Tuesday, October 21st, 2008



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Cynopsis: Kids!


Good morning. It’s Tuesday, October 21, 2008 and this is your first early morning Kids briefing.

ION Media Networks unveils plans to launch its suite of networks, which of course includes ION Television, qubo, and ION Life, in HD in 2009.  ION Television, the general entertainment network, will be the first to be available in HD from first quarter 2009, with the digital TV brands, including the kid-targeted qubo, as well as ION Life, to follow later in the year.

Disney Channel UK completes a multi-year pact with BT Vision, which will make select Disney Channel and Playhouse Disney programming available via VOD within a Disney branded environment beginning this Friday, per The Guardian.  Programming, including Hanna Montana, Phineas and Ferb, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, among others will be available as pay per view or included as part is part of BT Vision’s subscription Kids Pack.


Cartoon Network teams with Worldwide Biggies Inc. to develop author Barry Yourgaru’s non-fiction kid’s horror book series NASTYbook as a mixed live-action/CGI TV movie for Cartoon Network.  The deal also includes a range of web content that based on the horror stories.  Other TV movies currently on Cartoon Network’s development slate includes Tiger’s Apprentice, comic book titles Firebreather (animated), The Vanishers (live-action), Mice Templar (Animated) and the sequel to the live-action Ben 10 movie.


Noggin will premiere the new animated series Toot & Puddle (26×30) with back-to-back episodes on Sunday, November 16, 7-8p.  Following the series launch, Noggin will debut two weeks of new Toot & Puddle episodes November 17-21 and November 24-28 at 5p.  Produced by Mercury Filmworks, in association with National Geographic Kids Entertainment, is based on the books by author/illustrator Holly Hobbie.  Toots & Puddle will also be featured during November in a dedicated category on Noggin VOD via Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Charter, Cablevision, Verizon Fios and Cox.  Beginning Monday, November 3, 5×1-minute sneak peaks of the premiere episodes will be available, as well as two music videos.  Full episodes of the series will launch on VOD mid-November.

Nickelodeon premieres its new live-action series True Jackson, VP, on Saturday, November 8 at 9:30p.  Making her TV series debut, Keke Palmer (Akeelah and the Bee, The Longshots) stars as True Jackson a 15-year-old who is named as the VP of the youth division of a fashion label.  Created and executive produced by Andy Gordon (NewsRadio, Just Shoot Me!, Mad About You), True Jackson will air regularly on Saturdays at 8:30p.  Launching simultaneously with the debut of the series is www.truejacksonvp.com, which will offer original and user-generated content, games, message boards, blogs, downloads and so on.

BRB International‘s kid/tween-aimed 3D animated series Iron Kid (26×30) has been picked up by Nickelodeon Benelux, which will distribute the series for air in Holland and Belgium on NickToons under the title Eon Kid.  Additionally, Iron Kid licensing deals include action figures based on characters from the series from Famosa (Spain), Playmates (US) and ImExporta (Chile).


Transformers is being developed as a 3D-HD theme park attraction for Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Singapore, in a partnership between Universal Parks & Resorts, Hasbro, Inc. and DreamWorks Pictures.  Based on the live-action Transformers movie, directed by Michael Bay and executive produced by Steven Spielberg, the rides are set to debut first at the Singapore park in 2010, and then in 2011 at the Hollywood park. In the Transformers attraction, Earth humans are caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between the Autobots and the evil shape-shifting Decepticons. The Transformers sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, is set for release in the US on June 26, 2009.  The movie is a Paramount release of a DreamWorks Pictures, paramount Pictures presentation, in association with Hasbro, of a di Bonaventura Pictures production.

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) launches WWEKids.com, a new kid safe website aimed a Kids/Tweens 6-14.  The site is designed to connect young fans to the WWE Universe and to interact with their favorite WWE stars.  The site also features a “Play” area offering applications such as – Kids TV, which features videos, and You Can See Cena.  The WWEKids.com launch is being supported with a cross-platform marketing effort across WWE TV, WWE.com and WWE magazines.  WWE’s other kid-targeted endeavors include the WWE Kids Magazine, launched in April 2008 and available at Wal-Mart, Toys R Us and other retailers, and master toy license deal with Mattel beginning in 2010.

CBS Consumer Products inks a new partnership with OPI Products, a nail care products company, to create several new shades of nail polish based on three female characters of the new CBS Paramount Network Television series 90210, which airs on The CW.  Available from January 2009, the new shades inspired by Silver, Annie and Naomi are Queen of West Web-erly (purple shimmer), Sweet as Annie-thing! (lollipop red) and Pretty & Privileged (ruby red).


Scholastic is celebrating the December 4, 2008 publishing launch of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, which of course is written and even illustrated J.K. Rowling, by sponsoring a national essay contest for Kids/Teens 8-17, here in the US.  The winners will attend a kid’s tea party with Rowling in Edinburgh, Scotland.  The contest runs now through October 30 at 5p.  Details about the contest can be found at www.scholastic.com/harrypotter/beedleessaycontest.  Additionally, on December 4 in the US, one of only seven original hand written and illustrated copies of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, will go on display at The New York Public Library‘s Humanities and Social Sciences Library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street (the exhibit is free), where it will be on display until January 4, 2009.

Casting: 20th Century Fox is holding an open casting call for its upcoming comedy movie adaptation of author/illustrator Jeff Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.   The studio will be casting for the protagonist Greg Heffley, a wisecracking middle schooler, and so the breakdown is for Males 11-14 only.  Boys coming to the open call need to be able to handle dialog and ironic comedy, and should bring a current photo and snapshot and a parent/guardian.  The casting call will be held this Saturday, October 25 11a-4p at the Debbie Reynolds Studio 6514 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, California.


Live + Same Day Ratings Kids Cable Network Averages (000) for Friday, October 17, 2008, 6am-11pm, ranked by K2-11:
NICKELODEON:         K2-11 1043; K6-11 511; TWEENS 9-14 336
DISNEY CHANNEL:     K2-11   833; K6-11 559; TWEENS 9-14 508
CARTOON NETWORK: K2-11   525; K6-11 364; TWEENS 9-14 270
TOON DISNEY:           K2-11   143; K6-11   68; TWEENS 9-14   36
Source: MTVN Research from Nielsen Media Research Data

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: Name the twins on the animated series The Thundercats? WILY KIT and WILY KAT Kudos to: Christopher Byrne-Byrne Communications, Inc./The Toy Guy/NY; John May-Cartoon Network ~ [adult swim]/GA; Bob Friedland-Toys”R”Us, Inc./NY; John Ko-Qubo/NY; Terry Hirt-Wieden + Kennedy/Portland, OR; Chip Beaman-Soundelux Design Music Group/Hollywood

Today’s Trivia Question: Which of the Powerpuff Girls has green eyes?   (Email [email protected] with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Gwen
 Gwen Billings for Cynopsis Kids!

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JOB OPENING: BUS DEV MGR/BRIGHTLINE ITV/NY: Dvlp new clients & database; Project mgmt, sales skills; strong phone, orgnztn, comm/writing skills all essential. 3+ yrs exp. Exp Media/Ent pref’d. Res to: [email protected] (10/28)

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FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: www.indieroad.net a website dedicated to indie films, is looking for qualified Interns for Fall/Winter 08-09 primarily for viral marketing and social networking work. Please send resume to [email protected] (10/28)

FALL INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: The Research department at CBS Television Distribution is looking for qualified Interns for Fall 2008. Please send resume to [email protected] (10/23)

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