Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010


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Cynopsis: Classified Advantage



Good morning – it’s Tuesday, February 23, 2010, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! This edition includes the top job listings in the Television, Media and Ad Agency markets, professional development advice from national experts, your Q & A’s with our experts, and a summary of executive moves among top companies.

The Why of Buzz

Imagine this, a search engine with loads of personal information about you, so when you place a search, it uses your personal information to come up with the best results possible.  Who has the most personal information?  Facebook.  Who is a share owner in Facebook?  Microsoft.  It is possible that the combination of these two companies could create the most specific, most useful search engine of all time.  Who has the most to lose?  Google.

What the Buzz is All About

Google recently introduced a new social network called Buzz, Google’s third attempt at social networking, which can be seen as a combination of Twitter and Facebook.

Like Twitter, you can post your thoughts in real time though without character number limitation, and people can respond, comment or rate your post.  Each reply will show up in your email account.

Buzz already has 300,000 mobile check-ins per day and 160,000 new posts per hour but this number can be deceiving because you can connect Twitter to Buzz, so your posts appear on both sites.

Like Facebook, you can determine those who see your posts and Buzz provides inline views of photos and videos.

There is very little set up involved with Buzz and you are automatically following your gmail contacts.

If you post a link from a different web site, Buzz will automatically bring photos from that story and create a thumbnail.

Buzz has a photo viewer that allows almost native viewing of the photo.

Buzz has a mobile application for iPhones and Droids, with one coming soon for Blackberrys.

Buzz provides thumbs of both photos and videos.

Buzz has an open platform so developers will be able to create applications for Buzz  much like they do for Twitter.

Text can be bold, italicized or have a strike through.

Buzz can connect directly to Picasa, Flickr, Google Reader and Twitter.

You can respond directly to the author of a post by using @reply.

Works with either Mac or PC.

I tried Buzz for a week now and this is what I found:

I don’t know many people who use gmail, so my immediate contacts were few.

I connected Twitter to Buzz so anything I posted on Twitter appeared on Buzz, this worked with limited success.  Only some of my postings appeared on Buzz.

I wanted to find out how to fix the Twitter/Buzz problem but there is no phone number to call and I emailed the help desk three days ago and have yet to get a reply.

I have talked to friends who love Google, many of them have turned off Buzz.

When I post a video on Buzz, sometimes it creates a thumbnail, sometimes not.

I also asked a very tech savvy friend to use Buzz and these are his comments:

Before I had even logged into it, I had followers and I was following people, which was weird.

There was no privacy setting on the upfront system.  Yes, you could go into account settings and change the settings, BUT the default was public.  Not cool. (This has since been changed)  Plus, since all my other services are through Google, there was no way for me to be sure how much info people could/couldn’t see.

I didn’t think it ended up being such a great system in terms of the features.  I already use Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.  I was hoping Buzz would aggregate all of them.  But in reality, of those three it only picked up Twitter.  If it was a catch-all for ALL my networking sites, maybe that would be interesting.  But just Google’s version of Twitter?  Not interesting.

I’m very quickly falling out of love with Google.  Between the calendar, email, reader, buzz, browser, etc….it’s just too much and it’s creepy.  I’ve dumped Chrome and I’ve dumped Buzz.  It’s only really the email and the reader that are keeping me.

My friend brings up many good points that will have to be addressed prior to Buzz being truly successful.  But will Buzz create competition for Facebook and Twitter?  It might be too early to tell, but one thing is for certain, becoming familiar with Buzz can give your resume the boost it needs to stand out.

Next week: Getting the Attention of a Headhunter

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

What is Behavioral Interviewing and
how should You go About It?
by Michael Pollock

I love that people give things names. I guess it helps the search engines. So there is an interview practice called Behavioral Interviewing. It posits that you can tell most about how someone will perform by finding out how they performed in similar situations in the past. We have all probably asked, or responded to, interview questions that tip the hat to this thinking.

Interviewers decide what skills and aptitudes are needed for a particular position: problem solving, leadership, communication, team building and so on. Then they will ask candidates to recount how they have behaved in the past in situations that will demonstrate past performance at these.

Here are some behavioral interview questions developed by The College at Brockport of SUNY:

  • Give me an example of a time when you had to keep from speaking or making a decision because you did not have enough information.
  • Have you ever had difficulty getting others to accept your ideas? What was your approach? Did it work?
  • Have you ever had to “sell” an idea to your co-workers or group? How did you do it? Did they “buy” it?
  • Describe a recent unpopular decision you made and what the result was.
  • Describe an instance when you had to think on your feet to extricate yourself from a difficult situation.

This style is a simple and effective discovery format for interviewers and provides candidates with the perfect platform for using their pre-prepared career-success anecdotes to best advantage.

The SUNY report also tells me the following:

  • Candidates who prepare for behavioral interviews are better prepared – even for traditional interviews.
  • Using behavioral answers works well with inexperienced interviewers.
  • Companies that invest the time and energy in developing behavioral interviews often attract top candidates. Top candidates make the company a more desirable place to work.

You should in any case have developed a whole slew of anecdotes that illustrate your past performance (see my columns passim). Make them totally specific, with as many details as you can to make them vivid and powerful.

Do your due diligence on the job you are going after. Make some smart guesses as to what they are going to be needing  there will be clues in the job ad and also in any conversations you have had with them. Think about each of your stories and what it exemplifies about your experience and your approach to situations. This will give you the ammunition you need to impress at any interview, behavioral or traditional.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals. He works with people in film, TV, advertising, design, marketing, music and the Internet, bringing them the experience, techniques and inspiration to take their businesses and careers to new levels of success.

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].

Questions from our Readers
Answered by Michael Pollock

Besides calling the company itself or searching on LinkedIn, how can I get the name of the person in charge of hiring at a company?

Don’ t give up on the principles of using LinkedIn and of calling directly  those are the ways to find that name. Just be open to finding the links however you can  and be open to not just calling HR, but finding other insiders that you can ask. But the principle is still the same.

If you can’ t find it out frontally by calling HR (and you probably won’ t get it that way) then you need to ask other people who work there now. Or you could find people who used to work there. Reach out to them and ask. Keep an eye out for recent hires and ask them who was instrumental in hiring them. When you are at conferences look for people on panels, or fellow attendees, who work at the company you are interested in. Twitter search on the company name, make a connection and ask them.

I have heard it suggested that you find the bar near their office and hang out there at happy hour. Then strike up a conversation when employees show up. But be careful you are not slurring your words  you might have stumbled on the hiring manager you will be wanting to impress  so I am not necessarily endorsing this tactic.

If I am interviewing at a large corporation, how many interviews will I have before interviewing with the person that actually makes the decision?

The hiring decision is effectively made jointly by all your interviewers  you often can’ t tell who are the ones that really count. Any one of them could have veto power.

Often the second person you meet is the one who is kinda sorta making the decision  except that they may need to run it by some others who could say no: could be other team members, or it could be their supervisor who wants to vet the one or two finalists.

So you have to assume that each person you meet is the key one. In my corporate life I have seen candidates meet with five or six people after the key manager and they each had veto power. Overkill? Probably. A way of stalling a decision? Certainly. But each of those interview reports added to the picture. And don’ t ever forget that it is easier for them to say no than to say yes.

Michael Pollock is President of Pollock Spark ( www.pollockspark.com ). He is an Executive Coach and Consultant to Creative and Media professionals.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


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manage the Corporate Internship program of approximately 1,700 interns per year (East & West Coast)

Manager, Campus Relations   1118286
NBC Universal

http://www.nbcunicareers.com /


launching and fulfilling our social media and cross-platform measurement strategy
Project Manager, Social Media & Multiplatform   116686BR
Turner Broadcasting

provide daily project leadership and management for the CNN TV Research team, responsible for the CNN US, and CNN Marketing
Director, CNN TV Research   116643BR
Turner Broadcasting

lead system requirements gathering for projects involving HBO’s Studio Broadcast Operations business area
HBO Business Analyst   116745BR

perform market evaluation, benchmarking, and spend analysis for identified/targeted spend categories
HBO Manager, Strategic Sourcing   116329BR

build an inside sales department that is cost effective, actionable and able to create and sell unique ideas and programs to cultivate and grow business
Inside Sales Director, Time Inc. Media Group   116135BR
Time Inc.

bring best in class promotions to market; developing innovative client solutions and custom sales presentations that help drive revenue and reinforce Turner Entertainment Networks marketing leadership in the industry
Promotions Manager-TEN, Marketing   116826BR
Turner Broadcasting

research cultural, marketing and consumer trends in primary and secondary sources for insights that can be used as a basis for marketing strategies
Marketing Coordinator, News Sales Integrated Branding   116818BR
Turner Broadcasting

partner with divisional executives to design and oversee the annual Strategy Summit, which targets the top 50 leaders of the company
Executive Director, Global People Development   116820BR
TimeWarner Corporate

directly managing the business objectives and overall relationships with our network clients
Account Director, Networks

marketing the company’s products to end users, partners, and customers
Director of Marketing

managing relationships with direct clients, including leading e-retailers and direct marketers
Account Director

act as the central point of contact for all business relationships with ad inventory suppliers
Business Director Manager

site director and is responsible for the creative vision, strategy, operations, and P&L of the NickJr.com online businesses
Senior Director NickJr.com
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

researches new products, products enhancements, and product redesign that align with the goals of the organization
Manager of Product Development, MTV Digital & VH1 Digital
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

manage programming and financial information for IPC (International Programming Council)
Content Manager, MTVNI Content & Strategy
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

define, drive and monitor virtual goods and revenue by managing product offerings and promotions across AddictingGames.com, Nickelodeon sites, 3rd-party social media networks and Mobile Device networks to include iPhone and others
Director of Virtual Goods
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

managing the revenue reporting needs of MTVNI’s Program Sales (IPS) organization
Sales Planning Manager
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

management and growth of relationships with key clients/vendors and should be the single point of contact for infrastructure related issues
Infrastructure Client Relationship Specialist   228821

pitching interviews for CBS News talent as well as producing radio tours with talent from CBS, CBS Television Distribution, Showtime, The CW and outside clients
Broadcast Publicity Administrator   4741BR
CBS Television Network

develop and sell advertising and marketing campaigns to new and existing clients
Account Executive   1411BR
CBS Radio

overall project delivery and on-going support of our Business Intelligence (BI) solutions
Director, Business Intelligence   1149407
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

work on business process improvement and strategic initiatives to transform business practices within NBC Universal
Manager Quality   1136991
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

lead and leverage HR processes (incl. Staffing, Benefits, Performance Management, Compensation/Reward Management, Learning & Development, Employee Engagement & Communication) for client groups
Director, HR-Ad Sales & Marketing   1105005
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

lead initiatives to drive profitable growth in the Local Media Division and support the development of Local Media’s Online Properties, Cable Properties, Production Arm (LX), Out of Home and Multi-Platform business units
Director / Senior Manager, Corporate Business Development   1151457
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

managing several facets of the division for NBC Retail Operations. Responsibilities include, but not limited to: E-Commerce, Merchandise and Business Development and Brand/Product growth strategies
Director, Merchandise and E-Commerce Development   1129905
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

manage trafficking and distribution of all off-air and online marketing materials
Associate Producer – Syfy Channel   1151465
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

growing revenue across NBC Local Media’s digital platforms through the development and sale of creative advertising solutions to clients
Account Executive   1131766
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

responsible for revenue goals which include, developing existing business as well as developing new business
Account Executive, CNBC   1140059
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

growing revenue across NBC Local Media’s digital platforms through the development and sale of creative advertising solutions to clients
Account Executive, USA Ad Sales   1142854
NBC Universal
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

develop, grow and maintain profitable directional business over the long term by providing planning and optimal service to our client base
Account Executive
DAC Group
Purchase NY

develop new series for the channel portfolio of Universal Networks International, as well as overseeing the day to day and current series
Director, Scripted Development   1151791
NBC Universal
London England
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

ensure the smooth running of the day to day employee processes and serve as business partner to local management
Human Resources Business Partner   1142478
NBC Universal
London England
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

M&A and strategic partnership opportunities across all business units of NBC Universal outside North America
SVP Business Development, NBC Universal International   1151317
NBC Universal
London England
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

strategic planning, implementation and evaluation of lifecycle marketing campaigns to support allocated film titles across their theatrical and home video (including digital) new release windows, demonstrating creative excellence
Marketing Manager-Film   116789BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
London England

provides guidance and oversight at the Market level for all aspects of chain level sales, wholesale and retail operations
Sales & Logistics Market Manager   115555BR
Time Inc.
Boston MA

established record as segment producer and be able to demonstrate expertise in investigative reporting
Special Projects/Investigative Producer   4739BR
CBS Television Stations
Boston MA

daily monitoring of the Account Executive’s on air schedules
Sales Planner, TBS Atlanta Sales Team 2   116771BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

responsible for the sales of CNN Newsource content, products and services and affiliate relations with local television stations, cable news channels and other local news clients
Sr. Director, Newsource Sales – Team Blue   116757BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

client’s lead day-to-day consultant on critical issues involving utilization of off channel media
Sr Media Director, RET Media Services   116832BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

drive Mobile Licensing / Premium Revenue across: Mobile TV, Mobile VOD, Mobile Gaming, Mobile Apps and Mobile Messaging
Business Development Manager, Wireless   116828BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

responsible for managing and delivering analytics for CNN’s digital properties
Director, Digital Analytics   116739BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

provide strategic and daily methodological oversight of the TV Research team responsible for the CNN US, CNNE and HLN
VP, CNN TV Research   116633BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

marketing and messaging strategy development and implementation for TBS, TCM & TNT priority programming
Marketing Manager, Marketing – TNT   116805BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

lead projects in order to support growth planning and innovation process across TNT/TBS/TCM and Peachtree TV
Sr. Manager, Network Strategy, Business Dev & Strategy   116804BR
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

develop and maintain strong, consistent visual direction of Southern Living in all sales and marketing materials
Creative Services Director, Southern Living   116092BR
Time Inc.
Birmingham AL

establishes design schedules and creates working design documents
Senior Designer   116803BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Chicago IL

develop applications, proxies, and interfaces for networked gaming and communities on common gaming consoles
Sr. Programmer   229134
Disney Interactive Media Group
Salt Lake City UT

drive and grow AdReady’s revenue by building client relationships
Account Executive
Seattle WA

overseeing stations non-traditional sales efforts for CBS Radio’s Seattle stations
NTR Director   4738BR
CBS Radio
Seattle WA

promotion of Fantasy Products through marketing campaigns
Marketing Manager   FNG18510
Fox Broadcasting Company
Los Angeles CA

develop and maintain strong relationships with external Partners (Business Affairs, Production Finance, Residuals and Participations Divisions and Corporate management)
Network Finance Manager    FFE18002
Fox Television Studios
Los Angeles CA

leads and oversees a creative team in making on-air promos for the Fox Sports Marketing group
Creative Director   FNG18628
Fox Sports
Los Angeles CA

manage the full life cycle implementation and continued enhancement of MySpace Sign-up
Senior Product Manager   FIM18446
MySpace US
Los Angeles CA

supervise and track incoming program assets prior to broadcast, including broadcast tape masters, digital assets, technical delivery documents, program summaries, contracts, invoices, and other contracted deliverables
Program Coordinator (FUEL TV)   FNG18355
Fox Sports
Los Angeles CA

oversee implementation and operations at Fox in connection with the transition of theatrical 35mm projection to a digital platform
Director, Digital Exhibition MBA Required   FFE18320
Fox Filmed Entertainment
Los Angeles CA

creative oversight and the continued production of TNTO series
Director, Current Programming TNTO, Research & Development   116799BR
Turner Broadcasting
Burbank CA

provides financial, analytical, and strategic support for evaluating potential M&A candidates and joint venture partners
Senior Analyst   115816BR
Warner Bros. Entertainment Group
Burbank CA

publish and obtain feedback from all services teams to obtain feasibility requirements for meetings
Project Planner   228848
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment
Burbank CA

develop budget estimates based on knowledge of the script, VFX, location, type of film and anticipated production needs
Director, Budget and Finance Planning   228811
Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production
Burbank CA

develops, directs and participates in executing specific strategies and distribution deals for digital platforms and broadband products
Senior Director, Digital Video Distribution   228643
Burbank CA
http://jobs.espncareers.com /

handling television production-related legal issues for unscripted (“reality”) television programming
Counsel, Legal Affairs   1151262
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

sales Manager for TV Sales to airlines and Armed Forces Radio and other Non-Theatrical Venues
Manager, Non-Theatrical Sales & Operations   1150059
NBC Universal
Universal City CA
http://www.nbcunicareers.com /

generate ideas for launch pitches that incorporate both station and viewer needs, as well as take advantage of current industry trends
Sr. Manager, Research   4737BR
CBS Television Distribution
Santa Monica CA

coordinates and covers shoots, appearances and any other network related business for Nickelodeon
MTV Networks
Santa Monica, CA
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

oversee the public relations programs for its leading brands, including GameSpot, BNET and CBS MoneyWatch
Senior Communications Manager   4322BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

interface with sales, product marketing and product managers working to implement and utilize existing and new sellable opportunities
Product Marketing Manager   4600BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA

own and manage the schedules for projects by working closely with product managers, developers, and executive management, as well as other functional groups and other business units to assure speedy, high-quality project development
Project Manager   4645BR
CBS Interactive
San Francisco CA


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JOB OPENING: PR ASSOCIATE TELENEXT MEDIA, Inc/NY:- PR and promotion of several entertainment properties, including a television show & websites. 3-5 yrs exp. necessary. Full details: http://telenextmedia.com/#/career-opportunities/ (2/27)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR DIRECT RESPONSE-BET NETWORKS:Bachelor Degree, 5+yrs exp. in advertising industry, knowledge of broadcast cable/DR industry, strong mathematical & interpersonal skills. resume: [email protected] (2/27)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR/MSA Media/NYC:  Relationship mgmt, consulting, product mgmt, project mgmt, bus development, mktg, third party mgmt – Gabriel/other SW. Min 5 yrs exp. Send resume/Salary to: [email protected] (2/27)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Cablevision Norwalk, CT:   Min1 yrs exp in Ad. Mktg, Sales or Bus related field. Support Ad Sales team. Prof in Word/Excel/Ppt. See full posting and apply to www.cablevision.jobs req 10644BR (2/27)

JOB OPENING: BROADCAST PUBLICITY ADMIN/CBS Communications/NY: Work with CBS Broadcast Publicity staff promoting CBS & CW Programs to Broadcast & Online outlets. Apply to http://www.cbscorporation.com/corp_careers.php Position number 4741 (2/27)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/ABC FAMILY/CA: min 1 yrs exp in TV research, apt at Nielsen, strong written & analytical skills, college degree pref. Apply at: www.disneyabcjobs.com (ID 228606 (2/26)

JOB OPENING: SR OFFLINE MKTG MGR/Vonage/Homdel NJ: Dvlp/implement off-line media plans. Work w/agency & cross functionally w/in mktg from strategy, exec to analysis. Exc knwldg of media req’d.Resume: [email protected] (2/26)

JOB OPENING: DESIGN DIR/(Syfy)/NBCU/NY: Will work under VP Creative to art dir, maint & grow the “look & feel” of Syfy brand, on-air, & also extending onto new media platforms & into adjacent bus. as req’d. www.nbcjobs.com 1147114 (2/26)

JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR, BUSINESS & LEGAL AFFAIRS at The Hub/LA. Must have TV acquisition and development experience. Apply at:  http://careers.discovery.com/ req # 9490   (2/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/Gameshow Network/NYC:  Report to VP Sales and Operations. Data entry in Dealmaker system. Please send resume and CL to [email protected]  (2/25)

JOB OPENING: VP DEV & PRGMNG HISTORY/A&E TV/NY: Direct dvlpmnt & prod process for History prgmng inc series, docs & orig films. 7 yrs dev/prgm exp reality, docs, special or series. 2+ yrs mgng staff. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (2/24)

JOB OPENING:  DIR PR HISTORY/A&E TV/NY:Dev/implement results-driven PR strat & campaigns for both prgrmng & brand.8 yrs exp TV pgrm publicity or media relations.Exc written verbal presentation skills.  Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (2/24)

JOB OPENING:  SENIOR ACCT EXEC/LATV NETWORK/TX-CHI: Sell nat’l ads for Hispanic network and 2 Synd TV shows; 5-10 yrs sales exp req. Fast growth opp in an entrepreneurial environment . Travel req. Info: www.latv.com/jobs (2/24)

JOB OPENING:  DIR OF DVLPMNT/GO GO LUCKEY ENTERTAINMENT/LA: Must be exp’d & highly orgnzd. Creative w/good writing & format skills. Able to take projects from start to pitch ready. Good references a must. Resume: [email protected] (2/24)

JOB OPENING: AP’s/PRODUCERS/WRITERS/SHOW-RUNNERS: NY prod co seeking for science based and reality shows, in-style of Kardashians/Housewives. Please email [email protected] (2/23)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  GSN The Gameshow Network/Graphic Design Unpaid Internship: Proof of school credit req. Send resume and Cover letter to [email protected] (2/26)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  NYC TV PRODUCTION COMPANY INTERN: Learn show development, story producing and biz dev. Across variety of network/Cable shows for NY based International Prod Co. Apply to [email protected] (2/24)


Effective immediately, Tom Bettag was tapped by CNN Worldwide as Senior Executive Producer for the network’s Sunday public affairs programs, State of the Union with Candy Crowley and Reliable Sources.

Manny Lorenzo advanced to VP/Film, TV, Advertising and Videogames with EverGreen Copyrights. Manny will continue working from both the company’s Los Angeles and New York marketing offices, where he is charged with presenting music from the EverGreen Copyrights’ catalog for possible new placement opportunities. Manny is also involved with developing opportunities for writers represented by EverGreen.

Michael Birkin, formerly Vice Chairman of Omnicom Group and CEO of Omnicom Asia Pacific, established The Red Peak Group, a global marketing services firm with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and London. The Red Peak Group opens with its first client, Intel and the platform, RPMC, specializing in experiential and sponsorship marketing with associations to top sports and entertainment events. Michael will be The Red Peak Group’s head strategist and supervise the Intel client. Furthermore, effective immediately Jay Lenstrom was named CEO of The Red Peak Group and CEO of RPMC. Murray Schwartz, founder of RPMC will be involved with developing global business for The Red Peak Group as well as senior client relationships. And, Stewart Devlin takes on the role as Chief Creative Officer for The Red Peak Group, joining from The Partners, a WPP-owned brand consulting company where he was creative director.

The Weather Channel (TWC) elevated Sheri McGaughy to VP/Legal to oversee legal functions for The Weather Channel Companies in addition to managing the legal team. TWC also hired Stephen Kabler as Senior Legal Counsel to assist with negotiations involving top level multi-platform distribution agreements for TWC’s networks and Jerald Dotson as Senior Legal Counsel to manage legal matters for TWC’s online and mobile businesses.

Gary Schneider has become President/GM of KTVT-KTXA/Dallas-Fort Worth, owned by CBS. Gary, who reports to Peter Dunn, President, CBS Television Stations, previously served as SVP/Station Manager of the stations since August 2004 and later became GM in December 2009, following the departure of Steve Mauldin who was appointed President/GM of KCBS-KCAL/Los Angeles, also owned by CBS.   Well done Gary!

Frantic Films added three development executives to its management team: Anne-Marie Varner and Alberta Nokes join as VP/Development in the factual division in the company’s Toronto office; and Melissa Kaipust was appointed Executive in Charge/Development with Scripted Programming in Frantic Films’ Winnipeg office.

Susan Sheppard was hired by RHI Entertainment as SVP/Business and Legal Affairs where she will be supervise business and legal affairs for the creation and production of movies for television, miniseries and series. Susan will report to Henry Hoberman, EVP/General Counsel and Secretary. Most recently, Susan was SVP/Business and Legal Affairs for BBC Worldwide America.

Former MTV Networks executive Kelli Callanan was named VP/Marketing at iVillage. Kelli will head the marketing group in the development of custom campaigns for partners as well as branding efforts. At iVillage, Kelli will report to Catherine Balsam-Schwaber, SVP/Marketing.

NESN elevated Ray Guilbault to COO/CFO up from EVP/CFO and Vanessa Brown to VP/Human Resources and Organizational Development up from Director/Human Resources.

Geri Wang was appointed President/Sales and Marketing at ABC Television Network. Most recently, Geri served as SVP/Primetime Sales for ABC. In her new role, Geri will spearhead sales and integrated marketing opportunities for all dayparts covering ABC Primetime, ABC Daytime, ABC News, ABC Late-Night, ABC Interactive and Sales Development. Geri will additionally supervise Disney/ABC Unlimited, the cross-platform sales division of the Walt Disney Company and sales and integrated marketing for SOAPnet. Geri has been with ABC since 1990, when she began as an associate director of Daytime Sales Proposals.

John Savacool was hired as a Research Associate at Centris, where he will offer support in the development of market research programs for communication and entertainment industry companies.

Melissa Ingram was elevated to Counsel/Business Affairs up from Contracts Manager with Gospel Music Channel (GMC). Melissa reports to Paul Butler, SVP/General Counsel.

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.) added Dennis Camlek as VP/Strategic Media Planning, Turner Media Group, the in-house team in charge of media planning, buying and placement, creative production and market trends. Dennis will head Turner Media Group and the company’s external buying agency to create media campaigns for brands including CNN, TBS, TNT, Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. Based in Atlanta, Dennis reports to Molly Battin, SVP, Turner Media Group.

New York-based Bender/Helper Impact tapped Zlata Faerman as Senior AE for LA’s Digital Entertainment banner. Zlata will offer public relations support for the company’s clients located in LA in addition to generating and developing new business efforts to increase the digital entertainment practice on the East Coast.

Effective immediately, Wayne Lizzi was named SVP/Television Sales with Metro Networks Television, a division of Westwood One. Based in New York, Wayne will manage all Metro Networks Television sales activities.

Effective March 1, Patrick Roberts will take on the new position of SVP/International Sales for Digital Rights Group (DRG). Patrick will supervise the daily operations of the DRG sales team.

NBC Universal advanced Robert Liu and Benoit Landry both to the position of Director/Consumer and Market Intelligence, NBCU. Both Robert and Benoit will report to Sumithra Barry, SVP/NBC West Coast Program Research, NBCU. Benoit will continue to oversee primary research for NBC’s late-night shows as well as primetime comedies and specials while Robert will supervise primary research for other NBC primetime series including Chuck, Heroes and Mercy as well as research for the Alternative Programming and Specials unit and for the daytime program Days of Our Lives.

Shaun Quigley was upped to VP/Digital Practice Director with independent advertising agency Brunner. Shaun, based at the company’s Washington, D.C. office will continue to manage several accounts including GlaxoSmithKline, amFAR, and American Bankers Association in addition to growing Brunner’s digital division.

Later — John
 John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – Sr. Dir/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-926-9878 / [email protected]

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