The Cynopsis Jobs listings are a great resource for job-hunters (or just job-curious) in the media industry. But once you find an opening that looks promising, what next? Ian Siegel, CEO of ZipRecruiter, has few words to the wise….
Cynopsis: What’s the biggest CV mistake you see?
Ian Siegel: Typos. Typos are the worst mistake you can make in a resume. If your resume has typos it is much more likely to cause an employer to overlook you as a candidate. Stronger action words position you as a go-getter; a candidate that will achieve results. Your CV should reflect your mastery in literacy, in addition to knowledge of your field. By being able to voice your communication style in a CV, you show that you’re well-read, and that you as a candidate are likely to have stronger oral and verbal communication skills.
Cynopsis: What’s the best way to explain a termination in a job interview?
Siegel: A termination does not always necessarily correlate with your skills or interfere with your contributions to your previous company. Give a concise recap of the scenario and be sure to acknowledge your mistake, rather than being defensive. Remember: we’re all human. Mistakes and mishaps are inevitable in the workforce but employers are going to want to make sure you are fully vetted and they understand what happened. Share what you’ve learned from the ‘lesson learned’ experience and your plan to do it differently in your next job. By doing so, you’ve simply asked for a second chance which shows both persistence and motivation to improve.
Cynopsis: What kind of recommendations are most effective?
Siegel: If available, try and get a recommendation from someone in your selected field because this individual is likely to have a better understanding of which skills the field demands. If you have a mentor have this person share the recommendation. Mentors are extremely important and finding the right mentor is key. Whether it’s your college professor, a family friend, a past colleague or in my case, ZipRecruiter’s COO, it’s always great to have someone to bounce ideas off of and have guidance on your professional career. You can use this time to talk through your strongest skills and why it is you’re so passionate and eager to get this particular job. It’s important to keep an ongoing relationship with your recommendation writer and always send a thank you letter to them after the fact.
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