Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

Cynopsis: Classified




Good morning – it’s Tuesday, August 16, 2011, and this is your weekly issue of Cyn opsis: Classified Advantage! 

How to Stall, Spiral or Sever Your Career


Dress for the job you have.  Everyone else is wearing chinos and a golf shirt, you do the same.  So if you are wearing exactly what everyone else at your level is wearing, congrats, you’ve stalled your career.

Don’t speak at meetings.  This is a tougher one, because speaking too much at meetings may spiral your career, but never saying anything, that will stall it.  If you have something important or insightful, say it. 

Don’t volunteer for anything.  Bosses like people who like the level they currently hold, it means the boss doesn’t have to give them much thought.  “John likes entering data. He’ll be happy to do so for the next ten years. Yeah John, I don’t have to think about him for ten more years.”

Writing emails with smiley faces at the end.  Unless you are a very small company, please keep your emails professional and stay away from common text abbreviations and slang.

Don’t look or ask for a mentor.  If you want to stay exactly where you are, what advice do you need?  None.

Apathy, the high school version of, “whatever.”  If you don’t care, neither will the company.


Be the hub of gossip in your office.  Gossip may be fun for five to ten minutes, but after that, it wears thin.  Plus if someone gossips about others to you, what is he saying about you when you are absent.  Gossipers are mildly and temporarily entertaining, but finally, they are untrustworthy.

Wearing a tank top, cut off jeans and sandals on casual Friday.  Without a written guideline, most of us know this is very inappropriate for most businesses that aren’t centered around surfing.  But this guy uses the fact that there is no written policy to push the envelope.  There are times when pushing the envelope is great, this isn’t one of them.

Cozying up to executives’ spouses at social gatherings.  A formal nice to meet you, thank you for the invitation, what a lovely house you have here, is all you really need to say.  I once worked at Merrill Lynch, and at a social gathering I took pity on one of the executive wives, because she wanted to dance but her husband didn’t want to.  So I asked.  And we danced, a lot.  Nothing inappropriate happened except I embarrassed an executive in front of the entire northeastern staff.  The promotion I was looking for had suddenly disappeared along with any chance of future promotions.

Say something at every meeting, gathering and situation, where saying something is allowed, though not necessarily encourage.  We all know this guy, as soon as he starts to speak everyone gets that look on their faces like they just got a shot of Novocain.

Leaving early, arriving late, because your numbers are just that good.  That may play for a while, but over time it will grate and not be forgotten by your superiors.

Dating a co-worker.  Many companies have policies against it, but it still happens.  While every once in a while it will end in eternal bliss, chances are it will end in bitterness that can and usually will spill over into the work environment.

The constant complainer.  I was at a meeting where a co-worker complained that the free doughnuts were supermarket-bought and not from a doughnut specialty store.  Now if he is complaining about free doughnuts, you can imagine the litany of other complaints he has.  It is annoying and killing his career.  Don’t get me wrong, legitimate problems should be dealt with, but doughnuts?  Free doughnuts??


Writing emails at work you wouldn’t want your boss to see.  A man last week was fired because he wrote an irate, yet personal email to a neighbor.  He was fired because the email had the company name on the signature and return address, therefore he was acting as an agent for the company.  This case may go to court, but do you really want to be involved in something like this?

Drinking too much at a social function, especially at a Holiday party where the entire company in present.  Almost certain and instantaneous death.

Coming to work with alcohol on your breath, either after lunch, or worse, in the morning.  Every once in a while, a beer with a client at lunch may be appropriate, but if drinking at lunch becomes the norm, though companies cannot generally fire you for this alone, most will find another reason; such as lower performance, especially in the afternoon hours.

There are many ways of stalling, spiraling or severing your career that aren’t listed here.  These just seem to be the most common.

Next Issue:  You can be afraid, just don’t act afraid.

We are always on the look out for more Experts to advise our readers – if you’re a headhunter, job coach, career advisor, etc., and may be interested in contributing to this edition from time to time, please contact me at [email protected] .

Can I Take Your Job Order?
Lisa Kaye

Would you like career growth with that promotion?  Much like a mad dash through the drive-through at your local fast food, your job search can take on a strange twist as the employment situation looks bleak and competition takes center stage.  Not sure whether you are choosing large fries with that combo?

Your job search offers the same challenges as it relates to whether you truly know what you want from your next career move from what you think you want.  How do you know when it’s time to choose?  Feeling pressured about your job search not knowing whether you asked for special sauce on the side? When your job search resembles an In & Out Burger, how do you keep your job order straight and make sure you end up with what you want vs. what someone else ordered for you?

Unlike a fast food line, you can’t always ask for a refund when they screw up your order but you do need to make sure you are where you need to be before you take off past the drive through window. Being sure about your career options before you head into the job line not only is a good first step but, a necessary one. 

Becoming overwhelmed in the job search process is a commonplace occurrence these days.  Sometimes it’s harder to know what you don’t want from your next job than it is to know what you do want.  The lack of jobs in any one particular area makes it more difficult to know what you should choose from and not just jump at the first thing that looks good out of fear that something better won’t come along.

Being honest about your desires is not something you should take lightly.  You need to first know what you don’t want in order to get what you do want.  Fast food lines figured that process out for us. 

Now apply that to your next job search and you might just discover you move faster towards your career goals than you ever imagined.  Weeding through the unnecessary helps you know, articulate and really manifest your next opportunity even if you think it’s a waste of time.  Why you ask?

Because in order to know what you truly want from your next job, you’ve got to really know what won’t work for you.

We all fall into patterns of behavior even choices about our work environment that take on a whole new meaning when we don’t pay attention to the very things that no longer work for us.  Not paying attention to what you don’t like about your current work situation will undoubtedly make you repeat things that you may not realize no longer fit the profile of what you do want. 

Not liking working under deadlines, working in an office cubicle, commuting to and from work in traffic, even the proverbial chit-chat that occurs around the coffee bar, might all be minor annoyances that when pulled together may not add up to the # 3 with fries combo you thought you ordered. 

It’s okay to have doubts, procrastinate or even appear “negative” when discussing your job or career options to your friends and family, that In essence is part of the process to help you clear the way for really and truly know which job order to place the next time you drive through a job interview.  Can I have an office with the title?

Lisa Kaye, Founder & CEO, www.greenlightjobs.com a media and entertainment recruitment job board and career center has over 20 years human resources experience in the industry having worked for E! Networks, ABC/Disney, Lifetime, Pixar, Live Nation and most recently consulting with The Oprah Winfrey Network.

If you have any specific questions you’d like our Experts to address, please email them to me, John Cox at [email protected].

Questions from our Readers
Answered by
Lisa Kaye

I’ve read that HR people spend about 10-20 seconds scanning a resume before making a decision. How much time are they spending on a cover letter? Do they generally read the cover letter first? Do they read the cover letter at all? Is the real and only reason for a cover letter to determine if a candidate can write effectively?

Well your first assumption is that “HR people” scan your resume at all! Most resumes are sent and accepted electronically via a job portal or ATS (Applicant Tracking System) so it’s quite possible the first and real “scanning” is done as a result of any key word searches and algorithms within the career web site to help weed out the matches from the mis-matches.

Don’t worry, that’s not to suggest there isn’t any human interaction when it comes to evaluating resumes. Depending on the size of the organization, this task can be delegated initially to a coordinator or assistant before it even gets reviewed by a recruiter or a senior HR representative before it ultimately gets into the hands of the hiring manager for consideration. So as you can see there are many steps in the process of resume review then a simple 10-20 second initial scanning!

As far as a cover letter is concerned and speaking personally as one who recruits, I do not pay too much attention to them as they seldom offer additional value that you can not get from a well executed resume. However, most companies still follow a traditional route when accepting resumes and prefer a cover “something” whether it is in the form of an email or letter to accompany the resume.

The best thing to remember is to keep your cover letter brief. Your cover letter should really serve as an introduction, a calling card describing who you are and what you are looking for as far as a work assignment.

The resume, if done well, should explain the rest. Most people make the mistake of using a cover letter to tell the story of their work history- save that for the in-person meeting or again let your resume tell the story.

When in doubt, include a brief cover statement and make sure your resume is concise, accurate, preferably one page in length and immediately spells out for the recruiter your experience and work history. You don’t want to have the recruiter flipping through pages of work history or try to figure out what type of job you are looking for. You might very well end up on the bottom of the resume pile!

With all the equality we supposedly have achieved, why are women still being paid less than their male counterparts? Are we willing to accept less money, are we being duped, or is something else going on? Are we partly to blame, if so, what do we need to do to close the gap?

This is a really tough question to respond to in the space allotted here given that I can probably write a book on this subject. I am addressing this question first as an HR professional and secondly as a working woman.

Let me state that I’ve been working now for over 25 years in the entertainment business. On one hand, during that time I have seen many woman rise in the ranks to hold senior level positions, run companies and sit on boards. It’s been a revolutionary period for woman in the workplace.

On the other hand, do I still think woman have room to grow-absolutely. I think both men and woman have an opportunity to grow and assert themselves in knowing what they want from their careers and how to ask for it.

That said, I’d like to believe that woman have achieved a level of equality as it relates to pay and status in the workplace. I’ve personally seen this as a result of, 1) having hired many senior level woman executives in the media & entertainment industry and, 2) having helped many woman negotiate salaries for themselves paying them on par with if not more than their male counterparts in some cases.

I do believe that woman, particularly in the media & entertainment industry have achieved a level of professional success that allows them to be compensated at high levels whether that is more or less than a man earns.

Having held senior level HR positions throughout my career, I have a slightly different vantage point given I understand how compensation and pay practices are determined within companies from a business standpoint, and therefore have a slightly different take on how pay might differ between individuals (regardless of gender or any other reason not related to expertise and skill).

In my experience, I have never been in a situation where pay was based on gender vs, skills, budget or how the pay range for that job was established. I’m not saying that there are people out their that “take care of each other” but generally speaking, if you have a tight management team and solid pay practices you generally don’t run into discriminatory practices where, “I’m going to pay Joe more than Sue because I like him”. There usually is someone or a group of people that serve on a compensation committee that monitors pay practices to ensure that no impropriety occurs.

Now, to answer this question as a woman, do I think woman are willing to accept less money than men, honestly in some cases, I do think woman have a more difficult time negotiating on behalf of themselves and they do seem to have a harder time standing up for what they believe is fair especially as it relates to money.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this is an issue that only effects woman, as I know many men who have issues with standing up for themselves as it relates to questions surrounding pay. The topic of money is never an easy one regardless of your gender. Whether you are negotiating a hiring salary or a raise, I do believe that woman are more likely to shy away from what might set them apart from the rest of the group and do not want to appear confrontational or demanding.

Depending on an individual’s personal belief system whether it be based on culture, how they were raised, their relationship with their parents or their relationship with money, they may come to “accept” rather than “assert” their rights even when they believe they deserve to be paid more than they are receiving.

I am speaking of course in broad generalizations as I initially stated this is a topic worthy of a book and not merely a Q&A post. So in short, I believe that woman have come a long way since the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

In the United States, woman earn roughly $.77 on a $1.00 as the gap continues to narrow based on a number of factors including age when entering the workforce. Their is a theory that based on a historical timeline, woman may actually exceed the rate of pay of men by the mid-2010 period and beyond.

This will likely be a non-issue in the upcoming generations as more and more woman enter the workforce and are counted alongside their male counterparts. Remember, woman received the right to vote shortly after the turn of the century where men were at it long before then making decisions on behalf of both sexes. Woman just needed time to catch up and that time is fast approaching.

So the good news is, woman are in control of what they are willing to accept in the form of compensation regardless of sex or any other protected class. Woman AND men just need to know how to negotiate for themselves and honestly, not be afraid to ask.

Lisa Kaye, Founder & CEO, www.greenlightjobs.com offers up weekly career advice and has extensive experience in hiring, recruiting and talent management in the entertainment industry.

Have a question for our experts? Send it to [email protected]


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JOB OPENING: MGR, BUSINESS SOLUTIONS/NASCAR/NY: dvlp innovative, strategic mktg & promotional ideas. 7+ yrs exp consumer marketing w/ exp in ad & mktg agency. www.employment.nascar.com (8/20)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASSISTANT/RLTV/NY: supp for sales team, booking orders, agency liaison, client research, coord sales reports, presentations, admin duties, exp w/Salesforce, excel organized & detail oriented apply at: [email protected] (8/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR PRGRMNG RSRCH/COMEDY CENTRAL/NYC: 3-5 yrs exp prgrmng/ ratings rsrch. Top performer, accurate & detail driven. Passionate about TV, takes initiative. Nielsen/ N-Power exp, also MultiTrak systems. www.mtvncareers.com (8/20)

JOB OPENING: VP STRAT & BUS DEV /MTV NETWORKS/NYC: Identify, eval, structure & help implement new deals, commercial relationships, joint ventures & acquisitions. MBA & 6 yrs exp, mngt consulting or IB + TV exp. www.mtvncareers.com (8/20)

JOB OPENING: EDITOR /NYC : NYC: seeking editor w/ strong reality/lifestyle background & Windows-based AVID experience, for new HGTV home renovation show. 2+ yrs exp req’d. Res/Cov Ltr: [email protected] (8/20)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/ESPN/NY: Coordinate and manage projects focused on cross-media advertising effectiveness research; 1-2 years of research experience  media/agency exp. a +. REQ ID 319775 http://espncareers.com (8/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR, Syfy PRIMARY RSRCH/NYC: Plan, design, analyze & report consumer rsrch projs. 7+yrs exp internet surveys, focus groups & syndicated rsrch services desired. BA/BS Req. Apply:  www.nbcunicareers.com Job# 2137 (8/19)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE WEB ANALYST/NBCUNIVERSAL/LA:   3-6 mos. assignment. Supports G4tv.com & E!Online. 3+ yrs. Omniture exp. needed. Apply: http://tbe.taleo.net/NA6/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=ENETWORKS&cws=1&rid=964 (8/19)

JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL MKTG/TVL: Mng overall dig mktg plans/deliverables, help dev strat/excute tactics. Str knwldg anlyzng/optimizng SEM, mobile, social ntwks. TV mktg exp plus EOE/M/F/D/AAP Apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (8/19)

JOB OPENING: DISTRIBUTION COORD/OTF/NY: Play meaningful role in all mktg initiatives to acquire & sell prgrmng across mult platforms in the US & Canada. Content sales & admin exp prfd. Res/cover: [email protected] (8/18)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CNBC/NY: Job#2583BR Responsible for revenue goals which include growing existing business as well as developing new business. To apply, please visit http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ (8/17)

JOB OPENING: SOCIAL MEDIA SPLST/NEW YORK: Execute social media-driven content & consumer engagement strategies various social media platforms https://www.abso.com/jobboard/Default.aspx?JOBBOARDID=618&JobDetail=105714 (8/16)

JOB OPENING: MGR CONTRACT ADMIN/AMC NETWORKS/NYC: Ovrsee rights mgmt systm. Prep/review standard forms/agreements for prod, promo sponsrshp, events for cable channls. 5+ yr exp, bar certfd paralegl preferd. [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER /TV talk show/NY: TV talk show looking for seasoned talk show Producer with strong leadership qualities, 5+yrs booking ex, exc rsrch, written & verbal comm. skills. Immed start. [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC PROD/BOOKER/TV talk show/NY: 5 yrs of strong booking exp. Book personal and breaking news stories, prep guests for shows, strong rsrch/written & comm. skills. [email protected] (8/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR, STRATEGIC RESEARCH/NY: Provide in depth analysis of TV landscape(broadcast cable & alternative platforms) focus on issues impacting media business. 7+ yr exp. http://www.nbcunicareers.com/search_nbc/ job#2017BR (8/16)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR OF NETWORK OPERATIONS/NESN/MA: Responsibilities incl leading & overseeing the dvlpmnt of: an operations mngmnt team & staff, high quality and efficient technical operations, and safety programs. www.nesn.com (8/16)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Fall Internship Credit ONLY: Billboard/Adweek events team/NYC seeking a motivated marketing intern to assist with marketing initiatives and event logistics. Send resumes and cover letters to [email protected] (8/20)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Paolucci Communications Arts in PV, CA is looking for Fall Intern. Internship includes Social Media, PR efforts. Learn how an Agency runs  incredible networking opp. Res/Cover Lisa @ [email protected]  (8/19)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: PR FALL INTERNSHIP/THE LIPPIN GROUP/NYC Seeking smart, creative self-starter to assist busy entertainment PR agency. Strong writing/research skills required. Resume and cover letter to [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Media firm/Beijing: 40 hrs wkly. Unique/exciting media internship overseas.Includes RT flight to Beijing. Fluent Chinese reqd. Fluent English reqd. Apply: [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: FALL PROD INTERNS/SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE/NYC: completion of at least two yrs of college level courses related to field of interest is pref’d, good organizational skills a must. Email: [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY:. START ASAP: RESEARCH INTERNS/TWO CATS PRODUCTIONS/NYC: Interns wanted to research and develop new TV show ideas. Please send resumes [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Bergen County non-profit, Shelter Our Sister is seeking an intern (currently enrolled in school) to assist the Director of Development and PR. Hours/Days are flexible. Please send resumes to [email protected] (8/18)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: SALES/MARKETING FALL INTERNSHIP/PLUM NTWRK/NYC:Gain practical experience in the communications industry by working with a top-notch sales & marketing team at a multi-platform media company. Resume to [email protected] (8/17)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Kirkstall Road Enterprises/NYC: immediately seeking interns for various departments for The Jeremy Kyle Show. Apply @ [email protected] (8/16)


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create and conceptualize series, specials, stunts, franchises, properties, and other programming initiatives for both domestic and international telecast

Director – Program Development   4368
Discovery Communications



collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand
Market Research Analyst
Everyday Health
https://everydayhealth.tms.hrdepartment.com /

work closely with the VP, PR to implement Everyday Health’s PR and media relations strategy, with a majority of their time dedicated to press outreach and media relations for consumer and trade media
Manager, Public Relations
Everyday Health
https://everydayhealth.tms.hrdepartment.com /

point of contact for all client interaction
Account Manager
Everyday Health
https://everydayhealth.tms.hrdepartment.com /

meet & exceed revenue goals by aligning clients objectives with strategic digital, print and event platforms
Eastern Region Advertising Director   1454
Bonnier Corporation

work with the design team and video producers to create and produce compelling creative materials to support client deliverables
Motion Graphics Artist

estimate ratings on scheduled programming and potential acquisitions
TV Programming Strategy Analyst

assist with negotiations and drafting of complex production, development, TV and Music deals that span multiple platforms on behalf of BET Networks

responsibility for setting goals, planning, tracking, and managing digital executions for BET mega-specials and award shows
Digital Project Manager, Specials

accountable for providing a variety of sales support activities for small and medium to large complex deals involving multiple service offerings, technologies, and/or geographies working directly with the sales pursuit team and across the enterprise
Sales Engineer

help the AppNexus Sales organization rapidly and efficiently convert prospects into customers
Manager/Director of Field Marketing

proactively engage in new business conversations with the largest online media and technology companies and qualify their ability to be a successful AppNexus client
Senior Sales Executive

coordinate and handle the monthly execution of the posting process through Deal Builder and Gabriel
Executive Analyst   4348
Discovery Communications

act as the primary media expert for assigned clients and client service team, including planning and buying of media
Senior Media Planner   9449

oversee and manage the sponsorship revenue tied to the NFL calendar and key marketing initiatives on an annual basis
Director, Entertainment Marketing & Promotions

help develop strategies approaches to expand the NFL’s international media business in both the short and long-term
Director, International Media Business Development

lead the NFL’s efforts to serve fans on mobile platforms, both phone and tablet
General Manager – Mobile

transform high-level concepts, strategies and directives into a cohesive on-air product
Vice President, Network Operations   2647BR
NBC Universal

manage agency & client relationships through day-to-day contact
Account Executive, CNBC   2583BR
NBC Universal

responsible for working with key NBC Olympic stakeholders to market and increase sales of the Olympic Games on the networks of NBCU
Manager, NBC Olympic Sales Marketing   2424BR
NBC Universal

manage all aspects of metrics related to viewing of programming including TV ratings, VOD and online streaming
Vice President, USA Program Research   2567BR
NBC Universal

clarify programming objectives for Nonstop’s “network” (i.e. non-local news) dayparts and create a consistent brand identity for the channel
Executive Producer, NY Nonstop Network   2701BR
NBC Universal

closes revenue from accounts in Northeast territory
Sr. Account Executive- FOXsports.com   FNG0000343
Fox Careers

support the strategy and business development group for the MTV Networks Entertainment Group including Comedy Central, Spike, and TV Land channels
Manager, Strategy and Business Development
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

strategy, business model, deal-making, project mgmt. across all stakeholders, performance metrics, best practice
Director, Strategy and Business Development
MTV Networks
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

work closely with members of the Music National Ad Sales team on Research requests
Senior Research Analyst
MTV Networks
Location Unavailable
http://www.mtvnetworkscareers.com /

preparation for client and agency meetings and presentations, including conducting client research, marketplace challenges, consultation with promotions team and network creative, as well as creation of custom presentations
VP Promotions & Mkting
Turner Broadcasting

directs other sales executives accountable for achieving defined sales targets
VP Global X Sales & Marketing   322137
Walt Disney Corporation

take the lead in identifying technologies, protocols, work rules and systems that will maximize operational efficiency while simultaneously minimizing cost
Executive Director, Production and Operations, ABC News   322090
Walt Disney Corporation

provide key analytic and research support and be a thought leader in the company’s continuing reassessment of its growth, investment, product offering, advertising sales and distribution strategies
Senior Manager, Strategy – Disney Media Networks   322054
Walt Disney Corporation

manage process from Doubleclick Sales Manager, trafficking in the ad server to reporting to post-campaign analysis
Digital Ad Operations Manager
BBC America

develop, articulate and execute a strategic plan for BBC America’s digital products
Digital Director, BBC America.com
BBC America

act as the single point of contact for the North American sales teams to maximize new opportunities and ensure deal execution from a product perspective
Product Manager, BBC.com
BBC America

responsible for managing television sales activity within the fiction genres with designated clients
Senior Manager Sales & Co-Production – Fiction
BBC America

support the key channel priorities with strategic planning development, oversee asset production and trafficking, digital and social media marketing campaigns and initiatives
Senior Marketing Manager
BBC America

manage multiple mobile projects from creation through launch
Director, Mobile News & Business   7044BR
CBS Corporation

solicit,acquire and edit between 20 to 25 books a year for a truly diverse list
Senior Editor – Simon & Schuster   9281BR
CBS Corporation

proactively design quantitative and qualitative research that supports and facilitates programming and marketing decisions
VP, Program & Marketing Research   106279
A & E Networks

responsible for the development and piloting of non-fiction programming for A&E
Sr Dir Non-Fiction & Alternative Programming   106225
A & E Networks

process development Purchase Orders and associated invoices in our development software, Tagetik, ensuring budget approval is in place, verifying material codes, payment schedules and general ledger account numbers are accurate
Financial Analyst   4310
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boston MA
http://careers.hmhco.com /

coordinates efforts across all project management competencies including development, pre-sales planning, manufacturing and technology development
Program Director   4328
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Boston MA
http://careers.hmhco.com /

analyze monthly results of businesses and perform analytical review of key financial and operating information
Senior Accountant  International   321960
Walt Disney Corporation
Bristol CT

serve as the market lead and point of contact for business partner relations and communications
Regional Senior Manager
Bethlehem PA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

serve as liaison and informational contact between Comcast and national third party diversity groups
Sr. Director, External Affairs
Washington DC
http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

develop best in class digital offerings that materially impact user engagement and audience traffic
VP – Product   4381
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD, NYC NY, or Atlanta GA

conduct analysis to identify, prioritize and help execute approach to align MTP&O International goals and processes with wider DCI business
Business Analyst   4358
Discovery Communications
Silver Spring MD

responsible for creating on-brand, on-strategy compelling creative work for assigned clients
Creative Director   9579
Atlanta GA

provide structure and overall vision on our projects
Program Manager   9195
Atlanta GA

responsibility for the overall editorial quality control of all aspects of international footage/pieces submitted from reporters from all international bureaus
Director, Coverage-CNNI
Turner Broadcasting
Atlanta GA

serve as integral part of the Cox Business Intelligence team, which provides support and business intelligence for Cox¿s operations and products
Business Intelligence Manager   37915
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

responsible for corporate level strategy, which includes strategic planning, external scanning and competitive intelligence, scenario and ad hoc analysis, risk and opportunity assessment, and change management
Executive Director – Strategic Planning & Analysis   37852
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

responsible for building and managing the technology, operations, development, solution engineering, and support services for the corporations Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) and enterprise Business Intelligence (BI) portfolio
Executive Director – Business Intelligence   37853
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

manages and develops project plans for a variety of projects/programs ranging from a Technical Product implementation to a Financial Analysis/Process Improvement project
Project Manager – Special Projects   37916
Cox Careers
Atlanta GA

establish SPT – USH/Latin America Production’s reach in original programming in the US Hispanic and Latin American markets through creative development
VP, Development   205191-033
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Miami FL

in person weekly sales calls to both client and advertising agency to build relationships
Water Sports Sales Rep   1459
Bonnier Corporation
Orlando FL

versee and directly handle all content creation related to boats and boating for Wakeboarding and WaterSki brands
Digital Content Manager/Boating   1457
Bonnier Corporation
Orlando FL

Work closely with Sr. Director of Marketing, Enterprise Solutions to execute overall marketing strategy especially around targeted campaigns relative to assigned platform product line
Director of Platform Marketing   4068
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Orlando FL

formulate marketing strategy for new business presentations, lead project teams, create marketing briefs, develop new analytical models, and nurture departmental relations
Director, Strategy
Detroit MI

develop methodologies and standards for the delivery of the company’s strategic point of view in the areas of ideation processes, account planning, brand management and consumer motivation in the digital environment
Executive Director, Strategy
Detroit MI

identify fresh, high impact customer insights that can be translated into relevant marketing opportunities
GVP, Planning & Research   9576
Chicago IL

lead Razorfish client engagements, from small, innovative projects to larger integrated end-to-end solutions
Sr. Account Director Client Engagement   9583
Chicago IL

develop and execute Vibes’ marketing communications strategy and programs to secure and maintain position as the most recognizable and highly regarded mobile CRM provider in the industry
Director of Marketing Communications
Chicago IL

own marketing strategy and execution to secure and maintain position as the most recognizable and highly regarded mobile CRM provider in the industry
VP of Marketing
Chicago IL

serve as the key client contact and own short-term and long-term client service relationship and mobile marketing strategy for multiple accounts
Sr. Account Manager, Client Service
Chicago IL

responsible for establishing Vibes’ Business Intelligence practice through the assembly of the right people, processes, tools and technologies
Director of Business Intelligence
Chicago IL

drive revenue through the development and execution of effective sales strategy, sales process and closing of new business contracts for mobile marketing and advertising programs
Sr. Sales Director, Mobile Solutions
Chicago IL

responsible for total supervision, direction and overall performance level of broadcast functions
Program Director   9201BR
CBS Corporation
Seattle WA

responsible for leading daily advertising operations across the ABC Television Network of websites, including ABC.com, ABCNews.com, Oscars.com, Soapnet.com, and ABC Family.com
Manager, Revenue Operations   322128
Walt Disney Corporation
Seattle WA

produce, publish and present monthly and quarterly reports for Human Resources related to headcount, turnover, diversity, and compensation
Human Resources Analyst   9562
Seattle WA

development efforts for scripted series and current programs for BET Networks
Senior Director of Scripted Programming
Los Angeles CA

own and manage a set of partner relationships with the objective to maximize the value of those partnerships for both Hulu and the partners
Content Partner Manager
Los Angeles CA

digging deep into data, analyzing trends in content and sales, preparing reports for management, and assisting with forecasting
Financial Analyst
Los Angeles CA

work with external marketing partners/agencies to implement, and manage content marketing initiatives off-hulu
Sr Manager Content Marketing
Los Angeles CA

contribute to the architecture of mobile and other apps
Software Developer, Mobile
Los Angeles CA

define, implement, and ensure the successful performance of all retention marketing efforts
Sr Manager Retention Marketing
Los Angeles CA

preparation of the daily cash journal entries, working closely with the Treasury Department
Financial Analyst   FFE0000473
Fox Careers
Los Angeles CA

manage and coordinate all media related projects for the software engineering group
Executive Director, Media Software Development   FNG0000204
Fox Careers
Los Angeles CA

report on key operational metrics, create actionable trend information, and set up dashboards for key performance indicators to ensure our team has the information necessary to make informed business, marketing and sales decisions
Fandango Manager, Web Analytics
Los Angeles CA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

manage multiple mobile entertainment projects from
creation through launch for both the CW and CBS network
Product Manager, Mobile Entertainment   7746BR
CBS Corporation
Los Angeles CA

assessing, planning, developing and execution of key business initiatives that will improve profitability, efficiency and effectiveness of the organization
VP, Enterprise Architecture – Application Architect   9286BR
CBS Corporation
Los Angeles CA

responsible for overseeing end-to-end product development
Sr Product Manager   322095
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

responsible for managing a 7-member team tasked with delivering Federal contractor obligations, routine and ad-hoc workforce reporting from various HR systems, and supporting/maintaining select systems that manage HR data
Senior Manager – HR Operations   322034
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

manage all aspects of digital media to further define and execute our digital and social media strategies
Senior Vice President – Digital Media, ABC Owned Television Stations   319830
Walt Disney Corporation
Burbank CA

responsible for the preparation of ultimates for various TV product lines and forecasting and monitoring TV Distribution costs/overhead
SFA,TV Ultimates and Costs   1997BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

perform financial statement analysis on a quarterly and annual basis
Manager, Financial Reporting   2105BR
NBC Universal
Universal City CA

work with a variety of internal NBCU brands/networks as well as NBCU’s studios Universal Media Studios and Universal Cable Productions to develop an overall content strategy and then manage the end-to-end creation, delivery and merchandising of the programming
Director, TV Product Development & Strategy   2191BR
NBC Universal
Burbank CA

prepares schedules for management reporting
Senior Accountant
Dreamworks Animation
Glendale CA

responsible for regulatory, franchising, and public policy matters for assigned geographic area
State Director, Government Affairs
Sacramento CA
http://www.comcast-jobs.com /

help develop and manage the networks strategic marketing and promotions in support of the company’s business plan
NFL Network Vice President
Culver City CA

prepare schedules/reports for the monthly close packages (budget/forecast/actuals), including P&L, cash flow, EBIT analysis, Flash, and account reconciliations
Sr. Financial Analyst, SPDP Finance   205268-033
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Culver City CA

work within a small PR team supporting Sony Pictures Digital Productions businesses, which include Sony Pictures Animation, Sony Pictures Imageworks and Imageworks Interactive
Director, Public Relations & Communications   205144-033
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Culver City CA

develop code using Objective-C with the iOS framework and Java with the Android framework to run on iPhone/iPad and Android devices respectively
Mobile Developer   00547
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Culver City CA

ensure that all contracts are accurate and completed in a timely manner; serve as the primary liaison between SPT Networks and third party distributors, as well as with the Networks’ global servicing and finance groups and with the Corporate Legal group
Executive Director, Business Affairs   205199-033
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Culver City CA

lead and build a professional and operational web and software development organization
Director / Senior Director, Engineering
San Francisco CA

lead the full product lifecycle for Current.com and related digital products, including concept, specification, design, launch and maintenance phases
Director / Senior Director, Product Management
San Francisco CA

responsible for the successful delivery of large-scale client engagements and/or multiple smaller engagements for a single client
Senior Project Manager
San Francisco CA

financial Reporting for all CBSi Mobile Partners
Business Analyst   8393BR
CBS Corporation
San Francisco CA

sell bundled telephony, data and video products to existing/new commercial business customers based on assigned revenue targets
Account Executive – Cox Business   37815
Cox Careers
San Diego CA


Current TV named journalist/news executive David Bohrman as President.  David will work in tandem with the network’s co-founders, former US Vice President and Chairman Al Gore and CEO Joel Hyatt.  David for the last ten years has served as SVP/Programming at CNN and also the network’s Washington, D.C. bureau chief, and in May 2011 he was named CNN’s SVP/Chief Innovation Officer Worldwide.  For Current TV, David will be based jointly in New York and San Francisco to supervise programming, production, broadcast operations, digital and technology.  Additionally, David will work closely with the network’s Chief News Officer, Keith Olbermann. 

Effective immediately, Media Ventures Group tapped David L. Cohen as VP/Digital Strategy and Business Development.  In his new role, David will head the company’s digital strategy activities while reporting to Founder/CEO Richard Yaffa. 

Independent public television station, KCET, serving Southern and Central California hired Stuart Zuckerman and Phil Kirk for its corporate sponsorship team based in New York City.  Stuart will mostly seek national corporate sponsors for the BBC World News program as well as the web/television project, The Time to Care launching nationally in 2012.  Phil will work on securing KCET sponsorships by targeting advertisers in the New York marketplace. 

Roy Eventov joined Gravity as Creative Director for its Digital Group.  Roy will offer the company’s digital clients creative and innovative direction.  Previously, Roy worked for MRM Worldwide. 

Discovery Communications named three executives within its Human Resources department: 

  • John Paul (JP) Cardew becomes Director/Talent Management for Discovery Networks International.  JP is based in London and reports to Tyler Benjamin, VP/Global Talent Management.
  • Liz Speer appointed to Director/Recruitment where she will manage all US-based full-time recruitment related efforts. Liz is based at the company’s world headquarters in Silver Spring and reports to Tyler Benjamin.
  • Stephanie Leonard takes on the role as Director/Flexible Staffing to head the Flexible Staffing Group which was started in 2009 to manage all US-based contingent workforce efforts.  Stephanie, too, is based at Silver Spring and reports to Tyler Benjamin. 

Portland, ME-based VIA Agency hired Stephen Davis as Copywriter and Jill Hurd as Traffic/Resource Manager.  Both previously worked for other companies in Portland, ME: Stephen joins from Kemp Goldberg and Jill most recently worked for Swardlick Marketing.

Danny Lipford Media added two executives:

  • Gil Johnson as Director/Marketing and Public Relations to head all facets of marketing and public relations for the nationally syndicated TV show Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford, the nationally syndicated radio show Homefront with Danny Lipford, dannylipford.com, 3 Echoes Productions and Lipford Construction. 
  • Jack Christiansen as Western Advertising Manager to generate advertising sales for the nationally syndicated TV show Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford, the nationally syndicated radio show Homefront with Danny Lipford, dannylipford.com and 3 Echoes Productions.  Jack is based in Glenview, IL.

E! Entertainment Television elevated Cyndi McClellan to President/Network Strategy and E! News where she will add management of E! News to her scope of duties which includes news information programs such as True Hollywood Story in addition to strategic planning, research, acquisitions and scheduling.  E! also expands John Najarian’s present role as EVP/GM of Digital and Business Development to include strategy and management of the network’s website E! Online adding this to current duties where he manages E!’s mobile, broadband and VOD businesses as well as business development.  Cyndi and John both report to Suzanne Kolb, E! Entertainment President.  In addition, Bruce Perlmutter will continue as SVP/News and Online for E!, reporting to Cyndi McClellan and John Najarian.  

Bill Richards promoted to Coordinating Producer of FOX NFL Sunday with FOX Sports Media Group (FSMG).  Bill will also be involved with FOX Sports’ NFL-themed studio programming as well as The OT postgame show.  Bill succeeds Scott Ackerson in this role who was also promoted to EVP and Executive Producer in charge of all studio programming for FSMG.   Furthermore, Doug Sellars was upped to EVP/Production and Executive Producer with FSMG.  Scott and Doug report to Randy Freer and Eric Shanks, Co-Presidents/COOs of FSMG. 

Chris Moseley appointed to SVP/Product Management and Brand Oversight  Rockettes with MSG Entertainment (MSGE).  Chris will supervise the brand strategy, development and oversight of the Radio City Rockettes.  Previously, Chris was SVP/Marketing for History Channel.

Golf Channel tapped Jay Madara as CFO to be in charge of the overall financial oversight and direction for the network which is part of the NBC Sports Group.  Jay’s scope will include forecasting, annual budget, long-term planning, new business development, financial reporting and accounting in addition to administrative and facilities management.  Jay will report to Mike McCarley, President of Golf Channel.  Jay previously worked for Comcast Corp. as VP/Business Intelligence at Comcast Cable.

Univision Communications Inc. named Victoria Vitarelli as VP/Marketing, Univision Deportes and Sharon van Zwieten to the newly-created role as Senior Executive Producer/News, Univision Deportes.  Based in New York, Victoria will manage all strategic marketing and brand increasing initiatives for the company’s sports properties across all media platforms.  Based in Miami, Sharon will supervise the company’s sports news programming.

Heather Symmes rejoins GMC as Director/Affiliate Marketing.  In the past, Heather had worked at GMC as Director/Affiliate Marketing, Western Region from 2006-2007.  Since then, she worked for Turner Broadcasting where she most recently was Director/Marketing and Network Operations.  Back at GMC and in her new position, Heather will increase and create affiliate relationships using marketing efforts, promotions and events. 

Andrew Sarnow takes on the new role as VP/Digital Integrated Marketing with MTV Networks Entertainment Group.  Andrew will head the digital integrated marketing team comprised of Comedy Central, Spike TV and TV Land and their companion websites and the company’s digital assets Atom.com and GameTrailers.com. 

Paul Scutari hired as VP/Regional Sales Manager for Fox Stations Sales in Dallas.  Paul has held past sales executive positions in New York and Dallas and most recently was the VP/Sales for KXTX-TV, Dallas’ Telemundo station.

Beginning September 6, Sarah Smith takes over as President/GM of KMBC-TV and KCWE-TV, the ABC and CW affiliates respectively owned by Hearst Television, Inc. in the Kansas City market.  Sarah succeeds Wayne Godsey who announced in June his retirement after serving as President/GM of KMBC/KCWE since 1999 and four decades in broadcasting.  Sarah relocates to Kansas City from Omaha where she was President/GM of KETV, the Hearst owned ABC affiliate.

Later — John
 John Cox for Cynopsis: Classified Advantage
[email protected]

Cynopsis Ad Sales:
Mike Farina – VP/Business Development & Sales – 203-218-6480 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-381-9096 / [email protected]

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