Tuesday, December 18th, 2012



AE’s for multimedia ad sales. 3+ yrs sales exp.

See full posting/apply to: http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?k=JobListing&c=qnc9Vfwn&v=1

Cynopsis: Classified Advantage

Good morning. It’s Tuesday, December 18, 2012, and this is your weekly issue of Cynopsis: Classified Advantage!

YouTube It

What if I told you there was a way to get your work seen by the movers and shakers of your industry? What if I told you that you don’t even need to know anyone to do so? Interested? YouTube it.

Your profession is so unique, that you can procure a job in a way that most other industries won’t consider.

Pick a company you want to work for, find out who their top clients are, make a commercial for them and put it on YouTube. If it is good, it will get noticed. YouTube has provided a number of people with a fast track to success. People who have demonstrated their talents on video and uploaded it to YouTube.

Still unsure? Ask the brilliant Bo Burnham, Avery, Alyssa Bernal, Greyson Chance, Andy McKee, Julia Nunes, Cody Simpson or a young man named Justin Bieber.

Now these people are immensely talented, but aren’t you? Can you make a better commercial for that detergent, go ahead. Make that sneaker look better, just do it. Make the burger more delicious, yummy. Where ever your talent lies, show it on YouTube and if it’s really good, it will be noticed.

It’s unlike any other industry, so take advantage. However, there is a downside, albeit small. If it’s terrible, probably no one will take note… probably. However, once you post something, it’s there forever. So get a lot of input and feedback before uploading it.

I’m not suggesting that you give up on the more traditional ways of landing a job, just that this industry allows another avenue that has been somewhat untapped. Be the pioneer, the case study, the benchmark. You are one great idea away from attracting the attention you’ve always wanted.

Good luck and Happy Holidays.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected].


Cynopsis: Sports Media Awards

Our awards show continues to spotlight the groundbreaking work created by sports media, don’t let your 2012 efforts go unnoticed!

Entry Deadline: February 1, 2013  |  Late Submissions: February 8, 2013
Awards Event: April 2013 (NYC)

Learn about the awards program & how to enter: http://www.cynopsis.com/events/sports-awards.

How to Get a Job Using Social Media
by Joel Garfinkle

Social media is everywhere and has spurred a social networking revolution. Although traditional job search tools, and newer job search tools such as online job boards, are still viable means to finding a job, you can now use this new networking technology to help you in your job search. Following are tips you can use to put the power of social media to work in your job search process:

Make an inside connection with the company. The reality is that having an inside connection in a company ups your chances of landing a position. Sometimes it really is all about who you know. Now, thanks to social media, you can make that inside connection easier than ever before. LinkedIn, for example, can help you find out which of your connections have connections at the company to which you want to apply, so they can introduce you. InTheDoor.com makes the connection between the job board, Indeed.com, and your Facebook friends, again letting you know who you know who can give you an inside connection.

Join relevant industry, social media groups. LinkedIn’s Groups are perfect for this. Search LinkedIn’s directory for the groups that are centered on your industry. Join the ones that appear to be active, introduce yourself, and then begin to discuss important topics with like-minded individuals. This can help you be first in line when a position becomes available at the companies of fellow group members.

Stay connected to the companies you’re interested in. Follow the companies you’d like to work for on Twitter and Like them on Facebook. Join in on any discussion that’s relevant to your industry, to begin to make a name for yourself with the company, even before a position is available. When a position does open up, not only will you be first to know by your connectedness to the company, but your potential employer should already of a sense of your expertise level and knowledge from past discussions.

Lastly, ensure you have a professional social media profile. Social media goes both ways. Not only can you find a job using social media, but potential employers can research YOU using social media. An increasing number of companies are using Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to see if there is anything questionable in your profile that may set up red flags. Sites like BranchOut.com, which is used with your Facebook, allows you to create a professional identity within Facebook.

During Joel’s tenure as an outplacement consultant, he has written many books from topics ranging from Getting Ahead to Find a Job in 14 Days. If you are asking for a raise or negotiating a higher salary, order Get Paid What You’re Worth.

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Joel Garfinkle

How should I handle salary history requests from prospective employers?

If a prospective employer requests a salary history, you definitely want to comply, if you want the position. Although it may be tempting to fluff up your previous salaries  don’t. Most companies won’t give salary information; however, if while checking references the prospective employer finds you’ve lied about your past salary, it could take you out of the running for the position.

If there are any abnormally low salaries in your history, feel free to explain why the salary was so low. Showing that you saw beyond simply a dollar amount on your paycheck and really looked at the opportunity of a position has value to many employers.

What’s the best prep for the hours immediately before the interview?

The best prep for the hours immediately before the interview includes reviewing the resume you submitted. There is nothing more embarrassing then forgetting something on your resume because of nerves. Also, review the job requirements and the information you researched on the company and your interviewer(s). Be sure to have at least three well-thought out questions, to pose to the interviewer. Review your answers to common interview questions, such as what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Review where the interview will be conducted, the time of the interview and how you will get there. Always allow extra time for unexpected delays. Remember, to be early to an interview is on time and to be on time for an interview is late. If you arrive more than ten minutes early, wait outside and away from the front doors and windows or better at a business next door.

Corporate Outplacement Coach Joel Garfinkle has over 17 years direct experience in the job search and career transition field. His Job and Placement Program will help displaced workers find new jobs quickly. Subscribe to his Fulfillment@Work Newsletter to receive FREE e-book “28 Ways to Network Into a Job!”


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Contact Mike Farina, VP Sales & Marketing to drive results & reach your target market.


JOB OPENING: ASSOC MEDI DIR/SUMMIT NJ MEDIA AGENCY: Min 5+ yrs cross platform media plan’g/buying, with exp in nat’l brdcst/cable. Seeking smart, motivated thinker. Resume/salary requirements to [email protected] (12/22)

JOB OPENING: IPTV ACCOUNT EXEC/selling AT&T Adworks/NYC: selling TV advertising-U-verse Platform. Manage ad agencies/clients-gen. mkt/adv TV inventory. BA/BS, 5+ yrs sales exp./3+ nat’l TV sales Apply: http://attlinks.com/SWjdi7 (12/22)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ACCT EXEC’S/PAC-12/SF, AZ, WA: AE’s for multimedia ad sales. 3+ yrs sales exp. See full posting/apply to: http://hire.jobvite.com/CompanyJobs/Careers.aspx?k=JobListing&c=qnc9Vfwn&v=1 (12/21)

JOB OPENING: SELLING DIRECTOR/DIGITAL AD SALES/NY: Gen online rev thru dig products across A+E Networks portfolio. Full Info/Apply: www.aenetworks.com/career.html (12/20)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/REELZ/NYC: Work with Sales AEs to maintain, flight, steward and reconcile sales orders with clients. Some planning exp a plus. Apply: [email protected] (12/20)

JOB OPENING: SR ACCT EXEC, DIG MEDIA SALES (3)/CRACKLE NETWORK/LA/Chi/NYC: Crackle Ntwrk. Dev new bus/mng list of names accts, 5yrs dig adv exp, & 2 yrs video media sales req, [email protected] (12/20)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/ESPN/CT: Resp for reporting, tracking, forecasting national & local data for ESPN Deportes. Proficiency in MS Office/Nielsen data preferred. Apply: espncareers.com/ [email protected] (12/20)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL PRODUCT MGMT/Cablevision/Bethpage NY: Run day-to-day ops, user experience & strategy for biz & consumer portals; 12+ yrs prod mktg exp. Apply to [email protected] (12/20)

JOB OPENING: SR RSCH ANLST/NBCUniversal/NY: 1+ yrs Natl media rsrch@cable, brdcst, synd or ad agency; Natl Nielsen systems & data knwlg required. Support Bdcst Ent Programming http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (12/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR, MGR & SR ANALYST AD SALES STRAT/NBCUNI/NYC: Dvlp. insightful /actionable rsrch & strat. in support cable/dig portfolio. Seeking EXp’d only.  For more info/ Apply: #7952BR. http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (12/20)

JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR/Myx TV/LA: Myx TV is the fastest growing Asian American entertainment cable TV network.  Apply now: Please visit for details. http://ejob.bz/ATS/jb.do?reqGK=655626 (12/20)

JOB OPENING: SR PROD MGR, MOBILE/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Dvlps mobile prods/features across platforms. 3+ yrs life-cycle dig prod mgt exp (software/web/mobile app environmts). BA/BS, Comp Sci prefd. #147911, www.aenetworks.com/careers (12/18)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC. DIRECTOR U-VERSE SALES OPS/AT&T AdWorks/NYC: Manages Product Dev., works with sales/mkting teams. BA/BS, 3+yrs Media Exp., product dev.+knowledge of research skills desired. Apply: http://attlinks.com/Ujgj4g. (12/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SUPPORT REP/AT&T AdWorks/NYC: Support U-verse TV Sales Planners, manage inventory, reconcile discrepancies, campaign reporting. BA degree reqd. Apply: http://attlinks.com/127Q87u (12/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT SUPPORT REP/AT&T AdWorks/LA: Support U-verse TV Sales Planners, manage inventory, reconcile discrepancies, campaign reporting. BA degree reqd. Apply: http://attlinks.com/TP2f49 (12/18)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL PROJECT MGR/SYFY, NBCUNIVERSAL/NYC: Day-to-day project mgmt for Syfy.com & Chillertv.com, apps for phones & new tech. 5+ years project mgmt in a cross-disciplinary environment req’d. nbcunicareers.com #7926 (12/18)

JOB OPENING: SPVSR, SCHEDULING/AMC/NYC: maintain wkly prog scheds, calendars for AMC domestic and Canada. Create sched change memos & grids, track relevant competitive prog info, etc. 2+ yrs exp. Submit res: http://tinyurl.com/b79sppk (12/18)

JOB OPENING: DIR., MARKETING & COMM (Fox Sports South-Atlanta, GA): Manage all OAP, off-channel & social media efforts to drive revenue, traffic, subs & ratings. 7-10 yrs exp in marketing/brand dev req. http://bit.ly/Vp71F0 (12/18)

JOB OPENING: ABC RESEARCH PART TIME CONTRACTOR/ABC Burbank: TV and digital research experience, multiplatform reporting, solid computer skills, organized & detail oriented, TV and digital media research exp, college degree required [email protected] (12/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE, DIRECT RESPONSE/REELZ/NYC: experienced AE in selling long & short form direct response advertising. Apply: [email protected] (12/15)

JOB OPENING: TV RSRCH DIR/HARTFORD CT: Provide sales & news for assgnd stations with rsrch. 5+ yrs exp in brdcst TV or cable station in rsch/mktg dept req’d. Apply at http://www.meredith.com/meredith_corporate/careers.html (12/14)

JOB OPENING: ABC RESEARCH PART TIME CONTRACTOR/ABC Network Research, ABC Television Network, Burbank, CA. [email protected] (12/14)

JOB OPENING: MKTG RESEARCH MGR/ATL: 5+ yrs mktg/media rsrch exp. Prof in basic statistics/analysis. Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen rsrch software. To apply, contact: http://bit.ly/11VBb8x (12/14)

JOB OPENING: VP, BUS & LEGAL AFFAIRS CDM/NYC: Structure/draft/negotiate variety of agreements relating to dist of a broad portfolio on traditional linear. JD & min 8-10 yrs in-house or law first exp req’d. www.viacomcareers.com/3444 (12/14)

JOB OPENING: VP GLOBAL COMPLIANCE, TRAINING & COMM/NYC: Dvlp & facilitate enterprise-wide compliance training. Proven track record and 10+ yr exp. More info/apply: www.viacomcareers.com/4695  (12/14)

JOB OPENING: SVP, MARKETING & CREATIVE SERVICES/GAC/Knoxville: 8 yrs+ exp in advertising, marketing or promotions. Manage and lead on & off air promotion and network marketing in a broadcast/cable environment. Click here to apply (12/14)

JOB OPENING:  SR. MGR, DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICS/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Dvlps data models/analyses to est impact of TVEverywhere. Mngs data aggregtn & reporting. 5+yrs in media/distrib/rsrch, MBA prefd. #148846, www.aenetworks.com/careers (12/14)

JOB OPENING:  SR CREATIVE MGR/ESPN/Bristol CT: To view full job description please use this link –    (12/14)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH MGR/AMAZON STUDIOS/LA: Act as a strategic bus. partner to internal teams, leveraging rsrch to provide recommendations/analyses on film & series projects in dvlpmnt. 5+ yrs mkt rsch ind exp. [email protected] (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/New York City: Provide services to all research dept. internal clients through analysis & tracking of standard & custom reports. More info & apply: http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/jobs (12/13)

JOB OPENING: DIR, FUNNY OR DIE/PROMOS/NYC: 8 yrs of dig promos & branded ent exp. Act as liaison btwn FunnyorDie.com & Digital Sales team. Work closely w/ on-air counterparts for dig. support on integrated FOD deals. Click here (12/13)

JOB OPENING: LEAD PRODUCER/University of Notre Dame/Notre Dame IN: Req. Bachelor’s degree in video prod, comm. or related field. Extensive exp. leading video prod. teams. For more info & to apply, visit http://apptrkr.com/302572 AA/EOE (12/13)

JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/NY: 4+ yrs TV rsrch brdcst/cable.Exp w/primary rsrch methods & Nielsen/MRI rsrch software.Create sales present, primary, mgmt & presentation exp. a plus. To apply, contact: http://bit.ly/TIbzsU (12/13)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR, PRICING & YIELD MANAGEMENT/Crackle Network/LA: Drive Yield Mngmnt & optimization. 4yrs exp dig advrtsng inventory mngmnt, & yield optimization. More info/Apply www.sonypicscareers.com #502 (12/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR PROD/NESN/NYC: Mng/coordinate all aspects of NESN’s network broadcast center productions. 12+ yrs exp of TV production mngment. More info/apply: http://nesn.com/nesn-jobs/ (12/12)

JOB OPENING: DIR, ON-AIR PROMO PLNG/History/NY: Develop & implement on-air media plng strategies that support network. 5 yrs exp plng & executing on-air promo plans for brdct/cable. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers.html (12/12)

JOB OPENING: MGR SPORTS & EVENTS/SPIKE/NYC: Monitor delivery req’s to ensure compliance w/live action prod guidelines. Insure prod/companies are on schedule; BA Deg w/ 5+ yrs of media exp. More details www.viacomcareers.com (12/11)

JOB OPENING: DEVELOPMENT EXECS/(2 openings)/NYC: For reality/non-fict TV. Extnsve rsrch for characters, subcultures, formats. Basic shoot/edit/cast & treatment writing. Res/Cov Ltr: [email protected]. 3+ yrs exp req’d (12/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES MGR/WPIX-TV-Sales/NYC: Resp for all sales activity in local TV mkt; monitor/evaluate sales perf of local acct execs; 5 yrs TV sales, 3 in a major mkt. More info/apply: www.tribune.com (12/11)

JOB OPENING: TWITTER TV MGR/LA, CA: Be the Twitter ambassador to TV celebrities. Grow/evolve Twitter’s creative relationships. Exp TV prod w/exp working dir w/talent & their reps. Res: https://twitter.com/jobs/positions?jvi=oG3UWfwj,Job (12/11)

JOB OPENING: VP, AD SALES MKTG/REELZCHANNEL/NYC: Lead team to dvlp & execute strong mktg ideas for clients. Create effective multiplatform mktg initiatives. 10+ yrs exp ad sales mktg role. Apply: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/REELZCHANNEL/NYC: Create, maintain & stew ad sales plans. 1-3 yrs exp network/agy Apply: [email protected] (12/11)

JOB OPENING: COORD DIST FIELD SALES/A+E TV/NY: Support the East Region Field Sales Team in reaching goals through admin & sales support duties. Act as liaison w/ internal & ext customers. Apply: www.aenetworks.com/careers.html (12/11)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE COPY WRITER ENTERTAINMENT & DIGITAL MEDIA/NYC: Agency Experience is a must. Strong relationships with vendors. Conceptualize & execute creative across different media. www.nbcunicareers.com #7291 (12/11)


managing producers, associate producers and bookers in establishing content and executing an editorial plan for each show
Senior Producer  79777BR
Walt Disney Studios

works closely with the SVP Finance / CFO in supporting all aspects of the financial operations and reporting for the global Digital Music team
Director of Finance, Digital Music/Corporate  3414741
Sony Corporation

oversee development and implementation of direct digital marketing programs
VP, Consumer Marketing  3408280
Sony Corporation

develop, execute and manage a winning editorial proposition for the site
Managing Editor, BBCAmerica.com
BBC America

responsible for assigned annual revenue and netprofit goals
Director Retail Development
BBC America

managing all aspects of domestic and international joint venture maintenance including preparing directors and shareholders for meetings, reviewing agendas, and other related documentation
Counsel, Joint Ventures  4618

responsible for supporting all phases of application development including analysis and design, programming, hardware and software requirements
Senior Business Analyst  4585

oversees a team responsible for all Desktop Engineering initiatives for NBC Universal’s workplace devices, including desktops and laptops (Windows and Macintosh), tablets, smartphones, and peripheral devices such as printers
Vice President, Workplace Technology  8193BR
NBC Universal

manages all aspects of Project and small Programs up to $5M, regardless of type, from Initiation through Closure, requiring little direction
Senior Project Manager  79662BR
Bristol CT

responsible for driving and providing leadership for the implementation and ongoing processes and operations for NBCUniversal’s major East Coast Media Operations
Director, Media Operations  8182BR
NBC Universal
Englewood Cliffs NJ

work with department senior vice president to develop and execute public-private partnerships with officials at various levels of government
Director -Corporate & Government Affairs  7015
Discovery Channel
Silver Spring MD

leads strategy for a client line of business, serving as primary day-to-day strategy contact for that client
Director, Strategy
Detroit MI

main responsibility is to ensure the network meets client objectives and exceeds sales goals
Director Midwest Ad Sales  234
Chicago IL

guides the direction of new product and feature enhancement, competitive assessment, messaging, sales training and sales and marketing support
Director, Platform Management – Mobile/Emerging Channels  1380
Chicago IL

generate new business – identify, influence, present and close deals with potential customers, leading and leveraging Dotomi’s capabilities
Director, Business Development  1480
Chicago IL

responsible for leading and driving social media strategy, programming and execution, including strategy development, program conception and execution, and measurement of social programs
Director, Social Media  11831
Austin TX

act as the primary HR partner for the West Coast based Original Programming and Ad Sales function
Director Human Resources  191
Los Angeles CA

ensuring that we develop our people and help them achieve their potential
VP, Talent and Organization
Los Angeles CA

develop innovative and comprehensive marketing strategies for the portfolio of Hulu Original Series programming
Director, Original Program Marketing
Los Angeles CA

strategically promote VOD with creative and promotions that target the cable VOD consume
Director, VOD/PPV Marketing  FFE0001430
Los Angeles CA

work extensively with cross-functional peers in major international markets, regions, and in the Los Angeles home office
Executive Director, Brand Marketing  FFE0001396
Los Angeles CA

responsible for defining business and functional requirements, designs and manages technology applications, systems, and projects to support Digital Supply Chain workflows and initiatives supported by WWTO Team
Sr. Systems Analyst  3623
Paramount Pictures
Hollywood CA

serve as key role in the programming department by providing creative and production support
Producer, Development & Production  6999
Discovery Channel
Culver City CA

partner with our San Francisco teams and deliver the full spectrum of HR support
HR Manager  12079
San Francisco CA

directly manage designers and associate designers dedicated to their accounts, and is responsible for issuing their biannual performance reviews. Provides strong leadership and clear direction
Senior Art Director
San Francisco CA


Amy Carney was promoted to President/Advertiser Sales, Strategy and Research at Sony Pictures Television (SPT) where she reports to Steve Mosko, President, SPT.  Amy will continue to oversee advertiser sales and will now head SPT’s worldwide research group which conducts and assembles all program, sales and channels research for the division.  Amy is based in Los Angeles and manages the sales teams located in New York, L.A. and Chicago.  The research teams are based in L.A., New York, Miami, London and Hong Kong.  Furthermore, SPT named James Petretti as SVP/US Research and Analytics to manage all research efforts for ad sales, broadcast, cable, syndication and digital programming and distribution in the US.  James reports to Amy Carney. 

Dan Ackerman will become SVP/Business Strategy and Ad Innovation with CBS Television Stations.  In his new role, Dan will work with the sales teams at the group’s 29 local stations to collaborate with major clients and agencies on the creation of customized advertising campaigns that involve the group’s range of platforms.  Dan will report to Jim Sullivan, President/Sales for the CBS Television Stations.  Most recently, Dan was VP/Director of Sales at KPIX-TV and KBCW-TV in San Francisco since April 2011.

Crown Media Family Networks, home of Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie channel, added Amy Jo Wayne as SVP/Advertising Sales.  Amy Jo will share oversight of the eastern region and generate national advertising sales.  She is based in New York and will report to Ed Georger, EVP/Advertising Sales and GM of Hallmark Movie Channel.

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. tapped Lincoln Lopez for the newly-created role as VP/Social Media Strategy and Innovation for TBS, TNT and Turner Classic Movies (TCM).  Lincoln will be in charge of all social media operations, initiatives and campaigns in support of the networks’ programming.  Prior to this appointment, Lincoln was VP/Digital Marketing and Social Media at VH1, VH1 Classic and Palladia.   He is presently transferring from New York to Turner Broadcasting headquarters in Atlanta.  He reports to Tricia Melton, SVP/Brand and Entertainment Marketing for TBS, TNT and TCM. 

Sonar Entertainment tagged Debbie Back as SVP/ North American Sales responsible for selling new productions and library content to broadcast and cable networks in the US and Canada.  Debbie will report to David Ozer, EVP/Head of Global Sales. 

Oswald Mendez was appointed EVP/CMO for MundoFox, the new US Spanish-language broadcast network from FOX International Channels (FIC) and RCN Television of Colombia.  Oswald will oversee all areas of marketing encompassing customer experience, advertising, promotion, web and electronic services and corporate social responsibility. 

Catherine Balsam-Schwaber advances to SVP within NBCUniversal’s Integrated Media group, part of NBCU’s Entertainment & Digital Networks and Integrated Media division.  Catherine will serve as the most senior executive under John Shea, CMO and EVP/Integrated Media the unit that spurs strategy, innovation and creative for cross-platform programs across NBCU’s portfolio including Women at NBCU, Green is Universal, Healthy at NBCU and Hispanics at NBCU.  Most recently Catherine was SVP/Marketing for iVillage.

Katz Television Group introduced a new unit, Ad Sales Operations created to streamline the television sales process by working across all three television companies to make television advertising easier and more efficient to buy.  In so doing, Michael Lawless, VP/Director of the Ad Sales Operations was appointed to a new position at Katz TV Group to bring local television stations into the national marketplace for unwired business.  The new unit includes all three Katz TV Group companies: Continental Television Sales, Eagle Television Sales and Millennium Sales & Marketing.

Azteca tapped Ricardo Garcia as Local Manager and Rolando Santos as Affiliate Sales in charge of offering the company’s two international signals, Azteca Internacional and Azteca Novelas to operators in Central America and the Dominican Republic.

Jenn Kuzmyk, VP/Development, Factual at Toronto-based Cream Productions is departing the company as of December 31 though will continue to consult on select projects in the future.  Jenn has been with Cream Productions for more than four years and is leaving to pursue other opportunities.

Later — John
John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Denise O’Connor: Group Publisher, Media Entertainment
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group 

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP Sales & Marketing | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations & Content | 888-702-3858

Cynopsis Media: a division of Access Intelligence, LLC * 10 Norden Place * Norwalk, CT * 06855 * USA

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