Thursday, March 26th, 2009


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Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Thursday, March 26, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing. 

True to form in following Netflix’s moves, Blockbuster signed an integration deal with Tivo to give the DVR provider’s some 800,000 broadband-connected subscribers access to its online rental service, Blockbuster on Demand. (Tivos connected to phone lines cannot access the service.) The new partnership, which will include a joint marketing campaign, also includes a plan to sell Tivo set-tops and subscriptions in Blockbuster’s 4,000+ outlets in the U.S.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

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Digital Rights Group (DRG) signed an agreement with Hulu to become the first British distributor to supply the portal with content. Hulu has secured the rights to stream UK shows including Peep Show, Green Wing and Queer As Folk from DRG”s Channel 4 and Portman catalogues exclusively to U.S. audiences.
The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Interactive Media Peer Group has announced that the deadline for entries for the Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media is April 24with the deadline for video submissions May 12. The awards recognize excellence in both fiction and non-fiction categories, with entries being judged by the ATAS Interactive Media Peer Group. Interactive Media finalists will receive full-fledged nominee status for the first time this year, according to ATAS.
Lifetime Networks completed the launch of the U.S. version of, its recently acquired Korean dress up casual gaming site for women. Roiworld is trading on celebrity culture and fashion; for instance its “Designer Closet” feature enables users to interact with designer gowns. The site, which averaged 1.3 million uniques last month, is already benefitting from Lifetime’s ownership, registering more than 100,000 new members since its debut Feb. 11.


Boston-based new media VC fund Spark Capital (Twitter, Tumblr) introduced a new seed funding program to “spark” new media and web related business in the Boston and New York areas during the downturn. “Start@Spark” will offer up to $250,000 to startups working on all stages of the “media and technology value chain” including content, applications, platforms and infrastructure.
Call for Content: Did you think the White House press corp. could have asked better questions on Tuesday? is actively soliciting citizens video questions about the economy as fodder for an online townhall discussion with President Obama, to be held today at 11:30 am ET. Google is helping to prioritize the Q&A with Google Moderator, an interactive tool that runs on its App Engine that allows users to vote on which questions they’d like to see answered. Over 1 million votes have been cast so far.


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Popular iPhone app i.TV  introduced what it’s calling the world’s first “shakeable” ad. The limited release “Shake-down 2 Get Down” campaign from Dockers features Dufon, from the dance expressionist group Circle of Fire. When the ad pop up, users shake the device to make Dufon dance.
Turner Sports’ is debuting a new custom video series on April 1 sponsored by Armor All. “Off Track with Tony Stewart,” streaming twice a month through July on and Yahoo!, provides behind-the-scenes footage shot on location at Tony’s private property in Indiana. Jim Beam will also host a second season of their broadband series profiling driver Robby Gordon, slated to run online throughout the NASCAR season.
VOD marketing firm ITV Commercial has signed an exclusive advertising deal to sell ads around all viral videos distributed by Diagonal View and U-Zoo online. Diagonal View content is available on numerous platforms globally including MSN, YouTube, MySpace, Yahoo and Bebo, reaching 150 million views during its first year.
The Golf Audience Network, powered by Adify, launched a national broadcasting sponsorship promoting The Masters as well as several national hotel deals. The ad network targets golf-enthusiasts, an audience that skews 79% male with an average household income of $92,673.


Hearst Corp. tendered an offer to buy the third of Hearst-Argyle Television it doesn’t already own for $4/share in cash, representing a 91% premium over the closing price on March 24.
EMI Music
has dropped its lawsuit against online music start-up Project Playlist per AllThingD, instead agreeing to license its music catalog for the service – which integrates with social networking services such as Facebook and MySpace. The deal gives Playlist active deals with two of the four major labels but Universal Music and Warner Music are still suing the company.
Broadcaster-focused content management platform Platformic is introducing a new Embedded Content tool today that enables laypersons to add rich media content to their sites without writing code. Content such as video, photos, audio, ads, blogs, slide shows, polls, archive tools or RSS feeds can be integrated within the body of an article then integrated across multiple web pages. “The new tool will add more flexibility and improve engagement and user experience,” claimed Platform CTO Mark Underhill. “Local stations need to be able to easily add a variety of content to their sites and encourage users to follow a story wherever it goes.”
Webcasting software provider Telestream released a new live video production tool that allows Mac and PC users to create real-time or on-demand video broadcasts that integrate with Mogulus and Ustream, two of the leading live online video service providers. The company’s Wirecast update adds the ability to stream live video using the Adobe Flash Platform, long the dominant video platform on the web.
TV server company Edgeware announced a global partnership with Ericsson to provide the telco firm with network-deployed IPTV and digital services.

~ TRENDS, RESEARCH, ETC.  ~ shared some research surveying users of its online video player NBC Rewind during Q4 of 2008, indicating that viewers are becoming more comfortable with the medium and are beginning to share the experience with others.

  • Ease of finding the player, overall satisfaction and loading time ratings improved among visitors compared to previous quarters
  • Visitors in Q4 2008 were less likely to multi-task while viewing versus Q3 2008
  • over half of Q4 visitors co-viewed an episode at some point, 30% of whom always or usually watch with someone else
  • Q4 visitors were more likely to watch shows on a desktop and to watch in their office/den/living room versus Q3 visitors who showed higher usage of laptops and bedroom viewing

IPTV subscribers more than doubled in North America last year despite the economic downturn fueled by the steady proliferation of affordable broadband, according to new research by Point Topic from Broadband Forum released at the IPTV World Forum yesterday. North America had 3.84 million IPTV subscribers in 2008, up from 1.75 million in 2007. Worldwide IPTV subscriber totals have now reached 21.7 million – an increase of 63% from a year earlier. China overtook the U.S. to become the nation with the largest population of broadband users. The Latin American region led the world in terms of growth
IPTV subscribers per region
Region                      2007 Q4         2008 Q4
Western Europe       7,045,860     10,388,000
North America         1,774,671       3,835,544
South & East Asia    1,840,000       3,615,000
Asia-Pacific             2,199,828       3,082,182
Eastern Europe          465,223          884,466
Latin America                8,991           21,495
Middle East & Africa     10,000           10,000
Global Total          13,344,573     21,836,687
Source: Data provided for the Broadband Forum by Point Topic
Top ten broadband countries
Country             2007 Q4       2008 Q4
China             66,564,400    83,366,000
USA               69,964,758    79,074,123
Japan             28,425,700    30,325,900
Germany        19,897,616    23,425,150
France            15,555,068   17,503,518
UK                 15,728,900    17,392,800
South Korea   14,709,998    15,474,931
Italy              10,860,650    12,170,080
Brazil               7,477,400     9,633,300
Canada            8,658,689     9,386,846
Source: Data provided for the Broadband Forum by Point Topic
Region broadband view and growth
Region                        2008 Q3       2008 Q4       Growth
Western Europe      102,489,320  105,699,114     3.13%
South and East Asia  90,222,776    93,496,395     3.63%
North America           86,185,061   88,460,969     2.64%
Asia-Pacific               61,940,241    63,285,165    2.17%
Latin America            24,191,462    26,018,927    7.55%
Eastern Europe          20,671,116    21,956,239   6.22%
Middle East & Africa   11,419,696     11,962,810   4.76%
Source: Data provided for the Broadband Forum by Point Topic


CBS Interactive’s BNET enhanced its mobile offerings with a new mobile site developed by Quattro Wireless optimized for iPhone and iPod touch users and a new application for BlackBerry smartphones, developed by Handmark, providing one-click access to industry news and headlines.


MySpace Music
hired a trio of new executives to help speed along the venture’s expansion. Former London-based MySpace marketing SVP Jamie Kantrowitz joins as SVP/Strategy and Global Marketing, based in a new office in New York. Alex Maghen will move over from Yahoo Music to become CTO, overseeing technological and platform initiatives. Former Warner/Chappell Music SVP Nancy Taylor was named Lead Counsel, VP/Business & Legal Affairs.
Facebook has tapped ACLU senior attorney Timothy D. Sparapani to serve in the newly created role as Director of Public Policy, per The NYTimes.


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That high-pitched whining sound emitted from Facebook users about the social network’s recent redesign has finally made an impact. Director of Product Chris Cox has outlined a redux of the redesign, intended to give users more control over users’ now instant stream of postings implemented to give the site Twitter-like functionality. New controls will include live updating (without having to refresh the page) as well as additional tools to moderate the flow of app content that friends pump into your stream. The resistance movement waged from a relatively small subset of Facebook users raises some prickly issues for the world’s largest social network, or for any interactive service that serves millions of users for that matter. Change is hard to swallow for some, particularly by loyal users who have grown accustomed to a particular interface through hundreds of hours of time spent. But social networks are living breathing things that must adapt with the times, lest they be replaced. (Remember when Friendster was top dog?) Cable companies will ponder this precise issue next week as they consider just how much they’d like to remake their user experience. On the one hand there’s a whole generation of viewers who are used to a web-like experience. They are the future. On the other is the older demo used to scrolling, linear interfaces. They tend to watch a whole lot more television and also tend to be the ones who write the largest checks every month.

Later — Wayne
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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