MANY PASSIONS. FOOD • FASHION • BEAUTY • DESIGN • POP • FOOD • FASHION • BEAUTY • DESIGN • POP Cynopsis Good morning. It’s Monday, April 19, 2010, and this is your first early morning briefing. And as always, if you prefer to watch this morning’s news instead of reading it, click here . Tonight’s Premieres: Tonight’s Finale: A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM ABC FAMILY
ABC Family – Millennials are the New Mainstream
Top 5 on P12-34 outranking MTV, FX, E! and Comedy CentralTop 5 on W18-49 outranking TNT, TLC, Lifetime and Food Network Top 10 Digital Video Destination – 18MM video streams POWERHOUSE with millennials and women!
Source: The Nielsen Company. Click here for full source data. ~ MORE GOOD STUFF ~
The FCC has temporarily halted the review process of the proposed $30 billion merger between Comcast-NBC Universal until it receives two additional economic reports from the companies involved. One report is about the supposed economic benefits that will result once the merger takes place and the second one is focused on the impact of online video distribution. The FCC also delayed the comment and reply comment deadlines until after it receives these requested reports from Comcast and NBCU. Despite this setback, a spokesperson from Comcast said the company projects a finalization of the regulatory process this fourth quarter. IFC is bringing back a third season of its original series The IFC Media Project with a changed titled and format. The IFC Media Project Presents: FEAR, WAR, GREED and DISASTER offers four 30m documentaries hosted by award-winning journalists who serve up facets of each topic that has, up to now, not been reported on by the mainstream media. The series begins with FEAR May 24 at 8p as Max Blumenthal, senior writer for The Daily Beast and contributor to Salon.com and the Huffington Post delves into the Tea Party movement. The other three episodes, WAR, GREED and DISASTER will air nightly through May 27 at 8p. The series is created and produced by HonestEngineTV’s Meghan O’Hara and Nick McKinney. USA Network renewed its drama series Burn Notice for a fifth and a sixth season, even though season four is not launching on the network for another two months, reports Variety. USA okayed 15 and 18 episodes for each season respectively. Production for the fourth season continues in Miami and season five will begin production approximately a year from now. USA also purchased the off-net rights to all six seasons of the show, which will launch as a strip on USA in October 2011. Top 10 Weekend Box Office Estimates: April 16-18, 2010 And the latest reports from the MIPTV location in France — many are still in Cannes unable to leave due to the volcanic ash cloud and the closing of the nearby Nice airport. It seems the Friday morning flight out to New York on Delta was the last before the airport was closed (boy, did I get lucky!). The next flight out from Nice to JFK is scheduled for Tuesday (fingers crossed), and I hear it may be overbooked. Delta doesn’t have this flight schedule to run at all on Wednesday, so many are hoping to return on Thursday or Friday. According to friends still in France, there are those who are riding in the trucks carrying MIPTV booths to cities where they can make connections; and others have rented taxis from Paris to Barcelona. And reportedly there is one person who has already booked a cabin on the QE2 leaving on June 2nd … just in case. Admittedly, my source indicates that one may be an urban legend, but let’s face it, these folks are living thru truly interesting times. Come home soon all — we’re rooting for you! A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM HISTORY
More Men. More Media Muscle. HISTORY is the Real Deal, The Ratings Momentum Continues! Top 5 Male Network (#2 M25-54, #3 M18-49, #5 M18-34) Top 10 Adult Network (#4A25-54, #4A18-49, #7A18-34) Men Make a habit out of HISTORY every day. Tune in and find out why. SHOW US HOW YOU MAKE HISTORY. Click Here to Win!
Source: Nielsen MultiTrak, Prime (M-Su/8-11pm); L+SD; March 2010 (3/1-3/28/10). Based on AA (000). Includes all ad-supported cable nets that air programming in 50%+ hours of primetime.
Warner Bros.’ Telepictures unit has two show pilots in the works for the syndication marketplace and both feature stars of current VH1 shows. The first project stars Steve Ward, who along with his mother, JoAnn headlines VH1’s Tough Love series about their matchmaking service based in Philadelphia. Telepictures is also working on another project that will feature Dr. Drew Pinsky who stars in three shows on VH1: Celebrity Rehab, Sober House and Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew. Pinsky also hosts a show on MTV called Sex … with Mom and Dad. Anastasia Griffith (NBC’s Trauma) has been cast in USA Network’s returning medical series Royal Pains playing Dr. Emily Peck, cites EW. Griffith’s character, Peck is a new doctor in the Hamptons who will give Dr. Hank Lawson (Mark Feuerstein) some competition and will begin appearing on the series starting with the premiere on June 3. A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM HALLMARK CHANNEL
Martha Stewart. Favorite episodes from her Home, Kitchen and Garden series, only on Hallmark Channel. For sponsorship opportunities, contact Ed Georger, EVP, Advertising Sales at [email protected].
Thursday A18-49 Analysis: CBS captured a win Thursday at 3.1/9 with the A18-49 demo, according to final national ratings from Nielsen. CBS’ Survivor was on top of the pack at 8p with 3.8/12 followed by FOX’s Bones at 2.9/9. CBS remained in the lead through 9p with CSI at 3.0/9 and NBC’s special SNL: In the 2000’s came next at 2.7/8. Things reversed during 10p as NBC’s SNL special was #1 at 3.0/9 while CBS’ The Mentalist rerun was #2 at 2.4/7. Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Thursday, April 15, 2010 – time period averages. Source: NTI Galaxy, as dated. Live+SD. CBS: 7.6/13 Survivor 7.1/13, CSI 8.1/14, The Mentalist [r] 7.5/13 FOX: 5.2/9 Bones 6.3/11, Fringe 4.0/7 NBC: 3.7/7 The Office [r] 2.7/5, The Office [r] 2.7/5, SNL: In the 2000’s 4.3/7 ABC: 3.1/5 FlashForward 3.4/6, Grey’s Anatomy [r] 3.4/6, Private Practice [r] 2.6/5 UNIV: 1.9/3 Hasta que el Dinero Nos Separe 2.4/4, Corazon Salvaje 1.9/3, Mujeres Asesinas 1.4/3 CW: 1.6/3 Vampire Diaries 1.8/3, Supernatural 1.5/2 ION: 0.8/1 Ghost Whisperer 0.6/1, NCIS 0.8/1, NCIS 1.0/2 TELE: 0.7/1 El Clon 0.7/1, Perro Amor 0.7/1, Donde Esta Elisa 0.8/1 A18-49: CBS 3.1/9, FOX 2.7/8, NBC 2.5/8, UNIV 1.5/5, CW 1.4/4, ABC 1.3/4, TELE 0.6/2, ION 0.3/1
On the heels of MIPTV, FremantleMedia announced it has acquired the independent production company, FourOne Media based in the Netherlands. FremantleMedia secured a full 100% ownership in FourOne Media, which will bolster its production unit, Blue Circle and increase its catalog of offerings to include more drama, fiction and sitcoms. Willem Zijlstra, founder of FourOne Media will now become Managing Director at FourOne Media and Blue Circle, reporting to Monica Galer, Head/Northern and Southern Europe, FremantleMedia. South African-based production company Aquavision named Dave Keet as GM. Dave joins Aquavision from The Refinery Post Production Facilities Group where he was the managing director and in the past year he was a senior executive at a branded entertainment production firm. A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE FROM CTAM’s RESEARCH & INSIGHTS CONFERENCE () () Multiply Your Success Pace-Setting Execs Cover: Multiscreen Behavior, Disruptive Technologies, Media’s Spreadability See the Complete Schedule & Register By April 30 For a Chance to Win an iPad. This day in History: 1897 – The first annual Boston Marathon was held. It was the first of its type in the U.S. Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: What TV doctor said this: “It is in the nature of medicine that you are gonna screw up. You are gonna kill someone. If you can’t handle that reality, pick another profession. Or finish medical school and teach.” DR. GREGORY HOUSE Kudos to: Carmine Parisi-Outside Television/NY; Katie Rutherford-WCWJ/Jacksonville; Meredith Wayne-Cox Reps/NY; Alanna Benway-Turner Ent/Detroit; Vicki Cornelius-Camelot Comm/Dallas; Eric Turner-Fox Station Sales/Dallas; Hank Bordowitz-The Bordowitz Media Werx/Macomb; Matt Sautter-Dish Network/Denver; Jackie Bartoletti-Disney ABC TV Group/Burbank; Nick Monroe-Monroe Photography/San Diego; Robin Schmelling-BCMI/Rancho Mirage; Michelle Furnace-2G Digital Post/Burbank; Sasha Sanni-BBC/London Today’s Trivia Question: Originally called the Laff Box, this canned laughter machine was later nicknamed what? (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.) A CYNOPSIS MESSAGE
Cyn opsis Media presents: Upfront 2010 The Syndication Market
Publishing Wednesday The Syndication Market will provide an in-depth look at the 2010 Syndication selling season. Special Editions and more Upfront information are available at Advertising space is limited. Contact Mike Farina to reserve your space today! Later — Cyn Cynopsis Ad Sales: Member of Interactive Advertising Bureau (iab) To subscribe to any Cynopsis edition(s) click here . Cyn opsis CLASSIFIEDS – For More classifieds, visit the Cynopsis .com classifieds page here . JOB OPENING: COORD SALES DEV & PROMOTIONS/NICK/Viacom Consumer Products/NYC. 1+yrs Marketing/Cons Prod exp, Strng Comm/Org/Detail skills, Strng knwlege NICK brand, popculture, MS Office skills Apply www.mtvnetworkscareers.com (4/24) JOB OPENING: RESEARCH COORDINATOR/The Hub/LA: Must have at least one year experience in television and/or media research. Apply at http://thehub.catsone.com/careers (4/24) JOB OPENING: SR MGR DIG MEDIA MKTG/A&E TV Networks/NY: Increase AETN web properties on key srch engines. Asst w/ dvlpmt of brdr (non-search) dig. aud. dvlpmnt strategy. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html 7-10 yrs mktg exp 5+ digital (4/24) JOB OPENING: EXEC PROD/Charlex/NYC: ( www.charlex.com ) Mng prod dept. Dvlp executive level client relationships. Identify & expand strategic dvlpmnt of new business. Proven exp building/managing accts Apply to: [email protected] (4/24) JOB OPENING: DIR MEDIA RELATIONS/CABLEVISION /LI: Implement PR strat for cable, phone, internet services. Needs 5+ yrs in PR including skills in social media. Journalism or political exp a +. Apply: [email protected] (4/23) JOB OPENING: MGR, iVillage AD SALES MKTG/NYC: will be rspnsble for leading the dvlpmnt of mrktng that drive advrtsng revenue for the iVillage Network and oversee prgrm executn. Pls submit a resume: nbcunicareers.com job# 1166777 (4/23) JOB OPENING: SALES MGR/KQCA TV/SACRAMENTO: Strong leadership, motivational & organiz’l skills. 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Good PC skills & tech knwldg +. Min 12 hr/wk. Cover-letter & resume: [email protected] (4/24) SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Turner Ad Sales/Detroit: 10 wk internship. Work closely with all positions in support of the overall ad sales process. Gain exposure to all aspects of TV and Digital National Sales.Send resumes: [email protected] (4/22) SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: START ASAP. Post production facility interns. Duties include assisting Avid technicians and client services staff. Send cover letter and resume to [email protected] with subject INTERNSHIP (4/20) SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED … There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected] SITUATION WANTED: DIGITAL JOURNALIST (NY): Extensively trained by NBC News to shoot in HD & SD, edit in FCP & Avid, write, track and report. Hardworking and eager to be part of a great news organization. [email protected] (4/24) SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA SALES/MARKETING MANAGER/LA: 15+ years experience in educational, documentary, advertising media sales,product,biz development True Closer!!!!! [email protected] (4/24) SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/WRITER/DIRECTOR (NY): Ultra-creative, award winning, all formats, all genres, all major networks and major cable. Fast, frugal and fun! [email protected] (4/23) SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMENTARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (4/22) SITUATION WANTED: UAlbany 2010 grad, looking for PROGRAMMING/RESEARCH ANALYST, MEDIA BUYING OR SALES POSITIONS. I am currently interning at Viacom MTV Networks(Spike TV).Held the marketing position in my sorority. [email protected] (4/22) SITUATION WANTED: AVID/FCP VIDEO EDITOR (NY): Creative, Award-winning Editor. Short-form and long-form comedy, drama, music, sports. Many years in TV and Advertising. For resume and website contact: [email protected] (4/22) SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCTION MANAGER(NY): Hard working, organized, self-starter with 18 years production experience. Companies include HBO, A&E, MTV, National Geographic [email protected] (4/22) SITUATION WANTED: DIRECTOR/CREATIVE DEVELOPER: Animation. Dynamic, award-winning, fun-filled, 10+ years experience. Clients include Warner Brothers, ABC Family, Nick JR, HBO Family, MTV2, The Tornante Company. [email protected] (4/22) SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA SALES/MARKETING MANAGER/LA: 15+ years experience in educational, documentary, advertising media sales, product, biz development True Closer!!!!! [email protected] (4/21) SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCH DIR/SALES STRATEGIST: 20+ yrs media, Nielsen, Hisp, research, sales, and presentation experience. Email: [email protected] (4/21) SITUATION WANTED: FILM, TV & MEDIA SALES/NY: 6 yrs of exp as executive in international & domestic sales with strong knwldg of business and contracts with sharp client relationship & proven sales records. Email: [email protected] (4/21) SITUATION WANTED: 20+ yrs. experience in TV Broadcasting & Cable ACCOUNTING/FINANCE. Seeking FT/PT or Temp-to-Perm position: [email protected] (4/20) SITUATION WANTED: EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT position film/TV (NY) 7 years experience: Interned for a President, Executive Assistant to SVP/VP/film director/celebrity [email protected] (4/20) SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCH DIRECTOR, network experience (ad sales/prog/mktg), sales estimate expert, all Nielsen software, MRI, Microsoft suite. Full- time, temp or consulting. [email protected] (4/20) E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings. Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs. WHAT’S ON TONIGHT – MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2010 ABC: Dancing with the Stars; Romantically Challenged [p ], Castle Cynopsis Media LLC All outgoing e-mails are scanned and sent out virus free. Copyright Cynopsis 2010
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