Wednesday, July 1st, 2009


Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Wednesday, July 1, 2009, and this is your first early morning Kids briefing.

The Advertising Council and with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters to celebrate 65th birthday of Smokey Bear with the launch of a new series of public service advertisements (PSAs) as we head into the July 4th holiday weekend.  The new campaign, like the one that debuted in 1944, was created pro bono by ad agency Draftfcb and continues to provide messaging about wildfire prevention, still a huge problem in the US with 9 out of 1 wildfires caused by people.  Distributed to TV, radio, print and online outlets, the PSAs feature CG-animation and encourage young adults to “Get Your Smokey On” that is, to become like Smokey and say something when others are acting carelessly.  Additionally, the spots direct viewers to , where they learn more about wildfire prevention and which also features a kid section, Smokey Kids.  By the way, Smokey Bear is keeping up with the times and now has profile pages on Facebook, MySpace and YouTube.


Summit Entertainment will shoot the third Twilight movie, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, August 17-October 31 at Vancouver Film Studios, per Coming Soon.  Based on the Twilight book series by author Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse will be directed by David Slade (30 Days of Night) from a script by Melissa Rosenberg, who penned the screenplay for the first two films.  The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is set for release on June 30, 2010.  In case you have been on another planet, the second movie, The Twilight Saga: New Moon was directed by Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass) arrives in theaters this November 20.


The fourth season of the kid targeted science-centric series Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman launches on PBS Kids Go! with an all animated special on Friday, September 11, 2009 (check local listings).  The new season of 20 new episodes of Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman will follow.  Season four focuses on three science themes, green science/sustainability, sports and sound/light/heat and is supported with online content at .  Funded in large part by the national Science Foundation, Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman is produced by WGBH Boston.

In an effort to combat the rise of “sexting” and other digitally lascivious trends, AT&T, iKeepSafe, and the American School Counselor Association launched “Project Pro“, a suite of interactive resources to help educate teens and parents about the potential consequences of sullying their online reputations. The resources, stressing the importance of privacy and online reputation, will be distributed to over 2,000 school counselors at the conference and will reach over 25,000 school counselors nationwide.


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It’s a big week for video game releases based on movies as the new Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs games debut.

  • Electronic Arts’ EA Play label and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment‘s release of the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video game (
  • ) around the world.  Developed by EA Bright Light, the team behind the Harry Potter library of video games, the new game is available this week for Wii, Playstation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PSP, Nintendo DS, Windows PC, Mac and mobile devices.  The Wii, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, PC, and Mac versions are rated E10+ and the handheld versions are rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

  • The Activision Publishing and Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising video game Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (
  • ) debuts this week in conjunction with Fox’s release of the 3D animated movie of the same name today.  Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs was developed for the console and PC platforms by Eurocom and for Nintendo DS by Artificial Mind & Movement.  The console and Games for Windows versions are rated E10+ and DS is rated E by the ESRB.

4Kids Entertainment International appoints Munich-based CTM Concept-TV & Merchandising as licensing agent in Germany for 4Kids’ K6-8 aimed property Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s.  Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s, the latest series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, launched on RTL2 (Germany) in March 2009, less than a year after the 5D’s trading card game debuted there.  The 5D’s toys, which will be distributed by Upper Deck, will be available in Germany from September 2009.  CTM Concept-TV & Merchandising, a subsidiary of the media group TMG, currently represents the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX property in Germany.

Nickelodeon India and Funskool introduce a new Dora the Explorer 24-piece puzzle for K3+ at retail in India.  Also in India, Nickelodeon partners with BILT Ten-on-Ten to launch a new back-to school line of Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob SquarePants notebooks (e.g. exercise books, long notebooks and drawing books).  Additionally, the notebooks also feature 2-4 fun pages, where kid’s can solve puzzles, color SpongeBob & Dora and test their trivia about their favorite Nicktoons.


Writer/producer/director Jack D. Ferraiolo returns to Scholastic Media‘s animation studio Soup2Nuts as Development Executive.  Ferraiolo will work with the Development Group, and is responsible for developing new properties at Soup2Nuts in Boston and Scholastic Media’s NY offices.  Ferrailo’s young adult novel The Big Splash was published in fall 2008.

Robin Rifkin has been named VP/Media Buying & Sales for Razor & Tie Media.  Rifkin will be based at the company’s headquarters in NYC.  She will report to Razor & Tie co-owners, Cliff Chenfeld and Craig Balsam.  Rifkin was most recently the VP/Direct Response & Media Director at Zenith Optimedia.


Monthly June 2009 Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K2-11 (000) 6/1-6/28/09 :
Total Day      (000)     Primetime       (000)
NICK°:            1203    DSNY*:             1428
DSNY*:           1017    CARTOON:          697
CARTOON:        551    NAN**:               527
NOGGIN:          328    NOGGIN:             427
NAN**:            325    DXD:                   188
ADSM**:          238    NICKTOONS:        160
DXD:                166    BET:                    133
NICKTOONS:       105    DISCOVERY:          95
BET:                   63    TLC:                      87
DISCOVERY:       53    ANIMAL PLANET:     67
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Monthly June 2009 Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among K6-11 (000) 6/1-6/28/09 :
Total Day        (000)    Primetime       (000)
DSNY*:             723   DSNY*:             1120
NICK°:              711   CARTOON:          503
CARTOON:         395   NAN**:              397
NAN**:             252   DXD:                  129
ADSM**:           174   NICKTOONS:        91
DXD:                 115   BET:                    86
NICKTOONS:        67   NOGGIN:             80
NOGGIN:             66   DISCOVERY:        68
BET:                    40   TLC:                   60
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Monthly June 2009 Top Ten Basic Cable Ad Supported Networks, Total Day and Primetime Rankings among Tweens 9-14 (000) 6/1-6/28/09 :
Total Day  (000)    Primetime       (000)
DSNY*:       616     DSNY*:             923
NICK°:        545     NAN**:             446
NAN**:       329     CARTOON:         391
CARTOON:   307     BET:                 122
ADSM**:     231     DISCOVERY:      101
DXD:            88     DXD:                   90
MTV:            75     MTV:                   86
BET:             63     TLC:                   76
DISCOVERY: 56     COMEDY:             69
THE N:         55     ESPN:                  66
Source: Disney Research from Nielsen Media Research Data Live + SD Data
*Disney Channel is not an ad supported cable network, unlike the others in this listing.
**Denotes a network that broadcasts less than 51% of minutes in a 24hr day.
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p

Monthly Year-to-Year Comparison: Total Day Rankings among K6-11 (000) 3/30-6/30/09 vs. 3/31-6/29/08, Cable Networks Only:
Network:                            (000)   %diff
NICK° :                             631       -3%
DSNY:                              597       +15%
CARTOON:                        341       -5%
NAN*:                              217       -5%
ADSM**:                          140       +13%
DXD:                                 88       +40%
NOGGIN:                            57        +39%
NICKTOONS:                       53       +29%
DISCOVERY:                       31       -11%
THE N:                              29       +26%
BET:                                 29      +26%
°Nickelodeon Total Day 6a-11p
*NAN Total Day 9p-6a
**Cartoon Network & Adult Swim share channel space ADSM airs
Sat.-Thurs. 11p-6a
The networks listed are mostly those cable networks that regularly appear on the K6-11 weekly ranking charts.
Source: Disney Research from Star Media Multitrak Reporting System Live+7 Blended with Live+SD from 10/16/2006 to date; Data prior to 12/26/2005 is based on Live Viewing

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Saturday, June 27, 2009, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11 1349; K6-11 936; TWEENS 9-14 729
NICKELODEON:          K2-11 1194; K6-11 770; TWEENS 9-14 547
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   377; K6-11 289; TWEENS 9-14 246
DISNEY XD:               K2-11   150; K6-11   91; TWEENS 9-14   65
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Sunday, June 28, 2009, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11 1146; K6-11 803; TWEENS 9-14 611
NICKELODEON:          K2-11 1089; K6-11 713; TWEENS 9-14 551
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   543; K6-11 386; TWEENS 9-14 289
DISNEY XD:               K2-11   183; K6-11 110; TWEENS 9-14   72
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question:
  Philo Kvetch is a detective who battles The Mask and his sidekick Onions Oregano … on what show?  THE SOUPY SALES SHOW  Kudos to: Kerry Hughes-qubo/NY; Emily Brenner-HarperCollins Children’s Book/New York; Jim Salicrup-Papercutz/NYC; Hank Bordowitz-The Bordowitz Media Werx/Macomb IL; Pat Brady-CESD/Los Angeles; Colleen Sherfey-Bandai America Inc./Cypress

Today’s Trivia Question:  This bird sat on its perch in the Addams Family’s living room.  It’s real name was Old Granny.  The question to you is, what kind of bird was it (not so tough) and what was its name (ah, there’s the rub!)?   (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Gwen
 Gwen Billings for Cynopsis Kids!

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JOB OPENING: PUBLICIST/The Weather Channel/Atlanta: Implement consumer media relations/promotions efforts for prgrms/content, talent, rsrch & marketing. 5-7 years relevant experience required. Apply: (7/8)

JOB OPENING: VP, BUSINESS PLANNING/Cablevision/Bethpage, NY: 10+ yrs business, strategy & operations plan’g exp including budgeting & forecasting. Strong mngmnt, quantitative & negotiation skills. Apply [email protected] (7/7)

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JOB OPENING: SR. DIRECTOR, LICENSING/MKTG/PLANNING/MTVN/NYC: 7-10yrs exp dev. programs/strategies to achieve licensing objectives for Adult Brands. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply (7/2)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCTION COORDINATOR/Classic Media/NYC: Film/TV prod/development exp rec’d; Review pitches, Spot trends, Client relations, Categorize submissions, Deal memos, Dept admin; Strong writing; Apply: [email protected]  (7/2)

INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. These ads are always posted for free , and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at [email protected] .

SUMMER/FALL INTERNSHIPS CREDITS ONLY: Two Interns needed for WeHo Prod Co., developing a TV show with a major network prod co. that will require lots scouting locations and interviewing potential cast. Send resume to [email protected] (7/2)

SITUATION WANTED ADS, POSTED BY THOSE LOOKING TO BE HIRED …  There is no charge for placing your Situation Wanted ad … for more information contact Trish Pihonak at [email protected]

SITUATION WANTED: MARKETING/PROMOTIONS/Boston: Marketing/promotions professional seeks television, web marketing, social networking focused position. Experienced in international markets. Creative + will travel. [email protected] (7/8)

SITUATION WANTED: TEACHERS COLLEGE (Columbia) graduate MA in Early Childhood Ed seeking job in children’s educational media. Passionate, motivated curriculum expert w/ classroom experience, proficient in Spanish. [email protected] (7/8)

SITUATION WANTED: NY POST PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR looking for a full time or freelance position. Offers 6 years of SD/HD experience in all areas of post production.Please e-mail me @ [email protected]. Resume available upon request (7/8)

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SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER: 4+ yrs exp. Entert & Music TV shows for MTV & others. Writer & Field Prod. Strong Mng, people, ethic skills. Direct talent, artist on field. Bi-lingual Spanish. FCP, Photshop, Mini DV Cam. [email protected] (7/8)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/ PRODUCER TV producer w/ 15 yrs experience producing long& short form prgrmng.Directed studio shoots &field pieces.Enjoys ‘telling a good story!’ Available FT or freelance. Contact: [email protected] (7/7)

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SITUATION WANTED: EIC/LINE PRODUCER with 10+ yrs exp. Variety, Docu-Reality, Game Show, Scripted, Competition/Elimination- Mngd biz of Prod. Co’s. for major TV & cable nets. Looking for next project. [email protected] (7/7)SITUATION WANTED: EMMY WINNING PROD. SAG~AFTRA talent w/ record studio.20 yrs exp. Seeks opp. to produce, host, VO, promos/programming. Specializing in network on-air marketing (TV & Radio) Will travel. Email: [email protected] (7/4)

SITUATION WANTED: PROVEN EXECUTIVE w/17 yrs exp in Sales, Promo, Mktg & Biz Dev within Recording, Film, TV Production, Online, Consumer Products and Leisure mngmnt industries, seeks the right opportunity Email: [email protected] (7/4)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER / PRODUCER / WRITER’S ASSISTANT/NYC: USC grad, feature credit, 5 years experience. New media, TV, film, documentary. Seeking full-time or part-time. contact: [email protected] (7/4)

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SITUATION WANTED: VISUAL RESEARCHER w/ strong bkgrd in copyright for doc can help you find & clear the footage & stills your project requires. Vancouver (CAN) based freelancer w/ media contacts worldwide. Contact: [email protected] (7/2)

SITUATION WANTED: PREDITOR (NYC): bi-lingual Spanish. FCP, Avid, After Effects. Edits short format, docs and indie features. Produced BTS & dvd featurettes for Rescue Me & Damages. [email protected]. Reel: (7/2)

E-mail [email protected] or call Trish Pihonak at 203.926.9878 for rates and specs for Job Openings.

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