Friday, November 19th, 2010

Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning, it’s Friday, November 19, 2010, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.  If you would like to read this or any other Cynopsis edition online, click here

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously, 19-0, on Thursday to approve legislation to prevent copyright infringement and the sale of counterfeit goods online. The bill gives the Justice Department a streamlined process for cracking down on websites engaged in piracy and/or the sale of counterfeit goods including having courts issue shutdown orders against domains based outside the United States. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, which has received wide support from the movie, TV, music and publishing industries, was first introduced in Sept. by Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and senior Republican member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).


As part of its national “TV Everywhere” offering, Dish Network rolled out a new adapter allowing Dish Network subscribers to access live or recorded programming via the DISH Remote Access app and a broadband-connected, Sling-enabled receiver. The $99 “Sling Adapter” ads time-shifted access to Dish Network’s the VIP 722 and 722K DVRs.
is expanding its news social check in feature to add personalization features and integration with the site’s live TV listings grid. Logged-in users will see a personalized “Hot List” of their favorite shows throughout the site, featuring tune-in information for the shows and “I’ll Watch” buttons. TVGuide’s TV Check-in feature has averaged 10,000 check-ins per day since launching Oct. 20, according to the site.


Orb Networks introduced a new $99 streaming TV product that provides access to online TV shows that Google TV can’t yet deliver including the always-blocked Hulu, ESPN3 and Comedy Central. (Because its video streams originate from a Mac or PC, network sites shouldn’t be able to block Orb TV‘s videos.) The WiFi-enabled device connects to any TV and can be controlled through a smartphone app available for the iPhone, Android, iPad, or iPod Touch.
Cloud-based online gaming start-up OnLive announced plans to start selling a $99 broadband-connected gaming console from next month that will allow users access 1080p console games from the internet. (The price includes $50 in game downloads.) OnLive games such as “Assassin’s Creed” or “Shawn White Skateboarding” can be trialed for free or rented from 3-5 days.


Cyn opsis Media presents:
Demographic Viewing Patterns Special Edition Series

Upcoming Issues: Baby Boomers (12/6), Across Ethnicities (12/13)

Exploring the latest research on viewing patterns and evolving media preferences of specific
demographic groups, and identifying the newest trends networks and ad agencies are using to reach each of these demos.

Click to view specials on Kids, Tweens, & Teens, Women, & Men
For advertising opportunities contact Mike Farina, [email protected] , 203.218.6480


signed Verizon FiOS TV as a new partner for its targeted Google TV Ads feature, allowing advertisers to buy AdWords-style advertising across another 3.3 million U.S. homes.
In an effort to ease large-scale, mobile rich media ad buys, the Weather Channel unveiled its ORMMA (“Open Rich Media Mobile Advertising”) publishing initiative ­- a series of rich media advertising specifications and open source code available to publishers who want to serve rich media campaigns across all mobile platforms and devices. The initiative is currently under review by the Mobile Marketing Association and Crisp and Tring Apps are working to create ad standards for the initiative. The Weather Channel also announced the creation of “Category 5” with partner AdMeld, a private cross-platform advertising exchange for its digital properties.
Ad network RadiumOne announced a new social retargeting feature to allow brands to use traditional display media to drive consumers to their Facebook page. Dubbed “like retargeting,” the system will leverage like data to form social clusters of users most inclined to “like” a brand’s Facebook page.
Digital media start-up Atex announces the launch of the new tablet publishing solution designed to help media companies generate greater revenue on digital devices such as Apple’s iPad. Atex’s solution allows media companies to build user-friendly tablet applications that support multiple subscription models and deliver targeted advertising.


A report from the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission has emerged about an event on April 8, 2010 that resulted in much of the internet traffic from around the world being temporarily “hijacked” and rerouted through state-owned IDC China Telecom. China Telecom claims the incident was an accident, but the event has touched off a wave of concern about the vulnerability of sensitive data and the ability of the Chinese government to manipulate the internet during times of crises. 
is exploring a new plan to charge customers for mobile data plans based not only on how much data they use but also the speed at which they access the network, per the WSJ.


Nielsen continues to assure its clients that TV viewing remains high in the U.S., despite the proliferation of content reaching new platforms and devices. Overall TV usage was flat during Q2 y/y, with the ave. viewing watching more than 143 hours/month. Time shifting using a DVR continues to grow, particularly among viewers 25-34, with this group watching nearly 30 hours of DVR playback per month.
Monthly Time Spent in Hours: Minutes – Age Demographic Q2 2010
                                     K2-11 T12-17  A18-24 A25-34 A35-49 A50-64 A65+    P2+
On Traditional TV           107:32 103:46 113:54 130:21 145:06 173:40 196:21 143:37
Timeshifted TV                  6:49     6:01     6:56  12:52   12:15   10:56    6:02    9:27
DVR Playback (DVR homes)16:13 15:50    19:30 29:29    28:31  28:45   23:37  24:27
Source: The Nielsen Company. Based on Total Users of each Media.
Android tied with Apple’s iOS as the largest Smartphone OS on mobile ad network Millennial‘s monthly device index for the first time, with an 8% increase month-over-month and a 37% impression share. Android ad requests grew 65% month-over-month overall.


CBS Interactive debuted a 60 Minutes app for the iPad, calling it the first primetime news magazine to have its own stand-alone application for the popular tablet. The $4.99 app, developed with Treemo Labs, offers video and text versions of 60 minutes stories, searchable archives of past segments and archival segments related to each week’s top stories.


officially unveiled its new post-merger management team for NBC Universal, naming no less than 6 Chairmen to key positions under Comcast COO Steve Burke:

  • Bonnie Hammer will become Chairman, NBC Universal Cable Entertainment and Cable Studios, overseeing USA, SyFy, E! Entertainment, G4, Chiller, Sleuth, Universal HD and UCP
  • Neil Tiles will remain President of G4, reporting to Bonnie
  • Lauren Zalaznick will become Chairman, NBC Universal Entertainment & Digital Networks and Integrated Media. Bravo, Oxygen, and iVillage will continue to report to Lauren, as will the Integrated Strategic Marketing Group, Fandango, Spanish language broadcaster Telemundo, cable networks mun2, Style, and PBS Sprout
  • Telemundo will continue to be led by President Don Browne and Jackie Hernandez (COO); Salaam Coleman Smith will continue to lead Style; and Chuck Davis will continue to lead Fandango and Daily Candy, each reporting to Lauren
  • Dave Cassaro will become President, Cable Advertising Sales, reporting to both Bonnie and Lauren. Dave will be responsible for cable and digital sales
  • Ted Harbert will serve as Chairman, NBC Broadcasting, responsible for broadcast ad sales, NBC affiliate relations, companywide research, domestic TV syndication and the NBC station group.
  • Bob Greenblatt will become Chairman, NBC Entertainment, responsible for all aspects of prime time and late night programming, business affairs, West Coast research, marketing, PR, scheduling and NBC Universal Media Studios
  • Dick Ebersol will become Chairman of the NBC Sports Group. He will be responsible for NBC Sports, The Golf Channel, Versus and the Comcast Regional Sports Networks
  • Ron Meyer will continue to be President and COO, Universal Studios. Adam Fogelson will continue as Chairman, Universal Pictures
  • Jeff Shell will move to London to become Chairman of NBC Universal International. Peter Smith will report to Jeff
  • Matt Bond will join NBC Universal from Comcast as EVP/Content Distribution, responsible for domestic television content and digital distribution. Bridget Baker and JB Perrette will report to Matt
  • Jeff Gaspin, Mike Pilot and Allison Gollust will depart NBC Universal after the deal closes

Forbes Media has upped Ann Marinovich to Chicago Sales Director, reporting to Mike Woods, SVP/Client Services.


In what could finally bring relevance back to once leading social network, MySpace announced a new “Mashup” with Facebook feature allowing users to log on to the social network from their Facebook account and create a personalized stream of entertainment content. The integration, rumored for more than a year, will match a users “likes” and “interests,” as determined by their Facebook tags and posts, to like and kind programming they may be interested in featured on the MySpace platform, including music, movies, videos, TV shows, celebrities and topics of interest. MySpace users will also have the ability to program their own streams based on recommendations and trending topics.
Housekeeping Note: Once every couple of years for the past dozen years, we’ve conducted a short survey to find out how often you read Cyn opsis, on what device you typically read it, what other places you go for your industry news, what you like to see us include in our editions to make it more relevant for you.  I’d appreciate it if you could take about 3 minutes to fill out this short anonymous survey, and feel free to say anything and everything you think will help us do what we do better.  Thank you!

Later —
Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis Digital
[email protected]

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  JOB OPENING:  MGR, PROGRAM RESEARCH/Oxygen/ NYC:  Min 4 yrs exp in media research. Supports mgmt, programming, development, scheduling, press/publicity, marketing & pricing/finance. Apply@ (Job #1282882) (11/30)

JOB OPENING: FREELANCE P.A-ON-AIR PROMO/ABC/LA:Update status sheets/screen shows/pull shots for VOD. Bach deg/int. in TV mktg/promos req. Excellent org & comm skills. Final cut pro a +. Resumes: [email protected] (11/30)

JOB OPENING:  MGR, CONSUMER INSIGHT DIGITAL/WWE/Stamford, CT:  4+ yrs exp media research; exp w/ with Omniture Site Catalyst & Search Center, HitWise,comScore, Media/Plan Metrix, comScore,and Forrester required. Apply: (11/30)

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JOB OPENING:  RSRCH MGR/NFL/NY: Mng and  support design & execution of primary and secondary rsrch relating to NFL fan & brand.  4-7 yrs of mkt rsrch exp.  More info/apply: NFL – Research Manager Position (11/30)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC DIR, BUS DVLPMNT/Luminosity Marketing/NY: Seeking a dynamic, well-rounded leader who has a keen understanding of account service to lead our new business program. Send resume & CL to [email protected] (11/25)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER  FREELANCE/NEW YORK: Int’l Freelance FT Format Producer. Format HD/SD masters for global distrib; support Int’l production. (11/25)

JOB OPENING: MGR, CONTENT PROD & TECHNOLOGY MGMT/MTV/NY: 5 yrs exp, Manage post ops and tapeless wkflo’s, post supes, file mgmt. Expert underst’g of AVID, FCP & digi media. Budget & acct mgmt skills. Proj Based [email protected] (11/24)

JOB OPENING: DIR CULINARY EDITORIAL/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Creatively operate/dvlp culinary content. 5-10 yrs exp, culinary editing, publishing &/or website experience needed. Thorough culinary knwldg. # 1977 (11/24)

JOB OPENING:  SR EDITOR/FOOD NETWORK/NY: Edit recipes for accuracy, grammar, style & suitability for ntwrk website & other initiatives. 4+yrs prior editorial exp in culinary publishing. # 1976 (11/24)

JOB OPENING: EXEC PRODUCER/Seattle: Oversee content & dir of a daily sales driven daytime talk show on KING5 TV. Exp producing daytime TV, live events, creating content w/ advertiser clients. View job/apply: (11/24)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL DIST ASST/NY: Entry level. Digital distrib division of independent film co. Multitask in envir where priorities always shift a must. Exc orgnzt’l & comm. skills. Resume: [email protected] ASST SUBJ line (11/23)

JOB OPENING: NEW MEDIA SPECIALIST/New York: Launch & mng new media plans, (ie VOD, mobile, iTV). 3 yrs digital media exp. Apply: (11/23)

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JOB OPENING: DIR EVENTS – AFFILIATE SALES/Rainbow Media/NY: 4+yr Evt mktg exp in Cble/Tv/Ent indstry. Plan/execute affiliate sales evts. Budget & acct mgmt skils. Stng indstry contacts prferd. Wil Travl. Rez: [email protected] (11/23)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE/Simmons/NYC: Provide int & ext research support as well as back-up assistance for Account Managers. 2+ yrs ind exp (synd outlet, media or agency). Send resume to: [email protected] (11/20)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNERS/Fox News Digital/CHI&NYC: Support AE’s by building plans/decks. Manage day to day business internally. Must have exp in PP creation, interaction w agencies/clients. EOE [email protected] (11/20)

JOB OPENING: MGR,VOD PROG/INDEMAND/NYC: Program/schedule services. Negotiate/acquire movie & TV product. Heavy Excel. Bachelor’s + 5 yrs in movies/TV. Apply to: [email protected] (11/20)

JOB OPENING: SALES ADMINISTRATOR/HBO/NYC: Report to Manager of Administration. Read, analyze, interpret and summarize complex deal memos and contracts. Apply: (11/20)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED:  SALES CLOSER in TV, FILM & NEW MEDIA 6+ years International experience in Film & TV sales, a true closer w/ strong sales record and solid management skills. email [email protected] (11/30)

SITUATION WANTED: PRIME TIME EMMY DOCUMENTARY. PRODUCER, DIRECTOR, WRITER in L.A. Credits: National Geo, PBS, Discovery, History CH, TLC and MSNBC. Contact email: [email protected] (11/30)

SITUATION WANTED:  FIELD DIRECTOR/DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (NY/LA): 33+ years in every production situation imaginable. Few have the experience, references and reels like I do in Reality, Field Production, Docs. [email protected] (11/25)

SITUATION WANTED: CONTENT CREATOR:  Entertainment, Docs, Kids, Specials.  Major network/studio/interactive credits in long and short form.  [email protected] or [email protected] (11/25)

SITUATION WANTED: Dedicated & Experienced ADV. SALES PLANNER (NY) Sales proposals, resolving client discrepancies, quarterly post analysis, special sales service projects, expert computer skills. Contact- [email protected] (11/25)

SITUATION WANTED: NEW MEDIA SPECIALIST: Journalist & FCP certified editor w/ experience in Flash, Photoshop & social media; open to full-time, part-time, contract, or freelance; based in central CT. Please email: [email protected]  (11/25)

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SITUATION WANTED: VERY SR WRITER. Very Reasonable Rates. Copy, content, concepts, creative + strategic, all media. Hire me and you will be happy. Visit for FREE samples. [email protected] (11/24)

SITUATION WANTED:  Dedicated & exp’d SR TRAFFIC COORD seeks a challenging new position.8 yrs media (6+ yrs traffic) & rec’d 4 NBC Ovation Awards for going above & beyond, as well as demonstrating excellence. [email protected] (11/24)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.381.9096 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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