Monday, July 21st, 2008



on cable and broadcast with young adults

in ABC Family’s history averaging 2.4 million viewers

Source: Nielsen Company; Live Program Data. Rank among ad supported cable and broadcast series for P12-17 & F12-17, Prime M-Su 8-11p (6/30 -7/13/08). Highest original series telecast ever among Persons & Females 12-17, 12-34 & 18-34 (1/1/01-7/13/08); average P2+ (000s), Tues July 1 & July 8 (8-9p).



Good morning. It’s Monday, July 21, 2008, and this is your first early morning briefing … sort of.  It’s really a reminder that we’re off this week and that this is the only Cynopsis edition you’ll receive this week, with a dappling of few of the top  from late last week and the weekend.  Okay, I’ll send you another reminder on Thursday that we’ll be back next Monday, the 28th.

Premieres and Finales:

July 21 Premieres:
TLC: Take Home Nanny at 8p
ABC: Wanna Bet? at 9p
Bravo: Date My Ex at 10p

July 21 Finale:
MTV: Legally Blonde the Musical: The Search for Elle Woods at 10p

July 22 Premieres:
Food Network: Road Tasted with the Neelys at 930p Golf Channel: Highway 18 at 10p
Lifetime: How To Look Good Naked at 10p
SOAPnet: General Hospital: Night Shift at 11p

July 22 Finales:
Discovery Channel: Deadliest Catch at 9p
History: Mega Disasters at 10p

July 23 Premieres:
A&E: Criss Angel Mindfreak at 10p
MTV: Buzzin’ at 1030p


NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution and Endemol USA’s all new, half-hour episodes of Deal or No Deal will debut in national syndication on Monday, September 8th 2008.  Sold in more than 97% of the country, the syndicated version will – as the primetime network version – be hosted by Howie Mandel.

MTV’s series debut of From G’s To Gents last Tuesday night at 10p posted a 1.4 rating with P12-34 and delivered 1.3 million total viewers. On Wednesday night, Run’s House opened its fifth season with two back-to-back episodes between 10-11p which averaged 1.7 million total viewers.

The Style Network’s series, Instant Beauty Pageant with ABC soap star Cameron Mathison and E!’s Debbie Matenopoulos as co-hosts, returns for a third season on August 16 at 9p. The pair surprise female mall shoppers and persuade them to participate in an impromptu beauty pageant.

The CW fall premiere schedule, including the Sunday night scheduled programmed by Media Rights Capital (MRC):

Monday, September 1: Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill
Tuesday, September 2: 90210
Wednesday, September 3: America’s Next Top Model
Tuesday, September 9: Privileged at 9p
Thursday, September 18:  Smallville, Supernatural
Sunday, September 21 (MRC): In Harm’s Way, Valentine, Easy Money
Friday, October 3: Everybody Hates Chris, The Game, America’s Next Top Model [r]
Wednesday, October 29:  Stylista at 9p
Sunday, November 2 (MRC):  In Harm’s Way (moves to 630p); Surviving Suburbia at 730p

(Full primetime fall schedule with launch dates available here)

Sci Fi Channel‘s Ghost Hunters has been re-upped for a 5th season, with 25 new episodes, produced by Pilgrim Films and Television.

Batman rules as Warner Bros.’ The Dark Knight pulled in the highest gross ever for a midnight show at an estimated $18.5 million over 4,366 theater sites. The former midnight movie record was held by Fox’s Star Wars, Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith which grossed $16.9 million from 3,663 sites.

Top 10 Weekend Box Office Estimates: July 18-20, 2008
The Dark Knight (Warner Bros.)                     $155.3 million – opening weekend
Mamma Mia (Universal)                                $27.6 million – opening weekend
Hancock (Sony)                                         $14.0 million – 3 wk total $191.5m
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D (New Line) $11.9 million – 2 wk total $43.1m
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (Universal)          $10.0 million – 2 wk total $56.5m
Wall-E (Buena Vista)                                  $9.8 million – 4 wk total $182.5m
Space Chimps (Fox)                                   $7.3 million – opening weekend
Wanted (Universal)                                    $5.1 million – 4 wk total $123.3m
Get Smart (Warner Bros.)                            $4.1 million – 5 wk total $119.6m
Kung Fu Panda (Paramount)                         $1.7 million – 7 wk total $206.5m
Source: Box Office Mojo


Thursday – A18-49 Analysis: UNIV topped the chart Thursday night with 2.4/8 A18-49, according to final national ratings from Nielsen Media Research. UNIV’s Premios Juventud opened the night in first place at 8p with 2.3/8. FOX’s So You Think You Can Dance waltzed its way to #1 at 9p with 2.7/8. Then at 10p, the winning honors went back to UNIV at 2.2/6. 

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Thursday, July 17, 2008 (July Sweep Day 15) time period averages. Source: NTI Galaxy, as dated. Live+SD.

FOX: 5.0/9           Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? 4.8/9, So You Think You Can Dance 5.2/9

CBS: 4.8/9             Greatest American Dog 4.6/9, CSI [r] 6.0/10, Swingtown 3.9/7

ABC: 3.1/6            Ugly Betty [r] 2.4/5, Grey’s Anatomy [r] 2.6/4, Hopkins 4.3/8

NBC: 2.6/5            Last Comic Standing 2.9/5, Fear Itself 2.0/4

UNIV: 2.6/5          Premios Juventud 08 2.6/5

CW: 1.1/2             Smallville [r] 1.1/2, Supernatural [r] 1.0/2

MNT: 0.8/1            My Thursday Night Movie: Kingpin 0.8/1

TELE: 0.6/1           El Juramento 0.3/1, Victoria 0.7/1, Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso 0.7/1

A18-49: UNIV 2.4/8, FOX 2.2/7, CBS 1.7/6, NBC 1.6/5, ABC 1.3/4, CW 0.5/2, MNT 0.4/1, TELE 0.4/1


Jimmy Perez advanced to Director/Programming with GLR Networks. Jimmy will work in tandem with the Affiliation division and head the company’s programming team. He will report to Alejandro Nieto, VP/Talk Radio Programming, Union Radio and to Juan Pablo Alvarez, President, GLR North America.

Later — Cyn

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