
Cynopsis: DIGITAL

Good morning. It’s Thursday, February 20, 2014, and this is your first early morning digital briefing.


My Damn Channel is partnering up with recently rebranded “social” TV network HLN to produce a series called Videocracy. The show will count down to the most talked-about entertainment, as determined by social media channels. In a blog yesterday, My Damn Channel CEO Rob Barnett describes Videocracy as a reinvention of MTV’s hit music video countdown show TRL, but for videos found on the web. HLN also announced the full 2014 Developmental Slate for the network, which includes: Keywords, I Can Haz NewsToons, One.Click.Away, Vacation Hunters and #What’sYourFomo.

LinkedIn is expanding its Influencers platform from its current group of 500 big shots to its entire 277 million membership, any of whom can now publish their own long-form content on the site. Influencers in the past were well-known business leaders who provided long-form blogs and content for the site’s members (Bill Gate‘s first post, you may recall, got more than a million views in the first two days). Posts will first go to network contacts; if well-read, LinkedIn will distribute them more broadly.

The next step in Google and Magna Global‘s $100 million year-long ad deal, announced earlier this week, is to allocate the money wisely, according to Collective Digital Studio SVP of Strategy and Sales Paul Kontonis. “It’s a start in the right direction. Now we have to make sure the YouTube money is spent against content that will deliver a quality audience,” he said about the contract, which divides the marketing money between Google’s properties. The upfront deal will give Magna access to Google ad inventory, data, campaigns, and both companies will work closer to create content for YouTube and other properties. Other publishers like AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft will also be looking for similar deals during the NewFronts, which take place in New York City at the end of April.

Acorn TV parent company RLJ Entertainment is rolling out a second digital channel focused on fitness called Acacia TV. The channel is available at AcaciaLifestyle.com/tv and through its new Roku channel, and offers 75 workouts from yoga, cardio, strength training and others. SparkPeople.com Editor-in-Chief and trainer, Nicole Nichols, hosts the channel and guides subscribers through features and introductory videos of Acacia TV.

A federal judge in Utah granted a preliminary injunction Wednesday barring Aereo from operating in six states, ruling that Fox Broadcasting was likely to succeed on the merits of its copyright claim. “This is a significant win for both broadcasters and content owners,” said Fox in a statement. “This injunction will prohibit Aereo from stealing our broadcast signal in Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Montana.” The judge also granted a stay pending the Supreme Court cast, scheduled to begin April 22.


Chipotle personnel took to the stage at Social Media Week 2014 in New York City yesterday to discuss the company’s marketing strategy, and showed two episodes from its web series satirizing factory farming, Farmed and Dangerous. Chipotle CMO Mark Crumpacker discussed why Chipotle must work harder than most in its marketing campaigns. “We spend 34 percent or so on our ingredients, which leaves less for our marketing budget. Compared that to most fast food chains, that spend 25 percent or less on ingredients, and more on marketing. So we have to get creative in whatever we do.” The first episode of Farmed and Dangerous is available now on Hulu.

DailyMotion exclusively premiered Renderyard’s 2013 Sundance Film Festival web series, The Dark Prophet. The three episodes follow a math and music genius who discovers a secret code within music. “Dailymotion is designed to make it easy for leading and emerging filmmakers to realize their ambitions by reaching our global audience of 120 million viewers,” VP of International Content Marc Eychenne said.

The second-largest animation channel on YouTube, Simon’s Cat, has joined the Frederator Network. Simon’s Cat currently has 2.75 million subscribers, more than 470 million views and more than 1.5 million Facebook “likes” on its page. The Frederator Network averages more than 30 million views a month across its network of 130 channels like Cartoon Hangover and FilmCow Channel.


Shazam announced its first label partnership with Warner Music Group yesterday. WMG will use Shazam’s insights from its 15 million daily interactions to discover which acts are resonating with the public. Shazam will have access to WMG’s artist content for its new NewsFeed feature. The partnership has kicked off with Shazam’s first video premiere of Chromeo‘s song Come Alive, and its first single premiere on its NewsFeed with Wiz Khalifa’s song We Dem Boyz.

Sling Media‘s streaming TV platform Slingbox 500 has integrated Audible Magic’s automated content recognition technology for its iPad customers. “We’re making smart devices and apps even smarter. A set-top box that otherwise would have limited access to broadcast metadata can now reassemble that program information and provide useful benefits to the end user,” said Audible Magic’s VP of Marketing Curt Dowdy.


The Exploding World of Kids’ Tablets: The New Way to Build Your Brand
Thursday, March 20, 2014 ||| Time: 1:30 – 3:00pm ET

Talk about a growth spurt. The children’s tablet market is bursting with an array of devices designed specifically for young handlers. Two years ago, only 8% of kids had access to a tablet at home; today that number has swelled to more than 40%.



Telemundo is teaming up with Dr Pepper for a new multiplatform campaign that highlights some of the network’s biggest soap opera stars. The three actors, Litzy (Una Maid en Manhattan), Carmen Villalobos (El Senor de los Cielos), Eugenio Siller (Reina de Corazones) will each participate in a seven-month campaign titled Los Unicos, which will feature a six-part webisode series, social media promotion and promotional appearances on Telemundo and mun2.

…And by the way, you can learn more about the Hispanic market and digital initiatives from brands and networks at the Cynopsis webinar: Reaching Today’s U.S. Hispanic Connected Audience Through Digital, Social Media and Web Video. Register at www.cynopsis.com/webinars/hispanic-connected-audience/

Yahoo unveiled a new self-service ad-buying platform for native and mobile advertising called Yahoo Gemini. The product is available through the Yahoo Ad Manager for all advertisers currently within Yahoo’s ad network.


Charles Gabriel has expanded his responsibilities to help oversee global video sales for the AOL On Network. He will be charged with growing AOL revenue worldwide as well as continuing the integration of Adap.tv into the existing organization.


Entry Deadline: March 14, 2014 
Late Deadline: March 21, 2014
Awards Ceremony: June 11, 2014
From the most outstanding achievements in content creation, marketing & promotion, Cynopsis Kids !magination Awards honor the best in kids international programming and marketing.

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In honor of Social Media Week (SMW), check out Coca-Cola’s latest ad poking fun at the social media craze with a fake product called the Social Media Guard. The dog-collar-cone neck brace will supposedly stop a person from checking their phone every eight seconds, but of course doesn’t block a person from taking a swig of the soda giant’s drink. Watch the commercial at www.cynopsis.com.



Reaching Today’s U.S. Hispanic Connected Audience Through
Digital, Social Media and Web Video Webinar

Daniel Eilemberg, Chief Digital Officer (Fusion)
Virginia Lennon
, SVP, Client Partnerships(Ipsos MediaCT)
Carlos Restrepo
, VP, Business Development(Outrigger Media)

March 21, 2014 |1:30  3:00 PM EST | REGISTER NOW!.

See you tomorrow,
Jessica Reese  @JMarieReese

Roberta Caploe: Editorial Director @robertacaploe
Diane K Schwartz: Senior Vice President, Media Communications Group

Cynopsis Ad Sales: Mike Farina | VP, Sales | 203-218-6480
Classifieds Sales: Trish Pihonak | Director of Operations | 203-899-8459

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JOB OPENING:RESEARCH ANALYST/Music Choice: Prgm/Ad Sales research. NPower exp a must. MRI/Rentrak a plus. Standard reports, custom requests & competitive analysis. BA/BS, plus 1-3 yrs relevant research exp. Required. Apply HERE (2/27)

JOB OPENING:DIR, RETAIL MKTG/Nickelodeon/NY: Resp for dvlpmnt/execution of customized mktg prgrms that drive placement & sell-thru of Nick consumer products at key retail accts. BA deg+ 8yrs exp mktg retail/ent. Full info/apply HERE (2/27)

JOB OPENING:DIGITAL SALES EXEC/NCC/Chicago: Be forward facing to Online Media & Interactive Advrtsng decision-makers at the Digital Agencies. Min 5 yrs dig media sales exp, w/knwlg online & advanced Advrtsng space. Resumes: HERE (2/27)

JOB OPENING: TVONE/ACCOUNT EXEC/NY: Achieve national ad. Revenue. Carryout entire sales process.Communicate TV1 ntwork to advertisers. 20-30% dom. Travel. BA+ 8 yrs nat’l advertsing sales exp. strg cable industry knwldg. Resumes: HERE [email protected] (2/27)

JOB OPENING:SR ANALYST, DIGITAL ANALYTICS/NY: 3+ yrs Digital Analytics/Research exp. Exp w/cross-platform media research online, mobile, & on-air a plus. Apply HERE contact: [email protected] (2/26)

JOB OPENING:MGR, BUSINESS DEV/AMC NETWORKS/NYC: generate business across all networks, ability to build targeted sales presentations for clients. Photoshop, Custom Show, PowerPoint skills. Must be creative. APPLY HERE (2/26) 

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR AD SALES RESEARCH/UP TV/NYC: Excellent researcher & seasoned storyteller who’s looking to join a team that’s on its way UP. Apply: http://www.uptv.com/careers (2/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Discovery/LA: Team oriented sales professional to support AE/team. Help to deliver proposals, create presentations, ensure campaign’s success, and meet client’s needs. 2+ yrs media ad sales exp. Apply HERE (2/25) 

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIRECTOR/Telemundo/NYC: Research Dir. to analyze mkt data for sales/news teams. 5+ yrs media exp. required with Nielsen, Scarborough, Media Audit & CMR. Apply HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING:SR MGR OF COMM & SOCIAL MEDIA/FOX Sports South (Atlanta): Create & Execute media relations plans on behalf of the FS Regional Networks. Bachelors req’d. 5+ yrs.exp. http://goo.gl/6DJOrN (2/21)

JOB OPENING: STRATEGIC MKTG MGR/fuse/NYC: Ideation & proposal dvpmt of multi-platform integrated mktg opportunities for potential/existing Ad Sales clients. Exp: Mktg/ad sales/comm/mgmt/media/crtv writing/ prior mgr exp. APPLY HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: VP MKTG/AMC/NYC: Lead mktg campaigns. Run creative process for mktg creative prod in print, video, dig, etc. Dev media plans for digital/social for consumer & Hollywood trade initiatives. Full info/apply HERE (2/21)

JOB OPENING: VP, PROMO PLAN’G & STRATEGY/AMC/NYC: Lead Prgrmmng Promo Plan & Strategy team & guide all functions. Oversee daily log creation/promo strat for AMC, AMC Canada, AMC HD, Advcd Platform nets. 10+ yrs exp req’d. Full info/apply HERE (2/21) 

JOB OPENING: VP AD SALES/UPTV/CHICAGO: Prospects advertisers. Strong negotiation skills. 10+ yrs ad sales cable exp. Strong client relationships. Agency exp. a +. Res: [email protected] (2/21)

JOB OPENING: MGR, PRGRM RSRCH/WEtv/NYC: Oversee dvlpmnt, expansion, direction of prgrmmng efforts. Work w/Sched, Acquisitions, Promo Strategy to provide comprehensive, user-friendly data. Asst mktg, afill sales, etc.  Full info/apply: HERE (2/21)

EXPERT SERVICES ADS: These ads are for companies or people who offer an expertise in the field of media by way of production, voice over artistry, writing, set development, etc. For information on rates and specs for posting an Expertise Service ad email Trish at [email protected]

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED… There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad… for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected].

SITUATION WANTED:SUMMER PROD/BRDCST INTERN/NYC: Exp’d & hardworking student concentrating in media, comm & journalism, w/mult prior internships currently searching for summer internship. Ent related prod pref’d. Email: [email protected] (2/26)

SITUATION WANTED:Experienced historian for research, writing, editing, archive & collection development. Harvey Abrams, Olympic Games & Sport Historian, BS, MAT, Ph.D/abd. POB 732, State College, PA 16804. [email protected] (2/26)

SITUATION WANTED:SUMMER INTERN (NYC/West.): Outgoing college student w/strong credentials. Bus/Psych Maj. exp. mktg, promotion, team mgmt. Seeks position w/possible career potential. Resume on request [email protected] (2/25)

SITUATION WANTED:BROADCAST MEDIA PROw/10+ yrs exp in Tech Operations & Prod/Admin support seeks F/T or P/T position in NYC. From Behind the Camera to On-Camera & Voice Over. Plz contact:[email protected] (2/21)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203-899-8459 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email [email protected] for specs.

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