Monday, February 18th, 2008



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Good Morning.  It’s Monday, February 18, 2008, and this is your first early morning briefing.  Happy Presidents’ Day!

The CW announced return dates for original episodes of scripted series:
March 3:  Everybody hates Chris with the first of its 12 remaining originals
March 23: The Game with 9 eps
April 14: One Tree Hill with 6 eps
April 17: Smallville with 5 eps
April 21: Gossip Girl with 5 eps
April 22: Reaper with 5 eps
April 24: Supernatural with 4 eps
Aliens in America completed 18 eps with the 8 remaining originals scheduled to air between March 2-23 and April 27-May 18.

Tonight’s Finales:
ABC: Dance War at 8p
FOX: Prison Break at 8p

Tonight’s Premieres:
CW: Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious at 9p
NBC: My Dad is Better than Your Dad at 9p
SPEED: Pass Time at 730p and SuperCars Exposed at 9p


BBC America’s Hotel Babylon, the drama series about an exclusive hotel and the staff who gives guests whatever they want, is back for season three starting March 12 at 9p. Several guest stars will make appearances throughout this season including Paula Abdul in the opening episode. BBC America will also release season one of Hotel Babylon on DVD February 26.

Retirement Living TV (RLTV) renewed and expanded its partnership with NBC News. The deal includes specially-produced segments with a boomer and senior focus, NBC News footage and correspondent crosstalk for Daily Cafe, RLTV’s two-hour live news and current issues program. NBC News will also provide special coverage pertaining to the 2008 presidential election and its impact on 55+ viewers.

Weekend Box Office Estimates: Feb 15-17, 2008
Jumper (Fox)                                         $27.2 million – opening weekend
Step Up 2 The Streets (Buena Vista)         $19.7 million – opening weekend
The Spiderwick Chronicles (Paramount)      $19.1 million – opening weekend
Fool’s Gold (Warner Bros.)                        $13.1 million – 2 wk total $42.0m
Definitely, Maybe (Universal)                     $9.7 million – opening weekend
Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (Universal)   $8.9 million – 2 wk total $29.1m
Juno (Fox Searchlight)                             $4.6 million – 11 wk total $124.1m
The Bucket List (Warner Bros.)                  $4.1 million – 8 wk total $81.1m
Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour (BV)  $3.3 million – 3 wk total $58.4m
27 Dresses (Fox)                                     $3.2 million – 5 wk total $69.9m
Source: Box Office Mojo

Retro Television Network (RTN) owned and distributed by Equity Media Holdings Corporation and Petry International, a unit of Petry Media Corporation, announced the companies made a pact for Petry International to become the exclusive national rep firm for the network. RTN currently has signed more than 60 affiliates which reach more than 30% of the U.S. population.


ABC has picked up a new comedy pilot project from Warner Bros. TV and David Kohan and Max Mutchnick, the folks behind Will & Grace.  Thus far untitled, the project is about two business partners – one straight and one gay – who both find their significant others around the same time and attempt to balance work and love.


CYNOPSIS DIGITAL – TODAY’S TOP STORY:   The death knell of Toshiba’s HD DVD format sounded on Friday when Wal-Mart decided to stock only Blu-ray DVDs and DVD players from now on. The manufacturer is expected to announce it is officially abandoning the format as early as this week, after trying to put a positive spin on the loss of Warner Bros. as a supporter.   Full edition: CYN DIGITAL. (Or to listen to the Cynopsis Digital Podcast click here or subscribe to it at iTunes here .)

Cookie Jar Entertainment’s Johnny Test rockets to Cartoon Network US Monday – Friday!

:    Whittaker Bay
, the teen drama that premiered on Superstation WGN in January, moved to primetime this weekend as the series debuted on the TV network America One, Saturday at 9p, which will be its regular time slot.  Produced by H20 Entertainment, this March 2008 Whittaker Bay also joins the network’s Sunday night programming lineup. H2O has also entered into a syndication deal with Fox TV for its O&O stations from fall 2008.  The show is being offered as a barter-trade across the US by a 50/50 advertising split on the various stations.  Additionally, under a pact with online distributor , the series will be available from March on outlets including iTunes, Apple TV and TiVo on demand. Full edition: CYN KIDS.

CYNOPSIS INTERNATIONAL – TODAY’S TOP STORYThis may set an interesting precedent for reality TV.  Three former Temptation Island reality TV contestants took France’s TF1 and its Glem production unit to court contending they should be paid for their time on the show.  The French courts agreed that it did constitute employment even though TF1 alleged that their reality show time did not involve artistic, intellectual, or physical work.  The network was ordered to pay close to $40,000 to each contestant/plaintiff for their around-the-clock time in front of the cameras and the regular interviews they gave while on the show.  What has happened since the verdict came out in favor of the contestants?  The Europe 1 radio station reports that 45 former contestants have already sought legal advice. Full edition: CYN INTERNATIONAL


Thursday – A18-49 Analysis:  ABC found its sweet spot Thursday night with 3.5/10 A18-49, according to final national ratings from Nielsen Media Research. CBS’ Survivor came first at 8p with 4.6/13. During 9p, ABC had the best ratings with Lost at 5.8/15 then kept its lead through 10p as Eli Stone won by a skosh at 2.6/7 defeating NBC’s Lipstick Jungle at 2.5/7 and CBS’ Without a Trace repeat at 2.3/7.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Thursday, February 14 , 2008 (February Sweep Day 15) time period averages. Source: NTI Galaxy, as dated. Live+SD.

CBS: 6.9/11       Survivor: Micronesia 7.5/12, CSI [r] 6.8/11, Without a Trace [r] 6.2/11

NBC: 5.9/10        Deal or No Deal 7.6/13, Celebrity Apprentice 5.9/10, Lipstick Jungle 4.2/7

ABC: 5.7/9          Lost [r] 3.9/6, Lost 8.1/13, Eli Stone 4.8/8

FOX: 2.6/4         The 39th Annual NAACP Image Awards 2008 2.6/4

CW: 2.1/3          Smallville 2.4/4, Supernatural 1.8/3

UNIV: 1.8/3       Al diablo con los Guapos 2.3/4, Pasion 1.7/3, Amas de Casa Desesperadas 1.3/2

MNT: 0.8/1         My Thursday Night Movie: Soul Food 0.8/1

TELE: 0.7/1        La Traicion 0.5/1, Victoria 0.9/1, Pecados Ajenos 0.6/1

A18-49: ABC 3.5/10, CBS 3.3/9, NBC 3.2/9, UNIV 1.6/4, CW 1.4/4, FOX 1.4/4, MNT 0.5/1, TELE 0.5/1

Friday – A18-49 Analysis:  FOX led a solo win Friday night at 2.6/8 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. FOX’s double dose of House reruns won the first two hours: at 8p with 2.3/8 and during 9p with 2.8/8. NBC prevailed at 10p with Las Vegas at 2.3/7.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Friday, February 15, 2008 (February Sweep Day 16)time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research

NBC: 5.1/9       1 vs. 100 5.1/9, Las Vegas [2 hours] 5.0/9

CBS: 4.6/8         Ghost Whisperer [r] 4.2/7, Celine Dion: That’s Just the Woman in Me 5.2/9, Numb3rs [r] 4.4/8

FOX: 4.3/8        House [r] 4.1/7, House [r] 4.5/8

ABC: 3.0/5        Grey’s Anatomy [r] 2.4/4, Desperate Housewives [r] 2.1/4, 20/20 4.5/8

CW: 2.8/5          Friday Night Smackdown! 2.8/5

UNIV: 1.8/3       Al Diablo con los Guapos 2.3/4, Pasion 1.7/3, La Familia P. Luche 1.6/3

TELE: 0.7/1       La Traicion 0.5/1, Victoria 0.8/1, Pecados Ajenos 0.6/1

A18-49: FOX 2.6/8, NBC 2.2/7, UNIV 1.7/5, CBS 1.6/5, ABC 1.3/4, CW 1.3/4, TELE 0.5/2


NBC Universal Television DVD, Music and Consumer Products Group will now head all worldwide licensing and merchandising of NBCU television properties in addition to the NBCU television catalog. Kim Niemi, SVP will supervise the NBCU Television DVD, Music and Consumer Products Group’s activities to develop and execute product lines associated with NBCU’s television brands including NBC, Universal Media Studios, USA Network, SCI FI Channel, Bravo properties, CNBC and Telemundo. Kim’s team will also continue to manage all new business development for music, ecommerce sales, the store group and third party home entertainment licensing. NBCU’s film properties, including the Curious George and The Land Before Time franchises will continue to be handled by the Universal Studios Consumer Products Group. In addition, NBCU chose Joy Tashjian Marketing Group LLD as its exclusive consumer products agency, which extends a long-term licensing association between the two companies.


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This day in History:  1930
– Clyde Tombaugh discovered the planet Pluto while working with photographic plates at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question:  This short-lived early 80’s sitcom was adapted from a movie of the same name which was based on a hit song from 1968 sung by Nathan Brake. What was the name of this show?  HARPER VALLEY PTA (starring Barbara Eden)   Kudos to: Kelly Guida-FOX 4/Cape Coral, FL; Yvonne Haugh-Turner Entertainment/EST; Jonathan Grosskopf-Grosskopf Mazr Productions/NY; Roger Lyons-WBZ/Boston; Mark E. Meadors-HMH, LLC/Little Rock, AR; Mechael Tudor-Equity Media Holdings Corporation/Little Rock, AR; Dan Whitford-RPM Advertising/Chicago; Cody Stanton-Equity Media Holdings Corp./Little Rock, AR; Bill Shea-CW Network/Studio City, CA; Lorrie Shilling-DIRECTV/El Segundo, CA; Robin Schmelling-BCMI/Palm Desert, CA; Pat Brady- Cunningham*Escott*Slevin*Doherty/LA; Alison Moore-Channel 4/London

Today’s Trivia Question:  Okay – here’s an easy one for President’s Day:  On the TV series House, starring Hugh Laurie, what TV show is Dr. Gregory House’s guilty pleasure?     (
with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later  — Cyn

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JOB OPENING:  DIRECTOR & AE SALES POSITIONS (NY, LA, Chicago)/Arena Media Networks: Exciting opportunity to join quickly growing digital placed based media company in sports & entertainment arenas.Contact:

JOB OPENING:   PRODUCTION DIRECTOR-Washington D.C: Dir prod multiple TV series: schedules, budgets, crews, equipment, deliverables. Upbeat /detail oriented. Exp w/ 3+ series, 5+ yrs prod mgmt. Ltr/ Res:

JOB OPENING:  ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/CABLEVISION/WOODBURY NY:  Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, internet adv.  Valid NY DL.  See full posting and apply to req 4047BR (2/23)

JOB OPENING:  ONLINE REVENUE MGR/Discovery Communications /Miami:  Mgmt of online ad campaign, SEO exp req’d, Lat Am mkt knwldg, ROI Analysis, campaign budgets, media plans, staff mgmt. Resume to:

JOB OPENING: AD SALES RSCH ANALYST/Oxygen/NYC: 2+ yrs data analysis exp using Nielsen softwares and other sales tools. Att to detail a must. . #803511 (2/23)

JOB OPENING: REGIONAL NAT’L SALES MGR/KSBI-TVDT, OKC: Proven success record & 5+yrs exp working regn’l /nat’l accts. Knwlg of Nielsen ratings & effective/creative pckgng strategies a must. Some travel req’d. Res to:

JOB OPENING: SR SYSTEM ANALYST: Act as Sales liaison for sys reqments, issues & support, EDI, troubleshoot, train, test, proj mgmt, EDI coord, & wk w Donovan for VAN (Value Added Ntwrk). Apply: Req 135147 EOE (2/22)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR-NAT’L SALES/BET/New York,NY: Cable salesperson w/strong presentation skills. Comfortable w/multi-platform & integrated opps.Sales/agencyexp. req’d. Email:

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’R/BET/NY: Prepare Sales Plans, Mng mult Accts, 2 yrs exp in Cable Sales or buying a must.Detailed-oriented, org’d, multitasker, exc comm & math skills, BA req. Email resume:

JOB OPENING: EXEC DIR PROD/ GSN, The Network for Games/ SANTA MONICA: Report to VP Prog. 10 yrs. exp in Prod incl 5 yrs exp Line Prod. BA/BS degree in related field. Send Res/Cov Letter:

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXEC/ Ovation TV/New York: Immediate opening for 5+yrs exp professional. Heavy client/planning selling; seek new business/create marketing platforms tailored for client’s needs Apply:

JOB OPENING:  SALES PLANNER/OvationTV/1NYC/1LA:   Prep/update client proposals. Asst establishing TV/media orders. Rsch client spending/brand analysis Process orders, handle fin. credit process. BA/BS resume:

JOB OPENING: TV PROD MGR/Chi: Produce creative programming for TV & other platforms. Creative problem solving & mgmt ability within fast moving, multi-tasking station group that breaks the mold every day.

JOB OPENING: AFFIL/BE PROMO PROD/Sundance Ch/NY: 5 yrs exp;manage branded ent prod; supervise affiliate mktg, VOD & multiplatform deliverables. Able to coord multiple projects w/ tight deadlines. Res:

JOB OPENING: CONTENT MGR, INTL DIGITAL, MTV/NY: 3+ yrs new media exp. Manage Nick/Comedy content & secure for int’l distrib. Strong comms, project mgmt, content mgmt systems. Apply: . EOE/M/F/D/AAP (2/21)

JOB OPENING: MGR NEW MEDIA RSRCH/E!, Style & G4/LA: BA 3+ yrs exp w/ new media analytics tools Report web, brdband, mobile & VOD usage/trends Exp w NetView, Site Census/Google Analytics & Rentrak pref’d

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/E!, Style & G4/LA: BA 5+ yrs media research experience w/proficiency in Nielsen systems required. Apply: or

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR-APP DEV. SALES & TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS/CT (Fairfield County): Radio exp. Preferred. PMI cert. a plus. Project planning, rollout planning, support planning.   Resume to: 

JOB OPENING: MGR, PLNG & OPS/DIRECTV/NY: Will plan and conduct thorough, accurate analyses in support of company wide pricing and inventory initiatives. For immediate consideration, please send resume to:

JOB OPENING: SALES PLNR/DIRECTV/NY: This position supports our AD Sales Group with their sales efforts and manages accounts on a day-to-day basis. For immediate consideration, please send resume to:

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/The Knot Inc/NY: Presale research, prepare RFP, manage inventory, competitive industry analysis. 2-3 yrs. Interactive media exp. pref. Email Resume/Salary:
(subject Sales Planner).  (2/21)

JOB OPENING: VP, STRATEGY & RSRCH/HowStuffWorks/IL: Lead team resp for executing initiatives to max website traffic & search engine exposure, creation of content roadmap & optimizing digital bus. opps. See howstuffworks .com/jobs (2/21)

JOB OPENING: VP/AD OPS/HowStuffWorks/ATL: Seeking strong individual for achieving rev objectives mthly, campgn mgmt, sev other duties. See for more info. (2/21)

JOB OPENING: COORD, PRICING & PLANNING/STYLE-Comcast Nets/NY: 1+ yr industry exp; Resp for tracking inventory, processing MSA posting, oversee EDI & supporting sales staff. Apply: 60506BR EEO/AA/Drug Free (2/20)

JOB OPENING: DIR OF MARKETING/LA: entertainment research co: Implement marketing/PR to sell full line of prod/serv. Degree+min 5 yrs mrktng mgmt w/PR exp Resume/salary hist to  h ttp:// (2/20)

JOB OPENING: COUNSEL /iN DEMAND/NYC:  Contract management, copyright & trademark, standards & practices. JD plus 3 yrs cable/entertainment.  Reply: 

JOB OPENING: ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/Cablevision/Wall, NJ: Seeks AE for local ad sales.2+ yrs ad sales exp. pref cable tv, radio, internet adv.  Valid NJ DL.  See full posting and apply to req 5068BR (2/20)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING MGR/TLC/LA: Provide support on range of projects in dev & prod for primetime incl. reviewing materials, cuts, managing production, etc. 5 yrs exp. broadcast/cable. Apply: , #7657  (2/20)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAMMING COORD/TLC/LA: Track/maintain cuts, treatments, show materials, in various stages of dev. & prod. Liaise w/outside prod. companies. 2 yrs exp. in broadcast/cable. Apply: , #7658  (2/20)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION  PRODUCTION COORDINATOR(Freelance) AETN, Stamford, CT: Work closely with Production Management to support fast-paced production department. M-F, 9-5 – very administrative. Apply:

JOB OPENING: ACCT EXEC (3)/Ent. Studios, Inc/NY, LA, CHIC:. Motivated sales talent to mng station sales in first-run TV synd. Strong leaders w/ except’l presentation skills. Time mngmnt & exc PC skills a must. Res to:

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Comcast Nets/NY:  Support AEs w/daily sales activities. Det oriented, MS Office, time mgmt, math skills & Bachelor’s req’d.  EOE/AA/Drug Free. Apply at job req 59701BR (2/19)

JOB OPENING: REGIONAL COORDINATOR /LIFETIME NY: Support the sales efforts of the Distribution and Field Marketing staff and service our affiliated cable systems. Apply at: (2/19)

JOB OPENING: DIR MKTG/G4: 5+ yrs media mktg exp; track record of successful cmpg launches; highly strat & creative pers; exc writing skills; resp for media plans across all platforms (G4’s & bought media)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA MGR/Nat Geo/DC: Manage media/assets in media/content mgmt environment. 3-5 yrs cable or TV database system mgmt exp. Please apply at (FNG10835). (2/19)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PROMOTIONS/WALT DISNEY INTERNET GROUP/LA: 3+ years marketing/promo exp; track record translating markgt & promo objec. Apply at: and search on JOB ID#: 137078 (2/19)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR PROGRAMMING/DIY/KNOXVILLE: Manage all aspects of commissioned programs. Strong writing & story editing skills a must, reality TV exp a+. 3 yrs TV prod exp at major cable net req’d. (2/19)

JOB OPENING: NAT SLS ASST/UNIVISION COMM/NY: Support AE’s & act as liaison w/ stations & clients. Must be highly orgzd, det oriented, & exc comm skills. Word, Excel, PP & Donovan skills req’d. Res:
EOE (2/19)

JOB OPENING: AUDIENCE DEV. DIRECTOR/ LIFETIME TV NY: provide strategic direction and consulting, for performance-based campaign management, optimization, and ROI. Apply at: (2/19)

WINTER AND SPRING INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: RESEARCH INTERNSHIP/Hallmark Channel/LA: Avail immed. Learn about cable television, ratings and programming. Must take for class credit. Available now! Email resume to

SPRING INTERNSHIP  CREDITS ONLY: PR /NYC: Boutique agency (kids TV, toys, CE, licensing) seeks smart, mature, highly-organized, communications-oriented intern. College JRs or SRs only. Apply to

SPRING INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: PUBLIC RELATIONS INTERN/LA: Opportunity to learn about publicity via our arts and entertainment clients. Write, pitch and brainstorm with our team. Send resume, cover letter and writing sample to

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact
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SITUATION WANTED:  SHOWRUNNER/FIELD PRODUCER/WRITER: 10+ years producing for MTV, VH1, FUSE. Expertise in Celebrity Interview, Lifestyle, Entertainment News, Bio, Clip, and Reality genres.
/ (2/21) 

SITUATION WANTED:  Emmy Award Winning TV PRODUCER seeking exec/mgmt or producer position with production company or network. Background includes talk, reality and game.

SITUATION WANTED:  EXPERIENCED PA: LA based Film/TV/Music PA available for serious work Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat & Sun’s. Knowledgeable, Tech-Savvy, Detail-Oriented & Professional. Contact:

for rates and specs for Job Openings. 

Interested in posting your Video Resume?  Contact
for more information ….

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email
for specs.

WHAT’S ON TONIGHT – Monday, February 18, 2008

ABC: Dance War [f], October Road
CBS: How I Met Your Mother [r], Welcome to the Captain, Two and a Half Men [r], The New Adventures of Old Christine, CSI: Miami [r]
CW: Gossip Girl [r], Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious [p]
FOX: Prison Break [f], Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
ION: Mama’s Family, Mama’s Family, Drew Carey Show, Drew Carey Show, Drew Carey Show, Drew Carey Show
MNT: Celebrity Expose, Paradise Hotel 2
NBC: Deal or No Deal, My Dad is Better than Your Dad [p], Medium
PBS: Antiques Roadshow, American Experience, PBS Previews: Carrier
TELE: La Traicion, Victoria, Pecados Ajenos
UNIV: Al Diablo con los Guapos, Pasion, Cristina

All outgoing e-mails are scanned and sent out virus free.  Copyright Cynopsis 2008

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