Thursday, August 28th, 2008


Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Thursday, August 28, 2008, and this is your first early morning Kids briefing.

WowWee USA, Inc., developer/marketer/distributor of high-tech robotic and entertainment products, today, acquires the assets and business of Think Tank Toys Inc., which develops/manufactures/markets plush toys, novelty items, action figures and promotional toys, including third-party licensed character and properties.  The deal enters WowWee into the lower-priced merchandise market making it less reliant on seasonal sales and furthers its reach with new distribution channels.


Decode Enterprises inks more international sales for Halifax Film’s motion-capture and CGI animated preschool series Bo on the Go!  Furthermore, CBC (Canada) has picked up a third season of the series.  New series sales for Bo on the GO!, include: Rai Sat (Spain) takes season one; Disney Channel Spain acquires season two; MNET/KTV (South Africa) and TG4 (Ireland) picking up seasons one and two; Prava I Prevodi acquires the home video and broadcast rights for seasons one and two for Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro.  Other recent Bo on the Go! deals include: both seasons to France 5; Cartoon Network (India, Taiwan, Philippines); Digiturk Jojo (Channel 66, Turkey); Al Jazeera Children’s Channel (Arab language); YLE (Finland); and both seasons to KidsTalkTalk (Korea).  Both Decode Enterprises and Halifax Films are subsidiaries of DHX Media.

Beginning this week Jetix Europe makes its classic kids programming available for download and purchase on the iTunes store in the UK.  Jetix fans can download episodes of animated series including Sonic X, Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk, with additional series from the channel to be added over the coming months (e.g. Spider-Man, The Fantastic Four).

Correction : The correct website for those looking to vote for Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy or Sally for President is .


Sara Lee Fresh Bakery teams with Disney to launch a movie promotions marketing campaign for the theatrical release of High School Musical 3: Senior Year, to support its Sara Lee Soft & Smooth bread products.  The campaign, which aims to encourage kids to eat healthy whole grain products, will run before, during and after the release of High School Musical 3: Senior Year on October 24, 2008, and will feature TV ads, point of sale materials, on-package, an online presence, in-theater events and a sweepstakes.  Created by TBWA/Chiat/Day, the first TV ad, featuring several stars of the HSM franchise, begins airing September 16 during the season finale of the reality series, Disney’s High School Musical: Get In The Picture, on ABC.  Additionally, Sara Lee is featuring an HSM microsite that offers recipes, promotions, and games, and as of September 2 folks can enter the Lunchtime Is Showtime video content.  The High School Musical promotion is part of Sara Lee’s multi-million dollar marketing initiative for the Soft & Smooth brand.

Swingset Press, a toy/game maker, and Playroom Entertainment, a special toy/gift retailer, have signed a distribution deal for Swingset’s Tween Pajama Party Games.  Beginning this fall Playroom Entertainment will distribute all of Swingset Press’ tween-girl targeted sleepover games, including three new titles: Acting Out; Frendz Pakz  Sleepover Pakz; Frendz Pakz  Club Secretz.


Beka Tischker is upped to VP/A&R and Music Publishing, Razor Tie Entertainment.  Based in NY, Tischker will report to Co-owners Cliff Chenfeld and Craig Balsam.  Most recently she served as Sr. Director, A&R.

Lionsgate continues its Motion Picture Production expansion with the naming of Alli Shearmur as President/Motion Picture Production.  The noted production executive and producer, Shearmur most recently served as Co-President/Production, Paramount Studios.  Under the new structure, Shearmur and Mike Paseornek, Lionsgate President/Motion Picture Production, will head separate production divisions, each slated to release 6-8 films to fill out Lionsgate’s original production slate of 12-16 titles a year. Shearmur and Paseornek will both report to Joe Drake, Co-COO/Lionsgate and President/Lionsgate Motion Picture Group.  Reporting to Shearmur are Jim Miller, VP/Motion Picture Production, and Wolfgang Hammer, the newly appointed VP/Motion Picture Production. Reporting to Paseornek are John Sacchi, SVP/Motion Picture Production, and Lisa Ellzey, the newly installed EVP/Motion Picture Production.


Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:          K2-11 1093; K6-11 538; TWEENS 9-14 368
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11   782; K6-11 569; TWEENS 9-14 474
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   614; K6-11 390; TWEENS 9-14 276
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11   148; K6-11   74; TWEENS 9-14   45
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: On Disney Channel’s The Wizards of Waverly Place, who was the teacher at WizTech that tried to steal Justin’s powers?  MRS. EVILEENY Kudos to: John May-Cartoon Network ~ [adult swim]/Atlanta; Rebecca Rodriguez-Disney Channel/CA

Today’s Trivia Question: On what classic children’s show could you watch a featured series with Tom Terrific and Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog? (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Gwen
 Gwen Billings for Cynopsis Kids!

Cynopsis Kids Ad Sales:
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Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-926-9878 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: REG ACCT MGR/ NY, LA, Dallas/V-me Media, Inc.: 10+ yrs network or nat’l media sales exp; proven leader with client and agency contacts; bilingual Spanish; US Hispanic Mrkt a plus; Res to: [email protected] (9/5)

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JOB OPENING: FREELANCE STUDIO PRODUCER/FSN-North: Produces compelling, informative and entertaining pre-game and post-game shows both in-studio and on location. Ref:, FNG13617. (9/4)

JOB OPENING: :10s PLANNER/Sony Pictures TV: Acct maint, sched units on nat’l & direct response.Track & maintain 14K comm units &17 synd. programs plus scheduled invent.  Apply: (9/4)

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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Bravo Communications seeks smart, enthusiastic students with a passion for entertainment television. Email resume with a cover letter including availability to [email protected] (9/5)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PR INTERN/NYC: Entertainment/Media PR Firm looking for part-time interns to assist with film, TV, music, technology & new media clients. Strong rsrch/PC skills req’d. Send resume/cover letter and availability to [email protected] (9/5)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MKTG /ON-AIR: Fox Reality Channel, LA  fall intern for mktg & on-air production. 15-20 hrs/wk. Majors: Mktg, Adv, PR/Comm, TV/Film. Skills: Writing & computer, On-Air Pro/Avid a plus. [email protected] (9/5)

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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Liquid Theory/ LA FT and PT internships to assist our Fall productions. Strong digital skills and a positive approach a plus! Pls send resume/cover letter to [email protected] (9/4)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Fox Reality Channel seeks intern for Programming/Development dept. Interest in Reality TV a must. Email resumes and availability to [email protected] (9/2)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  Casting Intern for its HGTV series “Carter Can”:  Opp to assist in rsrch & outreach to newspapers and appropriate orgnztns & on-line blogs. Also assist Exec. Producer as needed. Res/cover to:  [email protected] (9/2)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  POST PROD/World Series of Poker: 3-5 days/wk/Soho NY: Log, transcribe & rsrch &  full involvement in every aspect of post prod for a critically acclaimed series! Be a part of pop culture & apply: [email protected]   (9/2)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  MARKETING INTERN/NY: Opportunity to work with WEB TV network and website for collectors (comics, action figures, pez).Work on branding, community outreach, promotion. Send resume to [email protected]  (9/2)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY:  INTERACTIVE PUBLISHING INTERN/NY: Need web savvy person for interactive guides. Online rsrch & creativity desired. Website for collectors that combines video and social networking. Res to:  [email protected]  (9/2)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: INTERNS (2) Montel Media Group: Passion for TV/Film a must and interest in mngmnt/dvlpmnt/production. Hands on experience. Must be energetic and reliable with strong comm. skills. Res/cover to: [email protected] (8/30)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Thirteen/WNET/NY: Daily animated kids’ series seeks interns w/ interest in production & project development. Must be available 2 days/week. Email resume & cover letter w/ availability to:   [email protected]     (8/30)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERN/IFC/NYC:  The Intern will learn the fundamentals of the inner workings of TV and event publicity. For more info/submit a resume, visit Enter Requisition ID: 6910BR (8/30)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: DIGITAL & NEW MEDIA INTERN/Oxygen: Assist w/ production and promotion of digital initiatives, research, and admin tasks. Excel, PP & fast learner desired. 10-20 hrs/wk. Send res/cover to:  [email protected]   (8/30)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PT Intern- CityListen Audio Tours. Online marketing, digital word of mouth. Flexible schedule/Work remotely. Passion for travel, enthusiastic, creative, web savvy; your own computer/access. Contact: [email protected] (8/29)

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SITUATION WANTED: EMMY AWARD WINNING PRODUCER (NY/LA): 7+Yrs Network /Cable: Reality, Celeb, Court, News, Scripted. Expertise: Field, Coordination, Rights & Clearances, Trades. Professional, personable, reliable. [email protected] (9/4)

SITUATION WANTED: FIELD PRODUCER/ DIRECTOR:Docusoap, Comedy, Makeover, Lifestyle Infotainment, Feature Doc formats. Resonant leader, excellent writer/director/shooter, strong storyteller and showrunner.  [email protected] (9/4)

SITUATION WANTED:  Need creative, effective traditional/nontraditional visibility? Indie PR/marketing company available for print, broadcast, online campaigns. Budget, brand conscious. 323.467.7633 or [email protected]  (8/29)

SITUATION WANTED:  PRODUCER (L.A.): 10+yrs MTV VH1 Fuse. Expertise: celebrity, lifestyle, entertainment news, bio, clip, doc, reality. Strong creative, field, showrunning, pop culture bkgrd.   [email protected] (8/29)

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