Monday, July 15th, 2013



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Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Monday, July 15, 2013, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

New speakers announced daily! Book your tickets now to the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit and Women of Action as our events have ALWAYS sold out. On Aug. 13, don’t miss our state of women in sports business session that will include: Lesa France Kennedy– Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairperson of the Board of Directors for International Speedway Corporation; Heidi Ueberroth-President of NBA International; CSN Mid-Atlantic President Rebecca Schulte; Pac-12 Networks President Lydia Murphy-Stephans; and Christina Miller– Turner Sports SVP and GM of NBA Digital. The panel will be moderated by espnW VP Laura Gentile. Tickets are on sale now for WoA as well as the Cynopsis Sports Business Summit on Aug. 14 at


After months of wheeling and dealing, online video service Hulu has been taken off the market by owners Disney and 21st Century Fox. Agence France Presse reports that the ownership team decided to instead put $750 million into the Hulu business to help it compete against its biggest rival, Netflix. The process included such bidders as satellite television company DirecTV; AT&T, and Yahoo!, AFP notes. The word on the street was that DirecTV was at the top of the heap of bidders with an offer of more than $1 billion. Hulu brought in $690 million in revenue last year and has about four million subscribers to its premium video service.

And speaking of Netflix… the company is now in talks with the creators of Arrested Development to put together another season of shows, according to Bloomberg. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has said that the first season of Development along with spookfest Hemlock Grove exceeded expectations on the audience front, though no numbers have been shared. If Arrested gets renewed, it will be the fifth Netflix show to do so, joining Orange is the New Black, Grove, House of Cards, and Lilyhammer.
In Other Words: Netflix took a big risk when it put a lot of cash and energy behind creating original content for its subscribers. It looks like the company feels like it is paying off.

VEVO has debuted a new web series sponsored by Miracle Whip, called Unexpected Covers. The show features up-and-coming bands playing covers of hit tunes. The first show has Massachusetts band Passion Pit doing their thing to Fun.’s Carry On.

PowerwomenTV will be hitting screens everywhere on July 15. This spring, the company’s content was seen in New York City taxicabs and now it’s ready to be seen by the rest of the world. Original programming will include eight offerings, such as Suburban Survival Guide; What Your Mother Never Told You: Eat, Drink, and Be Mary; and Treadmill Talk, which features Jenny Hutt, former host of longtime Martha Stewart Living’s Whatever with Alexis and Jennifer, talking to celebs and other cultural bigwigs while walking on treadmills.

Minnesota man Derek Stusynski dressed up like a zombiefied teddy bear last Halloween. Now the L.A. actor has pulled the costume out and he’s launching a web series based on the costume, The Walking Tedd, if he can find enough funding through Kickstarter.


Korean music superstar Psy has zoomed up Billboard‘s Social 50 chart this week, going from 29th to 6th, mostly because his YouTube channel broke the 3 billion views mark, becoming the fifth channel to ever hit that number. Rihanna and Justin Bieber have broken the barrier before him. The Social 50 ranks musical artists based on YouTube, Vevo, Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, Wikipedia, Myspace, and Instagram info.

YouTube now has its first subscription channels. Extra content will be offered on such channels as Sesame Street and Young Turks to users who pay a subscription fee after a 14-day free trial period. The average cost is $2.99 a month, though some will be as low as 99 cents. They can be paid for with a credit card or through Google Wallet. According to, Google will pocket about 45% of the sub fee and ad revenue.

TiVo wants its customers to be able to travel with their video content, so it has developed a “transportable digital video recorder” that allows them to download what they want to see onto a mobile device using a docking station, USB or Firewire connections. reports that the company applied for a patent on the device last month. The company already has a $130 receiver that allows customers to place content onto Apple devices but this would be its own TiVo device enabling users to record new content on the go even while watching another program.


UK-based startup SuperAwesome, which runs an online ad network for kids’ sites called Kid Network, has formally unveiled its Kids Mobile Network mobile ad network for children‘s apps and mobile sites. A team of parents will select every developer that is accepted to be part of the network. The company will then work with the developers to put kid-targeted ads on their apps.

Dynamix, the creators of a video creative platform that allows digital ads to be changed automatically depending on the audience receiving it, has announced that it can provide advanced reporting and analytics for advertisers and publishers. Dynamix’s STREAMx technology delivers the dynamic ads based on data feeds and user-specific data and the new analytics track the effectiveness of the different ad versions.


Live streaming has hit the wedding industry. San Francisco-based live-video service Ustream reports that 20,000 weddings in America in the past year have been streamed live so that people who can’t be at the ceremony can see the event as it happens. That’s a 250% jump from the previous year. Streaming the event can cost anywhere between $800 and $3,000, according to Ustream. Maybe it will start turning up as a gift on wedding registries!


The creator of Pong and one of the pioneering engineers behind Atari’s 2600 game console, Al Alcorn, is aiming to create a mobile game called Seriously?! that also involves a special deck of coded cards that get voice-driven virtual assistants such as Siri into the game when waved over the mobile device. Alcorn, however, needs a little help to make his game a reality. So he has started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the game. He and fellow video-game vet Roger Hector have formed the company uGetit and would like to raise $100,000.

Macy’s is putting extra emphasis on mobile advertising this year in order to reach the college back-to-school market. In a campaign that runs till the end of July, the retailer will give away a $500 gift card through SMS and a mobile microsite. Millennial consumers are encouraged by Macy’s to text DORM to the retailer in order to be in the running for the gift card.

Apps haven’t been part of our culture for very long, but there have been a lot of them produced in a short time. Now there is a place for folks to go and ooh and ah over the apps of “yesteryear.” The UK’s is now serving as a museum of sorts for the apps industry, providing five-second videos of each old app’s look and feel.


Cynopsis: Sports Presents…

Women of Action                      Sports Business Summit

      AUG. 13 | YALE CLUB | NYC                 AUG. 14 | GRAND HYATT | NYC
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For sponsor information, please contact Mike Farina at (203) 218-6480.
For registration information, please contact Pete Romas at (203) 899-8483


Jang Jae Hyeok is a big name in the South Korean music and film industry. He’s worked with such Korean bands as Girls’ Generation and Super Junior. Now he’s turning his attention to directing, with a web series made in collaboration with Samsung. Wind Chimes in a Bakery tells the story of Adam and Sue, who amazingly have a Samsung Galaxy S4 that they pull out from time to time. The first episode will air on Samsung Malaysia’s YouTube channel on July 20 and new episodes will be posted for eight consecutive weeks after that.

See you tomorrow,
Mark Miller 

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

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JOB OPENING: SR ADMIN ASST/AMC/LA: Provide full admin support to Bus Affairs Exec and team. Handle heavy phones, sched, etc. Must be able to multi-task and prioritize. Entertainment or business affairs exp req’d. Submit res (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, RESEARCH/IFC/NY: 3+ yrs cable/brdcst research, exp. w/Nielsen products & MRI, Simmons, Star Media. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. CLICK HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL SALES PLANNER/AMCN/NY: Create/maintain digital sales proposals, presentations & analyses across all AMCN, exp. w/ DART, 1-2+ yrs. digital sales planning exp. CLICK HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR MKTG/THE PROMOTIONAL EDGE/LA: Dvlp/excte strategic B2B & B2C mktg campaigns in ent indstry; strng wrtng/presentation skills; direct digital asset dev’t. 5-8 yrs. mktg exp. w/major brands. Rez. To: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PARNTER MKTG/Viacom/NYC: Develop, recommend and implement strategies to secure distribution and drive distributor revenue. 3-5 yrs exp mktng. Apply: (7/20)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L ACCT SALES MGR/WORLDNOW/NYC: Support/function as sales lead through constant internal & external customer comm while multi-tasking. Min 2yrs online media, advrtsng &/or acct mngmnt exp. Cvr letter/res: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: DIRCTR LICENSING/CREATA/CHGO/IL: Ownership of IP, Exec leadership, min of 15 yrs ent licsng, cpg, merch & mktng exp. Min 2 yrs digtl exp essntl. Ability to ID new biz; exp negotiatr. Resume to [email protected] (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR., CONSUMER CONNECTIONS/Anheuser-Busch/St Louis: Develop/implement strategic media plans for specific A-B brands such as Bud Light, Bud Light Lime, & Lime-a-Rita! Apply here: (7/20)

JOB OPENING: MANAGER, MEDIA & ON-AIR PROMO SCHEDULING/Sportsman Channel/NY: Strategic On-Air Promo Planning & Scheduling to meet ratings goals; media buying & placement. Analytical & organized. 5+ Years Network exp. Apply: HERE (7/20)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC MGR, DISTRIBUTION & MKTG/Universal Sports Network/Woodland Hills: 3+ yrs marketing exp., affiliate exp. preferred. Strong analytical, writing & verbal skills. For details and to apply: CLICK HERE (7/20)


JOB OPENING: MGR, DIGITAL INTEGRATED MKTG/MTV/NYC: 5 yrs exp mktg major brands. Conceptualize digital and convergent marketing opportunities in response to RFPs and to proactively take to market . Full info/apply HERE: (7/20)

JOB OPENING: HBO/MGR, DATA SCIENCES/NYC: Perform statistical and data mining analyses to support HBO digital properties. 5+ yrs of exp performing analytics in media, mkting or digital analytics. Apply: (7/20)

JOB OPENING: HBO/DIR, PROG. STRATEGY & PLANNING/NYC: Programming strategies for HBO and Cinemax Org Prog. 8+ yrs of strategic and tactical exp in prog planning, scheduling or mkting & audience rsrch. Apply: (7/20)

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JOB OPENING: COORD, STANDARDS & PRACTICES-MUSIC GROUP/VIACOM/NY: Daily independent review of on-air, online & digital content. Resp for evaluating orig show concepts, scripts, rough cuts & finals. Must be fluent in Spanish. Apply here (7/18)

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JOB OPENING: MGR STD & PRACTICES/FOX/NYC: Resp for ensuring that guidelines & procedures are adhered to for programming content & advertising. BA/BS. 3+ years exp in entertainment. (7/18)

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JOB OPENING: MGR, AD SALES MARKETING & PARTNERSHIPS/NAT GEO CHANNEL/DC: 5-7 yrs. Marketing exp. req. TV network exp req. mkting, ad sales/sponsorship/partnership dev, project management and creative dev. (7/17)

JOB OPENING: PROMO COORDINATOR/A+E NETWORKS/NY: Freelance opportunity to coordinate Promotion Materials, prepping video source material for Producer/Editors in Int’l Mktg dept. Full Info/Apply: (7/16)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, SOCIAL MEDIA/NBC UNIVERSAL/NJ: Resp for social media comm by developing strategy & implementing tactics that drive interest & viewership to the cable network’s reality programming. URL or Email here (7/16)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL/MTV/NY: 4-7 yrs exp, covering Intellectual Property, Right of Publicity, libel, defamation & script review related to TV & online programming. Investigate & respond to related claims & litigations. Apply here (7/16)

JOB OPENING: BUSINESS AFFAIRS EXEC/AMAZON STUDIOS/SF: own talent and co-prod deals for film & children’s tv projects, including operating the feature film & series biz, negotiating deals, evaluating alt deal structures & potential partners. Apply here or [email protected] (7/16)

JOB OPENING: DIR, NON-LINEAR PRGM & STRATEGY/FX/LA: New role overseeing the daily scheduling & ops of a number of key FX digital platforms. 6+ yrs exp knowledge of non-linear metrics & promo inventory mgmt. (7/16)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, MARKETING/BEDROCKET MEDIA/NYC: Lead consumer & performance mktg, audience dev, promotions for fashion, comedy, action sports channels @ digital media startup. 5-8 yrs exp. Resumes: [email protected] (7/16)

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