Branding experts from the Kellogg School of Management can help you capture greater market share and transform your media products and services into powerful and sustainable brands. Learn what it takes to create a media super brand at: Previous participants of Branding in Media and Entertainment include professionals from Time Warner, Disney, Google, Microsoft, MTV, ESPN and other top companies. Cynopsis: Classified Advantage Good morning – it’s Tuesday, January 19, 2010, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! This edition includes the top job listings in the Television, Media and Ad Agency markets, professional development advice from national experts, your Q & A’s with our experts, and a summary of executive moves among top companies. Last week we had a huge amount of mail concerning the resolutions of a job hunter. People requested a specific, daily schedule of what they should be doing to increase their chances of getting hired. We are here only to serve you. General Rule: Listening to music is recommended but no TV, even during lunch. For everybody in this industry, it is too easy to get sucked into an episode of Law & Order before the first commercial. Keep on task or you could spend the entire afternoon watching TV. 7:30-8:30 M-F: Exercise – cardio, weight lifting and flexibility. This will help you feel better and a fit person is more likely to get hired than someone who is obviously unfit. 8:30-9:00 M-F: Eat a good breakfast and dress in business casual clothing or better. You’re at work, dress for it. 9:00-10:00 M-F: Research and keep current by reading everything you can about your industry. Read about the current trends and the possible future of the industry. Find at least 3 bloggers with varying opinions about the industry, try to understand different viewpoints. All of this will make you more articulate and knowledgeable during conversations and interviews. 10:00-11:00 M-F: Learn computer programs relevant to your industry, expand your technical skills and become more valuable as a potential employee. Mentioned in a previous article, take a look at www.lynda.com . Tremendous variety of programs, monthly fee, easily step by step instructional videos. 11:00-12:00 Mondays: Talk to strangers. You need to feel comfortable expressing yourself to people you don’t know, this is your time to practice. 11:00-12:00 T, Th: Review your LinkedIn and Facebook pages. Research companies you would like to work for on LinkedIn and try to learn the names of key personnel. Try to connect with people who have the same job you are looking for. Answer questions on the boards to help people out and get your name out there. Facebook has virtually eliminated the need for a personal web page but make sure it is professional and that others cannot add materials to your page. 11:00-12:00 W, F: Keep up to date on current events. Spend the first 30 minutes reading the newspaper and the last 30 minutes reading more in depth articles about pressing issues. People you network with are more likely to pass on your name and recommend you if you are able to talk intelligently about a number of different issues. 12:00-1:00 M-F: Lunch – a light healthy lunch will keep you energized through out rest of your work day. 1:00-2:00 M, T, Th: Keep up on current events. See above. 1:00-2:00 W, F: Talk to strangers. It’s no mistake this is placed around noon time so if you go out to lunch, you can eat and practice this skill at the same time. 2:00-3:00 M, Th: Research companies in your industry. This is a wider net than exploring LinkedIn but more specific than reading about the industry itself. Learn all you can about the industry leaders and the up and comers. Be able to name names and reference major occurrences. 2:00-3:00 T, F: Videotape mock interviews and review. Look for any annoying behaviors, like saying “ah”, and videotape again. For many people, being in front of a video camera is as intimidating as being on an interview. The more comfortable you become with one, the more comfortable you will be with the other. Become familiar with likely questions posted by experts on the internet. Show your friends and listen carefully to their suggestions, they will see things that you don’t. Especially my friends. 2:00-3:00 W: Network with friends, reply to correspondences, email people keeping them up to date with your situation. 3:00-4:00 M-F: Scour all possible sources for jobs. Start with Cynopsis and Cynopsis Classified Advantage. Look at any and every site you can find. Many job sites won’t have the type of job you are looking for, look anyway. You’re out of work, do everything you can to find a job. Look for job fairs in your area or virtual job fairs. 4:00-5:00 M: Search for jobs outside your industry and jobs within your industry but that would require relocation. Even if you are not ready to leave the industry or move, its good to know what’s out there. 4:00-5:00 T, Th, F: Volunteer your time for a cause you care about. Not only will you be helping, but you will meet new people and volunteer work can only add to your chances of getting hired. 4:00-5:00 W: Write, review, tweak your resumes and cover letters. You should have a number of different resumes and cover letter templates that stress various experience and skills. Make sure your accomplishments are quantifiable, and that every resume and cover letter you send is company specific. Have as many people who are willing to read them, read them and, again, listen to their suggestions. Nights and weekends, do something fun. Trying to find a job is a job, and a very stressful job. So when your work day is done, relax with the knowledge that you have done everything you can to find employment. Next week: Can you tweet your way to a job? We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] . So you’ ve made it to the interview. Your networking worked. Your cover letter worked. Your resume worked. As you sit there facing the last hurdle, it is really important to have a sense of what might be going through your interviewer’ s mind. The first thing to understand is that she is not sitting there thinking, “ I really have to find a job for this person because he hasn’ t worked in three months and he’ s racking up credit card bills.” She is not thinking that. She is not there to solve your problems. Be ready to listen to her, to understand why she is asking the questions that she’ s asking and to answer them in a way that will help her, rather than in a way that will help you. Try and figure out what it was in your cover letter and resume that helped you make the cut. How was it you framed yourself that got you to this point? Here are some things she might be thinking – some good and some bad. See if you can come up with some more, and be ready to help her out. I hope this is the person – I am really sick of doing these interviews. He doesn’ t seem to be the same person as he did in his resume. How will Sheila like her? She’ s always complaining that my creative team has too much attitude and doesn’ t listen to her. Will he be able to get up to speed quickly? I can’ t afford the time for training and we have a huge backlog of work to get done. Will he make me famous? Will I look like a chump if I hire this guy? The last three people I hired lasted less than a year – I really need someone who can survive here. Should I let her meet Jim to see if he likes her, or will he just scare her off? Let’ s see how she handles criticism she’ ll need a thick skin to survive here! Will he be a team player? Does that even matter for this position? Consider asking some questions of your own and don’ t forget to listen to the answers. Smart people ask good questions and then they listen carefully to discover insights that can help them move the conversation forward in a productive fashion. In this way you can hear for yourself what the interviewer is thinking and use it to frame yourself as the solution to her problem. Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals. He works with people in film, TV, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success. If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected]. A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM TWENTIETH TELEVISION
Television is enjoying a golden age of animation – and nobody does it better
than Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy and American Dad, not to mention this year’s biggest new hit, The Cleveland Show. Proven longevity. Superior repeatability. And hugely popular with young male viewers. FAMILY GUY AMERICAN DAD I’m currently based in Paris, and I’m looking to relocate in Los Angeles and find a job in the media industry. I’m currently a producer/writer in an animation company. I have an agent that represents me in Los Angeles, I travel every 3 months for a week to meet with people and focus on my networking, I keep in touch via email… I’ve been doing that for almost 2 years now, and still I haven’t found any job. Any advice on what I could/should do to land the job I want? Grill your agent. Talk to him every few days. Learn from what he sees as the opportunities for you. Find out why nothing has happened. Ask him if you are being presented appropriately and does he have the materials he needs. Do your own research on the companies that are interesting to you. Ask the agent to get you meetings. Then if that gets you nowhere, maybe you need to ask yourself whether this is the right agent for your needs. But here is what I really think. If you are passionate about moving to the media industry in LA: then move to LA. As long as you are not there people will take you less seriously. If you need the income, consider taking any job that will enable you to live and breathe the LA industry just to get your boots on the ground. It is a big deal for an employer to be responsible for someone relocating, it is a headache to deal with the immigration issues and they run the risk that you may not stay. It adds a level of commitment that they do not want to take unless you are a truly unique and valuable talent that they cannot find in their own market. So I would find a way to move there and be a part of their world. People will respect that you have made the commitment to LA and it will remove the barrier of them having to feel responsible for you crossing half the world to take their job. I have heard about different types of resumes, but know nothing about them. What are the different types and what are the pros and cons of each? Those who like to categorize things seem to divide resumes into three types: chronological, functional and targeted. The chronological resume presents your work history in yes you guessed it chronological order. Hopefully this shows a steady progress of gaining knowledge responsibility and experience, but emphasis on the timeline can often obscure your skills. The functional resume focuses on your skills, the things that you do well and allows you to sidestep the chronology, if it’ s not a strong suit. The targeted resume is crafted to best position you for a particular position. In this case you present (dare I say “spin”) your experience to the best advantage for that gig. Probably the first thing the hirer will look for is: what are your skills. If that looks good, then they will want to see that your experience is relevant to them. There is very little desire to train in this market a new hire that can hit the ground running is the ideal. Hence functional could be indicated. They will want to see that your career has been moving in a positive direction – they don’ t want to bring you in if you are on a downward path. Hence chronological could be the choice. Your resume needs to present the most persuasive and complete picture to the target you are sending it to. It has no value unless it speaks to the receiver’ s needs. So in order for it to be effective you need to show some understanding of your reader and what she is looking for. Hence targeted. In almost all cases you will want to create a hybrid of the various types. But know that you have the freedom to use components of each in the appropriate balance to make your strongest case. What counts is the effect it has, not the category it falls into. Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media Professionals Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected] A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM HARPO PRODUCTIONS AND SONY PICTURES TELEVISION
Get ready for the next television franchise
from the Oprah Winfrey legacy of success. THE NATE BERKUS SHOW From the winning partnership of oversee new and current programming including identifying and securing new talent for projects in development and production for cable
Senior Vice President, Current & Development 1128490
NBC Universal Universal City CA OTHER INDUSTRY JOBS OF INTEREST … project manage especially assigned projects as determined by SVP of Infrastructure developing and implementing PR campaigns responsible for the collection, analysis and distribution of Digital Ad Sales data, supporting all critical functions of the business provide daily support to the Entertainment Ad Sales for all research needs provide overall pre-sale support to the sales staff, developing superior media plans for both advertising agencies and clients, coordinating pending deals and following through to closure with all clients create, revise and send out all sales plans for designated account executive assist in the execution of marketing plans for NBC LM Properties including tv, out of home, websites and mobile platforms growing revenue across NBC Local Media’s digital platforms through the development and sale of creative advertising solutions to clients lead the in-house creative groups on the integrated sales marketing team to focus NBCU’s premiere assets strategically to benefit major advertising partners and grow cross-company advertising revenue development and implementation of strategic marketing initiatives for customers across multiple NBC Universal brands & platforms generating maximum, positive press for Syfy’s programming participate in the planning and execution of Bravo’s upfront campaign, including events, client materials and tools that will impact advertising revenue selling advertising in PEOPLE Country as well as being the day to day liaison to the PEOPLE Weekly sales team for anything Country related manage a team of Sales/Account Directors and Sales/Account Executives in delivering against specific sales targets for Interactive One portfolio of products develop new product features to improve the user experience on core sites + services guide and drive media strategies for certain client account(s) and help to set overall objectives driving interactive development projects strong command of the digital space with great concepts, practices, procedures and technologies create killer concepts and copy that deliver on the brief with polished presentation skills all aspects of the setup, trouble-shooting and ongoing daily management of complex in-text and contextual advertising campaigns fortify and expand the existing sales relationships across a variety of categories navigate Interactive Agency and Client organizations to find key executive decision makers develop comprehensive internal and external corporate communication strategy for the company and implement a plan that heightens Vibrant’s visibility coordinate/ manage the various departments of our agency and client team members on all aspects of multiple simultaneous projects manage the company account list and meet revenue goals assist and support the Global Sales teams and Director of Global Sales Operations in their pursuit of revenue generation and business development oversee (an overseer oversea-er) editorial content and production of program, including story selection, reviewing rundowns and graphics develops adhoc reports for BI reporting prototypes, building multi-dimensional data sources that support what-if analysis and basic data mining develop the strategy and implementation plans for digital media channels, including email marketing campaigns, search-engine marketing and other online advertising responsible for participating in the development and execution of CNBC’s global business development strategy identification, evaluation, development and execution of new opportunities/platforms for sponsorship, partnership and advertising revenues manage program acquisitions for industry leading networks, including TNT, TBS, TCM, TruTv, Cartoon Network and Adult Swim annually produce regular corporate research reports designed to evaluate Turner’s audiences across online and mobile provides research support to Cartoon Network and Adult Swim marketing efforts through primary research and analysis of syndicated research produce regular corporate research reports designed to evaluate Turner’s audiences across online and mobile provide financial and analytical support to TNS making all newscasts emanating from CNN headquarters winners in their time periods plans and execute annual marketing plans for the region according to the network and the countries needs serve as the primary strategic planning member on the business selling sponsorships and local spot advertising for both local and nationally produced programming maintaining and building advertising revenue with a named list of running accounts (in addition to prospecting for new business) develops relationships and has routine contact at the customer interface with all key marketing personnel working with business leads to define and document project specifications assisting in all digital production group projects and events as well as perform general administrative support to the Vice-President, Coordinating Producer, and Manager of Digital Production navigate Interactive Agency and Client organizations to find key executive decision makers manage the company account list and meet revenue goals law graduate to provide coordination and administrative support to the Business Affairs department assist in the review, coordination, and delivery of USHEs consolidated financial statements to NBC Universal Corporate and senior management create Proposals, Presentations, & Insertion Orders for current and new advertisers driving revenue, developing and maintaining strategic advertising accounts, sponsorship deals and corporate level accounts around existing and new station projects overall responsibility for the KNBC News operation and the development of content across all KNBC media platforms, including broadcast, digital, mobile, web, Out-Of-Home, etc. build relationships and ascertain needs for digital media services and solutions act as a liaison between creative/development, sales, and marketing in managing projects for the Creative Services team collaborating with Pricing and Sales Management to develop smart, data-driven inventory and pricing strategies develops new prospects and interacts with existing customers to increase sales of CNET Content Solutions’ products and/or services fortify and expand the existing sales relationships across a variety of categories responsible for leading the sales effort for NBC Local Media in San Diego A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM BATTLE OF THE BANDS: ROCK OF THE DECADES
Battle of the Bands: Rock the Decades
Benefiting Citymeals-on-Wheels CALL FOR ENTRIES Accepting band submissions for the all new Battle of the Bands on February 25th at the Highline Ballroom. Have an ear for music but not the skill? Submit your favorite playlist. Prizes will be awarded! Entries due January 25th, for more information log onto: ~ RECAP: THIS WEEK’S CYNOPSIS CLASSIFIEDS & INTERNSHIPS ~
Cynopsis CLASSIFIEDS – For More classifieds, visit the Cynopsis.com classifieds page here – also check out our Facebook page where our classifieds are listed the night before the editions are published! JOB OPENING: AD SALES COORDINATOR/ DIRECTV, NYC: Entry level: MS Office, strong written & verbal communication. Multitask, work to deadlines.BA/BS degree. Passion for Ad Sales. Apply: www.directv.com/careers Req. 1000039 (1/23) JOB OPENING: ASSOC MNGR, INVENTORY & TRAFFIC/NY: Schedule commercial & promo assets on VOD, Linear & Broadband. Tracking/inventory mgmt/ TV exp nec. Knowledge of music biz a +. BA/BS 3-5yrs exp [email protected] (1/21) JOB OPENING: GSM/WDIV-TV/DETROIT: Hnds on GSM to ld & motivate sales team & max rev by creating solution for clients. Exp GSM & lrg mkt, exp digital media, knwldg of ratings data, pricing & neg. skills. Resumes: [email protected] (1/21) JOB OPENING: MEDIA/CONSUMER MKTG DIRECTOR/National Geographic Channel/DC: Paid media & on/off air exp required. Apply to www.foxcareers.com job# FNG18235 (1/21) JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR/SUNDANCE/NYC: Manage dev & exec of promo mktg & trade strats for all Affil, VOD, Consumer & Int’l initiatives. Min 6+ years Cable TV Mktg exp w/PM & Strat Partnerships. Res to: www.cablevision.jobs ref #10374BR (1/21) JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/CBS Television Distribution-NY: Nat’l Syndication TV Sales Org. seeks energetic organized individual to join our company. Direct contact w/sales team and agencies. [email protected] (1/21) JOB OPENING: MEDIA RESEARCH ANALYST/Comcast Spotlight/NYC: 1+ yrs media resch exp. Analytic/detail/organiz. Exp w/Nielsen, Scarb, MRI, etc. Str written/oral comm sk. Prof MS Office. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.comcast.com (1/21) JOB OPENING: SR RESEARCH ANALYST/NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL/NY: Ad sales support exp. req. Apply to www.foxcareers.com job#FNG18158 (1/21) JOB OPENING: MKTG ADMIN ASST/National Geographic Channel/DC: 4+ yrs support exp. for busy dept. Apply to www.foxcareers.com job# FNG18038 (1/21) JOB OPENING: MGR, NEW BUSINESS MKTG/FOOD NETWORK/NYC: Manage/dev partnerships, marketing plans for brand, talent & prog., to drive new revenue – 5+ yrs gen mktg exp, bus dev exp, apply: www.scrippsnetworks.com Req#1299 (1/20) JOB OPENING: MGR, INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMING/SCRIPPS NETWORKS/NY: 5+ yrs in TV. Work w/ VP to create schedules, develop content, identify acquisitions. Full details, www.scrippsnetworks.com , req. 1298 (1/20) JOB OPENING: , DIR OF ON-AIR PROMOTIONS/REELZCHANNEL (ABQ) : Manage creative & operational aspects national cable network promotions dept. TV Promo & Leadership exp a must. Resume to: [email protected] /fax 505-212-8772. EOE (1/20) JOB OPENING: SR MGR ONLINE MEDIA: Mng,plan’g, dvlp online media programs. knwldg of Online advertising, analytics, web interconnectivity/collaboration with agency partners. Resume: [email protected] (1/19) JOB OPENING: SR DESIGNER/SOUTH PARK studios in Los Angeles: Experience with print production and licensed products manufacturing. Proven product, design innovation track record Please apply to www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (1/19) JOB OPENING: MNGR, MUSIC VIDEO PROGRAMMING/MUSIC CHOICE-NY: Scheduling, Content Planning and Project Management. 3-5 yrs music vid prog, Selector, Prjct mgmt skills, TV exp nec, BA/BS, exp w/12-24 demo. [email protected] (1/19) JOB OPENING: MARKETING COORDINATOR/Channel One News/NYC: 1+yr Mktg, proj mgmt, client srv exp. Respn incld sponsorship progs, support sales + intgrtd mktg initiatives, upfronts. EOE Apply http://alloymarketing.silkroad.com (1/19) INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] . SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: WBTV CASTING. Gain experience in a busy television casting office. Multiple day availability preferred. Send cover letter/resume to: [email protected] (1/23) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: WEB INTERN/ Animated, pre-school property. Update/maintain our website. Creative skills a plus. Admin duties including heavy filing. 20hrs/wk. Paid commute. Cover/resume to [email protected] (1/23) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PRODUCTION INTERN/Animated, pre-school property. Exporting and labeling storyboards, formatting and labeling designs, admin duties including heavy filing. 20hrs/wk. Paid commute. Cover/resume to [email protected] (1/23) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: DIGITAL MARKETING INTERN for 20th Century Fox Intl. Seeking web-savvy intern to assist fast-paced theatrical digital marketing team. Send resume to [email protected] (1/21) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: AD SALES INTERN/Startup Podcast/Ent Network. Seeks strong writer, eager to learn and detail-oriented. Will gain exp. in ad sales, prod. and mkting. 8hrs/2 days per wk min. Cover/resume: [email protected] (1/21) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: GRAPHIC ARTIST INTERN/ Startup Podcast/EntNetwork. Mac Savvy, WEB design exp a +, eager to learn & detail-oriented. Will gain exp. in internet mktg & design. 8hrs/2 days wkly min. Cover/resume: [email protected] (1/21) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: RETAIL INTERN for Startup Podcast/EntertainmentNetwork. Will gain exp. in internet marketing, RETAIL SALES, FULFILLMENT and merchandising. 8hrs/2 days per wk min. Send cover letter, resume to [email protected] (1/21) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: GENERAL ADMIN INTERN/Startup Podcast Ntwrk. Seeks mature, strong writer, eager to learn & detail-oriented. Will gain exp. in bus dvlpmnt, prod, sales & mktg. 8hrs/2 days per wk min. Cover/resume: [email protected] (1/21) SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PROD INTERN/ NAHB Production Group: Seeks orgnzd, resourceful & confident Intern- looking for hands on training at busy prod. co. PC skills & technical knwldg a +. Min 12 hr/wk. Cover/resume: [email protected] (1/19) A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM LITTLE AIRPLANE
“HOW TO MAKE A GREAT PRESCHOOL SERIES” February 13 through February 15 Little Airplane Productions is offering limited enrollment in a unique workshop led by accomplished preschool TV veterans on creating a hit preschool series. Classes include Pitching, Writing, Research, Design, Music, Directing, Legal, Licensing, and a notable panel of children’s television network executives. Please contact Melinda Richards at 212-965-8999 [email protected] .
http://www.littleairplane.com/academy . ~ RECAP: THIS WEEK IN EXECUTIVE MOVES ~
WGBH/Boston appointed Neil Kelleher as Sales Manager/Local Corporate Sponsorship. Neil will be involved with developing sales strategies to spur local corporate sponsorship opportunities for WGBH. Comcast Corporation renewed the contract for Ted Harbert to remain as Comcast Entertainment Group President/CEO for five more years through 2016. Ted will head the company’s West Coast entertainment brands including E! Entertainment Television, The Style Network, G4, Comcast International Media Group and Comcast Entertainment Productions. Comcast Corporation additionally appointed Curt Henninger as Regional SVP for California to oversee the company’s video, online and telephone operations in the Bay Area and Central California. Curt begins his new post immediately, reporting to Steve White, President, Comcast West Division. David Brewer advanced to Director/Bravo Program Planning at NBC Universal. In his new role, David will work in tandem with Whitney Holland managing grids and building program strategies and also with Francesca Sullivan on VOD and streaming rollouts and upfront projects. MTV Networks Latin America upped Pablo Szneiberg to the newly created position of VP/Original Content Development, MTVNLA. Pablo will take on new responsibilities involving Nickelodeon Latin America as well as MTV and VH1 Latin America. He will manage original programming and co-productions for the company’s programming and production units in addition to establishing digital platforms. Based in Miami, Pablo will jointly report to Tatiana Rodriguez, SVP/Programming and Creative Strategy, Nickelodeon Latin America and Fernando Gaston, SVP/Content, MTV and VH1 Latin America. Colin Jarvis, Director/International Formats with BBC Worldwide is departing the company after 30 years. Colin has been involved with increasing BBC Worldwide’s formats and local production operations globally and was most recently working with the company’s new international production network with locations in Australia, India, North and South America and Europe. Colin was also a key player involved with licensing Weakest Link to NBC in 2000 and later was part of the team involved with bringing a US version of Dancing with the Stars to ABC. Colin officially leaves the company in July and to date BBC Worldwide has not indicated who will replace him. Liberman Broadcasting, Inc. (LBI Media) hired Mike Reid as EVP/National Sales, effective immediately. Mike will head national sales activities and the national sales team to present advertisers and agencies national sales opportunities on behalf of LBI Media’s Spanish-language network Estrella TV. Based in Dallas, Mike reports to Winter Horton, COO, LBI Media. Ofelia Castiblanco was elevated to Director/Community Affairs with NBC Local Media New York and Telemundo 47, effective immediately. Ofelia will be in charge of WNBC and WNJU’s community affairs efforts, taking over from Anna Carbonell, VP/Press and Public Affairs for NBC Local Media New York who just announced her retirement. News Corporation revealed a new upper management structure designed to streamline the company’s entertainment and sports television operations.
TV Guide Network announced Diane Robina will become EVP/Development, Acquisitions and Programming Strategy while retaining her current role as President of FEARnet. In her new role at TV Guide Network, Diane will have responsibility over the development and execution of the network’s programming strategy involving acquisitions, original series and specials. Congratulations Diane! Lionsgate tapped Peter Iacono as Managing Director/International Television, effective immediately. In his new position based in Los Angeles, Peter will lead all international distribution, sales and marketing as well as third party acquisitions for the group’s programming. Additionally, Peter will supervise international format sales and production. Jillianne Reinseth was added at Cookie Jar Entertainment as VP/Development. Jillianne will be the development executive in Canada for all programming emanating from Cookie Jar Entertainment as well as its teen and adult label, The Jar. Tisha Neufville was hired by the research consultancy firm THREE as SVP. Tisha will be in charge of developing and managing qualitative and quantitative reports for the company’s clients. Broadcast lighting design firm, The Lighting Design Group tagged Peter Smith as Project Manager. USA Network promoted Meghan Hooper as Director/Program Acquisitions and Administration. In her new role, Meghan will supervise the inventory management of all series and movies for USA, Sleuth and Universal HD. Her duties also include managing usage of USA’s product across NBCU’s channels and she will continue to work on proformas and offer letters. Jennifer Marino was named Senior Partner, Director/Consumer Insights at MediaCom for its US base. In this position, Jennifer will concentrate on leading the company’s consumer insights division. She reports to Euan Jarvie, Chief Client Officer. ComStar Media, owner of AmericanLife TV Network, FamilyNet TV and FamilyNet Radio has employed Ryland Reed as EVP/Business Development. Ryland is charged with developing a $50 million production fund to continue ComStar’s media ownership expansion plans. Ryland joins ComStar Media from Bernstein Global Wealth Management where he served as VP/Financial Advisor for the last three years. The Jordan, Edmiston Group, Inc. (JEGI), a New York-based investment bank working with the media, information and marketing services companies, promoted Scott Peters and Tolman Geffs as Co-Presidents. Scott joins JEGI in 1997 and was upped to Managing Director in 1999. Tolman began with JEGI in 2004. Bill Boland advanced to Senior Producer/Production with the YES Network, giving him the opportunity to become the lead producer for the network’s New York Yankees telecasts. Bill joined the network in November 2001 just prior to the network’s launch in March 2002. Bill will now report to John Filippelli, President/Production and Programming. Comedy Central appointed Kent Alterman as Head/Original Programming and Production where he will be in charge of the development and daily operations of all original programming for the network. Additionally, Kent will manage the development teams in Los Angeles and New York. Based in Los Angeles, Kent reports to Michele Ganeless, President, Comedy Central. Scott Kamins took on the new position of Manager/Digital Services at Vivendi Entertainment. Scott joins Vivendi from Interscope Geffen A&M where he worked in the digital media department for nine years. CBS-owned duopoly KCBS-TV and KCAL-TV in Los Angeles tagged Scott Diener as VP/News Director. Most recently, Scott was News Director at KTVT-TV and KTXA-TV, the CBS-owned duopoly in the Dallas-Fort Worth market. Later — John Cynopsis Media Facebook Page here Cynopsis Kids Ad Sales: To subscribe to any Cynopsis edition(s) click here . |
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