Tuesday, July 24th, 2007


“KEWLOPOLIS” on CBS Saturday Mornings reaches girls and boys in Fall 2007!


·  New Series Include All-New “Care Bears™,” “Sushi Pack™” And “Dino Squad™”
·  “Strawberry Shortcake™” To Make Network TV Debut
·  Returning Series Include “Cake™” And “Horseland      ™”
·  Check out DIC’s new online cartoon community www.KEWLStudio.com (Coming Soon) and tween-targeted music & fan magazine “KEWL” www.Kewlmag.com

For one-stop shopping of your kids TV, online and print needs,
contact DIC’s Dave Danowski at (212) 239-4437

Cynopsis: Kids!



Good morning. It’s Tuesday, July 24, 2007 and this is your first early morning briefing. 

Cable operator, RCN has completed a multi-year programming deal with Disney-ABC Television Group and ESPN.  Under the pact RCN customers will be able access a range of programming (depending on their service) including: VOD content from Disney Channel, ESPN, ABC Family, ABC News broadcasts and a ABC News Now broadband portal; events on the broadband service ESPN360.com; as well as programming via ESPN2 HD, a HD simulcast of ESPN2.


ReBoot is coming back.  Rainmaker Animation (f/k/a Mainframe Entertainment) is currently redeveloping the property, but this time round it will be a movie trilogy.  The first full CGI animated TV series; produced by Mainframe, ReBoot premiered in 1994 on YTV (Canada), ABC (US) and later on Cartoon Network (US).  Set in a world inside a computer infrastructure, a la the Tron (1982), Reboot ran for four seasons and had a significant fan base of both kids and adults, and quite possibly the best ever animated hair!  Rainmaker is looking let ReBoot fans in on the development of the project to help refine pitches for the movies.  Here’s how it’ll work.  Under Rainmaker’s newly-inked deal with comic-fan centric social network Zeros 2 Heroes, beginning this Thursday July 26, fans can look at five different pitches from as many teams on the site.  Over the course of a month fans are invited to interact with the teams, and eventually vote on their favorite pitch.  A web comic based on the winning pitch will be published later this year.

In the, everything old is new again department … Disney’s movie Escape to Witch Mountain (1975) is set to be remade, per the Hollywood Reporter.  Currently titled, Witch Mountain, the new adaptation of the movie will be directed by Andy Fickman, who directed the movie She’s The Man and will direct the remake of Fame.  Escape to Witch Mountain is based on the 1968 book of the same name by sci-fi writer Alexander Key.  And nope, Bette Davis wasn’t in this movie; she was in the sequel Return from Witch Mountain (1978).


4Kids Entertainment has licensed the TV and merchandising rights for the 2D animated action/adventure series Di-Gata Defenders from Nelvana Enterprises. Co-produced by Nelvana Ltd. and LuxAnimation, Di-Gata Defenders will premiere on 4KidsTV, the Saturday morning block on Fox, from this Saturday, July 28.  A toy line based on the series as well as game for Nintendo DS will launch in the US in spring 2008.

Discovery Kids will celebrate National Literacy Month with new episodes of Wilbur set to debut the week of September 10, 2007, during the Ready Set Learn preschool block.  Additionally, that week will also see the debut of new episodes of Peep and the Big Wide World, which will include an episode voiced by Holly Hunter, Bigfoot Presents: Meteor and the Might Monster Trucks, Hip Hop Harry and Toddworld.

ABC will air a new Sesame Street holiday special Elmo’s Christmas Countdown later this year, according to Hollywood Reporter.  The special will feature a plethora of celebrities including Ben Stiller as the elf narrator, as well as Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Alicia Keys, Sheryl Crow, and Ty Pennington among others.  Expect The Count too.

Taffy Entertainment has completed TV deals across Scandinavia for a number of its properties.

  • Free TV: NRK (Norway) acquires Dive Olly Dive!, SamSam, ToddWorld, Insectoscope and Waiting for Christmas; SVT (Sweden) takes Dive Olly Dive and SamSam; TV2 (Denmark) and YLE (Finland) picks up SamSam; DR (Denmark) takes Dive Olly Dive.
  • Cable TV:  Cartoon Network Scandinavia acquires the rights to Fantastic Four and season two of Pet Alien; while Nickelodeon picks up Growing Up Creepie.

BBC‘s five-year-old kids channel CBBC will get a rebranded makeover, with the goal of attracting a broader audience of K6-12.  Crafted by Children’s BBC Marketing group working with Red Bee (brand identity) and Fallon (on-air IDs), the rebrand will debut on the channel this September 2007.  To support and further the new channel identity and logos, CBBC will unveil several new series next month.  The rebranding initiative will be backed by a multi-platform and interactive campaign.  Series already slated to be part of CBBC fall line-up include: an action adventure series titled Escape From Scorpion Island; the Doctor Who spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures; and the new online environment Adventure Rock.


WizKids Inc., game developer/publisher and unit of the Topps Company, has inked a deal with Disney to produce the Pirates of the Caribbean PocketModel game.  Set for release in October 2007, the game will feature content from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and will allows players to build 3D ships with provided pieces for use in the strategy game. 

Answer to Yesterday’s Trivia Question: Who am I?  I work in uniform and live with a family in a very architecturally-forward home (at least it seemed so was for the time).  I’m single, tho I do have a steady who after numerous years of dating, finally proposed.  For fun, I like to enter contests and write product jingles. Who am I?  ALICE (Ann B. Davis)/THE BRADY BUNCH  Kudos to:  Julie Sockrider-Tween Brands, Inc./New Albany, OH; Bonnie Bisset-Advertising Sales & Marketing DIC Entertainment/NY; Denise Wiggins-The Weather Channel/Atlanta; Enid Chaban-Random House Children’s Books/NY; Tom Boyd-WGN/Chicago; Nicole Marquardt-DNA Digital Media Group/Chicago; Stefanie Tier Friedman-Top Tier Licensing /Agoura Hills, CA; Sandra Mueller–KTLA/LA; Zac Reeder-Circus Road Films, Inc./Westlake Village, CA ; Donna Herman-McHale Design-Long Beach, CA

Today’s Trivia Question:  What was the name of the Indian princess on “Howdy Doody”? ( Click here with your answer and be sure to include your name, company, city and time zone. Unofficial rules: Only the second four correct answers from each time zone will be mentioned; and once you’ve been mentioned in any of the Cynopsis editions, you can’t be mentioned again that calendar week.)
Later — Gwen
Gwen Billings for Cynopsis: Kids!

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JOB OPENING: RES COORD/Cablevision NYC: 1 yr related exp in TV/Cable/Entertainment Industry. Support Res. dept in daily functions. Prof. in MS Office. Please visit www.cablevision.jobs and apply to req ID 3898BR (7/31)

JOB OPENING: REGIONAL MGR/Scripps Network/Affiliate Sales- NY: Dvlp MSO relations/ensure distribution for NE region/3+ yrs affiliate sales experience/BA equiv work exp/Apply at www.scrippsnetworks.com (7/31)

JOB OPENING: COMM. & DESIGN DIR at Eric Carle Studio in Northampton, Mass; liaise w/ (global licensing agency) Chorion NY & overseas on consumer products program. Manage approval of licensed merchandise worldwide. Est. strong comm. with licensees on approvals & product dev. Central hub for comm.. & coord. regarding licensing program for this beloved pub. brand. Send resume w/ sal. hist. & req. to [email protected] (7/31)

JOB OPENING: AFFILIATE DISTRIBUTION ASSISTANT/Hallmark Channel/NY: Key administrative position for NDS Dept. See full posting and apply at www.hallmarkchannel.com (7/31)

JOB OPENING: INTEGRATED SALES MGR/AETN/NY: Looking for your next creative opp? Have a solid undrstndng of ad sales/media/ratings/mktng? Enjoy writing/presenting to groups? Take next step in career! Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (7/31)

JOB OPENING: SR RESCH ANALYST-MTV Nets: 2-4 yrs exp in analytical role. Strong writing/presentation sk. Knwlge of TV and online metrics and systems. BA/BS in a related field. Apply www.mtvncareers.com EOE/M/F/D/AAP (7/31)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, ACQUISITIONS & DEV/Rainbow/NYC: Initiate and oversee program acquisitions & co-productions. 3-5 yrs exp in acquisitions or programming for major TV network or production company. [email protected]. (7/31)

JOB OPENING: MKTG SPECIALIST/Bloomberg TV/NY: Opp for an exp’d mktng exec to lead the creation, mngmnt & execution of strategic integrated consumer & affil mktng prgrms. Candidates should have at least 5 yrs exp. www.bloomberg.com (7/31)

JOB OPENING: MEDIA DIRECTOR/GM Planworks/Chicago: 10 years min of media buying experience. National TV negotiation experience required. Exp in multicultural preferred. Apply at www.gmplanworks.com (7/31)

JOB OPENING: PR COORD/NFL Network/LA: Must have 3+ yrs of public/media relations exp. Strong writer and proven experience in the cable industry is a must. Excellent opportunity with great benefits. Send res to: [email protected] (7/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORDINATOR/BBC Mtn Gallry: Coord incoming footage reqs, billing, contracts, data entry CRM sys. 1 yr exp, dtl-oriented, multi-task, meet changing deadlines. Cllg degree req. CV: [email protected] (7/31)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES MKTG MGR/NY: Create sales proposals, execute added value, develop ad sales materials, premiums, events.3-5 years exp cable/bcast exp. Email res: [email protected]

JOB OPENING: JR. RESEARCH ANALYST/BET NY: Support busy Res. Dept. Strong analytical/computer/pres. skills, PPT and Excel. Knwldg Nielsen NPower, Marketbreaks, AdViews, MRI/Simmons, Email: [email protected] (7/31)

JOB OPENING: SALES COORD PER DIEM/CBS/NY: Sched & coord positioning of commercials. Update comm info in sales system. Ends Jan 08. Freq late Fridays. Exc comm & phone skills. MS Windows, Word and Excel. www.CBScareers.com . (7/31)

JOB OPENING: SR. RESEARCH ANALYST/Program Partners/Venice CA: Great opportunity! 1+yrs Rsrch & Nielsen. Ratings exp a must. Prior Studio Intern ok. Excel/Word/Outlook/PP critical. Work closely with sales. [email protected] (7/31)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH ANALYST/Rainbow Media/NY: 2+ yrs cable & digital res exp. Support Interactive sales & mktg team w/data collection & analysis. Nielsen, MRI a +. Rez www.cablevision.jobs ref #3544BR (7/31)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH MGR/iN DEMAND/NY, NY: Design, execute & analyze primary mkt research. Qualitative & quantitative + syndicated sources. Bachelors + 3-5 yrs exp all phases primary research. Apply at: [email protected] (7/28)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS: Manage the day to day and future planning operational aspects of our 24-hour news products ABC News Now and ABCNEWS.com. Apply online at: www.disneycareers.com Req ID: 81848 (7/28)

JOB OPENING: NAT’L TV BUYING SPRVSR/Major NY advrtsng agency: 6+ yrs exp. Cable & net TV. Train/sprvs buyers. Exp added value & promotions. IAG exp a +. Calendar yr end upfront advtsr. Dev Agency POV’s [email protected]   (7/27)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, SLS RESEARCH & MARKETING/Fox/NY: Dvlp unique analyses & sls positioning; create TV sls materials & cross platform content extensions; 10+yrs ad/media research; Nielsen syst; strong comm; www.foxcareers.com (7/27)

JOB OPENING: DIR DIGITAL MEDIA MKTNG/A&E/NY: Mng development & implementation of digital media mktg plans in support of consumer mktg efforts on net sites. 5+ yrs exp in digital media/adv mgmnt. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (7/27)

JOB OPENING: ON-AIR PRODUCER/WRITER/EDITOR/NYC: qubo seeks a talented, creative individual w/ 5+ years experience promo/mktg to children. Final Cut Pro. Eng/Span a plus. Send resume, salary requirements to jobs[at]qubo.com (7/27)

JOB OPENING: RECRUITER /NYC: Boutique executive search firm/media or recruiting experience req’d/motivated/excellent communication, research & computer skills/self-starter Apply: [email protected]  (7/27)

JOB OPENING: SR PLANNING ANALYST VOD: PBS KIDS Sprout (Centennial, CO) seeks a planning analyst with a minimum of 3-5 years exp. in traffic or scheduling. Children’s programming exp. pref. www.comcast.com Req ID:50372 (7/27)

JOB OPENING: DIR PROD, ON-AIR PROMO/The History Channel/NY:Support activities in areas of budget & prod mgmnt, trafficking & procurement of graphics pkges. 5+yrs exp in prod mgmnt & creative plng. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (7/27)

JOB OPENING: WEB PRODUCER/ NYC: Exp. with kids online media. Innovative and highly creative. Manage creative dev’t & production, establish specs, wireframes, budgets & schedules. Lead external team. Reply: [email protected] (7/26)

JOB OPENING: PLANNER, DIGITAL MEDIA & INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS/GSN/NY: 1-3 yrs ad sales exp. BA/BS. Knwldg of MS Office, online advrtsng systems, mkt rsrch tools and media math skills. Res, cover letter & salary hist: [email protected] (7/26)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLANNER/Superstation WGN, NY: Build proposals, steward deals, and support AEs. Requires 2 yrs industry exp, proficient in Media Math/Excel/Word. Dealmaker/BMS/Transact a plus. Send resume to [email protected] (7/26)

JOB OPENING: PRODUCER /Weather Channel/ATL: Highly motivated ind for Climate/Environment prgrmng.Strong storytelling, creative writing/editing skills, 3-5 yrs. exp at nat’l level pref’d.Some travel. Apply: www.weather.com/careers (7/26)

JOB OPENING: COORD, ONLINE ADVERTISING/VERSUS -Stamford, CT: Coordinate all online advertising activities for versus.com. 3+ yrs experience req’d. For more info and to apply please visit www.versus.com EOE (7/26)

JOB OPENING: RSRCH STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, Silver Spring, MD: Develop/execute rsrch plans for new media & Emerging Nets. 3-5 yrs media rsrch exp; Nielsen exp, advanced Excel & Powerpoint a +. Apply: www.discovery.com Req#5481 (7/26)

JOB OPENING: DIRECTOR, DIGITAL PRICING AND INVENTORY/MTV Networks/NY: 7+yrs exp in digital media and/or ad ops. Must be very analytical and strategic. Mgt exp req. EOE/M/F/D/AAP [email protected] or http://mtvncareers.com (7/26)

JOB OPENING: OPS MGR/Rainbow Media/NYC: Manage all post production activities including editing, encoding, & q.c. of programming for network, broadband and alt distribution. HD knowledge a plus. Resumes to [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: MARKETING DIRECTOR/Discovery Communications /Miami, FL: Direct brand mgmt; mktg strats, promotions, campaign budgets, media plans, staff mgmt. 7+ yrs Exp, Industry Exp a +, send Resume: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: AD SALES OPS SUPV. – Discovery Communications/Miami, FL: 3+ yrs exp in network operations a must; previous mgmt. exp; analytical, effective communicator; bilingual ENG/SPAN. Send resume: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: REGN’L ACCT DIR/Screenvision/Chicago: Dvlp/present/sell integrated in-theatre advrtsng & media prgrm campaigns to regn’l clients. 3+yrs selling media advrtsng exp. BA equiv work exp. Apply at www.screenvision.com (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RESEARCH DIR/Screenvision Cinema Net, NY: 8-10 yrs; Run sales resch, strong know of resch resources, Nielsen exp req, prim resch exp plus, TV bkgnd pref, Mgmt Exp req.Apply at www.screenvision.com (7/25)

JOB OPENING: ASSOC. MANAGER, AFFILIATE MARKETING & LOCAL AD SALES/NBC Universal/NJ: Must have BA & 2+ yrs TV Network Dist Sales & Mkting; Responsibility: Asst w/ promos & events. Apply: www.nbcunicareers.com #611217 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: SALES PLAN’R/AETN, CHICAGO: Create Plans, steward accts, designate ADUs&recaps, coord make goods&post analysis prep. 2yrs exp pln’g or buyer.Exc comm skills.Client service mindset. Apply: www.aetn.com/careers.html (7/25)

JOB OPENING: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/MEREDITH VIDEO SOLUTIONS NY: Direct contact client sales of the Better. TV and Parents TV products. More at www.meredith.com . Send resume to: [email protected] (7/25)

JOB OPENING: RES. STRATEGIST/Discovery Nets, NY: Min 5yrs Rsch exp. Proficiency in Nielsen systems req. Strong analytical/communication/computer/presentation skills. Estimate exp. a plus. Apply www.discovery.com/careers Position 5500 (7/25)

JOB OPENING: GROUP BUYING DIR/Spot TV-Active Int’l /Pearl River NY (15 miles NYC): 10 Exp+. in Supervising/Buying TV. Strong negotiating, operations & team bldg skills req’d. [email protected] 845-732-8943 (7/28)

JOB OPENING: SR. NEGOTIATOR/National Broadcast/Pearl River NY(15 miles NYC): Exp in all areas of Nat’l Broadcast placement. Strong analytical & presentation skills req’d. Resume: [email protected] or call 845 732-8943 (7/28)

SUMMER INTERNSHIPS – These positions are for credit only – nobody gets paid here. They are posted for free, and students work for school credit only. For more information on the specs for posting an Internship ad, email Trish at  [email protected] .

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: MARKETING & DISTRIBUTION INTERNSHIP at LA-based distribution company starting now. Great experience for film/tv, business, marketing majors. Cover letter & resume: [email protected] (7/31)

SUMMER INTERNSHIP CREDITS ONLY: Los Angeles Internet start up seeks intern. You will be responsible for every stage of the content development process from seeking, sourcing, proofing and publishing. [email protected] (7/27)


SITUATION WANTED: Recent College Grad: TV Degree. In NYC looking for weekend PA jobs. Contact via email [email protected] (7/31)

SITUATION WANTED: NYC‘s PREMIERE ENTERTAINMENT LIFE COACH. Tired of working on other peoples’ projects, and not your own? Need to focus? Need a strategy? Call for a free consultation. 646-331-3143.  www.theentertainmentcoach.com (7/31)

SITUATION WANTED: RESEARCH FREELANCER (3-4 days/wk, LA): 5+ yrs TV research exp, cable/broadcast/syndication. WRAP, Explorer, Npower, Simmons, StarTrak, Excel, PPT, Word. [email protected] (7/27)

SITUATION WANTED: 07 summa cum laude college grad, with internship experience in television production and public relations seeks a job at a television show or station. Please contact at [email protected] (7/27)

SITUATION WANTED: ENTRY LEVEL/CHI. Smart/creative college grad. exp. interning in TV programming/research, worker/quick learner/good attitude would open for all things Web site of work on net. [email protected] (7/25)

SITUATION WANTED: PRODUCER/WRITER/FIELD DIRECTOR. Reality; Entertainment; News; Magazine format; Excellent story teller. Three-time Emmy nom. LA based, willing to travel. [email protected] (7/25)

E-mail Trish Pihonak for rates and specs for Job Openings.

Are you looking for a job? Post your Situation Wanted Ad here — Email Trish Pihonak for specs.

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