual development and copy deliverables, including advertising, web sites, email and other forms of interface design
Senior Copywriter  12199
Chicago IL

define and document business requirements, business process flows and diagrams
Business Analyst  10257
Chicago IL

facilitate and continuously improving our Nulugan Onboarding program using an experiential model that helps them build strong cohort relationships and quickly integrate into Hulu culture
Senior Talent Development Manager
Los Angeles CA

responsible for planning, implementing, maintaining, and supporting all Network and Telecom infrastructure in a global enterprise environment
Network & Voice Engineer  3680
Hollywood CA

support the day-to-day maintenance of existing systems, troubleshoot, ensure first-time quality through strong quality plans and collaboration
Senior Business Analyst  8325BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

responsible for managing cash flow and balance sheet hedge forecasting, reporting and analysis for Corporate
SFA, Enterprise Client Services  74297BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

responsible for financial planning and decision support analysis for DPW’s vertical core publishing businesses
Sr Manager, Disney Publishing Worldwide Vertical Business  61437BR
Walt Disney Corporation
Glendale CA

responsible for designing, directing, and/or executing interactive advertising and marketing communications
Senior Art Director
San Francisco CA

developing and maintaining sales proposals and collateral, and many other materials related to marketing
Marketing Specialist  3481827
Sony Corporation
San Francisco CA


US Hispanic broadcast network Estrella TV appointed Judy Kenny as EVP/Network Sales and Marketing.  This appointment is effective immediately and Judy will be based at company offices in Manhattan.  She will report to Winter Horton, COO, Liberman Broadcasting, owner of Estrella TV.

Multimedia company Al Roker Entertainment Inc. (ARE) elevated Tracie Brennan to EVP up from VP/Productions and Operations, a position she held since September 2005.  In her new role, Tracie will continue to oversee all facets of the company, reporting to CEO Al Roker. 

Stephen E. Walter was named SVP/Business Development covering Canada and Europe for VividTV, the multichannel television division of adult film company Vivid Entertainment.  Before joining VividTv, Stephen was VP/Business Development at New Frontier Media, Inc.

BBC Worldwide named Alessandro Stroscio as VP/Consumer Products serving the Latin American region.  Alessandro will be based in Miami reporting directly to BBC Worldwide’s Fred Medina, EVP of the region.

Kathleen Finch, GM of HGTV and DIY Network revealed the company established a Development Team within the brand’s unified Programming Department which officially merged in March 2012.  Steven Lerner, VP/Programming and Courtney White, VP/Program Development and Production jointly lead the new HGTV and DIY Network Development Team which facilitates original programming ideas, spot on-air talent and develops multi-platform programs for both networks.  Furthermore, Christy Melton and Dean Melton have been added as Directors/Programming to oversee original commissioned productions and acquisitions for both brands.  Beginning in mid-January, Dean will report to Steven Lerner and starting in mid-February Christy will report to Kathleen Finch.  Both will be based at Scripps Networks Interactive headquarters in Knoxville, TN.

JWT Canada hired Brent Choi in the newly-created position as Chief Creative and Integration Officer.  Brent will spur the creative vision and digital integration for the company.  In addition, Martin Shewchuk, currently Executive Creative Director will become Creative Chairman to offer support and counsel to Brent in his new role. 

Chicago-based production company New Chapter Entertainment (NCE) tapped Jill Hirschman as its new Director/Development.  Jill is a veteran production and development executive and has worked with a number of networks including CBS News, NBC News, WGN, HGTV, Bravo, Animal Planet and TV One among others.  Most recently Jill worked for Towers Productions as Director/Development and Supervising Producer.

Effective as of yesterday, Anne-Marie Green takes on new duties as Anchor of CBS News’ early morning news broadcasts Up to the Minute and CBS Morning News.  Prior to this appointment, Anne-Marie was a general assignment reporter at CBS 3 in Philadelphia since 2004.

VH1 names Caralene Robinson Senior VP Creative Group and Consumer Marketing, where she’ll oversee all off-channel branding efforts and consumer outreach. Robinson has previously worked with Colgate-Palmolive, The Coca-Cola Company, and Cox Enterprises and most recently served as a marketing executive at Sprint Nextel Corporation.

Telemundo Media appoints Mike Rosen as Executive VP of Ad Sales & Integrated Marketing, where he’ll guide ad sales, integrated partnerships and cross-platform sales. He joins from Starcom MediaVest Group.

September Films USA, producers of Bridezillas and other reality TV and entertainment shows, appoints Corey Rogers as VP Development in Los Angeles. He is tasked with helping to expand September Films USA’s reach into the United States in non-fiction TV shows.

Bridget Hunnicutt joins Seattle-based PSG Films as Managing Director, where she will focus on managing PSG’s growth in non-fiction TV. She previously served as  Senior VP Global Development and Production for National Geographic Channels. At PSG she will be based in Washington, D.C.

Station group Young Broadcasting appoints Steve South as General Sales Manager for its WLNS-TV station in Lansing, Michigan. He’s been a station manager with Chronicle Broadcasting previously.

Independent agency network Project: WorldWide brings Charlie Anderson on as Senior VP Shopper Marketing. He previously served as the CEO North America at shopper marketing agency Saatchi & Saatchi X.

Production studio Kinetic Content names Peter Wasek as Senior VP Finance and Melissa Weaver as Senior VP Business & Legal Affairs. They are based in the company’s Santa Monica offices.

Cristina Palacio will become President at Shine Hispanic & Latin America, a new division of Shine America that is charged with developing and producing original Spanish-language content for the US and Latin American marketplaces.  Most recently, Cristina was the founder and President of the Colombian-based TV production company BE-TV.  In her new position, Cristina reports to Shine America CEO Rich Ross and will oversee new Shine America offices in Miami and Bogota, Colombia. 

Glaser Weil hired Barbara M. Rubin as a Partner to the firm.  Barbara is a veteran entertainment attorney who lends her expertise of in-house studio business and legal affairs experience to help writers, producers, actors, directors and small production companies specializing in reality and scripted television and film. Prior to this appointment, Barbara was a co-founding partner of the entertainment law firm Peter Rubin & Simon. 

Embassy Row, a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment tapped Ruth Chen as SVP/Business Affairs and Operations.  Ruth will supervise the company’s business activities and serve as a key player in its business development efforts in addition to managing the West Coast office.  Based in Los Angeles, Ruth will report to Michael Davies, President of Embassy Row.

Libby Richman was appointed VP/Development at Knoxville-based production company Lusid Media behind the shows United Tastes of America for Cooking Channel and Park Secrets for Travel Channel.  Most recently, Libby was Director/Development for Discovery Fit & Health as well as Head/Production for Half Yard Productions and Edelman Productions.

Effective immediately The Hollywood Reporter added Mark Miller as Deputy Editorial Director, reporting to Editorial Director Janice Min.  Mark joins from Newsweek/Daily Beast where he was Director/Editorial Operations.  In addition, Matthew Belloni was promoted to Executive Editor up from News Director and Alison Brower will join THR as Special Projects Editor.

Effective February 1 Anne Cutler will become Anchor of Good Morning New Orleans on WGNO, the ABC affiliate covering the greater New Orleans area.  Anne will co-anchor the show with Jon Huffman and Chief Meteorologist Hank Allen.  She will also be the solo anchor of WGNO News at 11am.   

Big Table Media has hired Dana Volkmer-Jones as its new Director/Development for its Los Angeles office.  Dana joins from Oxygen Media and will report to EP/VP of Development Bob Asher. 

Starting next Monday programming and scheduling executive Katie Buchanan begins her new position as SVP/Program, Planning and Scheduling at CMT.  Katie will manage and control the program scheduling and the program acquisitions for the network.  She will also be in charge of the network’s 360-degree approach to content strategy and distribution for CMT, CMT.com, CMT Mobile and CMT On Demand.  Katie will relocate from Los Angeles to Nashville and will report to Brian Phillips, President, CMT. 

New US Spanish-language network MundoFox tapped Suzette Millo as VP/Content Strategy.  Suzette will be responsible for the comprehensive analysis and support of the network’s programming content from inception to air.  Her scope will also cover strategic content evaluation and the selection of scripts and products.  Suzette will further manage the programming publicity efforts and will help lead the overall communications initiatives for the network.

Global Agency named Farrell E. Meisel to the newly-minted role as Director/Development.  Farrell will work for both Global Agency and its finished program unit, World Wide Entertainment.  Farrell is charged with developing long-term partnerships and finding new growth areas for the two divisions.

ABC News President Ben Sherwood announced Jon Williams is joining ABC News as the Managing Editor/International News.  Jon begins his new position in March and will be based in New York.  He joins ABC News from the BBC where he served as World Editor and headed editorial operations in more than 30 bureaus worldwide.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
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