Friday, December 18th, 2009

Cynopsis: DIGITAL


Good morning, it’s Friday, December 18, 2009, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.

The backlash against the changes Facebook recently made to its privacy policies continue as several consumer groups filed a formal complaint with the FTC on Thursday, arguing that the changes violate federal privacy protections. The effort to get the FTC to open up a formal investigation, led by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, is out to convince authorities that the site’s new privacy settings disclose personal information to the public that was previously restricted and share information to third parties that was previously not available. The issue is over chiefly over control over how your background info and postings are shared; despite statements by Facebook to the contrary, the new settings actually offer less control and fewer options, say detractors.


Sony has struck deals with the Wall St. Journal, MarketWatch and the NY Post to feature their digital editions on Sony’s line of electronic readers. In an effort to differentiate the e-reader from what is becoming a crowded marketplace, the deal includes an arrangement to feature the NY Post’s digital edition on the new Sony Daily Edition as an exclusive to the platform. WSJ subscribers can also pay $5 more, above the monthly $15 fee, to receive a late afternoon edition dubbed WSJ Plus.
Look for Avatar to be the first big thrill ride of the season (and perhaps of the year), judging from advanced ticket sales and the huge buzz surrounding the opening of James Cameron’s technological breakthrough movie. Avatar is expected to be the biggest 3D movie to date, with 2,032 of the 3,457 theaters opening the film in the U.S.  equipped with 3D projections systems, per Variety.
CNN is pointing to Nielsen’s November video metrics as proof that its video-centric redesign has been a success. The site racked up 89.1 million streams during the month, an increase of 6% from a year ago. CNN also remained No. 1 among Nielsen’s news sites in Time Spent Watching Video, totaling 215.5 million minutes for the month.
Musicians looking for new revenue streams may have found a new product in seasonal ringtones. Mariah Carey’s $2.99 “All I Want for Christmas” ringtone from Legacy Recordings has become the first seasonal ringtone to cross the RIAA Double Platinum mark with sales of more than two million units.


Simon Fuller’s 19 Entertainment, (American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance) announced a new interactive talent show planned for next year that combines mobile, internet video and social networking. The “post reality” 30 minute show called If I Can Dream documents the travails of 5 young actors as they pursue their Hollywood dreams, allowing audiences to interact with the hopefuls real time via text messaging, blogs, Twitter, My Space and Hulu comments. Hulu will have exclusive rights to the show outside of its own site and presumably throw considerable promotional weight behind it.
Can success help beget success? Next New Networks, the web video production outfit that initially developed (or acquired) its own shows in house, has introduced a new support apparatus to foster production talent across the web. The Next New Creators program is reaching out to video producers offering help with distribution, promotion and monetization services in exchange for a share of future revenues. Indie producers can benefit from NNN’s relationships with major partners, the use of its production facilities and the support of the company’s sales staff. Initial partners in the program include Grace Randolph’s “Beyond the Trailer,” Gregory Brothers’ “Auto-Tune the News,” Daniel Delaney’s “Vendr.TV,” Max and Rebecca Lando’s “Working Class Foodies” and LushLife NY’s “12 Second Cocktails.” NNN says musical satire series Auto-Tune the News has racked up over 35 million views after being presented to the audiences of Barely Political.
The Times Square Alliance and Countdown Entertainment, co-organizers of the annual New Year’s Eve gala in Times Square, is joining with Livestream to produce a live webcast of this year’s Ball Raising ceremony at, complete with live chat and social media tools. The site will feature an embeddable widget, enabling online publishers to feature the webcast on their sites for free. Viewers will also be able to access the webcast on their iPhones at .


Online video ad firm ScanScout announced that its new “Super Pre-Roll” video ad unit, which adds interactive elements into the ads, has outperformed standard industry pre-rolls by 350% in terms of click-through engagement across its in stream ad network since being introduced in Oct. 2009.


The Blu-ray Disc Association released the final specifications of the Blu-ray 3D specification, paving the way for 3D players to hit the drawing board in the coming year. The Blu-ray 3D specification is also designed to allow PS3 game consoles to play back Blu-ray 3D content in 3D.
News Corp.’s photo site is merging operations with mobile imaging service specialist Ontela, Inc. The newly renamed Photobucket Corp. gains access to Ontela’s popular mobile photo software, currently in use on more than 30 wireless carriers and more than 100 handsets, including Verizon and T-Mobile in the U.S. Tom Munro, Ontela’s CFO, will become President of the combined company.
Break Media announced an agreement with Web-based TV technology platform Clearleap to bring its guy-targeted online videos to the TV screen. will distribute a portion of its library to Clearleap’s Content Marketplace, making them available to cable and IPTV providers for use in VOD programming.


The Android is showing signs of making a mark in the fast growing smartphone space in the U.S., doubling its market share to 3.5% in the month of Oct., following the launch of the Verizon Droid, according to a new ComScore report. And like Apple iPhone users, customers who use Android-supported devices tend to over-index in terms of media consumption. iPhone users were most likely to consume mobile media, with 94% of users doing so in September 2009, while 92% of Android device users – predominantly T-Mobile G1 users – engaged in mobile media activities. That’s 12 points higher than an average smartphone user.
Mobile Media Consumption by Operating System (%of Operating System Users)
Three Month Average Ending September 2009 – United States
                       Operating System Penetration by Media Category
                       Mobile    Email      News/      Any App   Social      Instant
                       Media            Info Browser          Networking   Messenger
Apple                 94%      87%        80%         83%       58%         43%
Android              92%      63%        80%         82%       52%         46%
Smartphone        80%      70%        65%         59%       43%         37%
Non-Smartphone 26%      12%        14%         13%        8%         10%
Source: comScore MobiLens


Stingray Digital’s Karaoke Channel online karaoke platform has launched an iPhone app for the intro price of .99, shipping with 50 songs. The songs are played with original concept video backgrounds with an optional lead vocal guide track that can be turned on or off, if you need a little help. Full song lyrics are included on each song’s info page. Subscribe to Stingray’s full library with access to over 6,000 songs for an additional $2.99/month.
Popular online, iPhone and BlackBerry note-taking app Evernote has been released for Android, enabling users to jot down and catalog notes, attach files, take photos and record audio.


Former ContextWeb ad executive Robert Daniel has joined OwnerIQ as EVP/Advertising Sales, based in the company’s New York office.


~ WEBSITE OF THE DAY ~ is celebrating the holidays with a template of sites documenting the history of end-of-year holidays including Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. The site is loaded with videos and little-known factoids you can spring on family members during your end of year festivities. Before it was an orgy of commercialism, the end-of-year Yule celebration in Norse culture celebrated life during Winter Solstice by cutting down pine trees and dragging them indoors. Hanukkah commemorates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians in 165 B.C.E. and the subsequent rededication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem. Amazing feats attempted by ambitious Jews during Hanukkah include building a 12-foot high pyramid of sufganiyot (fried jelly doughnuts) near the town of Afula in 1997. The African American Kwanzaa harvest celebration was created by CSU Long Beach professor Dr. Maulana Karenga after the Watts riots in 1966 to try and bring the community back together. Kwanzaa incorporates Seven Principles and Seven Symbols representing values and concepts reflective of African culture. Whichever holiday you celebrate, have a good one and we’ll see you all back here next year!

And a quick housekeeping note — after this Friday, Cynopsis will be off for the holiday, returning January 4, 2010.  With that said, we will continue to post information on the home page of our website, where we have just begun posting links to the releases we did not include within the emailed edition.  That will continue thru our break.


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Much Later — we’ll be back on Monday, January 4, 2010 —
Happy Holidays!
 Wayne Karrfalt for Cynopsis: Digital

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