Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007

Untitled Document


IT’S JULY 4th!



Twilight Zone: The Movie, Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye, Dead Ringers, Sublime and Dr. Giggles
Now Available from Warner Bros. Domestic Cable Distribution



Good Morning, it’s Tuesday, July 3, 2007 and this is your first early morning briefing.  As a reminder, we will be off tomorrow, the 4th of July, but we’ll be back on Thursday, the 5th. As most of you seem to be off for the holiday early, you’ll find this is a pretty short edition, with not a lot of news this week.

If you recall, the CBS drama Jericho was recently saved from becoming another one season wonder by a lot of peanuts. CBS is hoping all of you peanut-sending fans will draw in new viewers to catch the network rebroadcasts starting this Friday at 9p with the pilot episode. On Friday the 13th, CBS will air back-to-back broadcasts starting with the Return to Jericho re-cap show at 8p.  

Tomorrow – Wednesday’s Finales:
Hidden Palms at 8p
FOX: Drive at 9p


FUEL TV will add The 808 a new surfing docu-series to its line-up beginning this Friday night at 10p. The seven-episode series, co-produced by Redsquare and FUEL TV, will introduce members of Kauai’s elite surf crew called The Wolfpak.  

Nielsen and Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. (SCEA) will share data to provide a new measurement tool for calculating the reach, frequency and effectiveness of game network advertising for the North American market to be issued later this year. Nielsen will use its game usage data collected from more than 12,000 U.S. television households and combine it with the SCEA census date to reveal a more integrated look at usage and advertising performance. As a result, agencies and advertisers will be able to arrive at CPMs across Sony Playstation3 systems and the Playstation Network that are more accurate.

With about 16 months left until the presidential election, Nielsen has reported the broadcast airwaves and online buzz are heating up. Republican candidate Mitt Romney has placed more local television ads than all the other candidates combined at 4,549 as of June 10. Local TV ad spending started early this time, too, as Republican Duncan Hunter was the first to run a TV spot, starting 625 days before the November 4, 2008 election. For the Democrats, Governor Bill Richardson has run the most TV ads at 2,232 spots in Iowa and New Hampshire. Radio has seen some action, as Republican Rudolph Giuliani has placed 642 spots in many major markets with emphasis in Kansas City, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Providence. According to Nielsen BuzzMetrics, Democrats have owned the online world so far with a 64.3% buzz share compared to the Republicans at 35.7%. And, without running any online ads, Senator Barack Obama has a 2 to 1 lead with online buzz volume through blogs and discussion at 45.5% share compared to his next nearest competitor Senator Hillary Clinton at 32% share. Republican Senator John McCain leads his party with the most online buzz at 37.9% share.


Comcast Network Advertising Sales has spun-off a new specialty ad sales team to focus on its Emerging Networks group and has tapped Frank Ciancio as SVP. Frank will head ad sales for all Comcast Network VOD emerging networks such as FEARnet, exercisetv and PBS KIDS Sprout, as well as VOD for E! Entertainment, Style, G4 and VERSUS. Frank and his team will also sell traditional broadcast ads for Sprout. In addition to Frank’s new appointment, the company has advanced Jes Santoro and John B. Murphy as Directors/Emerging Networks. Furthermore, New York-based Erik Muller and Los Angeles-based Marc Vesta have been hired as new Account Executives joining Chris D’Ablemont on the Emerging Networks Ad Sales force.

Katz Media Group Inc. recruited Leo MacCourtney as EVP/Agency and Advertiser Relations for the Katz Television Group. Leo is charged with creating new and incremental national television advertising revenue for local markets, and he will strengthen relations between Katz Television and clients and agencies.

Eric Phillips has advanced to EVP/Domestic Distribution with Discovery Communications up from SVP/Affiliate Distribution. Eric will handle all large-scale distribution negotiations with the company’s top cable and satellite partners, as well as manage all affiliate operations and compliance for Discovery’s 13 U.S. networks.

Kathy Mandato has joined Comcast Entertainment Group as SVP/Human Resources for E! Entertainment Television, The Style Network and G4. She will handle all facets of human resources for the company which includes employee relations, compensation and benefits, recruitment and staffing as well as training and development. Kathy will report to Steve Dolcemaschio, EVP/Finance and Business Operations.


Today in Cynopsis Kids, listen to the audio version here, or subscribe to the iTunes CynKids podcast

  • Nielsen and Sony Computer Entertainment America to develop a measurement system for game network advertising
  • The official title of Cartoon Network first live-action series is … Out of Jimmy’s Head is
  • The BBC has ordered the new Postman Pat series from Entertainment Rights

Today in Cynopsis International, listen to the audio version here or subscribe to the iTunes Cyn Int’l podcast  

  • Iran launches 24-hour English-language satellite TV channel PRESS TV
  • FremantleMedia Enterprises posts several post-DISCOP deals for over 260 hours
  • DIRECTV Puerto Rico and OlympuSAT, Inc. add Latele Novela Network

Today in Cynopsis Digital, listen to the audio version here or subscribe to the iTunes Cyn Digital podcast

  • Universal Music Group is rethinking its iTunes contract
  • IPhone is selling well, despite glitches
  • Nielsen & Sony are teaming up to measure in-game advertising



FRIDAY – A18-49 AnalysisCW wrestled its way to the top Friday night at 1.4/5 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. NBC was the leader at 8p with a repeat of 1 vs. 100 at 1.4/6. Then at 9p, CW with its weekly Friday Night Smackdown! and UNIV with Destilando Amor tied for #1 at 1.5/5 apiece. ABC’s Friday night staple 20/20 took control during 10p with 1.8/6.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Friday, June 29, 2007 – time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research

CBS 3.7/7 Ghost Whisperer [r] 3.0/6, Close to Home [r] 3.9/8, Numb3rs [r] 4.3/8

NBC 3.0/6 1 vs. 100 [r] 3.4/7, Las Vegas [r] 2.5/5, Law & Order: CI [r] 3.1/6

ABC 2.6/5 George Lopez [r] 2.2/5, George Lopez [r] 2.2/4, Kyle XY 1.7/3, 20/20 3.9/8

CW 2.4/5 Friday Night Smackdown! 2.4/5

FOX 2.4/5 Bones [r] 2.6/5, Standoff 2.3/4

UNIV 1.6/3 Yo Amo a Juan Querendon 1.3/3, Destilando Amor 1.9/4, Casos de la Vida Real Edicion Especial 1.6/3

TELE 0.6/1 Marina 0.5/1, Zorro 0.6/1, La Esclava Isaura 0.6/1

A18-49: CW 1.4/5, CBS 1.3/5, NBC 1.3/5, UNIV 1.2/5, ABC 1.2/4, FOX 0.9/4, TELE 0.5/2

SATURDAY – A18-49 Analysis:  FOX ruled Saturday night with 1.4/6 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. FOX’s double whammy began at 8p with two Cops reruns that averaged a 1.4/6 to win. At 9p FOX’s America’s Most Wanted delivered more viewers with 1.5/6. ABC had the last laugh of the night as an encore of AFV came in first at 1.5/6.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Saturday, June 30, 2007 – time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research

CBS 4.4/9 Movie: Jesse Stone: Night Passage [2-hours r] 4.4/9, 48 Hours Mystery 4.6/9

FOX 3.0/6 Cops [r] 2.5/6, Cops [r] 3.1/7, America’s Most Wanted 3.2/7

ABC 2.8/6 Movie: The Haunted Mansion [2 hours] 2.7/6, America’s Funniest Home Videos [r] 3.0/6

NBC 2.2/5 America’s Got Talent [2 hours r] 2.3/5, Medium [r] 1.9/4

UNIV 1.0/2 Sábado Gigante 1.0/2

TELE 0.5/1 Showcase Title TBA 0.5/1, Cinemundo del Sabado 0.5/1

A18-49: FOX 1.4/6, ABC 1.3/5, NBC 1.0/4, CBS 0.9/4, UNIV 0.7/3, TELE 0.4/2 

SUNDAY – A18-49 Analysis:  FOX remained in the #1 position Sunday night with 1.7/6 A18-49, according to fast affiliate ratings from Nielsen Media Research. UNIV, however, was the early winner at 7p as its movie presentation delivered a 2.0/7. NBC with The Princess Diana Tribute Concert and FOX with its combo of The Simpsons/The Loop tied for first at 8p with 2.1/7 each. FOX then secured a solo win at 9p for the average rating of Family Guy and The Loop finale at 2.2/6. NBC snuck in a win at 10p for its Law & Order: SVU encore at 1.7/5.

Live + Same Day Household Ratings: Sunday, July 1, 2007 – time period averages. Source: Nielsen Media Research

CBS 4.7/9 60 Minutes 4.8/10, Shark [r] 3.5/7, Cold Case [r] 5.5/10, Without a Trace [r] 5.0/9

NBC 4.4/8 Dateline: NBC 3.7/8, Special: The Princess Diana Tribute Concert 5.9/11, Law & Order [r] 3.9/7, Law & Order: SVU [r] 3.8/7

ABC 3.0/6 America’s Funniest Home Videos [r] 3.7/8, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition [r] 3.5/7, Desperate Housewives [r] 2.6/5, Brothers & Sisters [r] 2.1/4

FOX 2.1/4 The Loop 1.1/2, King of the Hill [r] 1.6/3, The Simpsons [r] 2.9/6, The Loop 2.0/4, Family Guy [r] 3.0/5, The Loop [f] 1.9/3

UNIV 1.4/3 Movie: La Madrecita 1.7/3, Movie: La Comadrita 1.1/2

CW 0.8/1 Reba [r] 1.0/2, Reba [r] 1.1/2, 7th Heaven [r] 0.7/1, Supernatural [r] 0.5/1

TELE 0.4/1 El Mundo Maravilloso de Disney 0.4/1, Cine Millonario/Estreno 0.4/1

A18-49: FOX 1.7/6, NBC 1.6/5, ABC 1.4/5, CBS 1.4/4, UNIV 1.3/4, CW 0.4/1, TELE 0.3/1



You go on vacation. Let Cable U do the work.

With summer programming and development in full swing at the top cable nets,
CableU is tracking and analyzing the latest deals, ratings, and trends.

Work on your tan – and still stay on top of the latest news in your industry.

Know Networks Better. Pitch Smarter.

This Day in History: 1922 – Magazine readers were introduced to “Fruit Garden and Home” magazine. The publication was reborn as “Better Homes and Gardens” two years later.

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia: The final episode of this TV series featured the family matriarch singing Oh Danny Boy in the family owned tavern. What was the name of this series? RYAN’S HOPE. Kudos to: Tisha Geeza-Davis Advertising/Worcester, MA; George Pellegrino/West Chester, PA; Cheryl Lightfoot- WT05/Toledo; Amie Baker-Shooters Inc./Philadelphia; Kristin Staskowski-Marketron Broadcast Solutions/AL; Leslie Kavanaugh-Fox Station Sales/Dallas; Alan Dybner-Rubana Entertainment/LA; Drew Tappon-MTV Original Programming/LA; Cathy Korda-ABC Entertainment/Burbank; Diana Desio-SOAPnet/LA; Robin Goret-Misaloka Marketing and Research/London

Today’s Trivia Question: In the 1997 movie Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion, to impress their former classmates at their 10 year reunion, what did Romy and Michele claim they invented? ( Click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)

Later — Cyn

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JOB OPENING: REGN’L ACCT DIR/Screenvision/Chicago: Dvlp/present/sell integrated in-theatre advrtsng & media prgrm campaigns to regn’l clients. 3+yrs selling media advrtsng exp. BA equiv work exp. Apply at www.screenvision.com (7/11)

JOB OPENING: ACCT MGR-Nat’l Sales/Detroit, MI: BET-Cable salesperson w/strong presentation skills. Comfortable w/multi-platform & integrated opps. Sales/agency exp. req’d. Email: [email protected] (7/11)

JOB OPENING: VP, AFF. FINANCE/MTVN/NY: Lead a large team responsible for managing affiliate revenue recognition, A/R & subscriber reconciliation. 10+ yrs required & Degree in Finance/Accting. www.mtvncareers.com . EOE/M/F/D/AAP (7/11)

JOB OPENING: SR MGR/SpikeTV-Research & Planning/NYC: Gather/interpret ratings data & assemble research findings. 4-5yrs TV exp. Strong analytical/numeric skills & knowledge of Nielsen systems. EOE/M/F/D/AAP www.mtvncareers.com (7/11)

JOB OPENING: DIGITAL MEDIA AE/WCCO-TV/Mpls, MN: Sell digital advertising to clients/agencies, dvlp new business for CBS O&O. Client service and acct mgmt for online/wireless/all media. 2+ yrs online exp. Apply www.wcco.com/jobs (7/11)

JOB OPENING: GM /Equity Media Holdings Corp. for Univision/Telefutura affiliates in Amarillo, TX: Must have TV sales and/or sales mgmt. exp; bilingual a +. Email resume to Connie Vaughn [email protected]. EEO (7/10)

JOB OPENING: SALES ASST/Comcast Networks (Detroit): Maintain accts ie: Dialogue w/ agency clientele re: acct maintenance. Resolve billing issues. Work w/traffic dept re: schedule mgmt. Reply: [email protected] (7/10)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, RESEARCH/E! Networks: Manage dept workflow custom requests and standardized reports. Full job description and application online, www.eentertainment.com/careers (7/10)

JOB OPENING: VP, RESEARCH/E! Networks: Oversee design, implementation and presentation of all secondary research to support networks. Full job description and application online, www.eentertainment.com/careers (7/10)

JOB OPENING: MGR PLANNING & PRICING/NBCUNI/NJ: Supporting role to the Dir by preparing financial modeling/analysis, sales/marketing initiatives & driving controllership Degree w/min 3 yrs related exp www.nbcjobs.com job#600131 (7/10)

JOB OPENING: VP PROD & DEV-DISC-DISC PLANET GREEN/MD & CA: Strong, creative ldr with enviro passion. 8-10 yrs Prod and Dev exp. Exp in long/short form prog, docs and live ent all ideal. More Planet Green jobs: www.discovery.com (7/10)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L SALES COORD/Screenvision/NY: Seeking detail oriented ad sales coord. College dgre reqd, sales/agency exp preferred. Slight admin work necessary. Support VP, 3AEs & Planner. Apply at www.screenvision.com (7/10)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES MKTG COORD/NY: Create sales proposals, execute added value, support Mktg VP, develop ad sales materials, premiums, coord. events. 1-2 years exp cable/agency. Email res: [email protected] (7/10)

JOB OPENING: RES. STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, NY: Min 5 yrs res. exp., proficiency in Nielsen systems req. Strong analytical/communication/computer/presentation skills. Estimate exp a plus. Apply: www.discovery.com . Req 5500 (7/10)

JOB OPENING: FLASH WEB DEVELOPER, DIGITAL MEDIA/Sesame Workshop/NY: Development & programming chops req’d – CS3, After Effects, FCP, Flash video & games, etc. [email protected]   (7/7)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT DIRECTOR/Scripps Networks/LA: – Sell-in netwrk distrib quarterly promos to maximize media value. 5-7 yrs exp in affiliate or sales. Strong pres & comm. skills pref’d. [email protected] ref #6147 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: COPYWRITER /The ZUNE brand team is looking for an experienced copywriter to drive the strategy and execution of ZUNE voice, tone, style in all communications. Go to www.microsoft.com/careers req#183782 (7/7)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST Vh1 AD SALES RESEARCH/NYC: 2+ yrs natl rsch exp.Detail-oriented with strong analytical/written/oral comm sk.Expert w/ Nielsen, MRI, Simmons.Prof in MS Office. EOE/M/F/D/AAP. Apply www.mtvncareers.com (7/7)

JOB OPENING: MKTNG ASST/ NBC Universal/USA Ntwrk: Must be self-starter and passionate about Mktng. Will act as admin. Assst and support consumer mktg projects. Long-term temporary position. Resumes to: [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: MKTG DIR/Legally Blonde/NYC: 2+ yrs promo/mktg w/in media/entertain/theater. Develop mktg/ tix sales initiatives/ viral mktg/ promotions. Graphic skills a plus. email to [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/ Oxygen Media/ NY: Support two AE’s, 3 yrs exp. buying or plan’g. Must be detail oriented & possess excellent communication skills. Email res and cover letter to [email protected], ref job title in subject (7/6)

JOB OPENING: PROGRAM OPS COORDINATOR/Oxygen Media/NYC: Provide tech assistance & coordinating support for Broadcast Ops; digital media & master control aptitude. Email w/ sub line: “Prog Ops ” cover letter & res to [email protected] (7/6)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES ADMINISTRATOR/Weather Channel/NY: providing support of proposal, traffic, and sales systems to Cable Ad sales. Exp with Dealmaker and VCI. Please apply online at www.weather.com/careers ref VSA004. (7/6)

JOB OPENING: COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC OPS ADMN/NY: Must have BA/BS & 2yrs of traffic exp; Resp: Create, manage, and ensure accuracy of commercial spots; execute manual day of air changes. Apply: www.nbcjobs.com #558504. (7/4)

JOB OPENING: SR ANALYST, AFF FINANCE/MTVN/NY: Full acct Mgmt, Cash Flow of MSO remittances & subscriber updating. Prepare subscriber & reconciliations & A/R Analysis. Bus. Degree w/ 2-3 yrs exp. www.mtvncareers.com EOE/M/F/D/AAP (7/4)

JOB OPENING: INTERACTIVE SALES PLANNER: ABC Digital Media Sales seeks a sales planner with a minimum of 1-2 years experience in researching, planning and executing digital campaigns.. www.disneycareers.com Req ID:99245 (7/4)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

ALL YEAR INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: GOSPEL MUSIC CHANNEL – ATLANTA seeks INTERN for MKTG/PR department for project and event support. Must be able to lift 10lbs. Knowledge of MS Word/Excel/Publisher req’d. For app/more info: [email protected] (7/10)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Intern/PA: Short film shooting in NYC with award-winning Actors, Director & Writer looking for team player to work hard with a professional crew. Interested applicants respond to [email protected] (7/4)


SITUATION WANTED: MEDIA PLANNING/Los Angeles Full Time/Freelance: 10+ yrs exp.  Experience-General Market and Hispanic.  Works independently or manages staff.  Large and small agency exp.  [email protected] (7/11)

SITUATION WANTED: TV DEVELOPMENT/CREATIVE/PRODUCER/Los Angeles: seeking consulting or staff position. 15 yrs experience in show development, promo/trailer/EPK producing. www.daviddaigle.com
[email protected] (7/11)

SITUATION WANTED: 07 Phi Beta Kappa Harvard grad seeks employment in entertainment industry. Worked two media internships and wrote professionally directed play. Skilled in script coverage. Email at [email protected] (7/10)

SITUATION WANTED: INTERNET MARKETING SPECIALIST SEEKING CONSULTING /LA/NYC/SF/DC: Talented in complete campaign management including SEO, PPC, affiliates, e-zines, RSS, ad placement, etc. LA based, can work remotely. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: MID-LEVEL DIGITAL MEDIA BIZ DEV MGR seeking position that leverages interpersonal and analytical strengths in international business, leadership, and cross-cultural interaction  www.LinkedIn.com/in/RussellBernstein (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: Experienced manager seeks immediate FT or FREELANCE OPPORT. In on-air promos or new media mgt. In NY, but maybe willing to relocate. For resume & ref, e-mail [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: INTERNATIONAL ONLINE ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE ONLINE MARKETING MANAGER/DALLAS: Interested in incorporating a passion for online sales with an internationally branded company-TV/New Media/. [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: WRITER/PRODUCER – LA: HBO Creative Services writer/producer recently relocated to LA looking for freelance or permanent gig. See resume and most recent work www.ostroviesky.com Contact: [email protected] (7/7)

SITUATION WANTED: CONSULTANT w/ 20 yrs transactional/biz affairs/biz dev/legal experience in cable, broadband, broadcast. Successful and creative solutions. Available project basis/hourly rate. contact [email protected] (7/6)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

WHAT’S ON TONIGHT Tuesday July 3, 2007

ABC: According to Jim [r], According to Jim [r], Shaq’s Big Challenge, Primetime
CBS: NCIS [r], The Unit [r], 48 Hours Mystery
CW: Gilmore Girls [r], Veronica Mars [r]
FOX: On the Lot, House [r]
ION: Mama’s Family, Mama’s Family, Diagnosis Murder, Wonder Years, Wonder Years
MNT: Hooters Dream Girl Challenge [r]
NBC: America’s Got Talent [r], Law & Order: SVU [r]
PBS: Nova [r], Wide Angle, P.O.V.
TELE: Marina, Zorro, Esclava Isaura
UNIV: Yo Amo a Juan Querendon, Destilando Amor, Ver para Creer

CYNOPSIS EMAILS TO THE EDITOR:   To submit an Email to the Editor, send to [email protected], Subject: Email to the Editor.  By sending an email with the subject Email to Editor and with your full name, you should anticipate it will be published in the next edition of Cynopsis with full attribution.   Not all Emails to the Editor will be published, and those that are may be edited for length and/or language.

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