Friday, July 6th, 2007




Source:  Nielsen Galaxy Explorer (1/29-2/25/07), Live+SD HH coverage area Prime time rating (M-Su 8-11p), ranked among all measured ad-supported cable networks.  Yankelovich Viewing Habits Study, January 2007. Ranking among major general entertainment cable networks.



Good Morning, it’s Friday, July 6, 2007 and this is your first early morning briefing. 

According to several reports, Kevin Reilly is currently in talks to join Fox Broadcasting Co., where he would be head of programming.  That would free up Peter Liguori for a more lofty position at Fox, probably as an overseer of the network.  Nothing definite is being announced yet, but conversations are continuing.

Tonight’s Premieres:
FUEL TV: The 808 at 10p
SCI FI Channel: Doctor Who at 8p
Sunday’s Premieres:
Comedy Central: American Body Shop at 1030p


In a new agreement, NBC Sports and The All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club have extended their alignment to continue the Wimbledon broadcasts for an additional four years. This new extension also gives NBC Sports digital media rights to the Championships including Wimbledon LIVE online exposure via and live mobile coverage. Be sure to have strawberries and cream ready for this weekend, as Breakfast at Wimbledon will be covered live by NBC Sports on Saturday at 9a with the Ladies’ Final and the men’s semifinals, and on Sunday at 9a with the Gentlemen’s Final. NBC will also broadcast the ladies’ semifinals and men’s quarterfinals today from noon-5p in all time zones.

Okay you S#x and the City fans, this one’s for you.  New Line Cinema is talking with HBO to bring the ladies to film, and picking up where the television series left off.  Negotiations continue, but looking good.

ABC will bring back The Nine for its six final episodes next month, beginning August 1st at 10p. 13 episodes were originally ordered and these final six have not yet been seen.  Presumably the producers of the show originally expected this series to continue beyond 13 episodes, so if you’re looking for some closure at the end of these six, you’ll probably be disappointed.

A couple of other primetime changes —

  • CBSShark moves to its fall primetime position – Sundays at 10p – as of July 22.  This will de-berth Without a Trace, which will likely move to Thursdays at 10p, where it is also scheduled to run starting this fall.
  • Big Brother 8 launched last night and with its usual summer multiple runs during the week, it will displace The Unit on Tuesday nights.  The Unit will move to Saturdays at 8p as of July 14th.
  • The final two episodes of Fox‘s Standoff are scheduled for July 20th at 8p and 9p.  Filling the Friday night 8-10p time period thereafter will be a variety of theatricals including Hollywood Homicide, 13 Going on 30 and The Animal.

Film and television entertainment company, Peace Arch Entertainment Group Inc. has bought out California-based DVD distributor Trinity Home Entertainment, LLC for $10 million including acquisition costs. The deal allowed Peace Arch to purchase all of Trinity’s shares for around $9.5 million in cash plus offer up $500,000 of Peace Arch common stock.

NBC‘s research department is trying to convince advertisers viewers are just as engaged while watching fast-forwarded commercials as they are when watching live TV. NBC-commissioned a study by Innerscope to measure biometrics such as heart rate, eye movement and breathing patterns, according to The New York Times. Viewers who watched the first 20 seconds of live ads scored an “engagement” score of 66 while those watching the same ads in Fast Forward scored a 68.


London-based Tiger Aspect Productions recruited Ricky Kelehar as Director/Factual Entertainment and Gary Chippington as Director/Presenter-led Programming. Both are charged with developing and producing new factual programming.
TLC has hired Regina DiMartino as EVP/Marketing to oversee marketing, advertising and branding for the network in addition to digital content and communications. Based in Los Angeles, she will work in conjunction with other departments such as development, programming and sales to head initiatives to build franchises and multi-platform opportunities for TLC’s current and new series. This marks the first executive appointment made by Angela Shapiro-Mathes, President/GM, TLC since she joined Discovery Communications on July 1.
Paul Borgese has been upped to the new position of Director/Ad Engagement at The Weather Channel Media Solutions. Paul will focus on presenting cable research to clients and agencies and then work with them to create case studies and new research projects.
PIC-TV has elevated Jackie Garcia from Assistant Account Executive to Account Executive where she works with clients Kraft, Schering Plough and KAO Brands. Jackie’s new position will give her additional new business responsibilities as well as the opportunity to strengthen existing relationships with clients. She reports to David Hansfield, SVP/New Business Development.
Critical Mass, part of Omnicom Group Inc, has appointed David Armano as VP/Experience Design. In this new position, David will pinpoint the engagement between consumers and brands across multiple platforms to further strengthen relationships with the company’s clients. David will be based at the company’s Chicago office.


Today in Cynopsis Kids, listen to the audio version here, or subscribe to the iTunes CynKids podcast

  • Keith David joins the cast of The Princess and the Frog
  • A motion-capture adaptation of A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey and Bob Hoskins
  • Jetix UK orders more episodes of PXG

Today in Cynopsis International, listen to the audio version here or subscribe to the iTunes Cyn Int’l podcast  

  • Peace Arch Entertainment Group Inc. completes buy of Trinity Home Entertainment
  • Shaftesbury Films wraps filming on Blithe and Virginia for airing on Lifetime and CTV
  • New Five Life +1 and Five US +1 to make satellite debut this fall

Today in Cynopsis Digital, listen to the audio version here or subscribe to the iTunes Cyn Digital podcast

  • MSN brings Live Earth to the World Wide Web
  • Real Networks provides Big Brother fans with 4 separate 24/7 live feeds
  • Microsoft will shell out $1 billion to pay for repairs on the Xbox 360


TUESDAY – A18-49 Analysis:  NBC led a clean sweep Tuesday night winning overall with a 2.1/7 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. America’s Got Talent pulled off a double win for NBC: at 8p the talent competition show claimed a 1.8/7 then at 9p it won with a 2.3/8. NBC polished off the final win of the night during 10p as its Law & Order: SVU repeat came in at 2.1/7.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Tuesday, July 3, 2007 – time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research

NBC        4.5/9          America’s Got Talent [2-hours] 4.3/9, Law & Order: SVU [r] 4.8/9

CBS        4.3/8             NCIS [r] 5.1/10, The Unit [r] 3.7/7, 48 Hours Mystery 4.1/8         

ABC        3.3/6           According to Jim [r] 2.7/6, According to Jim [r] 2.6/5, Shaq’s Big Challenge 3.2/6, Primetime: Family Secrets 3.9/7

FOX        2.5/5           On the Lot 1.4/3, House [r] 3.6/7

UNIV       1.7/3          Yo Amo a Juan Querendon 1.6/3, Destilando Amor 1.9/4, Ver para Creer 1.7/3

CW         0.9/2          Gilmore Girls [r] 0.9/2, Veronica Mars [r] 0.9/2

TELE       0.7/1          Marina 0.6/1, Zorro 0.7/1, Esclava Isaura 0.7/1

A18-49: NBC 2.1/7, ABC 1.6/6, UNIV 1.5/5, CBS 1.4/5, FOX 1.3/5, CW 0.4/1, TELE 0.4/1


WEDNESDAY – A18-49 AnalysisNBC won Wednesday night with a bang at 1.8/7 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. NBC popped out in front each hour of primetime: at 8p the Last Comic Standing repeat came in first with 1.4/6; during 9p the Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks special sparkled in #1 with a 2.2/9; and Dateline maintained the top position with a 2.0/7.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Wednesday, July 4, 2007 – time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research

CBS        4.0/9        CSI: NY [r] 3.5/8, Criminal Minds [r] 4.2/9, Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular 4.4/9

NBC        4.0/9       Last Comic Standing [r] 2.9/6, Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks 4.7/10, Dateline: NBC 4.4/9

ABC        2.4/5       The Next Best Thing [r] 2.8/6, American Inventor [r] 2.3/5, Traveler [r] 1.9/4

FOX       2.0/4        FOX Movie Special: Anger Management 2.0/4

UNIV      1.0/2       Futbol: Mexico vs. Chile 1.5/3, Primer Impacto: Edición Copa America 0.9/2, Yo Amo a Juan Querendon 0.9/2, Don Francisco Presenta 1.0/2

CW         0.7/1       Hidden Palms 0.7/1, America’s Next Top Model [r] 0.7/2

TELE      0.6/1        Movie: Independence Day 0.6/1

A18-49: NBC 1.8/7, CBS 1.4/5, FOX 1.2/5, ABC 1.1/4, UNIV 1.0/4, TELE 0.5/2, CW 0.4/2

Friday Fun Fact: Every year about 27,000 kilos of strawberries are eaten during the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, together with 7,000 litres of cream. * The popularity of serving strawberries with cream is possibly as old as the event itself.
This Day in History: 1932 – For first-class mail, United States Postage rates went from 2-cents to 3-cents.  OMG! That’s so unreasonable!

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia: What was the name of the ominous hotel in “The Shining?”  THE OVERLOOK  Kudos to:  Joel Gibbs-Joel Gibbs Productions, Co./Philadelphia; Amy Trusler-Safe Auto Insurance Co./OH; Traci Borders-Fox Sports Net/NY; Jay Vincini-FKQ Marketing & Advertising/Clearwater, FL; Sarah Antosh-Christal Radio/Minneapolis; Kenny Mueller-Time Warner Cable Media/Dallas; Patti Clements-KXRM/Colorado Springs; Gina, MN; Chris Donovan-The CW Television Network/Burbank; Renee Moffitt-Vision Media Sales, Inc./Anthem, AZ; Geoffrey Brandt-Course Management/Sherman Oaks, CA; Laura E. Wendt -Walt Disney Television International/Singapore; Glenn Forbes-The Launch Picture Company/Toronto; Geraldine Anne Gately-Spotzer Media Group/Amsterdam; Stephen Kelley-Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Toronto

Today’s Trivia Question:  In this short-lived series, slaves later to be called “Newcomers,” arrived via flying saucer. What was the name of this show and what was the name of their home planet? ( Click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Cyn

Cynopsis Ad Sales:  Mark Bohn- 203- 583-1224 / [email protected]
Classifieds – Trish Pihonak- 203-926-9878 / [email protected]

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JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL MEDIA ASSET MGT/Stamford, CT: Create, drive, execute strategies for media inventory management. Exp with media flex preferred. Apply (7/12)

JOB OPENING: SR ANLYST TV RSRCH/Disney*ABC/LA: Pgm analysis and syndie research. 2+ yrs. exp. at a studio/distributor. Knwldg Galaxy Explorer, WRAP Overnights/Sweeps, Word Excel PowerPoint. Apply REQ 94668 (7/12)

JOB OPENING: PROD ASST/NY: Inside Edition, NY based nationally syndicated newsmagazine seeks orgz’d, outgoing PA w/opp to grow. FT position to assist daily operations of the on-air promotion dept. Apply: [email protected] (7/12)

JOB OPENING: EXP WRITER/PROD/ Rachael Ray/NY: Syn talk show seeks promo prod w/exc writing skills & strong conceptualizing ability for topical promo prod. Strong org skills & 5-10+ yrs in TV promo prod. [email protected]. (7/12)

JOB OPENING: PROMO EDITOR/Rachael Ray/NY: Syn talk show seeks exp avid editor w/ 5-10 yrs in TV.Ideal cand. is creative, conscientious, team player, works well under pressure, & has a good ear for music. [email protected]   (7/12)

JOB OPENING: NEW BUSINESS SALES/ WRNN-TV in NY: needs salesperson 4 new business initiatives 4 both tv & online.Must have exp. selling media to agencies & direct business.E-mail resume AND SALARY REQ. to [email protected]. (7/12)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL AE/History/A&E Chicago: Sell digital advertising solutions to clients/agencies. Dvlp new business. Client service and acct mgmt. 4 yrs in sales -min 2 yrs digital sales. Apply: (7/12)

JOB OPENING: REGN’L ACCT DIR/Screenvision/Chicago: Dvlp/present/sell integrated in-theatre advrtsng & media prgrm campaigns to regn’l clients. 3+yrs selling media advrtsng exp. BA equiv work exp. Apply at (7/11)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR-Nat’l Sales/Detroit, MI: BET-Cable salesperson w/strong presentation skills. Comfortable w/multi-platform & integrated opps. Sales/agency exp. req’d. Email: [email protected] (7/11)

JOB OPENING: VP, AFF. FINANCE/MTVN/NY: Lead a large team responsible for managing affiliate revenue recognition, A/R & subscriber reconciliation. 10+ yrs required & Degree in Finance/Accting. . EOE/M/F/D/AAP (7/11)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR/SpikeTV-Research & Planning/NYC: Gather/interpret ratings data & assemble research findings. 4-5yrs TV exp. Strong analytical/numeric skills & knowledge of Nielsen systems. EOE/M/F/D/AAP (7/11)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MEDIA AE/WCCO-TV/Mpls, MN: Sell digital advertising to clients/agencies, dvlp new business for CBS O&O. Client service and acct mgmt for online/wireless/all media. 2+ yrs online exp. Apply (7/11)

JOB OPENING: GM /Equity Media Holdings Corp. for Univision/Telefutura affiliates in Amarillo, TX: Must have TV sales and/or sales mgmt. exp; bilingual a +. Email resume to Connie Vaughn [email protected]. EEO (7/10)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Comcast Networks (Detroit): Maintain accts ie: Dialogue w/ agency clientele re: acct maintenance. Resolve billing issues. Work w/traffic dept re: schedule mgmt. Reply: [email protected] (7/10)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/E! Networks: Manage dept workflow custom requests and standardized reports. Full job description and application online, (7/10)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH/E! Networks: Oversee design, implementation and presentation of all secondary research to support networks. Full job description and application online, (7/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR PLANNING & PRICING/NBCUNI/NJ: Supporting role to the Dir by preparing financial modeling/analysis, sales/marketing initiatives & driving controllership Degree w/min 3 yrs related exp job#600131 (7/10)

JOB OPENING: VP PROD & DEV-DISC-DISC PLANET GREEN/MD & CA: Strong, creative ldr with enviro passion. 8-10 yrs Prod and Dev exp. Exp in long/short form prog, docs and live ent all ideal. More Planet Green jobs: (7/10)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES COORD/Screenvision/NY: Seeking detail oriented ad sales coord. College dgre reqd, sales/agency exp preferred. Slight admin work necessary. Support VP, 3AEs & Planner. Apply at (7/10)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES MKTG COORD/NY: Create sales proposals, execute added value, support Mktg VP, develop ad sales materials, premiums, coord. events. 1-2 years exp cable/agency. Email res: [email protected] (7/10)

JOB OPENING: RES. STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, NY: Min 5 yrs res. exp., proficiency in Nielsen systems req. Strong analytical/communication/computer/presentation skills. Estimate exp a plus. Apply: . Req 5500 (7/10)

JOB OPENING: FLASH WEB DEVELOPER, DIGITAL MEDIA/Sesame Workshop/NY: Development & programming chops req’d – CS3, After Effects, FCP, Flash video & games, etc. [email protected]   (7/7)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIRECTOR/Scripps Networks/LA: – Sell-in netwrk distrib quarterly promos to maximize media value. 5-7 yrs exp in affiliate or sales. Strong pres & comm. skills pref’d. [email protected] ref #6147 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: COPYWRITER /The ZUNE brand team is looking for an experienced copywriter to drive the strategy and execution of ZUNE voice, tone, style in all communications. Go to req#183782 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST Vh1 AD SALES RESEARCH/NYC: 2+ yrs natl rsch exp.Detail-oriented with strong analytical/written/oral comm sk.Expert w/ Nielsen, MRI, Simmons.Prof in MS Office. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (7/7)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

ALL YEAR INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: GOSPEL MUSIC CHANNEL – ATLANTA seeks INTERN for MKTG/PR department for project and event support. Must be able to lift 10lbs. Knowledge of MS Word/Excel/Publisher req’d. For app/more info: [email protected] (7/10)


SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER   LA: Former NBC producer avail. for freelance or staff basis. 5+ yrs of Entertainment Industry exp, including field/studio directing, writing, daily live-brdcst, & reality. Contact: [email protected] (7/13)

SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA PLANNING/Los Angeles Full Time/Freelance: 10+ yrs exp.  Experience-General Market and Hispanic.  Works independently or manages staff.  Large and small agency exp.  [email protected] (7/11)

SITUATION WANTED: TV DEVELOPMENT/CREATIVE/PRODUCER/Los Angeles: seeking consulting or staff position. 15 yrs experience in show development, promo/trailer/EPK producing.
[email protected] (7/11)

SITUATION WANTED: 07 Phi Beta Kappa Harvard grad seeks employment in entertainment industry. Worked two media internships and wrote professionally directed play. Skilled in script coverage. Email at [email protected] (7/10)

SITUATION WANTED: INTERNET MARKETING SPECIALIST SEEKING CONSULTING /LA/NYC/SF/DC: Talented in complete campaign management including SEO, PPC, affiliates, e-zines, RSS, ad placement, etc. LA based, can work remotely. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: MID-LEVEL DIGITAL MEDIA BIZ DEV MGR seeking position that leverages interpersonal and analytical strengths in international business, leadership, and cross-cultural interaction (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: Experienced manager seeks immediate FT or FREELANCE OPPORT. In on-air promos or new media mgt. In NY, but maybe willing to relocate. For resume & ref, e-mail [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: INTERNATIONAL ONLINE ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ONLINE MARKETING MANAGER/DALLAS: Interested in incorporating a passion for online sales with an internationally branded company-TV/New Media/. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/PRODUCER – LA: HBO Creative Services writer/producer recently relocated to LA looking for freelance or permanent gig. See resume and most recent work Contact: [email protected] (7/7)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

WHAT’S ON TONIGHT – Friday, July 6, 2007

ABC:    George Lopez [r],George Lopez [r], Kyle XY, 20/20
CBS:    Ghost Whisperer [r], Jericho [r], Numbers [r]
CW:     Friday Night Smackdown!
FOX:    Bones [r], Standoff
ION:    Go Toward the Light [7p], The Twilight of the Golds
MNT:    My Friday Night Movie: RoboCop [r]
NBC:    1 vs. 100 [r], Las Vegas [r], Law & Order CI [r]
PBS:    Washington Week, Now, Bill Moyer’s Journal, Expose: America’s Investigative Reports, Scientific American Frontiers [r]
TELE:   Madre Luna, Zorro, La Esclava Isaura
UNIV:   Yo Amo a Juan Querendon, Destilando Amor, Casos de la Vida Real Edicion Especial

CYNOPSIS EMAILS TO THE EDITOR:   To submit an Email to the Editor, send to [email protected], Subject: Email to the Editor.  By sending an email with the subject Email to Editor and with your full name, you should anticipate it will be published in the next edition of Cynopsis with full attribution.   Not all Emails to the Editor will be published, and those that are may be edited for length and/or language.

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