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Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good morning, it’s Tuesday, April 7, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.
In a move clearly aimed at threatening aggregation services like Google, the Associated Press announced a new strategy to take legal action against online outlets that use its articles without permission. “We can no longer stand by and watch others walk off with our work under misguided legal theories,” AP Chairman Dean Singleton said at the AP annual meeting in San Diego. As part of the initiative, the AP will develop a system to track content distributed online to determine if it is being legally used. New search pages will also point users to sources of breaking news that pay the AP’s license fees. The AP, under pressure to reinvent itself as its print clients face unprecedented revenue shortfalls, also announced commitment adjustments and further rate reductions of $35 million for 2009 – on top of the $20-$30 million in reductions granted last year.
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Adding to its library of instantly streamable content as promised, Netflix extended an agreement with MTV Networks to license more than 300 episodes of Nickelodeon shows for streaming – including Dora the Explorer, iCarly and SpongeBob SquarePants. The deal also includes an agreement with MTVN and Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s South Park Digital Studios to make the first 9 seasons of South Park available on the subscription service.
Following a deal to license short form content from Disney, YouTube is in talks to acquire licensing rights to full-length content from Sony Pictures according to CNET.
Traditional media companies continue to walk away from their web video “experiments.” Male-targeted online video network Break Media acquired HBOlab per NewTeeVee, HBO’s digital media studio created to incubate original web series such as the 10-part Hooking Up show starring LG15’s Jessica Rose.
Glam Media announced that it has received a $10 million round of investment from Japan’s Mizuho Venture Capital, a subsidiary of Mizuho Bank. Glam launched a Japanese subsidiary 5 months ago led by former DoubleClick Japan CEO Yukihiro Yamamura – Glam Media Japan KKK. The funding will be used to continue expansion in the US, Japan and Germany.
Web TV Network KoldCast TV signed a deal with Emerging Artist Productions to distribute a 13-episode theatrical themed web series EXIT Stage Left, about an off-Broadway theatre troupe staging a new play. The web series is produced in high-definition by creator Sinohui Hinojosa with a cast of Bay Area actors and crew members.
If you have a fondness for pull-quotes check out JPZenger.com, a news site that aggregates daily quotes related to politics, business, international, sports and entertainment.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
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Video ad network YuMe has partnered with Mindshare to come up with a new metric to measure the success of online video ad campaigns in terms traditional advertisers can understand. The iGRP formula takes into account reach and frequency based on network sites’ web metrics. Mindshare clients such as Unilever and Ford will begin to use YuMe’s iGRP metric to buy video ads on a gross-ratings point (GRP) basis the way they would TV spots. YuMe recently published a white paper detailing how the metric is calculated.
YuMe also announced a new integration with Cambridge, MA.-based video search optimization firm EveryZing to allow EveryZing customers to manage their own in-stream ad campaigns using YuMe’s automated Adaptive Campaign Engine.
The Consumer Watchdog group joined the opposition around a proposed settlement from Google that would give the search giant virtually exclusive rights to publish books online which have been abandoned by their publishers. The works include huge collections of out-of-print literature and scholarship Google has been busy scanning and digitizing. The settlement is the result of a class action suit brought against Google by The Authors Guild and The Association of American Publishers. Members of the class action have until May 5 to file objections. A federal judge is expected to review the case in June.
Time Warner is seeking permission to adjust covenants that restrict it from transferring AOL properties and assets to third parties. The move signals that an AOL spinoff may finally be underway, according to the WSJ.
Hallmark Channel and USC’s Entertainment Technology Center will partner on a national pilot research study to examine the impact of life stages on emerging media usage. The study will be shepherded by David Wertheimer, CEO and Executive Director of the Entertainment Technology Center at USC and Jess Aguirre, Senior Vice President of Research for Hallmark Channel. E-Poll Market Research has been retained to execute the study, provide analysis, and will consult on the larger impact of the findings.
Cox Communications announced plans to begin launching a multi-room DVR set top later this year, enabling viewers access recorded shows from any room in the house. Cable MSO’s have fallen behind telcos such as Verizon and AT&T in the race to offer this feature.
Where in the world was I when I shot this? If you find yourself asking that question when replaying camcorder footage, a new Sony Handycam unit aimed at the “savvy traveler” might interest you. The compact HDR-TG5V, due out in May for a recommended price of $1,000, will come equipped with GPS capabilities and mapping software allowing tagging and geographic sorting of stored footage.
Just in time for the playoffs, Turner Sports’ NBA Digital launched the NBA Game Time mobile app on the Android Market for the T-Mobile G1. The free app offers live game scores, stats and schedules. NBA Playoff brackets will also be featured through a free upgrade just before the start of the postseason.
Peter Bart is shifting roles at Variety after almost 20 years as the trade paper’s Editor-in-Chief. Peter’s new title will be VP and Editorial Director, effective immediately. Tim Gray will take over day-to-day responsibilities of the news operation, reporting to Variety President Neil Stiles.
Denise Garcia has joined Next New Networks as SVP of Sales. Denise will oversee sales, advertising solutions and ad operations teams at NNN while advancing its integrated advertising offerings.
Kristin Stevens will join Discovery Communication’s media consultancy International Media & Entertainment Partners, LLC as a Digital Media & Marketing and Branding expert. She has held key roles at Discovery Networks International, AOL and MTV International.
Brandissimo! EVP and General Manager Andy Babb was upped to President of the kid targeted online casual gaming company. VP Josh Fisher was also promoted to Executive Producer and SVP/Content.
Former Wall Street Journal Publisher Gordon Crovitz has joined the advisory board of New York-based online semantic advertising firm Peer39.
Alam Mahbub has returned to Effective Media Services as Manager, Applications Development after working at the agency from 2001 to 2006.
After a featuring a somber ad campaign featuring direct testimonials from well-compensated CEO Dan Hesse, challenged wireless provider Sprint went into a different direction yesterday with a cool new pitch from S.F.-based Goodby Silverstein & Partners emphasizing the breath, value and “nowness” of the community-oriented Sprint Now Network. (Sprint’s new push-to-talk or IM “Q-chat” feature is being held out as an example of its newfound hipness.) A new website tracks a wide variety of activities happening across the globe, from the number of planes currently in the air to the number of emails being sent now. Reminiscent of a Buddhist teacher whacking his students across the hand to remind them to stay in the present, the site also includes some cool interactive features: the internet buzz now meter allows you to type in two words to compare which is currently generating more online activity. All the while a “Hal” like voice drones on with factoids and non-sequiturs such as “Please keep your hands inside the moment at all times.” There’s even an embeddable widget to keep you up with what’s happening directly from your homepage.
Correction: Nat Geo’s Earth Day site can actually be found here (yesterday’s item linked to NGC’s Earth The Biography site.)
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital
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