Friday, October 3rd, 2008


CMT’s hit series My Big Redneck Wedding and
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team 3

are back on October 4 beginning at 9/8c.

The second season of My Big Redneck Wedding features more couples who have taken the term “redneck” to a whole new level,
and the third installment of DCC will highlight a fresh group of recruits as they compete for a spot on the famous squad.

Watch both series October 4 beginning at 9/8c, only on CMT.



Good morning. It’s Friday, October 3, 2008, and this is your first early morning briefing.  And as always, if you prefer to watch this morning’s news instead of reading it, click here .
Big premiere weekend ….

Tonight’s Premieres:
ABC: Wife Swap at 8p; SuperNanny at 9p
CBS: Ghost Whisperer at 8p; The Ex List at 9p; Numb3rs at 10p
The CW: Everybody Hates Chris at 8p; The Game at 830p
MNT: WWE Smackdown at 8p
FUEL TV: The Captain & Casey Show at 8p
Bloomberg Television: Venture at 830p
Cartoon Network: Star Wars: The Clone Wars at 9p
CMT: My Big Redneck Wedding at 9p
SCI FI Channel: Sanctuary at 9p
HBO: Down and Dirty with Jim Norton at 12a

Tonight’s Finales:
Outsider’s Inn at 930p
History: Shockwave at 10p

Saturday’s Premiere:
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team at 930

Sunday’s Premieres:
America’s Funniest Home Videos at 7p
The CW: 4 Real at 5p; In Harm’s Way at 6p; Valentine at 8p; Easy Money at 9p
Discovery Health: Treeman: Search for the Cure at 9p
Bio Channel: Female Forces at 10p
E!: The Girls Next Door at 10p

Sunday’s Finales:
I Love Money at 9p; Brooke Knows Best at 10p
BBC America: Skins at 10p


Fringe is in the mainstream as FOX picked up nine additional episodes of the thriller, taking the series to a full season order. Thus far, Fringe has won in its weekly Tuesday 9p time slot as evidenced by results on September 30 among A18-49 viewers at 4.3/11 and drawing in 10.0 million total viewers. The series is produced by Bad Robot Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.

Bloomberg Television will introduce a new 30m program tonight at 830p called Venture. The weekly show, hosted by Mike Schneider, will talk about issues and policy that matter to entrepreneurs and small business owners. Venture will air Fridays at 830p and 1130p, with repeats on Saturdays mornings.

Showtime’s Dexter nailed 1.2 million viewers for its third season debut last Sunday at 9p. Following on Showtime the comedy Californication at 10p averaged 522,000 total viewers for its season premiere.

NBC will open its new reality dating show Momma’s Boys on October 29 at 9p. Over six weeks, the series from Ryan Seacrest Productions and Glassman Media will watch as three overbearing mothers help their sons sift through 32 single women, finding one for each that makes the mommas and the sons happy.

The Sportsman Channel (TSC) added 330,000 to its distribution due to new launches on Comcast systems in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, CO; Greater Pittsburgh area, PA; as well as on Catawba Services, Inc. in Rock Hill, SC.


Fox Reality Channel will soon begin production on twenty new episodes for season two of its late-night original series Battle of the Bods. British comedienne Olivia Lee hosts the reality competition series where guys and gals rank their own and others contestant’s sexiness for cash prizes. The new season will premiere next year and casting has started in Los Angeles and will soon make stops in San Diego, Phoenix and Las Vegas. 

Casting Call: Season two for NBC’s Momma’s Boys began this week and auditions will take place in New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Miami, Washington, D.C., Madison, Baton Rouge, Louisville and New Orleans. Interested bachelors, their mothers and single women can visit or nbcdatingshow .com for more details.


CYNOPSIS DIGITAL – TODAY’S TOP STORYIt looks as though the iTunes store will stay open after all. The three-member Copyright Royalty Board voted yesterday to freeze the rate that digital music stores are required to pay to music publishers. The decision keeps royalty rates at 9.1 cents/track instead of raising it to 15 cents/track, a 66% increase. With an estimated 70 cents of every 99 cents song going to music labels the increase would have decimated the already razor thin profit margin Apple makes off the sales of online music.  Full edition: CYN DIGITAL.

CYNOPSIS KIDS – TODAY’S TOP STORY:  The US Senate passed two acts that relate to kids and their viewing and online activity:  Child Safe Viewing Act requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to further investigate new blocking technologies and review existing blocking devices and ratings aimed at helping parents monitor what their kids watch on TV and online via various media platforms; and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act aims to bring parents, industry and educators together to improve education for kids about the internet while also strengthening parental control.   Full edition: CYN KIDS.

CYNOPSIS INTERNATIONAL – TODAY’S TOP STORY:  Four BBC Worldwide Channels thematic channels will arrive in Scandinavia in the beginning of December through Nordic region pay TV operator Canal DigitalBBC HD will make its European curtsy along with standard def channels, BBC Knowledge and the soon-to-be rebranded BBC Lifestyle (fka BBC Food) and BBC Entertainment (fka BBC Prime).  All will air with local subtitling.    Full edition: CYN INTERNATIONAL.


Wednesday – A18-49 Analysis:  CBS conquered Wednesday night at 3.4/9 A18-49, according to final national ratings from Nielsen Media Research. FOX won the 8p hour with Bones at 3.2/9 with NBC’s Knight Rider coming next at 2.4/7; coming in third with an average of 2.1/6 was CBS for Old Christine/Gary Unmarried; and in fourth place was the season premiere of ABC’s Pushing Daisies at 2.0/6. CBS continued in the lead during 9p with Criminal Minds at 3.9/10; ABC’s sophomore season debut of Private Practice tied for second place with NBC’s America’s Got Talent at 3.3/8 each. Then at 10p, CBS completed its clean sweep by winning with CSI: NY at 4.1/11 followed by the new season opener of Dirty Sexy Money on ABC at 2.4/7.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Wednesday, October 1, 2008 time period averages. Source: NTI Galaxy, as dated. Live+SD

CBS: 7.9/13        The New Adventures of Old Christine 4.7/8, Gary Unmarried 4.6/7, Criminal Minds 9.5/15, CSI: NY 9.6/16

NBC: 5.5/9             Knight Rider 4.7/8, America’s Got Talent 7.8/12, Lipstick Jungle 3.9/7     

ABC: 4.8/8          Pushing Daisies [p] 4.0/7, Private Practice [p] 5.5/8, Dirty Sexy Money [p] 4.7/8

FOX: 4.4/7           Bones 6.2/10, ‘Til Death 2.7/4, ‘Til Death 2.3/4

UNIV: 2.2/4         Cuidado con El Angel 2.2/4, Fuego en la Sangre 2.6/4, Don Francisco Presenta 1.8/3

CW: 2.0/3           America’s Next Top Model 2.7/4, 90210 [r] 1.2/2

MNT: 0.8/1          Twilight Zone 1.0/2, Twilight Zone 2 0.9/1, Twilight Zone 0.8/1, Twilight Zone 2 0.7/1,

TELE: 0.8/1         El Juramento 0.4/1, Dona Barbara 0.8/1, Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso 1.2/2

A18-49: CBS 3.4/9, ABC 2.6/7, NBC 2.6/7, FOX 2.4/6, UNIV 1.8/5, CW 1.4/4, TELE 0.6/2, MNT 0.4/1



Cablevision Systems Corporation hired two new executive for its wireless broadband product unit, Optimum WiFi. Tim Farrell has become VP/Wireless Product Development and Craig Plunkett was named VP/Wireless Market Development. Both report to Kevin Curran, SVP/WiFi Product Development.


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Friday Fun Fact: 
Born in London, Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, was the first and only foreign-born first lady.

This day in History:  1863  U.S. President Abraham Lincoln declared that the last Thursday of November would be recognized as Thanksgiving Day.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: Who played characters Charlie the Doorman and Newton the Waiter on the Morey Amsterdam show?  ART CARNEY Kudos to: Michael O’Gara/NY; Gerry Bixenspan-TV Marketing/NY; Joel Segall-Monterey Media/White Plains, NY; Paul Gluck-LiveUpdate Multimedia/Ardmore, PA; Allison Wright-MTV Networks/Detroit; Randy Baumgartner-KFYR/Bismarck; Jennifer Shinkle-Learfield/Jefferson City, MO; Skip Engle-Editech Inc,/Omaha; Robb Gray, Jr.-Apex Media/Tucson; Paul Blutter-General American Group, Inc./Northridge, CA; Alan Perris-The Television Academy/North Hollywood; Robin Schmelling-BCMI/Palm Desert

Today’s Trivia Question: What was the nick-name of Starsky and Hutch’s red and white Ford Torino? (Email
with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Cyn

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JOB OPENING: MANAGER, DEVELOPMENT & PRODUCTION / NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TELEVISION / Washington, DC: 5 yrs exp in Giant Screen Film Industry. EOE. Apply to JOB ID 3651 at (10/10)

JOB OPENING: SR RSRCH ANLYST-ASST/Lifetime / NY: Analyze & prdce reprts, suppt Ad Sales & Finance, daily & compet rtgs reprt; incl lght admin wrk. Exp TV Rsrch/data anlyst/StarTrak/Galax Expl; (10/10)

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JOB OPENING: AFFILIATE RELATIONS: Input clearances in Station Clearance System for region stations. Negot make goods for netwrk distribut. Day-to-day contact w/stations . Apply: Req 179259 EOE (10/9)

JOB OPENING: EXPERIENCED PRODUCER AND PRODUCTION COORDINATOR: Wanted for animated pre-school properties based in New York City. Animation production experience required. Email 

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60-70K (10/8)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES MKTG MGR, DIGITAL/Zoom Media NY: Develop advertising & mktg solutions for clients; produce proposals illustrating Zoom’s Digital media offerings; assist in client mtgs. 2-4 yrs. media mktg exp. Send resume & cover ltr:

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JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, PRIM RSRCHER: Mng quant/qual rsrch studies. 3rd party rsrch, outside comp; Anylze prim + sec data/Intrpt finds & prvide recomm. Rsrch exp in media or ent co/Anlys+wrting skills. Res:

JOB OPENING: MANAGER PRODUCTION /ABC-Burbank: Support Disney XD/SOAPnet, BA/BS, 6-8 year’s series, post supvsr/producer or production mgr. Movie Magic/Excel, Network & Union/Guild knowledge, Req. #178476 (10/7)

JOB OPENING: VP, OXYGEN AD SALES RESEARCH/NBCU/NY: Resp for research-based strategic direction of Oxygen. BA. Min 8 yrs exp in sales research at ntwrk. Apply: (#849618) (10/4)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/ION/NY: Entry level, Nielsen/MRI, 1 yr broadcast or cable/media buying agency exp, College Degree req’d, Business Degree a +, proficient in media math/MSOffice.
. EOE (10/4)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE: ON AIR MARKETING MANAGER/SLEUTH & UNIVERSAL HD/NYC: On air promotional planning & scheduling. 2+ Yrs exp in mrkt, adv, or related field. Email resume to:

JOB OPENING: DIR BUSINESS AFFAIRS/SONY PICTURES TV INT’L/LA or Miami: Provide Bus Affairs expertise to dvlpmnt & prod team for US Hisp & Lat Am mkts. Reqs: JD; 5+yrs TV prod Bus Aff exp; Fluent Eng/Span. Apply @ sonypicturesjobs .com (10/4)

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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Entertainment ad agency immed needs an extremely orgnzd INTERN who can multi-task in our busy print division, working w/ Account Team & assisting Creative Dir/Design Team. Res to
(Van Nuys) (10/10)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT PUBLICITY INTERN. Manhattan PR agency is looking for students to assist w/ all aspects of business, from events to rsrch. Good communication skills & enthusiasm are a must.

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Ripe Digital- LA looking for Viral Video Interns. Find, log and write video descriptions. Fax resume to

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: The Chamber Group is a full service PR firm seeking passionate interns! Internship is for credit only, w/compensation for travel/meals (min of 15 hrs/wk). Contact: Damali Elliott 212.366.5801/

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MEDIA RESEARCH INTERN: Provides reporting & strategic insights & supports internal functions, incl. prgrmng, mktg, & sales. Provide reporting & analysis. Semester-long, unpaid.

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SITUATION WANTED: EXEC. IN CHARGE OF PROD/LINE PRODUCER: 15+ Ntwrk & cable exp ,Exec in Charge, Coord Prod, Line Prod, Prod Mgr seeking work in synd TV shows, sports, kids series, event prod opps, NY/NJ/CT. E-mail:

SITUATION WANTED: TRAFFIC MANAGER: With over 12 years exp seeks position in Radio/TV/Entertainment or traffic software in NY Metro Area only.

SITUATION WANTED: EXPERIENCED ENTERTAINMENT ATTORNEY: (Television, film, music, comics and new media) looking for in-house position (NY). E-mail

for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Interested in posting your Video Resume? Contact
for more information ….

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email
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WHAT’S ON TONIGHT –  Friday, October 3, 2008

ABC: Wife Swap, Supernanny [p ], 20/20
AZTECA: Al Extremo, La Liga Futbol Mexicano: U.A. de G. vs. Atlas
CBS: Ghost Whisperer [p ], The Ex-List (Pilot ), Num3brs [p ]
CW: Everybody Hates Chris [p ], The Game [p ], America’s Next Top Model [r]
FOX: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, Don’t Forget the Lyrics!
ION: Movie: City of Angels, M*A*S*H
MNT: Friday Night Smackdown! [p ]
NBC: America’s Toughest Jobs, Deal or No Deal, Life
PBS: Washington Week, Now on PBS, Bill Moyers’ Journal, Slavery and the Making of America [r]
TELE: El Juramento, Dona Barbara, Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso
UNIV: Cuidado con el Angel, Fuego en la Sangre, La Rosa de Guadalupe

Cynopsis Media LLC
One Corporate Drive, Suite 724
Shelton, CT 06484

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