Cynopsis: DIGITAL
Good Morning, it’s Thursday, May 10, 2007 and this is your first early morning digital briefing, coming to you from the Cable Show 2007 in Las Vegas.
Bill Gates announced he will devote the rest of his time with Microsoft focusing on developing online advertising services, setting a retirement date of mid-2008. Microsoft has been losing ground in search engine marketing in recent weeks, plunging to an 8.46% market share last month compared to over 12.5% a year ago, according to Hitwise. He predicted a “dramatic shift” to digital media in the near future, precipitated by the roll out of IPTV services that offer infinite choice and interactivity. The company announced:
- Deals with Volvo and Chivas Regal to sponsor the comedy Driving School and travel/adventure program This is the Life on, produced by Reveille (The Office, Ugly Betty).
- The purchase of a minority stake in job site, joining newspaper/television parents Gannett, Tribune and McClatchy. MSN will invest up to $443 million over the next 7 years.
Disney Online announced a new version of Disney Connection, offered through select ISPs. The new version, which will continue to offer full-length, ad-free episodes of TV shows from Disney Channel, Toon Disney and Playhouse Disney, will add exclusive single and multi-player games and access to premium subscription services Playhouse Disney Preschool Time Online and Disney Game Kingdom Online for select affiliates. Disney also launched Disney Mix Central, an online music store for kids initially offering about 1,500 songs and 19 music videos from the Disney catalog.
CNN Headline News will premiere News To Me on Saturday, May 19 at 12:30 pm ET, the first cable news program comprised of user generated video. The show will rely on submissions from’s I-Reports feature, which accepts user generated content from a variety of digital devices. Host/producer Eric Landford will interview those who submitted the material on air. To submit stories go to or email them to [email protected].
CNBC is integrating its blog content on air. CNBC news analysts such as Julia Boorstin (“Media Money”) Diana Olick “Reality Check” and Darren Rovell (“Sports Biz”) will share commentary from their blogs. The “ Blog Watch” segment appears daily during Morning Call, the 10 am – 12 noon ET morning show co-anchored by Liz Claman.
World Digital Media Group launched the Your Music Channel Television site, an IP-based music-themed video on demand service. Shows include City Sessions, featuring live sessions showcasing indie bands and artists; Fast Focus, containing interviews of famous performers and YMC Concerts. Bands can also submit their own audio and video clips to the site. WDMG is owned by Radio Shack, EchoStar and CC Entertainment.
Hearst-Argyle’s WMUR-TV is teaming with blogging community to host a political blogging competition. Fifteen local bloggers will be selected between May 8 and May 27 to cover the June 3 and June 5 debates in New Hampshire for will launch an interactive broadband cooking series on May 28. Ellie Krieger’s Healthy Recipes will debut four new recipes each week with printable directions and nutrition information.
Ebay is in talks to acquire for a reported $75 million, a site that helps connect users with websites they might be interested in. The Calgary-based site, which has over 2.3 million registered “stumblers” to date, recommends gaming, animation, art, humor, music and tech sites and provides guidance to visitors of Flickr, MySpace, Wikipedia and YouTube on the quality of pages within these portals.
Video/social networking site VMIX partnered with DirecTV to distribute user-generated comedy show The Fizz on linear DirecTV channel 101. The show relies on mash-ups, animation and amateur video clips submitted to VMIX was founded by executives from, Universal Music Group, Fox Studios and Apple.
Video on demand provider TVN Entertainment announced VOD Complete, an end-to-end VOD content and technology solution for smaller cable operators. The package offers access to over 8,000 hours of content, promotional support, web-based interactive asset management tools and customization features.
Anheuser-Busch is in it for the long haul with, despite disappointing early traffic and usage numbers, according to Tony Ponturo, VP/Global Media & Sports/Entertainment Marketing for the brewer. He admitted the company may have rushed too fast to bring the site to market before the user interface and community-building interactive features were perfected. “Patience is going to be our mantra going forward,” he said.
Prime time viewership for the four top broadcast networks was down to 37.6 million for the six weeks following the start of Daylight Savings Time in early March, according to Nielsen, a drop of more than 2.5 million viewers from a year ago. The number includes DVR viewing, now in 17% of US TV homes, but only if the program was watched during the first 24 hours of when it aired.
Andrea Kerr Redniss was named SVP/Managing Director of Optimedia U.S., responsible for the agency’s digital and national broadcast integration unit NewCast. Andrea will partner with Larry Novenstern, EVP/Managing Director, who oversees national broadcast and report to Antony Young, President of the Publicis Groupe company. is a comical newscast for cubicle dwellers (think Jon Stewart meets Office Space). Each short video offers tips and observations critical to surviving the cube dweller existence…like dealing with Chair Butt Syndrome. There are 27 episodes to date. The show has its own channel on YouTube and can also be seen on, and
Thanks to: Kim at CubeNews
A new website will be featured here everyday for you to check out. Some are TV-centric, some creative, some just plain strange. Email me your suggestions at [email protected] and if I include the site you mention, your name, company and city will be credited. Only one mention per calendar week, to make it fair.
Corrections: Bob McPhee, the new EVP/Ad Sales for Kabillion, reports to Bill Schultz, CEO. Also Elvis Costello will perform songs from his latest two albums on Monday’s’s webcast.
Later — Wayne
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digitals
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JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH & PLANNING/MTVN/NYC: Strong background in quantitative research & Nielsen data. Knowledge of cable industry, 10 yrs exp in research/media, strong analytical skills. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (5/17)
JOB OPENING: HOT SR PRODUCER/COURT TV/NYC: 5 yrs exp w/ a major ntwrk. Need creative leadership skills. Mng team, animators and outside agencies. Must thrive in fast paced, ratings driven enviro. Resumes: [email protected] (5/17)
JOB OPENING: ACCT EXECUTIVE (DC): News Channel 8 seeks a candidate motivated in developing New Biz. w/ strong presentation & negotiation skills. Min. of 2-3yrs media sales, TV, cable and/or newspaper exp. Apply to [email protected] EOE (5/17)
JOB OPENING: PR DIRECTOR/BBCWWA/LA: Promot awrns of BBCWWA bus, excelnt media contacts, tlnt mngmnt, knowledge of crew unions, event planning, 6+ yrs media exp. RE: Cvr ltr & res [email protected]. EOE (5/17)
JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST/BBCWWA/NY: Plan, manage, implement publicity campaigns for BBC Worldwide businesses across the US. 2+ yrs exp in PR/television RE: Cvr ltr & res [email protected] . EOE (5/17)
JOB OPENING: COMMUNICATIONS COORD/BBCWWA/NY: Distribute daily press summ, maintain press archive, liaison-consumer relations, coord travel & events. Media exp+ fast learner, adaptable RE: Cvr ltr & res [email protected] . EOE (5/17)
JOB OPENING: MEDIA COORD/BBCWWA/NY: Mng media imgs & assets, ovrsee press kit/dvd prod, coord mailings, fulfil media reqsts, maintn wbsite, org events. Media exp+ strng org & wrtng. RE: Cvr ltr & res [email protected] . EOE (5/17)
JOB OPENING: REGIONAL DIRECTOR AFFILIATE SALES/Scripps Networks/Knoxville TN: Responsible for the SE Region, seek 5 yrs affiliate sales experience and experience managing a team. To Apply: (5/16)
JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Generate network ad sales revenue. Maintain internal and external relationships for Radio Disney. 2-5 years media/ad sales experience required. Apply: Req ID: 71308 (5/16)
JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/AMC/WE tv/LA: Assist AE w/daily sales/service of clients. Hvy phone vol. Book orders, create flow charts, allocate prod’s. Good org/interpers’l/com skills.BA req’d. rez to ref #3136BR (5/16)
JOB OPENING: DIR, DEVELOPMENT & ACQUISITIONS/NAT GEO CHANNEL/Washington, DC: Create, develop, evaluate, & reco programming; supervise acquisition efforts; 7+ yrs program develop; non-fiction preferred, apply at (5/16)
JOB OPENING: OFFICE MGR/NAMIC, NYC: Operations, project mgmt, web support to diversity org. 3-5 yrs experience required. For full description and to apply: (5/16)
JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION & PROMOTIONS MGR/WALT DISNEY INTERNET GROUP/LA: Provide support for all ad-supported products in Disney Online’s Premium Content team. Apply at: and search on JOB ID#: 73173 (5/16)
JOB OPENING: VP/DIRECTOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS/LICENSING SALES/4 Kids Ent/NY: 8+yrs mngmnt in New Biz/Sales/Marketing/Consumer with toy/game/gift and kids marketplace exp with ages 8-14. Res to: [email protected] ( 5/15)
JOB OPENING: ENTRY LEVEL JOB-ASST MEDIA BUYER/ABACUS MEDIA/SANTA MONICA. Learn media business. BA degree, PC prof, Good phone skills, Detail oriented, Web knowledge a plus. E-mail resume: [email protected] (5/15)
JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR/LIME/NYC: Handle branding/mktg/promo campaigns, events & outreach. 3yrs+ online/multi-platform exp. Strong writing/org. skills + interest in category a must. Flexible, team player is key. Apply: [email protected] (5/15)
JOB OPENING: SUPERVISOR, ONLINE MKTG/iN DEMAND/NYC: Manage and update all product websites. Contact for vendors, agencies etc. 4 yr degree + 3 yrs web mktg exp in TV/entertainment. Resume to: [email protected] EOE(5/15)
JOB OPENING: MARKETING MANAGER/iN DEMAND Networks, NYC: Develop marketing plans. Implement media planning and ad efforts. Min 5 yrs broadcast, cable, studio or agency. No relo. Apply at [email protected]. EOE. (5/15)
JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR DIGITAL MEDIA/IN DEMAND/NYC: Develop/launch new prgrmng concepts & mng on-line prgrmng initiatives. Must have BA, 3-5 yrs media exp & digital media platforms exp. Apply at [email protected]. No relo. (5/15)
JOB OPENING: MGR INTERNATIONAL LICENSEE COMPLIANCE/Nickelodeon NY: 35 yrs experience in licensing and royalty operations, customer relations; bilingual Spanish; strong Excel; B.A./B.S. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (5/15)
JOB OPENING: AE, NEW MEDIA/Discovery/NY: Sell interactive ad solutions. Strong sales skills, able to position DCI’s interactive suite vs on-line/on-air. 5 yrs sales exp, min 2 years internet sales. Apply: (#4715) (5/15)
JOB OPENING: VP, PROG. & SCHEDULING//Discovery/MD: Oversee scheduling/optimize ratings by leveraging prog. inventory and premieres. Develop/research/design long-term prog./scheduling strategy. Apply: (#5225) 5/15)
JOB OPENING: MGR AD OPERATIONS DIGITAL MEDIA /NFL/NYC: Reports to Dir. Pricing & Planning, min5-8 yr of exp in digital media space.Mang. traffic, inventory, &ad campaigns,Proficient in DART. Resumes to: [email protected] (5/12)
JOB OPENING: MGR, INT’L RSCH & MEDIA/Burbank, CA: Exit Survey Coordination, tracking, ad-hoc rsch, data sys integration. 5 yrs exp, CPG exp. Email Resume: [email protected] & MUST ADD “UCTC/79216BR” in subject line (5/12)
JOB OPENING: MULTI-PLATFORM MARKETING MGR/Rainbow Media/NYC: Create online branding/marketing/promo campaigns for On Demand Networks. Manage web content/programming. Min 3 yrs online exp. [email protected] (5/11)
JOB OPENING: SR FINANCE ANALYST/NY: Coord budget/estimate process for NCP Hard Goods, Mktg & Retail. Collect/analyze rev projections from licensing partners on quarterly basis EOE/M/F/D/AAP (5/11)
JOB OPENING: SR. BUYER/Job Share/SPOT TV/Active Int’l Pearl River NY (15 miles from NYC): 3 days-24hours total, 7 yrs+ agency Buying Spot TV exp a must; Resumes to: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 (5/16)
JOB OPENING: SUPERVISOR/SPOT TV GROUP/Pearl River NY(15 miles from NYC): Lead/train Media Buyers and Assistants. 5 yrs+ supervisor Spot TV & 10 yrs+ buying exp a must; Resumes: [email protected] or call 845-732-8943 (5/15)
JOB OPENING: SR. NEGOTIATOR/National Broadcast/Pearl River NY(15 miles NYC: Exp in all areas of Nat’l Brdcst placement. Strong analytical & presentation skills req’d. Resume: [email protected] or call 845 732-8943 (5/15)
SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Sundance Channel/NYC: Seeks summer intern in its PR dept. Great opportunity to learn first-hand about tv publicity & independent film. Must be highly motivated & proactive. Apply: [email protected] (5/16)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: RESEARCH INTERN/Short Hills, NJ: Intern with math and writing skills wanted for the CBS TV Distribution research department. Flexible hours. Applicants should be proficient in Office software. EOE [email protected] (5/16)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Production house needs interns. POST PRODUCTION/GRAPHIC interest with good organizational/computer skills. Chance to learn Avid, Smoke, After Effects. Flexible hours. Credit only.Contact: [email protected] (5/12)
SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Smithsonian Networks ( ) is currently looking For a summer intern for the PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT. If interested please contact [email protected] for more information. (5/11)
SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated/hard working soon to be grad seeking ENTRY LEVEL/PRODUCTION ASST job in NYC. Highly organized, energetic and willing to work hard. Experience in Final Cut/After Effects. Contact [email protected] (5/17)
SITUATION WANTED: ENTRY LEVEL/NYC. Smart/creative college grad. 2 yrs exp. interning in TV programming/research and 2+ yrs as admin asst. Hard worker/quick learner/good attitude would be great dept/exec asst. [email protected] (5/15)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: LA area; Skilled, hard-working, detail-oriented. Willing to work long days with serious productions. Can work full-time June 22-August 5 [email protected] (5/15)
SITUATION WANTED: Cum Laude grad seeking an entry-level position in TALENT & ARTIST RELATIONS in NYC. Excellent interpersonal skills and willingness to work hard to achieve goals. Interned at MTV Summer ’07. [email protected] (5/12)
SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated, enthusiastic college grad with 1+yrs. experience seeking RESEARCH position. Strong communication/analytic skills. Proficient in Nielsen Galaxy/Marketbreaks/NPower/Excel/PP. Contact [email protected]. (5/11)
SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER ASSISTANT/LA: Energetic, hardworking, and reliable assistant with 8yrs studio & production exp. seeks opportunity. Contact: Dermar Moses for resume, (818)406-2731, [email protected] (5/11)
E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.
Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.