Thursday, January 24th, 2008




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Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Thursday, January 24, 2008, and this is your first early morning briefing.

ReelTime Rentals, inc., the broadband video rental service, has entered into a deal with Sony Pictures Television under which Sony will provide a range of feature films to ReelTime.  The list of movies that will join ReelTime’s roster is comprised of titles across genres and new releases, including youth oriented Surf’s Up and Spider-Man 3.

Starz Entertainment has inked extensions of its deals with studios to offer first run content, which includes content for kids/teens/family, from Sony Pictures and The Walt Disney Studios, as well as with Sony Pictures Television and Disney-ABC Domestic Television, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, MGM Worldwide Television Group and Universal Pictures, providing rights to 1,200+ movie titles and TV series.  Under the extensions Starz Entertainment can offer the content on multiple distribution platforms, including its 16 linear channels, HD, Starz On Demand, Starz Play and Vongo, the broadband video download service.   The terms of the deal were not disclosed.


Animania HD acquires three new kid-targeted animated titles from Monster Distributes:

  • Lifeboat Luke (52×5), a preschool adventures series from Ireland, the series follows Lifeboat Luke and his pals (animals, boats, kids) in a seaside town.  Commissioned by RTE, the series is produced by LTL Productions.
  • Jungle Beat (season 2, 13×5) is a non-verbal CGI animated series from Africa.  Produced by Sunrise Productions, the series features a cast of animals in bizarre situations.
  • Anna and the Moods (1×30), the Icelandic special about a girl who wakes to find she has become a teenager, features the voices of Bjork, Damon Albarn, and Terry Jones.  The special is produced by Hilmar Sigurdsson and Arnar Thorisson of CAOZ.

The newly formed Studio 100 Media NV & Co. KG, a unit of Studio 100 (Belgium) has acquired the distribution rights to the preschool animated series Balloontoons (52×13) (Russian title Smeshariki) from Germany’s FunGameMedia.  Under the deal, Studio 100 Media NV & Co. holds broadcasting rights, including VOD, databank and home video rights extending around the world, excluding the UK, US, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, 12 GUS countries, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Serbia & Montenegro.

Turner Broadcasting is re-launching the websites for its UK Boomerang and Cartoonito channels.  Both interactive sites have new looks, with increased connection with on-air programming as well as unique content.  The cartoonito website recently re-launched and features six animated characters, each representing a different area of the site.  Slated to bow next month, boomerangtv will feature live-action programming, like the network, and will allow users to customize their homepage, view videos, as well featuring competitions, a news letter, polling and the like.

Taffy Entertainment has inked new broadcast and cable deals in Spain and Portugal for a number of titles: Canal Panda (Portugal) picks up rights to Dive Olly Dive! (52×11), The Fantastic Four (26×26), SamSam (52×7), Code Lyoko (97×26), Mix Master (39×22), Lamimila (65×7) and Cosmic Quantum Ray (26×22).  CLAN TV and TVE (Spain) have also acquired Mix Master and Growing Up Creepie (52×11),  both of which also air on Nickelodeon Spain.  Cartoon Network Spain has purchased the third and fourth seasons of Code Lyoko, as well as SamSam and Casper.  Additionally, Canal Sur (Spain) takes Growing up Creepie.

Decode Enterprises has acquired the worldwide TV distribution rights to The Adrenaline Project, from marblemedia.  Its first factual entertainment program, The Adrenaline Project currently airs on YTV (Canada) and 4Kids TV on Fox (US).

A second season of Roary the Racing Car (52×10), a stop-motion animated preschool series, has been ordered by UK broadcasters Five, for its Milkshake block, and Nick Jr., according to Broadcasting.  Under the deal, Five continues to take terrestrial and digital multi-platform rights to the series for the mornings, with Nick Jr. holding digital rights for afternoons.  Produced by Chapman Entertainment and Target Entertainment, the new season of Roary, bringing the total episodes to 104×10, is slated to air in 2009.

Nickelodeon and Nick at Nite honor Black History Month with relevant themed programming this February.  Nickelodeon will air four pertinent themed specials each Sunday night at 9p throughout the month, each will be introduced by TEENick stars who will also offer their thoughts on the topic.  Nick at Nite has scheduled two black history-themed episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Sunday, February 3, 9:30-10:30p.

PBS Kids Go! celebrates Presidents’ Day, February 18, 2008, with a 2-hour block of civics and government themed episodes of Arthur, Cyberchase, Maya and Miguel, and a new episode of Worldgirl.  The episodes will give kids a look at what it takes for to run their class, local and cyberspace government. (check local listings for times).  Additionally, will take kids in a voting booth, on a fictitious campaign trail, and let them be President for a day.

Season two of the preschool series Johnny and the Sprites in Canada on Playhouse Disney on February 10 at 10a.


Random House Children’s Books in the UK launches the first book titles based on the preschool series Hana’s Helpline, which airs there on Five’s Milkshake! programming block.  This month also marks the debut of the publisher’s tie-in books for the Milkshake! brand, which includes two activity titles to being and more books to follow later this year.  Additionally, Random House has also published interactive books based on the series Pocoyo, which recently joined the Milkshake! lineup.  Calon, a Welsh animation studio, created Hana’s Helpline.

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and have teamed to promote WWE’s Royal Rumble on the teen-targeted website.  While the actual Royal Rumble takes place January 27, live on PPV, the Habbo Royal Rumble began this week, as Habbo members vote for the top 30 WWE wrestlers they think will make it into the big event this weekend. Millions of US LLC, a specialist in virtual world and online communities, is managing the campaign.

Apple & Eve, an independently owned juice company, expands its Sesame Street line of juice boxes with the launch of Sesame Street Organics 100% Fruit Juice Boxes.  The new organics line features three flavors, Big Bird’s Apple, Elmo’s Punch and Ernie’s Berry.

4Kids Entertainment enters into a promotion with Subway for franchise, Artlist Collection: The Dog, the exaggerated puppy photo franchise.  One of a selection of four different The Dog premiums will be available with each Subway Fresh Fit Kids Meal now through February 10, 2008.


Adina Pitt has been appointed VP/Content Acquisitions and Co-Productions, Cartoon Network and Boomerang.  Pitt, who is based in NYC, reports to Robert Sorcher, Chief Content Officer.  Pitt is responsible for acquiring series, specials, movies and short-form content for both networks, as well as continuing to oversee those acquired shows throughout their life at the networks.  Additionally, she also serves as a liaison with the international Cartoon Networks and Boomerang channels, coordinating global acquisitions deals, and will represent the US channels at the all programming markets.  Pitt was most recently VP/Acquisitions, Nickelodeon and MTVN Kids and Family Group.  Cheers Adina!

Joanna Lisanti is named VP/Marketing, qubo, TV and online service.  Lisanti, who reports to Kerry Hughes, SVP/Sales, is responsible for ad sales, affiliate and consumer marketing.  For the last year Lisanti has managed qubo’s marketing efforts as a consultant.  Previously, she served as a Producer for C2 Creative, and has also toiled for Nickelodeon, Nick at Nite, VH1 and Viacom corporate.


Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K2-11 (000) 1/14-1/20/08 :
Total Day     (000)   Primetime     (000)
NICK°:           1159    DSNY*:           1314
DSNY*:            860    CARTOON:        681
CARTOON:        566    NAN**:            504
NAN**:            308    NOGGIN:          152
NOGGIN:          190    TOON DIS:       142
ADSM**:          189    NICKTOONS:    106
TOON DIS.:      125    DISCOVERY:       90
DISCOVERY:       55    MTV:                  62
NICKTOONS:      54    BET:                   61
MTV:                  50    TLC:                   58
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K6-11 (000) 1/14-1/20/08 :
Total Day      (000)   Primetime    (000)
NICK°:             610    DSNY*:          1044
DSNY*:            583    CARTOON:        441
CARTOON:        345    NAN**:            399
NAN**:            237    TOON DIS:         76
ADSM**:          138    DISCOVERY:       69
TOON DIS.:        67    NICKTOONS:      66
DISCOVERY:       41    BET:                  41
NICKTOONS:       37    MTV:                 37
NOGGIN:            34    THE N:               30
MTV:                  34    ESPN:                28
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Weekly Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among Tweens 9-14 (000) 1/14-1/20/08 :
Total Day    (000)   Primetime     (000)
DSNY*:          460     DSNY*:            834
NICK°:           422     NAN**:            426
CARTOON:      236     CARTOON:       325
NAN**:          310     DISCOVERY:     109
ADSM**:        157     MTV:                108
MTV:                83     COMEDY:           93
DISCOVERY:     66     THE N:               56
COMEDY:          44     BET:                  65
TOON DIS:        40     TLC:                  45
THE N:              39     NICKTOONS:      44
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: On the Brady Bunch what was there a statue of next to the bottom of the stairs in the Brady house?  A HORSE   Kudos to:  Mark Serrano-MTV Networks International/NY; Russ CamletNBC Universal News Networks/NY; Cassel Kroll-The Lexicomm Group/NY; Kelly-Ann Fentress-Nickelodeon Preschool Television/NY; Kevin Schmidt-National Cable Communications/Chicago;Tom Boyd-WGN/Chicago; Susie Mains-Trilogy Talent/LA; Pat Brady-Cunningham*Escott*Slevin*Doherty/LA

Today’s Trivia Question: What was the name of Ed Sullivan’s little mouse puppet friend? ( Click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Gwen
Gwen Billings for Cynopsis: Kids!

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JOB OPENING:  PROD DEV COORD/AMC/NYC: Stellar Dev Coord needed to support VP of Original Programming & Development & dept. Solid admin w/superior org skills a must. Ent exp preferred. res to ref #4898BR (1/31)

JOB OPENING: TRAFFIC/CLEARANCE & MEDIA PLNER/ASST TO CEO/PRES MEDIA BUYING/PLAN’G AGENCY: Media Knwldg a must.Excel/PP skills pref’d. TRAFFIC/CLEARANCE will handle all client comm clearances & trafficking.  [email protected] (1/31)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF SALES ADMIN/CBS TV DIST/NY: Mng ad sales admin w/ staff of 4 from order thru reconciliation. Finc’l background w/strong Excel, mngrl, & analytical skills pref’d  5+ yrs exp. Res/salary req: [email protected] (1/30)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR MARKETING/TNS MEDIA INTELLIGENCE/NYC: 7+ yrs marketing exp in Media, Adv, or Research Industry. Must have management, hands on exp in all areas of marketing & industry knowledge. Click Here to apply (1/30)

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JOB OPENING: AP/VOOM HD Networks: Creative, organized, w/ production exp & ability to handle demanding workload. Research/develop original/assigned stories w/ producers.  Editing/shooting exp a +. req 5156BR. (1/30)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/Discovery Nets-NY: Min 2 yrs research exp. and proficiency in Nielsen systems required. Strong analytical/communication/computer/presentation skills. Apply: . Job #7298  (1/30)

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JOB OPENING: ASSOC.PROD. & FIELD PROD/The Oprah Winfrey Show/Chicago:Must be Prod. level or higher (Sr.,Sup.,etc)at a Network/National show.Talk Show b.g. pref.See full posting & apply @ (1/30)

JOB OPENING: ACCT. EXEC, SALES OF Q SCORES SRVCS/Marketing Evaluations/LI,NY:Exc comm skills w/strong media/mktg contacts bdcst/cable/agencies/buyers. Min.5+ yrs exp. media/mkt.res. sales. Res/sal req: henry. (1/30)

JOB OPENING: SALES TRAINING PROGRAM CANDIDATES/TELEREP: Send confidential resume w/ cover letter stating qualifications to be top seller at #1 rep in nat’l spot TV to [email protected]  Train & stay in NY or optional relo  (1/30)
JOB OPENING: SALES PLNR/DIRECTV/NY: This position supports our AD Sales Group with their sales efforts and manages accounts on a day-to-day basis. For immediate consideration, please send resume to: [email protected] (1/29)

JOB OPENING: SPORTS SLS COORD /Univision/NY: Highly motivated. srvcng agencies/clients daily basis. Det oriented/time mgment/comm/PC/math skills. Prepare flowcharts/presentations. Soccer knwldg a +, EOE. Res: [email protected]  (1/29)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, BUSINESS OPERATIONS & STRATEGY/MTV Tr3s/NYC: 5+yrs Strategy/Biz Dev exp, Strg Excel/ PowerPoint skills, Bachelor’s degree a must, MBA strongly preferred. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (1/29)

JOB OPENING: MKTG MGR (MTV TR3), MTV NTWKS NYC: Integ.Mktg, Local Ad Sales, Public Affrs Plans for Channel that celebrates Latino Clture, Music & Artists/Fluency is Spanish/Apply: (1/29)

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JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/CBS TV Network/NY: Prepare plans, manage inventory, stews, develop audience estimates, cover avails. Media buying or planning exp pref. Email Resume/Salary: [email protected] (subject Sales Planner). (1/29)

JOB OPENING: SR DIGITAL PRODUCER/ VH1.Com/NYC: 7+yrs online/web production exp, Strg written/oral/creativity skills, Knwldge of VH1 prgming. Knwlge in SEO/multipltfm content/ HTML/Flash. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (1/29)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/AMC TV/NY: 2+ yrs cable res exp. Support Corp, Sales, Affil, Prog & Mktg team w/data collection & analysis. Nielsen, MRI a +. Res: ref #4809BR  (1/29)

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JOB OPENING: SR DIRECTOR, STRATEGY & OPERATIONS DEVELOPMENT/MTV/NYC: 5+yrs Digital Media, Music Industries exp, MBA, Strg Power Point/Excel/Financial & Presentation skills. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (1/29)

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JOB OPENING: SR DIR OPS (Temp to Staff)/Sundance Ch/NY: Manage all net ops & run dept. Set up new systems incl DAM & upgrade b’cast tech. A+ communicator/ self-starter. 10+ yrs channel ops exp. Res: [email protected]. (1/26)

JOB OPENING: GEN SALES MGR/NY or Chi: First Business nationally synd. strip w/150+ mkts/70% US TVHH. Cbl/syndication sales exp a + also direct client contact exp w/ability to sell customized content/Internet [email protected] (1/26)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE PUBLICIST/LIFETIME NY: Resp. for mkting, digital, sales & prog. initiatives & PA campaigns for Lifetime TV, Lifetime Movie Network & Lifetime Digital/ Apply at: (1/26)

JOB OPENING: SR PRODUCER BRANDED ENT/Sundance Ch/NY:Create hi-concept interstitial series/promos for BE/Sponsorship. A+ copywriting; promo prod; quick idea generation; 7+ yrs exp. Res: [email protected]. (1/25)

JOB OPENING: ONLINE PRODUCER/ LIFETIME TV NY: Looking for a creative and experienced online producer to oversee the development of show and movie websites for Apply at: (1/25)

JOB OPENING: SCHEDULING ASST/Lifetime: Admin Asst to SVP, Scheduling. Budget prep, phones, travel plans, prepare invs, attend mtgs, asst w/ presentation, etc. Exp in TV/cable & PC knwlg.Apply: [email protected] (1/25)

JOB OPENING: REGIONAL ACCT DIR/Screenvision Cinema, LA: 3-5 yrs exp, proven media sales performer to dvlp, present & sell cinema advrtsng to regional clients, BA req., regional travel req. Apply online at: (1/25)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, INDUSTRY SERVICES/ Interactive Advertising Bureau/NY:  Experience w/ project mgt/strategic planning/strong written & oral communicator/2+ years experience interactive ad space. Please send resumes to: [email protected] (1/25)

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WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: TV PROD. INTERN/PICTURE THIS/NY: New season of Emmy winning Reality Show. Rsch, logging, assist post, phones, runs. Exp w/ Word & Excel. Min 2-3 days/week. Local Trvl Stipend avail. [email protected] (1/31)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Razor & Tie & Kidz Bop seeks an intern to help with a project for our e-commerce sites -MusicSpace and MusicSpaceKids. Great intro to new media & music. Apply to: [email protected] (1/31)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Metro New Media, Inc./NYC:  Production interns for NYC celebrity interview show with veteran host Joe Franklin. Learn open source production software. PA’s, bookers, camera, sound, editing. Email: [email protected] (1/30)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: is looking for interns interested in acquiring hands on exp in Digital Media. If you have a passion for producing, are creative & web savvy we are looking for you.  Res/cvr ltr: [email protected] (1/26)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: TV One has internship opportunities for undergraduate school credit – locations in NY, MD, LA and IL. Please visit us at for details (1/26)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Immediate opening!/NYC (NO HO):  Boutique Entertainment & Lifestyle PR firm seeks motivated, bright intern. College Credit Only. Hands-On experience. Fun environment.  Apply to:  [email protected]  (1/25)

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Rowdy Television & Film/ATL: TV & Film Production company looking for a fast paced assistant to work with the exec. assistant in production and administrative activities.  Email Brittany: [email protected]  (1/25)

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SITUATION WANTED: MARKET RESEARCH SPECIALIST: Strong analytical background and mastery of research techniques, oriented to Brand, Programming and Strategic Planning in US multi-national companies. Contact: [email protected]   (1/30)

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SITUATION WANTED: TALK SHOW PRODUCER specializing in producing segments and one-hour episodes for Nat Synd shows. Expertise: celebrity, lifestyle, and human interest segments. Contact: [email protected]   (1/29)

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